Super Smash Bros. series

Greatest of all time

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Armada (left) and Mango, two players often considered the greatest Melee players of all time.
Mew2King is often considered the greatest overall Smash Bros. player of all time.

Greatest of all time, often shortened to GOAT, is an informal title used by a fanbase to label a person considered the best ever to compete or participate in a particular field. The term is most widely used in professional sports; for example, most basketball players and fans consider either Michael Jordan or LeBron James. It is also used in other competitive fields such as chess or video gaming; Faker is widely seen as the greatest League of Legends player of all time.

The Super Smash Bros. series has been played competitively since 2002 (as early as 1999 in its native Japan), and as the tournament scene has continued to develop, the communities for each game in the series have formed a consensus around one, or several, candidates considered the "greatest of all time" for their particular title.

Common criteria used to judge the greatest of all time include:

  • Level of dominance over the rest of the competition during the player's peak performance.
  • Number of first-place finishes at major or supermajor tournaments, as well as the prestige of the tournaments won. For example, in Melee, EVO titles is widely considered the most prestigious tournament victories.
  • Longevity (length of time spent competing as a top player).
  • Consistency as a top player; for example, how often the player lost to other players ranked below them.
  • Influence on the development of the metagame or the competitive scene.

In Super Smash Bros. 64

Isai is widely considered to be the greatest Smash 64 player of all time. [1] This is due to his extended longevity as a competitor and dominance over the Smash 64 scene across all regions of the world (most famously showcased during his trip to Japan in 2006-2007).

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee is perhaps the only Smash title with significant debate regarding its greatest player of all time.

Most Melee players, commentators, and supporters consider Armada to be the greatest Melee player of all time, due to his consistent level of dominance over all other competitors during his prime. Among Armada's major accomplishments include first place finishes at some of the most prestigious Melee supermajors. He won EVO 2015 and EVO 2017, won three GENESIS titles, two Apex titles, and four Smash Summits in a row.

Armada holds positive set records against all of the other Gods. He was considered a candidate for best player in the world from 2009 until his retirement from Melee in 2018. In the first six editions of SSBMRank, he was ranked 1st in 2015 and 2016, and was ranked 2nd in 2013, 2014, 2017, and 2018, never falling below 2nd place.

Supporters of Armada also point to his unrivaled level of consistency as a competitor; unlike the other Gods, who were known for occasionally losing to lower-ranked players, Armada was known for almost never dropping to a set to players below his skill level. From 2009 to 2018, he never placed below 5th at a major, and lost only three sets to players ranked below the top six: two best of three sets to SilentSpectre and Swedish Delight, and one best of five sets to Amsah. Armada was known as a major roadblock in the path of many players' goals to achieve victory over all five of the Gods, including Axe and Wobbles. Armada achieved much of his dominance using almost entirely Peach, a character considered less viable than other top tiers such as Fox, and also while hailing from Sweden, in a continent with fewer major tournaments and far weaker competition than North America.

A smaller but significant share of the Melee community argues that Mango is the greatest Melee player of all time. His major accomplishments include first place finishes at EVO 2013 and EVO 2014, matching Armada's record of EVO victories, along with wins at Pound 3, GENESIS, The Big House 4, and Get On My Level 2019.

Mango has been considered a top-five player from 2007 to the present, aside from a period in 2010-2011 where he sandbagged as Scorpion Master, and was considered the best player in the world from 2008-2010 and 2013-2014. He was ranked 1st on the 2013 and 2014 SSBMRank.

Supporters of Mango cite his greater longevity compared to Armada with his peaks being just as dominant, if not greater than, Armada's (for example, winning back-to-back EVOs which no other player has done), They also argue that he was able to achieve number one in the world using three different characters (Jigglypuff, Falco, and Fox), all with different playstyles. Mango is often seen as the most influential and recognizable Melee player, as he popularized a highly aggressive and read-based style of play with his space animals, which made him a fan favorite at tournaments, and he boasts the largest Twitch following out of any Melee player; he is often regarded as the "protagonist" of Melee.[2], Mango is commonly nicknamed "the GOAT" or "ManGOAT," even by players who consider Armada the greatest of all time.

Both Armada and Mango have publicly commented on the GOAT debate. Armada has referred to himself as the GOAT on Twitter multiple times since 2018.[3][4] In October 2020, Armada and Mango both replied to a Tweet posted by Tafokints discussing the GOAT of Melee.[5] Armada replied to the Tweet first, arguing in favor of his GOAT status, citing his winning record over the rest of the top six, better placements at events the two both attended and having never placed below 5th at any tournament.[6] Mango argued that Armada was only ranked number one for two years (2015 and 2016), and even then, Mango boasted a winning record over him in 2016. He argued that his performance was superior to Armada's before 2012 and that his consistent performance did not necessarily translate into dominance,[7] suggesting that he could have been declared the undisputed GOAT if he chose to retire in 2015.[8] He also added, "At the end of the day it's dumb to discuss whos the goat when we're only halfway thru the movie... There's so much more melee to be played."[9][10]

Smaller groups have also suggested Ken and Hungrybox as possible outlier candidates. Ken, known today by his nickname "The King of Smash", is considered the undisputed best player of the MLG era before Brawl's release, and was a candidate for best player in the world from 2004 to 2007. During his prime, Ken was considered the best player by a significant margin, winning nearly every event he entered, and dominated competitive Melee to a degree far greater than Armada or Mango did during their peaks. However, it is generally agreed that Ken's short longevity at the top diminishes his claim at the GOAT. It has been suggested that Ken competed in a less advanced era of Melee, and that the overall level of competition has greatly improved since his retirement, as evidence by his failure to place top eight at majors during his return to Smash from 2013-2015.

Hungrybox has been considered a top-five player from 2009 until the present and was seen as the undisputed rank one from 2017 to 2020. Among his major titles is a victory at EVO 2016, the largest Melee tournament of all time. His Jigglypuff has been responsible for major developments in the Melee metagame; his dominance caused many to start seeing Jigglypuff as potentially the best character in the game, and many players, most notably Armada, developed secondary characters specifically in an attempt to counter him. However, Hungrybox's reign as a consistent first-place finisher has been relatively short compared to that of Mango or Armada, and his lowest level of play has also been below them; most notably from Apex 2010 to Paragon Orlando 2015, he went nearly five years without placing 1st at a major title. It is often theorized that Hungrybox could become the greatest of all time if he continues to dominate the Melee scene after several more years of competition.

"The Top 100 Melee Players of All Time"

"The Top 100 Melee Players of All Time" is a project by Smash History creators Edwin Budding and Pikachu942, which subjectively ranks the 100 greatest Melee players throughout the history of the game. The first edition, published in 2018, ranked Armada as the greatest player of all time, with Mango in second, Ken in third, and Hungrybox in fourth. A 2019 update moved Hungrybox up to third, ahead of Ken. The ranking was again updated in 2020, and Hungrybox was again moved up to second, ahead of Mango.

2018 edition

"Top 100 Melee Players of All Time" ranked the top 100 Melee players from 2002 to 2018.

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character(s)
1 Sweden Armada PeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
2 US Mango FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngMarioHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
3 US Ken MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
4 US Hungrybox JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
5 US Mew2King MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
6 US PPMD FalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
7 US Azen MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngLinkHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
8 Sweden Leffen FoxHeadSSBM.png
9 US ChuDat IceClimbersHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPikachuHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
10 US PC Chris FoxHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
11 US Isai CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
12 US Plup SheikHeadSSBM.pngSamusHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
13 US KoreanDJ SheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
14 Japan CaptainJack SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngGanondorfHeadSSBM.png
15 US Axe PikachuHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
16 US Wobbles IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
17 US Shroomed SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
18 US Jman FoxHeadSSBM.png
19 US Chillin FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
20 US SFAT FoxHeadSSBM.png
21 US Westballz FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
22 US Hax FoxHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
23 Canada KirbyKaze SheikHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
24 US Fly Amanita IceClimbersHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
25 Netherlands Amsah SheikHeadSSBM.png
26 US HugS SamusHeadSSBM.png
27 US Wizzrobe CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
28 US Zhu FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
29 US Lucky FoxHeadSSBM.png
30 US S2J CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
31 US Sastopher PeachHeadSSBM.png
32 US Cort PeachHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
33 US Darkrain CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
34 US DaShizWiz FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
35 US Vidjogamer PeachHeadSSBM.png
36 US Silent Wolf FoxHeadSSBM.png
37 US Taj MarthHeadSSBM.pngMewtwoHeadSSBM.png
38 US Wes SamusHeadSSBM.png
39 Canada Kage GanondorfHeadSSBM.png
40 US Drephen SheikHeadSSBM.png
41 US PewPewU MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
42 US Lovage FoxHeadSSBM.png
43 US NEO RoyHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
44 US SilentSpectre CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
45 Mexico JAVI FoxHeadSSBM.png
46 Japan Masashi FoxHeadSSBM.png
47 Japan Bombsoldier FalcoHeadSSBM.png
48 US Cactuar FoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
49 US Druggedfox FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.png
50 Germany Ice FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
51 US DieSuperFly SheikHeadSSBM.png
52 US Colbol FoxHeadSSBM.png
53 US MacD PeachHeadSSBM.png
54 US Nintendude IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
55 US Duck SamusHeadSSBM.png
56 US Darc JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
57 Sweden Ek MarthHeadSSBM.png
58 US Rob$ FalcoHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
59 Japan Kei PeachHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngIceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
60 US La Luna MarthHeadSSBM.png
61 US Swedish Delight SheikHeadSSBM.png
62 US Forward FalcoHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
63 Canada The King JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
64 Japan aMSa YoshiHeadSSBM.png
65 Canada n0ne CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.pngGanondorfHeadSSBM.png
66 US Dope FalcoHeadSSBM.png
67 Canada Ryan Ford FoxHeadSSBM.png
68 US DA Dave FalcoHeadSSBM.png
69 US Scar CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
70 US Lambchops FalcoHeadSSBM.png
71 US Mike G PeachHeadSSBM.png
72 Japan Mikael PeachHeadSSBM.png
73 US Tink FoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
74 US Eddie GanondorfHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
75 US Eggm FoxHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.png
76 US Fiction FoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
77 US Tope SheikHeadSSBM.png
78 US Caveman DrMarioHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
79 US KrazyJones PeachHeadSSBM.png
80 US Husband MarthHeadSSBM.png
81 US Wife PeachHeadSSBM.png
82 US KillaOR JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
83 US Ka-Master LuigiHeadSSBM.png
84 US Jiano CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
85 Netherlands Zgetto FoxHeadSSBM.png
86 Spain Overtriforce SheikHeadSSBM.png
87 US Abate LuigiHeadSSBM.png
88 US VaNz PeachHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
89 Japan Thunders FoxHeadSSBM.png
90 US Crush FoxHeadSSBM.png
91 US Bum DonkeyKongHeadSSBM.png
92 US Lucien SheikHeadSSBM.png
93 UK Professor Pro FoxHeadSSBM.png
95 US Kels FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
96 US Zain MarthHeadSSBM.png
97 US KishCubed SheikHeadSSBM.png
98 US KM FoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
99 US Pink Shinobi PeachHeadSSBM.png
100 US Zelgadis FoxHeadSSBM.png

Honorable Mentions: US CauthonLuck PikachuHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.png, UK The Doug SheikHeadSSBM.png, US Zulu FalcoHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.png, US DJ Nintendo FoxHeadSSBM.pngBowserHeadSSBM.pngSamusHeadSSBM.pngMarioHeadSSBM.png, US Matt Deezie FoxHeadSSBM.pngMarioHeadSSBM.png, US Sultan of Samitude FalcoHeadSSBM.png, US Eduardo MarthHeadSSBM.png, Netherlands Remen FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png, US Recipherus SheikHeadSSBM.png, US Bladewise PeachHeadSSBM.png

2019 edition

Released on February 14th, 2019, this update was titled "All-Time Melee Top 100: Another Year". This update to the Top 50 accounts for every major that occurred since the original list up to GENESIS 6.

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character(s)
1 Sweden Armada 1 0 PeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
2 US Mango 2 0 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngMarioHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
3 US Hungrybox 4 ▲ 1 JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
4 US Ken 3 ▼ 1 MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
5 US Mew2King 5 0 MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
6 US PPMD 6 0 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
7 Sweden Leffen 8 ▲ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.png
8 US Azen 7 ▼ 1 MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngLinkHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
9 US ChuDat 9 0 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPikachuHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
10 US PC Chris 10 0 FoxHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
11 US Plup 12 ▲ 1 SheikHeadSSBM.pngSamusHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
12 US Isai 11 ▼ 1 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
13 US KoreanDJ 13 0 SheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
14 Japan CaptainJack 14 0 SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngGanondorfHeadSSBM.png
15 US Axe 15 0 PikachuHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
16 US Wobbles 16 0 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
17 US Shroomed 17 0 SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
18 US Jman 18 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
19 US SFAT 20 ▲ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.png
20 US Chillin 19 ▼ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
21 US Zain 96 ▲ 75 MarthHeadSSBM.png
22 US Westballz 21 ▼ 1 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
23 US Hax 22 ▼ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
24 US Wizzrobe 27 ▲ 3 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
25 Canada KirbyKaze 23 ▼ 2 SheikHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
26 US Fly Amanita 24 ▼ 2 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
27 US S2J 30 ▲ 3 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
28 US Lucky 26 ▼ 2 SamusHeadSSBM.png
30 Netherlands Amsah 25 ▼ 5 SheikHeadSSBM.png
31 US Sastopher 31 0 PeachHeadSSBM.png
32 US Zhu 28 ▼ 4 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
33 US Cort 32 ▼ 1 PeachHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
34 US PewPewU 41 ▲ 7 MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
35 US DaShizWiz 34 ▼ 1 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
36 US Darkrain 33 ▼ 3 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
37 US Vidjogamer 35 ▼ 2 PeachHeadSSBM.png
38 Japan aMSa 64 ▲ 26 YoshiHeadSSBM.png
39 US Drephen 40 ▲ 1 SheikHeadSSBM.png
40 US Wes 38 ▼ 2 SamusHeadSSBM.png
41 US Taj 37 ▼ 4 MarthHeadSSBM.pngMewtwoHeadSSBM.png
42 US Silent Wolf 36 ▼ 6 FoxHeadSSBM.png
43 US NEO 43 0 RoyHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
44 Canada Kage 39 ▼ 5 GanondorfHeadSSBM.png
45 US Lovage 42 ▼ 3 FoxHeadSSBM.png
46 US SilentSpectre 44 ▼ 2 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
47 Mexico JAVI 45 ▼ 2 FoxHeadSSBM.png
48 Japan Masashi 46 ▼ 2 FoxHeadSSBM.png
49 Japan Bombsoldier 47 ▼ 2 FalcoHeadSSBM.png
50 US Duck 55 ▲ 5 SamusHeadSSBM.png

2020 edition

Released on March 31st, 2020, this update was titled "All-Time Melee Top 100: Another Year". This update to the Top 50 accounts for every major that occurred since the previous list up to Smash Summit 9.

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character(s)
1 Sweden Armada 1 0 PeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
2 US Hungrybox 3 ▲ 1 JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
3 US Mango 2 ▼ 1 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngMarioHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
4 US Ken 4 0 MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
5 US Mew2King 5 0 MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
6 US PPMD 6 0 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
7 Sweden Leffen 7 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
8 US Azen 8 0 MarthHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngLinkHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
9 US ChuDat 9 0 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngPikachuHeadSSBM.pngJigglypuffHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
10 US PC Chris 10 0 FoxHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
11 US Isai 12 ▲ 1 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
12 US Plup 11 ▼ 1 SheikHeadSSBM.pngSamusHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
13 US Axe 15 ▲ 2 PikachuHeadSSBM.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngYoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
14 US KoreanDJ 13 ▼ 1 SheikHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
15 US Zain 21 ▲ 6 MarthHeadSSBM.png
16 US Wizzrobe 24 ▲ 8 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
17 Japan CaptainJack 14 ▼ 3 SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngGanondorfHeadSSBM.png
18 US Wobbles 16 ▼ 2 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
19 US SFAT 19 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
20 US Shroomed 17 ▼ 3 SheikHeadSSBM.pngDrMarioHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
21 US Jman 18 ▼ 3 FoxHeadSSBM.png
22 US Chillin 20 ▼ 2 FoxHeadSSBM.pngSheikHeadSSBM.png
23 US Westballz 22 ▼ 1 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
24 US Hax 23 ▼ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
25 US S2J 27 ▲ 2 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
26 US Lucky 28 ▲ 2 FoxHeadSSBM.png
27 US HugS 29 ▲ 2 SamusHeadSSBM.png
28 Canada KirbyKaze 25 ▼ 3 SheikHeadSSBM.pngPeachHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
29 US Zhu 32 ▲ 3 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
30 Netherlands Amsah 30 0 SheikHeadSSBM.png
31 US Fly Amanita 26 ▼ 5 IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png SheikHeadSSBM.png
32 Japan aMSa 38 ▲ 6 YoshiHeadSSBM.png
33 US PewPewU 34 ▲ 1 MarthHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
34 US Drephen 39 ▲ 5 SheikHeadSSBM.png
35 US Darkrain 36 ▲ 1 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
36 US Vidjogamer 37 ▲ 1 PeachHeadSSBM.png
37 US Sastopher 31 ▼ 6 PeachHeadSSBM.png
38 US Cort 33 ▼ 5 PeachHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
39 US DaShizWiz 35 ▼ 4 FalcoHeadSSBM.pngFoxHeadSSBM.png
40 US Wes 40 0 SamusHeadSSBM.png
41 US Silent Wolf 42 ▲ 1 FoxHeadSSBM.png
42 US Taj 41 ▼ 1 MarthHeadSSBM.pngMewtwoHeadSSBM.png
43 Canada Kage 44 ▲ 1 GanondorfHeadSSBM.png
44 US NEO 43 ▼ 1 RoyHeadSSBM.pngMarthHeadSSBM.png
45 US Lovage 45 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
46 US SilentSpectre 46 0 CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
47 Mexico JAVI 47 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
48 Japan Masashi 48 0 FoxHeadSSBM.png
49 Japan Bombsoldier 49 0 FalcoHeadSSBM.png
50 US Swedish Delight SheikHeadSSBM.png

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Mew2King was widely considered to be the greatest Brawl player of all time. He was by far the most dominant player from 2008-2011, placing first or second at near every event he attended. Although his tournament results slumped from 2012 to 2014, he was still considered a threat to win any major tournament, and no other player was able to match his earlier levels of dominance at that time. Many of Brawl's most memorable sets featured Mew2King being upset by other players, including vs. Ally, OCEAN, and Salem.[11]

In Super Smash Bros. 4

ZeRo was widely considered to be the greatest Smash 4 player of all time. From 2014 to 2017, ZeRo placed first at nearly every tournament he entered, including a 56-tournament winning streak from 2014 to 2015. Taking a set off of ZeRo was often considered one of the highlights of a Smash 4 player's career. Although ZeRo retired from entering Smash 4 tournaments in 2018, no other player was about to match ZeRo's level of dominance and consistency before the end of the game's competitive life, leaving his claim as the Smash 4 GOAT undisputed.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

While the game is only two years old, MkLeo has dominated the competitive scene for its entire lifespan, placing 1st at most of the game's significant tournaments. Widely regarded as the game's strongest player offline, his results have suffered somewhat since the switch to online play due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, his perception as Ultimate's top offline player remains unchanged as the competitive community awaits the return of in-person tournaments.

In Project M

ThundeRzReiGN is generally considered to be the greatest Project M player of all time, due to both his dominance and consistent level of play, placing first at nearly every tournament he entered from 2016 to 2019.

Across all Smash games

Mew2King is often considered the greatest player across all Smash titles. Mew2King is recognized as the greatest Brawl player of all time, a consistent top-five Melee player (considered best in the world in 2007), and a strong Project M and Smash 4 player, having placed top eight at many major tournaments, while also entering Smash 64 and Ultimate events. Mew2King is well known for his enjoyment of every Smash title and is one of the only top players who has spent their career competing in multiple games at once; since 2008, he has simultaneously played Melee and the newest Smash game at the time (Brawl from 2008-2014, Smash 4 from 2014-2018, Ultimate since 2018) (in addition to Project M from 2014-2015). Mew2King is also perhaps the most recognized player across the entire competitive Super Smash Bros. scene.

The tournament series Super Smash Con has run an exhibition event called "Smash Masters", in which players compete against each other across all official Smash titles, in an attempt to determine the best overall Smash player. Mew2King won Smash Masters in 2016 and 2018, Wizzrobe won in 2017, and ZeRo won in 2019.

The Top 100 Smash Bros. Players of All Time was a power ranking produced by reddit user orange_ssbu that subjectively ranked the most successful Super Smash Bros. players from the release of Super Smash Bros. in 1999 to DreamHack Atlanta 2019. The list featured Mew2King ranked in first place, with Armada in second.

Ranking Smasher Character(s)
1 US Mew2King MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png MarthHeadSSBM.png SheikHeadSSBM.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png FoxHeadSSBM.png BowserHeadSSBU.png WolfHeadSSBU.png DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png
2 Sweden Armada PeachHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png InklingHeadSSBU.png
3 Chile ZeRo DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png FoxHeadSSBM.png WolfHeadSSBU.png
4 US Isai CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png PikachuHeadSSB.png JigglypuffHeadSSB.png LinkHeadSSB.png SheikHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSB.png MarioHeadSSB.png
5 US Hungrybox JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png
6 US Nairo ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSB4-U.png MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png PalutenaHeadSSBU.png BowserHeadSSB4-U.png
7 US Mango FalcoHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png JigglypuffHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBM.png MarioHeadSSBM.png
8 Canada Ally SnakeHeadSSBB.png MarioHeadSSB4-U.png SnakeHeadSSBU.png MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png
9 US Wizzrobe CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png YoshiHeadSSB.png WolfHeadSSBU.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png
10 Mexico MkLeo JokerHeadSSBU.png MarthHeadSSB4-U.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png IkeHeadSSBU.png MetaKnightHeadSSB4-U.png WolfHeadSSBU.png
11 US Ken MarthHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png
12 US Dabuz RosalinaHeadSSB4-U.png OlimarHeadSSBU.png OlimarHeadSSBB.png RosalinaHeadSSBU.png OlimarHeadSSB4-U.png
13 Sweden Leffen FoxHeadSSBM.png PokemonTrainerHeadSSBU.png FalcoHeadSSBM.png
14 Japan 9B IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png
15 US ESAM PikachuHeadSSBB.png PikachuHeadSSB4-U.pngPikachuHeadSSBU.png IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png SamusHeadSSB4-U.png SamusHeadSSBM.png
16 US PPMD FalcoHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBM.png
17 US Azen MarthHeadSSBM.png SheikHeadSSBM.png LucarioHeadSSBB.png LinkHeadSSBM.png
18 Japan wario PikachuHeadSSB.png
19 US Larry Lurr FoxHeadSSB4-U.pngFalcoHeadSSBB.pngFalcoHeadSSBM.png WolfHeadSSBU.png FalcoHeadSSBU.png DonkeyKongHeadSSB4-U.png
20 Japan Jouske SamusHeadSSB.png
21 US ChuDat IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png KirbyHeadSSBB.png
22 Canada SuPeRbOoMfAn CaptainFalconHeadSSB.png PikachuHeadSSB.png KirbyHeadSSB.png
23 US Salem BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBB.png SnakeHeadSSBU.png HeroHeadSSBU.png
24 US Plup SheikHeadSSBM.png SamusHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png MegaManHeadSSBU.png
25 US ADHD DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png
26 Peru Alvin PikachuHeadSSB.png CaptainFalconHeadSSB.png
27 US Tweek CloudHeadSSB4-U.png BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png WarioHeadSSBU.png PokemonTrainerHeadSSBU.png WolfHeadSSBU.png DonkeyKongHeadSSB4-U.png
28 US PC Chris FalcoHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png PeachHeadSSBM.png
29 Japan RAIN MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png FalcoHeadSSBB.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png WolfHeadSSBU.png JokerHeadSSBU.png FoxHeadSSBM.png
30 Japan Otori MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png
31 US Axe PikachuHeadSSBM.png FalcoHeadSSBM.png YoungLinkHeadSSBM.png
32 Japan Nietono OlimarHeadSSBB.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png PichuHeadSSBU.png MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png
33 US KoreanDJ SheikHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBM.png
34 Netherlands Mr.R SheikHeadSSB4-U.png MarthHeadSSBB.png ChromHeadSSBU.png SnakeHeadSSBU.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png SnakeHeadSSBB.png
35 Japan Abadango MewtwoHeadSSB4-U.png BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png WarioHeadSSBB.png WarioHeadSSBU.png InklingHeadSSBU.png Pac-ManHeadSSB4-U.png PalutenaHeadSSBU.png MetaKnightHeadSSB4-U.png OlimarHeadSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadSSBU.png
36 Japan Moyashi KirbyHeadSSB.png
37 US Wobbles IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
38 Japan Fukurou KirbyHeadSSB.png
39 US ANTi MarioHeadSSB4-U.png MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSB4-U.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png SnakeHeadSSBB.png MarioHeadSSBU.png SnakeHeadSSBU.png DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png
40 US VoiD SheikHeadSSB4-U.png PichuHeadSSBU.png SheikHeadSSBU.png
41 US Shroomed SheikHeadSSBM.png DrMarioHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBM.png
42 Japan kysk KirbyHeadSSB.png PikachuHeadSSB.png CaptainFalconHeadSSB.png
43 Japan kameme MegaManHeadSSB4-U.png MegaManHeadSSBU.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBB.png WarioHeadSSBU.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png WarioHeadSSBB.png
44 US Zain MarthHeadSSBM.png
45 Japan CaptainJack SheikHeadSSBM.png DrMarioHeadSSBM.png GanondorfHeadSSBM.png
46 Japan Kikoushi KirbyHeadSSB.png
47 US SFAT FoxHeadSSBM.png
48 US Samsora PeachHeadSSBU.png PeachHeadSSB4-U.png
49 US Vinnie IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png MrGame&WatchHeadSSBB.png RosalinaHeadSSB4-U.png
50 US Jman FoxHeadSSBM.png
51 US Westballz FalcoHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
52 US DieSuperFly MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png SheikHeadSSBM.png
53 US Hax FoxHeadSSBM.png CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
54 Peru Gerson PikachuHeadSSB.png
55 Japan aMSa YoshiHeadSSBM.png GreninjaHeadSSB4-U.png
56 Netherlands Amsah SheikHeadSSBM.png
57 US Chillindude FoxHeadSSBM.png
58 US Gnes DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png
59 Canada KirbyKaze SheikHeadSSBM.png PeachHeadSSBM.png
60 US Cort PeachHeadSSBM.png SnakeHeadSSBB.png MarthHeadSSBM.png CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
61 Japan Masashi PitHeadSSBB.png CloudHeadSSB4-U.png FoxHeadSSBM.png CloudHeadSSBU.png
62 Japan Ruoka Dancho CaptainFalconHeadSSB.png
63 US S2J CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
64 US Marss ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBU.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSB4-U.png IkeHeadSSBU.png MegaManHeadSSBU.png
65 US Fly Amanita IceClimbersHeadSSBM.png
66 Japan KEN SonicHeadSSB4-U.png SonicHeadSSBU.png
67 US Zhu FalcoHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png
68 Japan Kurabba YoshiHeadSSB.png
69 US Fiction FoxHeadSSBM.png WarioHeadSSBB.png MarthHeadSSBM.png
70 US Tyrant MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadSSB4-U.png
71 Japan komorikiri CloudHeadSSB4-U.png SonicHeadSSB4-U.png MarthHeadSSBB.png WolfHeadSSBU.png
72 Japan wangera JigglypuffHeadSSB.png
73 Japan Ranai VillagerHeadSSB4-U.png SnakeHeadSSBB.png
74 US NAKAT IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png FoxHeadSSB4-U.png NessHeadSSB4-U.png PichuHeadSSBU.png FoxHeadSSBB.png PikachuHeadSSB4-U.png
75 Japan Tatsuman KirbyHeadSSB.png YoshiHeadSSB.png
76 US Lucky FoxHeadSSBM.png
77 Japan Prince YoshiHeadSSB.png
78 US Cosmos CorrinHeadSSB4-U.png InklingHeadSSBU.png
79 Japan Shuton OlimarHeadSSBU.png OlimarHeadSSB4-U.png RichterHeadSSBU.png
80 US PewPewU MarthHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png
81 US HugS SamusHeadSSBM.png
82 US Sastopher PeachHeadSSBM.png
83 US Lima BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png BayonettaHeadSSBU.png
84 Mexico Mariguas PikachuHeadSSB.png KirbyHeadSSB.png
85 France Glutonny WarioHeadSSBU.png WarioHeadSSBB.png WarioHeadSSB4-U.png
86 US MVD SnakeHeadSSBU.png DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.pngSnakeHeadSSBB.png
87 Canada tamim BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSB4-U.png
88 Japan Brood OlimarHeadSSBB.png PiranhaPlantHeadSSBU.png DuckHuntHeadSSB4-U.png Banjo&KazooieHeadSSBU.png
89 US Wes SamusHeadSSBM.png
90 Japan Etsuji MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png SheikHeadSSB4-U.png DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png
91 Japan Kakera MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png
92 Japan Zackray WolfHeadSSBU.png CorrinHeadSSB4-U.png BayonettaHeadSSB4-U.png ROBHeadSSBU.png JokerHeadSSBU.png MarthHeadSSB4-U.png
93 US Lovage FoxHeadSSBM.png
94 US Darkrain CaptainFalconHeadSSBM.png
95 Japan Mikeneko MarthHeadSSBB.png
96 US tacos YoshiHeadSSB.png DonkeyKongHeadSSB.png KirbyHeadSSB.png
97 US Rich Brown OlimarHeadSSBB.png MewtwoHeadSSB4-U.png
98 US Dojo MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png
99 US Duck SamusHeadSSBM.png
100 US DaShizWiz FalcoHeadSSBM.png FoxHeadSSBM.png
HM US Light FoxHeadSSBU.png FoxHeadSSB4-U.png
HM US Drephen SheikHeadSSBM.png
HM US Zinoto DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png PeachHeadSSBU.png
HM Canada Kage GanondorfHeadSSBM.png
HM US Fatality CaptainFalconHeadSSB4-U.png CaptainFalconHeadSSBU.png
HM Japan S FoxHeadSSB.png
HM US Silent Wolf FoxHeadSSBM.png
HM US NEO RoyHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBM.png MarthHeadSSBB.png
HM Mexico Dext3r PikachuHeadSSB.png
HM Japan Choco ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSB4-U.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBU.png


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