SSBU Icon.png

List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/French

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An icon for denoting incomplete things.

These are all the crowd cheers for the French version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words that are inside two asterisks (*) describe noises made by the crowd, and they are not actual words in the cheer.
Name Description Cheer
SteveHeadAlexSSBU.png Alex Ale - xu! *claps 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
OlimarHeadAlphSSBU.png Alph Pik - min ! Alph ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Banjo&KazooieHeadSSBU.png Banjo & Kazooie Ban - jo ! (high voices) Kazoo - ie ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BayonettaHeadSSBU.png Bayonetta Bay - o ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserHeadSSBU.png Bowser Bow - ser ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadSSBU.png Bowser Jr. Bow - ser ! Jun - ior ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BylethHeadSSBU.png Byleth Allez Byleth, allez Byleth, allez ! Allez Byleth, allez Byleth, allez ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
CaptainFalconHeadSSBU.png Captain Falcon Capitaine ! Fal - con ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Cap - tain ! Fal - con ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
ChromHeadSSBU.png Chrom Chro - om ! Chro - om ! Chro - om ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
CloudHeadSSBU.png Cloud Cloud ! *claps 2 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
CorrinHeadSSBU.png Corrin Allez Cor - rin !
DaisyHeadSSBU.png Daisy Vas-y Dai - sy !
DarkPitHeadSSBU.png Dark Pit Pit maléfique ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
DarkSamusHeadSSBU.png Dark Samus Samus Sombre ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
DiddyKongHeadSSBU.png Diddy Kong Di - ddy Kong ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
DonkeyKongHeadSSBU.png Donkey Kong Donkey Kong ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
DrMarioHeadSSBU.png Dr. Mario Doc - teur Ma - rio ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
DuckHuntHeadSSBU.png Duck Hunt Duck Hunt ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Du - o Duck Hunt ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SteveHeadEndermanSSBU.png Enderman End - er - man! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
FalcoHeadSSBU.png Falco Fal - co ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
FoxHeadSSBU.png Fox Fooooox ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
GanondorfHeadSSBU.png Ganondorf Ga - non - dorf ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
GreninjaHeadSSBU.png Greninja Am - phi - no - bi ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
HeroHeadSSBU.png Hero Hip Hip Hip, Hero !
IceClimbersHeadSSBU.png Ice Climbers Na - na ! Po - po !
BowserJrHeadIggySSBU.png Iggy Ig - gy ! Oui ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
IkeHeadSSBU.png Ike Tous avec Ike ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
IncineroarHeadSSBU.png Incineroar Félin - ferno ! Félin - fer - no !
InklingHeadSSBU.png Inkling Ink - ling ! *claps 2 times*
IsabelleHeadSSBU.png Isabelle *claps 3 times* Ma - rie !
JigglypuffHeadSSBU.png Jigglypuff Rondoudou ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
JokerHeadSSBU.png Joker Jo - ker ! *claps 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
KazuyaHeadSSBU.png Kazuya Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
KenHeadSSBU.png Ken Allez Ken !
KingDededeHeadSSBU.png King Dedede Roi DaDiDou ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
KingKRoolHeadSSBU.png King K. Rool Roi K. Rool, t'es trop cool ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
King K. Rool, t'es trop cool ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
KirbyHeadSSBU.png Kirby Kir - by ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadLarrySSBU.png Larry Allez Lar - ry ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadLemmySSBU.png Lemmy Tous pour qui ? Pour Lemmy ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LinkHeadSSBU.png Link/ToonLinkHeadSSBU.png Toon Link Allez Link ! *clap 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LittleMacHeadSSBU.png Little Mac Little -- Mac ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LucarioHeadSSBU.png Lucario Lu - ca - rio ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LucasHeadSSBU.png Lucas Lu - cas ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LucinaHeadSSBU.png Lucina Lu - ci - na ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadLudwigSSBU.png Ludwig Pour Ludwig, Hip Hip Hip ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
LuigiHeadSSBU.png Luigi Lui - gi ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MarioHeadSSBU.png Mario Ma - rio ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MarthHeadSSBU.png Marth Marth ! *claps 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MegaManHeadSSBU.png Mega Man Allez Mega Man ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MetaKnightHeadSSBU.png Meta Knight Me - ta ! Knight ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MewtwoHeadSSBU.png Mewtwo Allez Mew - two ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MiiBrawlerHeadSSBU.png MiiSwordfighterHeadSSBU.png MiiGunnerHeadSSBU.png Mii Fighters Mii Mii Mii ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MinMinHeadSSBU.png Min Min Min Min ! *claps 3 times*
BowserJrHeadMortonSSBU.png Morton Mor - ton ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
MrGame&WatchHeadSSBU.png Mr. Game & Watch Mis - ter ! Game and Watch ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
NessHeadSSBU.png Ness Ness Ness Ness ! Ohhhhh ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
OlimarHeadSSBU.png Olimar Pik - min ! Olimar ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Pac-ManHeadSSBU.png Pac-Man Pac - Man ! Pac Man ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PalutenaHeadSSBU.png Palutena Pa - lu - te - na ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PeachHeadSSBU.png Peach Peach ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PichuHeadSSBU.png Pichu Pi - chu ! Pi - chu ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PikachuHeadSSBU.png Pikachu Pi - ka ! Pi - ka ! Pi - ka - chu ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PiranhaPlantHeadSSBU.png Piranha Plant Fleur quoi ? Piranha ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Plante quoi ? Piranha ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PitHeadSSBU.png Pit Pit ! *clap* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
PokémonTrainerHeadSSBU.png Pokémon Trainer Dre - sseur de Pokémon ! (♂)
Dre - sseuse de Pokémon ! (♀)
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. (♂)

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues (♂)

Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. (♀)

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues (♀)
PyraHeadSSBU.png Pyra/MythraHeadSSBU.png Mythra Py - ra! Myth - ra! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
ROBHeadSSBU.png R.O.B. R - O - B ! Rooooob ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
RichterHeadSSBU.png Richter Tous avec Rich - ter ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
RidleyHeadSSBU.png Ridley Rid - ley ! Rid - ley ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
RobinHeadSSBU.png Robin Ro - bin ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Da -raen ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Rosalina&LumaHeadSSBU.png Rosalina & Luma Rosali - na ! Lu - ma ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Harmonie ! Lu - ma ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
RoyHeadSSBU.png Roy (Fire Emblem) Allez Roy ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadRoySSBU.png Roy (Super Mario Bros.) Roy ! Roy ! Roy ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
RyuHeadSSBU.png Ryu Ry - u ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SamusHeadSSBU.png Samus Sa - mus ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SephirothHeadSSBU.png Sephiroth Se! *clap* - phi! *clap* - roth! *clap* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SheikHeadSSBU.png Sheik Sheik ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
ShulkHeadSSBU.png Shulk Shuuuuulk ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SimonHeadSSBU.png Simon Si - mon ! Bel - mont ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SnakeHeadSSBU.png Snake Snake ! Snake ! Snaaaake !
SonicHeadSSBU.png Sonic Allez So - nic ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SoraHeadSSBU.png Sora Soooo - ra! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SteveHeadSSBU.png Steve Ste - vu! *claps 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
TerryHeadSSBU.png Terry Ter - ry! *claps 3 times* Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
VillagerHeadSSBU.png Villager A - bi - tant ! *claps 3 times* (♂) Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Vi - lla - geois ! *claps 3 times* (♂) Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
A - bi - tante ! *claps 3 times* (♀) Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Vi - lla - geoise ! *claps 3 times* (♀) Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. (♂)

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues (♂)

Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. (♀)

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues (♀)
WarioHeadSSBU.png Wario Wa - rio ! Cha - cha - cha ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
BowserJrHeadWendySSBU.png Wendy Vas-y Wen - dy ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
WiiFitTrainerHeadSSBU.png Wii Fit Trainer Entraîneuse ! Wii Fit ! (♀)
Entraîneur ! Wii Fit ! (♂)

WolfHeadSSBU.png Wolf Wo - olf! *howl* Wo - olf!
YoshiHeadSSBU.png Yoshi Yo - shi ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
YoungLinkHeadSSBU.png Young Link Link enfant !
ZeldaHeadSSBU.png Zelda Zel - da ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBU.png Zero Suit Samus Sa - mus sans combinaison ! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.
Sa - mus sans armure ! Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues
SteveHeadZombieSSBU.png Zombie Zooommm - bie! Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues


  • Banjo & Kazooie's French crowd cheer is sung in tune to their series theme song.

See also[edit]