Super Smash Bros. 4

Olimar (SSB4)

Revision as of 07:56, August 11, 2022 by CanvasK (talk | contribs) (→‎Moveset: Proper value, max damage is a bad metric because it is variable)
This article is about Olimar's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For other uses, see Captain Olimar and Pikmin (species).
in Super Smash Bros. 4

Universe Pikmin
Other playable appearances in Brawl
in Ultimate

Availability Starter
Final Smash End of Day
Tier C (21)
Olimar (SSB4)

Olimar (ピクミン&オリマー, Pikmin & Olimar) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4. His return to the series was announced in a Director's Room Miiverse post on July 12th, 2013, which also commemorated Pikmin 3 being released in Japan on the following day. Alph (ピクミン&アルフ, Pikmin & Alph), one of the three leaders in Pikmin 3, was revealed as an alternate character in a Director's Room Miiverse post on September 11, 2014.

Olimar is ranked 21st out of 58 on the tier list, placing him at the top of the C tier. This is a significant drop from his top-tier placement in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, where he was ranked 3rd out of 38. As in Brawl, Olimar's Pikmin possess an impressive level of utility: they grant him respectable KO and damage racking potentials, as Olimar can use them to deal direct and/or indirect damage via his standard moves, and by having the Pikmin latch onto opponents via Pikmin Throw, respectively.

The Pikmin also grant Olimar a potent grab game: each of them function as disjointed grabs; White Pikmin-based pummel is tied with Shulk's Buster-boosted pummel as the most damaging in the game; Blue Pikmin-based up throw is a viable KOing option at high percents; and Red Pikmin-based down throw is a very reliable combo starter even at high percents. Lastly, Winged Pikmin function as a maneuverable, flight-based recovery that can be used regardless of whether or not Olimar has Pikmin,[1] which makes them vastly superior to Pikmin Chain's tether-based recovery.

However, Olimar's active Pikmin count has now been halved from six to three,[1] which severely weakens the camping strategies he relied on in Brawl. The Pikmin themselves have also been weakened in a few, yet noticeable ways. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Purple Pikmin have less hit points, which is further compounded by them and White Pikmin dying faster while separated from Olimar. Each type of Pikmin have also had the majority of their damage outputs lowered, and suffer from somewhat flawed artificial intelligence. Olimar also retains his slow overall mobility; his aerial mobility is particularly problematic, as it renders him susceptible to juggling in spite of his light weight. By extension, his offense is still burdened by slow attack speed and an over-reliance on Pikmin.

Overall, in spite of his retained and newfound weaknesses. Olimar has achieved impressive results at all levels of competitive play, thanks to smashers such as Dabuz, Shuton, Gomakenpi, and Myran.


Olimar is a lightweight with overall slow mobility. However, his air acceleration and traction are both above-average, while his jump and double jump are both average. Olimar's playstyle is almost identical to how it was in Brawl: he has retained the overwhelming majority of his moveset and animations, yet some moves have been slightly modified. Much like in his home series, Olimar's extremely meager offensive prowess forces him to rely on instructing his multicolored Pikmin to remedy this glaring flaw. As a result, almost all of his moves involve Pikmin; this, in turn, can result in his moveset being useful or useless depending on whether or not he has Pikmin. When Olimar has Pikmin, he possesses arguably one of the most unique playstyles in the game, thanks to the Pikmin functioning as both projectiles and separate characters, much like how Luma functions alongside Rosalina.

When used correctly, the Pikmin provide noticeable and effective benefits: they can easily rack up high amounts of damage in short periods of time, they grant Olimar disjointed grabs by running out to grab opponents at any time, they can carry various items back to Olimar as they run back to him much like in their home series, and they can also help with camping or hindering approaches. Additionally, each type of Pikmin provides unique and useful effects. Olimar's special moves are also heavily dependent on Pikmin, but they are all beneficial nonetheless.

Pikmin Throw enables him to hinder approaches or, with a Purple Pikmin, even stop them outright if they are not shielded. Pikmin Order reorganizes his Pikmin for the proper situation at hand, and thanks to it briefly granting super armor, it can even allow Olimar to briefly tank an attack in spite of his light weight. Lastly, Winged Pikmin are very versatile: they provide a long-distanced and maneuverable recovery that makes Olimar more difficult to KO compared to other lightweights, yet they also allow him to attack while they are carrying him.

With all things considered, Olimar has one of the most damaging playstyles among the cast, as he is able to KO nearly any character in a short period when his Pikmin are utilized wisely. For example, Pikmin Throw allots him a large array of options for offense, as it can both zone and get opponents to KO percents quickly; when the thrown Pikmin are not shaken off, they can rack up 10%-30% in a matter of seconds, forcing opponents to carefully plan their approach. Olimar can also have up to three Pikmin at a time in his lineup, which, despite its aforementioned halving since Brawl, can be hard for an opponent to keep track of, especially with each color boasting unique attributes. Despite being a lightweight, his smash attacks are fairly fast and, while using Red and Purple Pikmin, boast impressive power.

Olimar's disjointed grab range also enables him to disrupt the movements of quick characters or roll spammers. When coupled with his above-average traction, this also grants him an excellent shield grab. Olimar's air game is also quite powerful: neutral aerial is a reliable combo starter when SHFF'd; up aerial is useful for juggling, and can even KO outright while near the upper blast line; forward aerial is useful for approaching and edge-guarding; back aerial is useful for edge-guarding, and can even KO outright while near the edge or the left/right blast line; and down aerial is a powerful meteor smash against aerial opponents during its first frame. However, Pikmin can also double as a drawback: due to being treated as projectiles, they can be reflected, which can sometimes hinder Olimar's offense against characters with moves of this sort.

However, Olimar has noticeable flaws. One of his greatest weaknesses is that he struggles against fast characters, such as Sonic and Captain Falcon. As Olimar is a slow character, they can easily catch up and punish him if he tries to retreat to pluck more Pikmin. Due to all but White Pikmin having less hit points than in Brawl, they are also susceptible to dying faster. Olimar also has poor aerial mobility, as his slow air and falling speeds make him easy to juggle and, when coupled with his light weight, to KO. This is further compounded by his Pikmin-based aerials being burdened with low priority, which makes them extremely difficult to use against edge-guarders.

Another severe flaw he has is his over-reliance on Pikmin, much like in his home series. Without any Pikmin, Olimar's smash attacks, up, down, back, and forward aerials, grabs and side special will simply do nothing, which significantly harms his neutral game because of them being his most effective attacks. This also leaves Olimar with a total of six moves that deal damage: his neutral attack; tilt attacks; dash attack; and neutral aerial. This, in turn, is further compounded by his forward tilt being the only move out of these that has KO potential. As a result, it is crucial that Olimar has at least one Pikmin with him at all times.

Lastly, some of Olimar's useful Pikmin-based attacks have certain drawbacks: his KOing options have very minimal KO potential while using White Pikmin; each of his grabs have noticeably shorter ranges while using Purple Pikmin; up throw has KO potential only while using Blue Pikmin; down throw's combo potential is consistent at high percents only while using Red Pikmin; and Winged Pikmin's recovery potential worsens when they are used too frequently.

Olimar has a few beneficial custom moves. Hardy Pikmin Pluck makes all types of Pikmin more durable at the cost of being plucked slower. Sticky Pikmin Throw has each Pikmin deal less damage and cover less distance when thrown, but they stay latched on for much longer and deal damage at a faster rate. True to its name, Tackle Pikmin Throw makes Red, Yellow, Blue, and White Pikmin function like Purple Pikmin by tackling opponents instead of latching onto them. Mighty Winged Pikmin have reduced total travel distance, but the distance is not affected by the amount of Pikmin that Olimar is carrying. Lastly, Order Tackle has all latched on Pikmin deal damage upon being recalled, which grants Olimar another way to deal damage.

Overall, Olimar still retains many of his considerable strengths in spite of their nerfs, and has even had some traits buffed, mostly in regard to his damage output. While his potential damage output was reduced, a smart player can overcome this, especially with the new mechanics for keeping track of Pikmin, making Olimar a much more reliable character for the player. Olimar's recovery has also been completely revamped for the better, which is generally agreed to have alleviated his other changes. Early in the metagame, Olimar was thought to be one of the worst characters, yet dedicated mains such as Dabuz, ImHip, Angbad, Myran, and Logic have shown that, as in Brawl, he is still a very capable character who retains a very high learning curve.[2]

Changes from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Olimar was considered to be a top tier character, usually being seen as a top 5 or even a top 3 character. This was mainly due to the effectiveness of his Pikmin. Olimar had six Pikmin available and they overall gave him incredible camping potential. Olimar could easily abuse his Pikmin Throw to keep his opponents out due to the amount of Pikmin he could have out and even at close range, Olimar still possessed strong tools. His damage output was very high especially with certain Pikmin, his smash attacks were very effective, his aerials were powerful, he had a strong grab game with a very fast and long ranged grab in addition to possessing combo and KO throws depending on the Pikmin used and he even had a solid defensive option with Pikmin Order. Olimar also had rather respectable KO power, with his purple Pikmin and red Pikmin in some situations being particularly powerful. While he did have poor mobility, limited approach options, a slew of multi hit attacks which could be avoided with SDI and he had an extremely exploitable recovery, these weaknesses did not hurt Olimar too much. Altogether, these factors made Olimar an incredibly dominant character on stage, making it very difficult for most of the cast to deal with Olimar.

Olimar has naturally seen a mix of buffs and nerfs in the transition to Super Smash Bros. 4 although due to his top tier status in the previous game, he has been significantly nerfed overall.

The most glaring nerf was the halving of his Pikmin count from six to three due to the limitations of the Nintendo 3DS' processing power. As a result, this hinders his general damage output, as well as his camping potential, especially since Pikmin Throw deals less damage (especially with White Pikmin). Both Olimar and his Pikmin's endurance is also worse as Olimar is lighter and his Pikmin (except for white Pikmin) have less HP and they die faster if they are separated from Olimar. The removal of meteor canceling also significantly hinders Olimar's endurance against meteor smashes. Olimar's smash attacks have seen various downgrades: they can all be reflected, forward smash has a shorter duration, and his down smash deals less knockback. Up smash, however, had the largest nerf out of all of Olimar's smash attacks. Not only is it much laggier, having increased startup lag and much higher ending lag, but it also has decreased range and power, significantly hindering its utility. Olimar's aerials also deal significantly less damage with forward and down aerial in particular being significantly weaker. Olimar's grab game was also weakened: his grabs have a shorter duration, considerably less range no longer being the longest reaching grabs in the game, and his standing and dash grabs are significantly laggier, making Olimar rely on his already nerfed pivot grab more often. His throws with Blue and especially Purple Pikmin are also weaker which hinders his ability to KO opponents with his throws, especially relative to the cast. Lastly, Pikmin Order has significantly decreased super armor, hindering its both its safety and overall versatility.

However, Olimar also received a few buffs: Winged Pikmin largely outclasses Pikmin Chain as a recovery tool due to being much more versatile and the removal of edge hogging immensely aids Olimar. Olimar's white Pikmin have also been improved outside of Pikmin Throw as they have more HP and most of Olimar's attacks with White Pikmin are stronger (although they are still mostly useless for attacking). The removal of hitstun canceling has also given Olimar greater combo potential with moves such as down throw and his new up aerial which is now a powerful juggling tool. Lastly despite his overall damage output being reduced, a fair amount of Olimar's Pikmin attacks (mainly with Red and Purple Pikmin) deal more damage.

Overall while his recovery has been improved significantly, Olimar's other flaws were not addressed and his strengths were significantly toned down making his flaws more detrimental. Despite this, Olimar has nevertheless retained most of his useful options from Brawl and remains an above average character. However, Olimar's buffs do not nearly compensate for his more severe nerfs and the changes to the game's mechanics do not benefit Olimar as much as some other returning veterans, which has led to him to be considered one of the characters to have been the most severely nerfed in the initial transition from Brawl, alongside King Dedede, Meta Knight, Falco, Wario and Marth (during the initial release). As a result, Olimar is still a viable character, albeit not to the degree as in Brawl.


  •   Olimar's design is now a combination of his appearances in Pikmin 3 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. His slightly smaller nose; helmet's whistle and gray collar; gloves' gray trim; and space suit's red and blue connectors are from Pikmin 3, whereas his space suit's rivets and three connectors are from Brawl. The aesthetic used in SSB4 has also resulted in Olimar's space suit being sleeker, and his boots' red trim; his life support system's stripe; and his gloves and Hocotate Freight patches being more vibrant.
  •   Olimar's white and green alternate costumes have been updated. The former's suit is now gray and its gloves are now blue, instead of both being white, while the latter's sleeves and boots are now green instead of white and red, respectively. Instead of receiving new alternate costumes, Alph appears as an alternate character,[3] complete with his own respective alternate costumes.
  •   All taunts have updated sound effects.
  •   The Pikmin's proportions are now significantly more in line with their appearances in Pikmin 3.
  •    Pikmin now have more limited cosmetics, as their leaves do not turn into buds or flowers. Additionally, if two or three Pikmin stand in the same spot in Olimar's lineup, it can produce odd results and make it difficult to tell which Pikmin will be used next. Lastly, their idle animations are all synchronized, presumably to avoid any unnecessary hardware strain.
  •   The Pikmin at the head of the line now has a visual indicator in the form of a player-colored arrowhead above it. This allows the player to better visualize which Pikmin will be used next.


  • Olimar:
    •   Olimar dashes faster (1.4 → 1.47).
    •   Olimar's initial dash is faster (1.4 → 1.6).
    •   Olimar falls faster (1.3 → 1.35). This slightly improves his vertical endurance, but makes him slightly more susceptible to combos.
    •   Olimar's gravity is higher (0.06 → 0.068).
    •   Olimar's fast falling speed is higher (1.82 → 2.16).
    •   Olimar is lighter (82 → 79), hindering his endurance.
    •   Instead of having multiple hurtboxes for each of his body parts, Olimar now has one hurtbox which is a giant orb around him. This gives him a bigger hurtbox around his body, making him easier to hit, especially horizontally.
    •   Rolls have less ending lag (FAF 33 → 30).
    •   Rolls have a shorter duration (frames 4-19 → 4-16).
    •   Spot dodge has a shorter duration (frames 3-20 → 3-17) and it has more ending lag (FAF 26 → 27).
    •   Air dodge has less startup lag (frame 4 → 3) and ending lag (FAF 40 → 33).
    •   Air dodge has a shorter duration (frames 4-29 → 3-27).
    •   The removal of meteor canceling drastically hinders Olimar's endurance against meteor smashes moreso than any other returning veteran besides Zero Suit Samus due to him previously having one of the most lenient meteor cancel windows in Brawl. While it does also increase the reliability of his down aerial, the move's power has been significantly reduced to compensate.
  • Pikmin:
    •   Due to the limitations of the Nintendo 3DS' processing power,[4] the maximum Pikmin count has been halved (6 → 3). [1] This significantly weakens his camping game and damage ranking potential.
    •   Pikmin are now plucked in a set cycle (Red → Yellow → Blue → White → Purple), instead of being random and based on terrain.[1] This means Olimar no longer has to depend on certain types of terrain in order to pluck certain Pikmin. However, this also makes it significantly less frequent to have two or more of the same type of Pikmin at once, especially when combined with the reduced maximum Pikmin count.
    •   Pikmin now have somewhat flawed artificial intelligence. As a result, they can potentially fly out of line if Olimar moves too quickly, which prevents combos or follow-ups from being performed effectively. However, this is significantly less prevalent in the   version, as their flawed AI only occurs at edges.
    •   The Pikmin's safespot distance from Olimar has decreased (6 → 4), making them follow Olimar sooner.
      •   However, there is also a shorter distance between the Pikmin's own safespots (6 → 4).
    •   All Pikmin have a greater overall run speed (40 → 60 (overall run speed), 2.4 (red/yellow/blue)/3 (white) → 3 (R/Y/B)/4 (W).
    •   Pikmin have increased effort (5 → 4).
    •   Pikmin have increased follow distance (20 → 23) if they have to change direction.
    •   Pikmin follow the previous aerial velocity for a shorter period of time (15 frames → 8).
    •   Pikmin have a larger teleport box size (20u → 24u), allowing Olimar to use his Pikmin based attacks from further away, if he is separated from his Pikmin.
    •   All Pikmin except white Pikmin have decreased hit points (9 (Red/Yellow)/14 (Blue)/15 (Purple) → 9 (R/Y)/11 (B)/13 (P)). Pikmin separated from Olimar also die faster.
    •   White Pikmin have increased hit points (4 → 7).
    •   All Pikmin have increased maximum walk/run speed (2.4 (Red/Yellow/Blue)/3 (White)/1.5 (Purple) → 3 (R/Y/B)/4 (W)/1.7 (P)).
    •   All Pikmin have increased walk/run acceleration (0.075 (Red/Yellow/Blue)/0.12 (White)/0.5 (Purple) → 0.1 (R/Y/B)/0.135 (W)/0.8 (P)).

Ground attacks

  • Neutral attack
    •   Olimar has a new neutral attack, the Rocket Fist's one-two combo.
    •   Neutral attack has a shorter duration (frames 4-7 (hit 1)/ 8-10 (hit 1 antenna)/4-6 (hit 2) → 4 (hit 1 clean)/5 (hit 1 late)/4-5 (hit 2)).
    •   The first hit has increased set knockback (10 (base), 10 (set), 80 (scaling) → 0/(40/30/35)/80).
    •   The first hit now has a late hit which deals more damage on Olimar's fist (3% → 4%).
    •   The first hit transitions into the second hit sooner (frame 8 → 6).
    •   The far hitbox now launches opponents vertically (361° → 80°), allowing it to connect more reliably into the second hit.
      •   However, this also remove's the far hit's ability to lock.
    •   The first hit has smaller hitboxes (4u/4u → 2.5u/3u (clean)/2.5u/3.5u (late)) and it now has static hitboxes which overall do not reach as far as the previous hitboxes.
    •   The first hit's antenna hitbox has been removed, which in turn:
      •   Reduces its maximum damage output (5% → 4%).
      •   Reduces its range, especially vertically.
      •   However, this prevents Olimar from being stuck in hitlag before being able to perform the second hit. When combined with the move transitioning sooner along with its increased knockback, this means it is no longer possible for the opponent to shield the second hit if Olimar lands the move at close range.
    •   The second hit deals less damage (5% → 4%/3%) without full compensation on its knockback scaling (75 → 80).
    •   The second hit launches opponents at a less favorable angle (361° → 45°).
    •   The second hit has smaller hitboxes (4u/4u/2.5u → 2.5u/3.5u) and it now has static hitboxes which overall do not reach as far as the previous hitboxes.
      •   This also means that the move can no longer hit opponents behind Olimar.
    •   The second hit's antenna hitbox has been removed, which in turn:
      •   Greatly reduces its maximum damage output (10% → 4%).
      •   Reduces its range, especially vertically.
  • Forward tilt
    •   Olimar has a new forward tilt, the Rocket Fist's wind-up punch. Olimar stays still while performing the punch.
      •   This makes it a safer spacing tool.
      •   However, this also significantly reduces its range.
    •   Forward tilt has less ending lag (FAF 38 → 36).
    •   Forward tilt deals much more damage (6% → 11%) without full compensation on its knockback (15 (base), 130 (scaling) → 35/97), significantly improving its KO potential.
    •   Forward tilt now uses two extended hitboxes which overall cover more horizontal distance relative to Olimar than the previous hitboxes.
      •   However, the move is also no longer disjointed due to its new animation.
    •   Forward tilt has more startup lag with a much shorter duration (frames 9-18 → 15 (clean)/16-17 (late)).
    •   Forward tilt has smaller hitboxes (5u/5u/5u → 3.5u/2.2u).
      •   In addition to this, the larger, further reaching hitbox is only active for the first frame, further reducing the move's range during its later frames.
  • Up tilt
    •   Up tilt's loop hits' left side hitbox now launches opponents towards Olimar (70° → 120°). When combined with the weakening of SDI, this makes up tilt connect more reliably, especially if the opponent is behind Olimar.
    •   Up tilt has more ending lag (FAF 40 → 44).
    •   The loop hits deal less damage (1% → 0.6%).
    •   Up tilt now only has five loop hits instead of seven which in turn:
      •   Shortens its duration (frame 6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20 → 6/8/10/12/14/16) which also further increases the move's ending lag along with its longer total duration.
      •   Reduces its damages, especially when combined with each individual hit's lower damage (11% → 7.6%).
    •   The loop hit's head hitbox is smaller (5.5u → 5u) and the antenna hitbox has been removed, significantly reducing the move's vertical range although the head hitbox has lower set knockback (30 → 20) to partially compensate.
  • Down tilt
    •   Down tilt's antenna hitbox has been removed, which in turn:
      •   Shortens its duration (frames 6-12/16-22 → 6-12).
      •   Reduces its maximum damage output (8% → 6%).
      •   Reduces its range, especially vertically.
      •   However, this also means that Olimar can no longer suffer from additional hitlag by landing the antenna hitbox, preventing the move from having more ending lag in some situations.
    •   Down tilt has a longer animation (29 frames → 37), increasing the amount of time Olimar cannot walk backwards after performing it.
    •   The changes to hitstun canceling and DI improves down tilt's combo potential.
  • Dash attack
    •   Dash attack's first hit has a longer duration (frames 8-9 → 8-10).
      •   However, this also makes it more difficult to connect both hits.
    •   Dash attack has more ending lag (FAF 35 → 38).
    •   Dash attack has smaller hitboxes (6.5u/4u (hit 1)/5.2u/3.3u (hit 2) → 3.5u (both) and the near hit has been removed.
  •   All of Olimar's smash attacks can now be reflected hindering their reliability against certain characters.
  • Forward smash
    •   When forward smash is used on an upward slope, Pikmin now fly parallel to the slope, instead of directly into it.
    •   Forward smash no longer makes Pikmin fly off edges unless it is initiated close to an edge. This makes it safer to use Pikmin near ledges, but hinders their ability to hit opponents below platforms or off stage.
    •   Forward smash with non purple Pikmin has a much shorter duration (frames 11-15 (clean)/16-22 (mid)/23-47 (late) → 11-14/15-20/21-29).
      •   Purple Pikmin forward smash also has a shorter duration overall (frames 11-15 (clean)/16-20 (mid)/21-25 (late) → 11-14/15-19/20-24).
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   The clean hit deals more damage (15% → 17.4%) and knockback (10 (base), 96 (scaling) → 30/86), improving its KO potential.
    •   The mid hit deals slightly more knockback (20 (base), 90 (scaling) → 33/86).
    •   The late hit deals less damage (9% → 7.2%) without full compensation on its knockback (20 (base), 90 (scaling) → 33/86).
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   The clean and mid hits deal more damage (13% (clean)/9% (mid) → 14.5%/10%).
    •   Yellow Pikmin forward smash deals more knockback (10 (base), 96 (scaling) → 33/94 (clean), 20/90 → 33/94 (mid/late)) improving its KO potential, especially the clean hit when combined with its higher damage.
    •   Yellow Pikmin forward smash has smaller hitboxes (6.5u (clean)/5.5u (mid)/5u (late) → 5u/3.75u/3.75u).
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   Blue Pikmin forward smash deals more knockback (10 (base), 96 (scaling) → 33/94 (clean), 20/90 → 33/94 (mid/late)) improving its KO potential.
    •   The clean and mid hits deal less damage (15% (clean)/11% (mid) → 14.5%/10%).
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin Forward smash deals more damage (9% (clean)/6% (mid)/3% (late) → 11.6%/8%/4.8%) and knockback (10 (base), 80 (scaling) → 33/94 (clean), 15/80 → 33/94 (late)).
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   The clean hit deals more damage (18% → 20.3%) without full compensation on its knockback (20 (base), 95 (scaling) → 33/84), improving its KO potential.
      •   When combined with the changes to shields, this significantly improves purple Pikmin forward smash's shield pressuring potential.
    •   Purple Pikmin forward smash now launches opponents horizontally (70° → 361°), now matching the other variants of forward smash.
    •   The mid hit and especially the late hit deal less damage (16% (mid)/13% (late) → 14%/8.4%) and knockback (20 (base), 95 (scaling) → 33/84) hindering their KO potential.
  • Up smash
    •   Up smash's animation has changed. Olimar only points up once instead of twice.
    •   Up smash has more startup lag (frame 8 → 12).
    •   Up smash has much more ending lag (FAF 33 → 56) removing its followup potential and greatly hindering its safety.
    •   Pikmin gain less vertical momentum from up smash (3.5 → 2.8), resulting in the Pikmin not jumping as high or as quickly.
    •   The removal of DACUS significantly hinders up smash's approach potential.
    •   Up smash with non purple Pikmin has a slightly shorter duration (frames 8-9 (clean)/10-12 (mid)/13-19 (late) → 12-13/14-16/17-22).
    •   The clean sweetspot (7u (red/blue/white)/9u (yellow)/6.5u (purple) → 6u (P/B/W/P)/7u (Y)) and late hit (6u (red/blue/white)/8u (yellow)/5.5u (purple) → 5u (P/B/W/P)/6.25u (Y)) have smaller hitboxes.
  • Red Pikmin
    •   The clean sweetspot and late hit deal more damage (15% (clean sweetspot)/12% (late) → 15.6%/13.2%).
    •   The clean sweetspot and late hit have lower knockback scaling (90 → 83 (clean)/78 (late)), hindering their KO potential despite their higher damage.
    •   The clean far hit deals less damage (14% → 12%) and has lower knockback scaling (87 → 74), greatly hindering its KO potential.
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   The late hit deals more damage (10% → 11%), without full compensation on its knockback scaling (90 → 85).
    •   The clean hit deals less damage (14% (near)/12% (far) → 13%/10%). The sweetspot's knockback scaling was marginally increased (90 → 91) while the sourspot's was decreased (90 → 81), hindering its KO potential, especially the far hit.
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   The clean hit deals less damage (15% (near)/13% (far) → 13%/10%). The sweetspot's knockback scaling was marginally increased (90 → 91) while the sourspot's was decreased (90 → 81), hindering its KO potential, especially the far hit.
    •   The late hit has lower knockback scaling (90 → 85).
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin up smash deals more damage (9% (clean sweetspot)/7% (clean sourspot)/5% (late) → 10.8%/8%/8.8%). The clean hit has increased knockback scaling (90 → 91), while the late hit's knockback scaling was not fully compensated (90 → 85), improving its KO potential.
    •   The clean far hit has lower knockback scaling (90 → 81), slightly hindering its KO potential despite its higher damage.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   Purple Pikmin up smash has a longer duration (frames 8-9 (clean)/10-12 (mid)/13-16 (late) → 12-13/14-16/17-22), now matching the other variants.
    •   Purple Pikmin up smash deals more damage (16% (clean sweetspot)/13% (clean sourspot/late) → 18.2%/14%/15.4%).
    •   Purple Pikmin up smash deals less knockback (50 (base), 100 (scaling) → 50/(81/72) (clean), 40/100 → 50/76 (late)), hindering its KO potential despite its increased damage.
  • Down smash
    •   Pikmin will now always fly off edges after down smash is performed, as opposed to only happening if Olimar is very close to an edge.
    •   Down smash has a lower bonus trip chance (40% → 20%) although due to its angle remaining unchanged, this does not affect the move.
  • Red Pikmin
    •   Red Pikmin down smash deals more damage (13% (clean)/10% (late) → 13.2%/10.8%).
    •   Red Pikmin down smash deals less knockback (30 (base), 97 (scaling) → 32/81 (clean), 22/95 → 25/81 (late)), hindering its KO potential despite its increased damage.
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   The late hit deals more damage (8% → 9%) without full compensation on its knockback (10 (base), 100 (scaling) → 25/89), improving its KO potential.
    •   Yellow Pikmin down smash has smaller hitboxes (6u/6u → 5.625u/5.625u).
    •   The clean hit deals less knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → 32/89).
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   The clean hit deals less damage (12% → 11%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → 32/89).
    •   The late hit deals less knockback (10 (base), 100 (scaling) → 25/89).
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin down smash deals more damage (6% (clean)/4% (late) → 8.8%/7.2%) without full compensation on its knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → 32/89 (clean), 10/100 → 25/89 (late)), improving its KO potential.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   Purple Pikmin down smash deals more damage (15% (clean)/12% (late) → 15.4%/12.6%).
    •   The clean hit has a longer duration (frames 10-12 → 10-13), now matching the other variants.
    •   The late hit launches opponents at a lower angle (28° → 0°), allowing it to lock and trip opponents.
    •   Purple Pikmin down smash deals less knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → 32/72 (clean), 10/100 → 0/72 (late)), greatly hindering its KO potential despite its increased damage and the late hit's lower launch angle.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have longer animations (41 frames (neutral/forward)/48 (back)/34 (up)/51 (down) → 53/51/57/42/59), increasing the amount of time Olimar cannot grab ledges after performing an aerial.
  •   Olimar and his opponent now suffer from the 1.5x hitlag multiplier caused by electric attacks (rather than just the opponent), giving all of his yellow Pikmin aerials more ending lag when they connect.
  • Neutral aerial
    •   Neutral aerial has more ending lag (FAF 42 → 54).
    •   Neutral aerial has smaller hitboxes, especially the final hit (4.5u/3.5u/3.5u/4.5u → 3.5u/2.5u/2.5u/3.5u (loop hits), 9u/8u/8u/9u → 5u/4u/4u/5u (final hit)).
    •   The loop hits deal less damage (2% → 1.5%).
      •   However, their knockback was not compensated, making them connect slightly more reliably at higher percents, especially when combined with the weakening of SDI.
    •   Neutral aerial now only has four loop hits instead of five which in turn reduces its damages, especially when combined with each individual hit's lower damage (12% → 8%).
    •   The changes to hitstun canceling/DI improve neutral aerial's combo potential after landing with the move.
  • Forward aerial
    •   Forward aerial now uses one extended hitbox which covers the Pikmin rather than three normal hitboxes.
      •   This hitbox is larger than any of the hitboxes used on the previous non yellow Pikmin variants of forward aerial (3.7u/3.2u/2.7u → 4.4u).
    •   Forward aerial no longer deals extra shield damage (1 → 0).
  • Red Pikmin
    •   Red Pikmin forward aerial deals much less damage (15% → 10.2%) and knockback (25 (base), 88 (scaling) → 32/82), greatly hindering its KO potential.
  • Yellow Pikmin
    •   Yellow Pikmin forward aerial has a shorter duration (frames 7-10 → 7-9), now matching the other variants.
    •   Yellow Pikmin forward aerial deals much less damage (12% → 8.5%) with it only seeing a slight increase to its base knockback (25 → 32), significantly hindering its KO potential.
  • Blue Pikmin
    •   Blue Pikmin forward aerial deals much less damage (13% → 8.5%) with it only seeing a slight increase to its base knockback (25 → 32), significantly hindering its KO potential.
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin forward aerial deals more damage (5% → 6.8%) and has higher base knockback (25 → 32), improving its KO potential.
  • Purple Pikmin
    •   Purple Pikmin forward aerial deals less damage (14% → 11.9%) and knockback (25 (base), 90 (scaling) → 32/81), significantly hindering its KO potential.
  • Back aerial
    •   Back aerial now uses one extended hitbox which covers the Pikmin rather than three normal hitboxes.
      •   This hitbox is larger than any of the hitboxes used on the previous non yellow Pikmin variants of forward aerial (3.7u/3.2u/2.7u → 4.2u).
      •   This also means that the move no longer has a weaker sourspot, making it more consistent.
    •   Back aerial no longer deals extra shield damage (1 → 0).
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   Red Pikmin back aerial deals marginally less damage compared to its previous sweetspot (13% → 12.96%).
    •   Red Pikmin back aerial deals slightly more knockback (20 (base), 91 (scaling) → 30/90).
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   Yellow Pikmin back aerial has a shorter duration (frames 10-14 → 10-13), now matching the other variants.
    •   Yellow Pikmin back aerial has a smaller hitbox (5.5u/5u/4.5u → 5.2u).
    •   Yellow Pikmin back aerial deals less damage compared to its previous sweetspot (12% → 10.8%).
    •   Yellow Pikmin back aerial deals more knockback (20 (base), 91 (scaling) → 30/98), improving its KO potential despite its lower damage.
  • Blue Pikmin
    •   Blue Pikmin back aerial deals less damage compared to its previous sweetspot (13% → 10.8%) without full compensation on its knockback (20 (base), 91 (scaling) → 30/98).
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin back aerial deals more damage (5% → 8.64%) and knockback (20 (base), 91 (scaling) → 30/98) compared to its previous sweetspot.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   Purple Pikmin back aerial deals more damage (13% → 15.12%) and knockback (20 (base), 91 (scaling) → 30/88) compared to its previous sweetspot.
  • Up aerial
    •   Olimar has a new up aerial. He swings a Pikmin directly above him, with the move now consisting of a single hit.
      •   This makes the move much more consistent, and it has more knockback than the final hit of the previous forward aerial on all variants.
      •   However, this makes the move much easier to out prioritise as since there is only one hitbox, the move can no longer beat trades with its later hitboxes.
      •   This also gives the move an overall shorter duration, despite it no longer having gaps between its hitboxes (frame 8/10/12/14/16/18/20 → 8-15).
      •   This also gives the move more ending lag as its total duration was unchanged.
    •   Up aerial launches opponents at a higher angle compared to the previous final hit (76° → 95°).
    •   Up aerial now only consists of one much smaller extended hitbox which is now positioned directly above Olimar due to the new animation (7.5u (hits 1-6 red/blue/white/purple)/10u (hits 1-6 yellow/hit 7 red/blue/white/purple)/13u (hit 7 yellow) → 4u (R/B/W/P)/5u (Y)), drastically reducing its range.
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   Red Pikmin up aerial deals drastically less damage (3% (hits 1-6/6% (hit 7)/24% (total) → 10.8%).
      •   However, its knockback was not fully compensated compared to the previous final hit (70 (base), 90 (scaling) → 50/84), significantly improving its KO potential.
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   Yellow Pikmin up aerial deals much less damage (2% (hits 1-6/4% (hit 7)/16% (total) → 9%).
      •   However, its knockback was not fully compensated compared to the previous final hit (70 (base), 110 (scaling) → 50/92), significantly improving its KO potential.
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   Blue Pikmin up aerial deals drastically less damage (3% (hits 1-6/4% (hit 7)/22% (total) → 9%).
      •   However, its knockback was not fully compensated compared to the previous final hit (70 (base), 110 (scaling) → 50/92), significantly improving its KO potential.
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin up aerial deals much less damage (1% (hits 1-6/3% (hit 7)/9% (total) → 7.2%).
      •   However, its knockback scaling was not fully compensated compared to the previous final hit (110 → 92), significantly improving its KO potential.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   Purple Pikmin up aerial deals much less damage (3% (hits 1-6/4% (hit 7)/22% (total) → 12.6%).
      •   However, its knockback was not fully compensated compared to the previous final hit (70 (base), 110 (scaling) → 50/82), significantly improving its KO potential.
  • Down aerial
    •   Down aerial's meteor smash hitbox with non yellow Pikmin is slightly larger (3.5u → 3.7u) and it is now extended.
    •   Down aerial can no longer meteor smash grounded opponents.
    •   Down aerial's non meteor smash hitbox now uses one extended hitbox rather than two normal hitboxes.
      •   For non yellow Pikmin variants, this hitbox is the same size as the previous aerial only non meteor smash hitbox, giving it a larger hitbox against grounded opponents (3.8u → 4.6u).
      •   However, this also gives it less horizontal range against aerial opponents.
    •   Down aerial has a shorter duration (frames 9-11 (clean), 12-19 (late) → 9/10-15).
      •   However, its late hit no longer consists of drastically weaker hitboxes, with the move just losing its meteor smash hitbox instead. This makes the move much stronger during frames 12-15 of its duration regardless of the Pikmin used.
    •   Down aerial's non meteor smash hitbox launches opponents at a higher angle (361° → 50°).
    •   Down aerial no longer deals extra shield damage (1 → 0).
  • Red Pikmin
    •   The clean hit deals much less damage (16% → 10.8%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → (10/30)/91), drastically hindering its KO potential.
      •   However, the move also deals more damage (7% → 10.8%) and much more knockback (10 (base), 70 (scaling) → 30/91) during frames 12-15 of its duration.
  • Yellow Pikmin
    •   The clean hit deals less damage (12% → 9%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → (10/30)/99), greatly hindering its KO potential.
      •   However, the move also deals more damage (6% → 9%) and much more knockback (10 (base), 70 (scaling) → 30/99) during frames 12-15 of its duration.
    •   The meteor smash hitbox is smaller (5u → 4.625u).
    •   The non meteor smash hitbox is larger, especially against grounded opponents (5.5u/4.5u → 5.75u).
  • Blue Pikmin
    •   The clean hit deals much less damage (14% → 9%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → (10/30)/99), greatly hindering its KO potential.
      •   However, the move also deals more damage (6% → 9%) and much more knockback (10 (base), 70 (scaling) → 30/99) during frames 12-15 of its duration.
  • White Pikmin
    •   The clean hit deals less damage (8% → 7.2%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → (10/30)/99), hindering its KO potential.
      •   However, the move also deals more damage (4% → 7.2%) and much more knockback (10 (base), 70 (scaling) → 30/99) during frames 12-15 of its duration.
  • Purple Pikmin
    •   The clean hit deals much less damage (14% → 12.6%) and knockback (30 (base), 100 (scaling) → (10/30)/89), significantly hindering its KO potential.
      •   However, the move also deals much more damage (6% → 12.6%) and knockback (10 (base), 70 (scaling) → 30/89) during frames 12-15 of its duration.

Throws/other attacks

  • Grabs
    •   All grabs have less startup lag (frame 11 → 10).
    •   White Pikmin grabs have a larger grabbox (3u → 3.5u).
    •   All grabs have shorter durations (frames 11-25 → 10-19).
    •   Standing and dash grabs have more ending lag, especially standing grab (FAF 30 (standing)/40 (dash) → 50/53).
    •   Red, yellow and especially blue Pikmin grabs have considerably reduced range. Their standing and pivot grab ranges in particular have been reduced to the point that they only reach about as far as Olimar's purple Pikmin grabs did previously.
    •   White and purple Pikmin grabs have reduced range (especially the former), albeit to a lesser extent than the other colours (although white Pikmin grabs overall have noticeably less range than Olimar's red/yellow Pikmin grabs did previously).
  •   The changes to aerial grab releases benefits Olimar as he is less susceptible to air release followups.
  • Pummel
    •   Pummel has a larger hitbox (4u → 4.4u).
    •   Pummel has more startup lag (frame 10 → 11).
    •   Olimar now suffers from hitlag when pummeling his opponent, giving pummel more ending lag.
    •   Yellow Pikmin pummel now has an electric effect. This gives it more hitlag (4 frames → 7) which along with the previous change, gives it considerably more ending lag.
  • Forward throw
    •   Olimar releases opponents from forward throw later (frame 4 → 8) with its total duration compensated (FAF 32 → 36).
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   Red Pikmin forward throw deals less damage (6% → 5.6%).
    •   Red Pikmin forward throw deals more knockback (60 (base), 50 (scaling) → 65/60).
  • Yellow Pikmin
    •   Yellow Pikmin forward throw deals more knockback (60 (base), 50 (scaling) → 65/60).
  • Blue Pikmin
    •   Blue Pikmin forward throw deals less damage (13% → 11.2%) and knockback (30 (base), 85 (scaling) → 65/60) considerably hindering its KO potential, especially from far distances.
  • White Pikmin
    •   White Pikmin forward throw deals more damage (6% → 7%) and knockback (60 (base), 50 (scaling) → 65/60).
  • Purple Pikmin
    •   Purple Pikmin forward throw deals less knockback (60 (base), 90 (scaling) → 65/60).
  • Back throw
    •   Olimar releases opponents from back throw later (frame 7 → 13) and it has a longer total duration (FAF 36 → 40).
      •   However, its total duration was not fully compensated, giving it less ending lag.
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   Red Pikmin back throw deals more damage (7% → 7.2%) and knockback (48 (base), 52 (scaling) → 50/60).
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   Yellow Pikmin back throw deals more knockback (48 (base), 52 (scaling) → 50/60).
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   Blue Pikmin back throw deals more damage (14% → 14.4%).
    •   Blue Pikmin back throw deals less knockback (30 (base), 85 (scaling) → 50/60), considerably hindering its KO potential despite its increased damage.
  • White Pikmin:
    •   White Pikmin back throw deals more damage (6% → 9%) and knockback (48 (base), 52 (scaling) → 50/60).
  • Purple Pikmin
    •   Purple Pikmin back throw deals less knockback (48 (base), 90 (scaling) → 50/60).
  •   The removal of chain grabbing has hindered up and down throw's damage racking potential.
  • Up throw
    •   Olimar releases opponents from up throw later (frame 27 → 32) and it has more ending lag (FAF 42 → 50).
    •   Up throw has increased base knockback (55 → 80). When combined with the previous change, this hinders up throw's combo potential at lower percents.
  • Red Pikmin
    •   Red Pikmin up throw deals less damage (9% → 6.4%) without full compensation on its knockback (55 (base), 72 (scaling) → 80/65). This hinders its KO potential while also not improving its combo potential due to the throw's higher base knockback/ending lag.
  • Yellow Pikmin
    •   Yellow Pikmin up throw deals less damage (11% → 8%) without full compensation on its knockback (55 (base), 72 (scaling) → 80/65). This hinders its KO potential while also not improving its combo potential due to the throw's higher base knockback/ending lag.
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   Blue Pikmin up throw deals more damage (12% → 12.8%).
    •   Blue Pikmin up throw deals less knockback (55 (base), 72 (scaling) → 80/58), hindering its KO potential (despite its increased damage) while also not improving its combo potential due to the throw's higher base knockback/ending lag.
  • White Pikmin
    •   White Pikmin up throw deals more damage (6% → 8%) and knockback (55 (base), 72 (scaling) → 80/65), improving its KO potential.
      •   However, this also hinders its combo potential.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   Purple Pikmin up throw deals less damage (11% → 8%) and knockback (55 (base), 100 (scaling) → 80/65), greatly hindering its KO potential. It is no longer the strongest up throw in the game or even the strongest version of Olimar's up throw.
  • Down throw
    •   Down throw's hitbox has more startup lag (frame 15 → 23 (red/yellow/blue/white)/22 (purple)).
    •   Olimar now suffers from hitlag when down throw's hitbox connects. This means that Olimar now freezes for a short amount of time after the hitbox connects, giving it more ending lag.
    •   The hitbox with non purple Pikmin has a longer duration (frames 15-18 → 23-30).
    •   Olimar releases opponents from down throw much later (frame 19 → 31 (red/yellow/blue/white)/26 (purple)) and it has a longer total duration (FAF 36 → 42).
      •   However, its total duration was not fully compensated with red, blue and white Pikmin, even considering Olimar now suffering from hitlag. This gives these variants of the throw less ending lag and improving their combo potential.
      •   In the case of yellow and purple Pikmin however, its total duration was overcompensated, giving these variants more ending lag, especially with purple Pikmin.
    •   The changes to hitstun canceling/DI considerably improves down throw's combo potential at higher percents.
  • Red Pikmin:
    •   Red Pikmin down throw deals less damage (9% → 6.6%).
      •   However, its knockback was not compensated. When combined with the throw's lower ending lag and the changes to hitstun canceling/DI, this greatly improves its combo potential beyond low percents.
  • Yellow Pikmin:
    •   The hitbox is larger (7u → 9.45u).
  • Blue Pikmin:
    •   Blue Pikmin down throw deals more damage (11% → 11.2%) and has higher knockback scaling (40 → 60).
      •   However, these changes also hinder down throw's followup potential at higher percents, while also still being too weak to KO at realistic percents.
  • White Pikmin:
    •   The hitbox deals less damage (1% → 0.8%).
    •   White Pikmin down throw deals more damage (6% → 8%).
      •   However, its knockback was not compensated, hindering its followup potential at higher percents.
  • Purple Pikmin:
    •   The hitbox deals more damage (1% → 1.4%).
    •   Purple Pikmin down throw has less knockback scaling (100 → 60). When combined with the changes to hitstun canceling/DI, this greatly improves its combo potential despite its increased ending lag.
      •   However, this also greatly hinders its KO potential, no longer being a viable KO throw at very high percents.
  • Floor attacks:
    •   The second hit of both floor attacks have less startup lag (frame 16 → 15).
    •   Floor attacks have less ending lag (FAF 50 → 46).
    •   Floor attacks deal more damage (6% → 7%) and shield damage (1 → 8) per hit, without full compensation on their knockback scaling (50 → 48).
    •   Floor attacks launch opponents at a higher angle (361° → 48°).
    •   Floor attacks have less intangibility (frames 1-29 (front)/1-27 (back) → 1-21).
    •   Floor attacks have a shorter duration per hit (3 frames → 2).
    •   Floor attacks now use one extended static hitbox rather than multiple normal hitboxes attached to Olimar's body, which covers less range overall.
  • Back floor attack:
    •   Back floor attack now starts in in front of Olimar rather than from behind.
    •   Back floor attack has more startup lag (frame 15 → 16).
  • Edge attack
    •   Olimar has a new edge attack, a punch from the Pikmin series.
    •   As with other edge attacks, edge attack no longer has set knockback (110 (set), 100 (scaling) → 90 (base)/20).
    •   Edge attack has more intangibility (frames 1-15 → 1-16).
      •   However, there is a longer period of time where Olimar is vulenrable before the hitbox comes out (1 frame → 2).
    •   Edge attack has more startup lag with a shorter duration (frames 17-21 (clean)/22-23 (late) → 19-21).
    •   Edge attack deals less damage (8% → 7%).
    •   Edge attack now only has one static extended hitbox, rather than two hitboxes attached to Olimar as he jumps up, followed by three normal static hitboxes once he lands. This hitbox has less range than the previous late hit, in addition to the move also having much less vertical range.
    •   As with other edge attacks, edge attack now always launches opponents in the direction Olimar is facing, removing its ability to set up edgeguards.
  • Trip attack:
    •   Trip attack deals more shield damage (1 → 8) per hit.
    •   Trip attack now has transcendent priority.
    •   Trip attack has less intangibility (frames 1-8 → 1-7).
    •   Trip attack now uses one extended hitbox rather than multiple normal hitboxes, which decreases the move's range overall.

Special moves

  • Pikmin Pluck
    •   Using Pikmin Pluck while near the edge will no longer propel Pikmin over the edge, significantly improving its reliability when used near edges.
    •   Pikmin Pluck's speed is now consistent regardless of the terrain, making Olimar pluck Pikmin faster on rocky, dirty, metallic and icy terrains.
      •   However, this also makes Olimar pluck Pikmin slower on cloth terrains.
    •   Pikmin Pluck has updated sound effects.
    •   Pikmin Pluck can no longer be edge canceled to laglessly pluck Pikmin.
  • Pikmin Throw
    •   Pikmin Throw can now enable Pikmin to latch onto a Smash Ball and  carry items to Olimar.[5]
    •   Pikmin Throw's additional latch time has increased (200 frames → 300).
    •   Pikmin Throw has a larger hitbox when thrown with non purple Pikmin (4u (red/blue/white)/5.5u (yellow) → 4.5u/5.625u).
    •   Yellow Pikmin Throw has a larger inert collision box to latch onto opponents (7u → 7.5u).
    •   Purple Pikmin Throw now has a hitbox against boss enemies which deals more damage (6% → 9.1%), is larger (2.2u → 4.5u) and deals more knockback (60 (base), 50 (scaling) → 40/90).
    •   Pikmin fly off of the opponent much faster once they have finished attacking the opponent (0.6 → 1.3). This makes them fly further after but also makes them land later, giving them more lag.
    •   Pikmin Throw deals less damage when thrown with non purple Pikmin (9% (red)/7% (yellow/blue)/6% (white) → 7.8%/6.5%/5.2%), with red Pikmin throw also having decreased knockback scaling (100 → 92), hindering its effectiveness against boss enemies.
    •   Pikmin Throw deals less damage when latched (2% (red/yellow/blue)/6% (white) → 1.1%/3.7%). This significantly reduces its damage racking potential, especially with white Pikmin.
      •   When combined with Olimar's reduced maximum Pikmin count, this significantly hinders Pikmin Throw's damage racking and camping potential, in addition to making the move more committal to use overall.
  • Winged Pikmin
    •   Olimar has a new up special, Winged Pikmin. Unlike Pikmin Chain which was a tether recovery, Winged Pikmin is a maneuverable, fuel-based recovery. Winged Pikmin can cover significantly more distance, it can be controlled and Olimar can cancel it by using an aerial (similarly to Robo Burner, except Olimar is put into free-fall after using an aerial).
      •   Altogether, these traits combined with the removal of edge-hogging make Winged Pikmin a significantly safer, more versatile and less predictable and exploitable recovery move compared to Pikmin Chain.
    •   Compared to Pikmin Chain, Winged Pikmin are more effective when Olimar has less Pikmin, and less effective when he has more Pikmin.
      •   Because of this, Olimar can more safely use Pikmin Throw while recovering to offensively challenge his opponent, as it will now improve his up special's recovery potential rather than reducing it.
    •   Unlike Pikmin Chain, Winged Pikmin lacks a hitbox, preventing it from being used as a long ranged anti air or as a powerful stage spike option.
    •   Winged Pikmin no longer auto-cancels before Olimar enters free fall, making it riskier to land with.
  • Pikmin Order
    •   Pikmin Order's super armor has much more startup lag with a much shorter duration (frames 2-16 → 6-12), significantly hindering its safety.
    •   Pikmin Order's animation has slightly changed. Olimar's hand no longer goes through his helmet when he whistles.
      •   This new animation is longer, especially the aerial version (35 frames → 39 (grounded)/45 (aerial), increasing the amount of time Olimar cannot grab ledges after using the move.
  • End of Day
    •   End of Day slows down time more (4x → 5x) and for a longer period of time (30 frames → 40) when it is activated.
    •   End of Day has much less startup lag (frame 19 → 6) due to both the more severe time slowdown and the hitbox coming out sooner.
    •   End of Day now has a separate hitbox against aerial opponents for its liftoff which launches opponents vertically (250° → 90°), allowing it to link into the ascent hitbox.
      •   However, this hitbox also has significantly decreased set knockback (400 → 100) which along with its angle change, hinders its effectiveness against opponents off stage.
    •   The grounded liftoff hitbox has drastically higher set knockback (400 → 1500) and it launches opponents at a more favorable angle (250° → 270°), burying them for much longer.
    •   The ascent deals less damage (15% → 10%). Its knockback was not compensated, hindering the upper hitbox's KO potential.
    •   The ascent has smaller hitboxes (20u/20u → 17u/17u).
    •   The Bulborbs deal much less damage (43% (total) → 15%).
    •   The Hocotate Ship can now be maneuvered during its descent, similarly to a Warp Star.
    •   The falling hit deals more knockback (60 (base), 100 (scaling) → 70/105).
    •   The landing hit deals much less damage (20%/15% → 12%/10%). The sweetspot's knockback was not fully compensated (50 (base), 100 (scaling) → 65/140), slightly hindering its KO potential.
    •   The landing hit's sourspot deals more knockback (50 (base), 100 (scaling) → 85/125) and it launches opponents at a more favorable angle (45° → 361°).
    •   The landing hit has smaller hitboxes (33u/33u/75u → 25u/25u/60u).

Update history

Olimar has received a mix of buffs and nerfs from game updates. Update 1.0.4 made Pikmin Pluck unable to be edge-canceled and decreased the amount of damage that Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin deal when they latch onto opponents. To compensate for this, White Pikmin deal more damage when latched on, and the latch time for Red, Yellow, Blue, and White Pikmin has increased.

However, Olimar also significantly benefits from the changes to shield mechanics brought about by updates 1.1.0 and 1.1.1. This is thanks to latched Pikmin becoming better at damaging an opponent's shield, while the low ending lag on his smash attacks makes them even less punishable on shield, thanks to the increased shieldstun. As a result, Olimar is very slightly better than he was during SSB4's initial release.


  •   The Pikmin's safespot distance from Olimar has decreased (5 → 4), making them follow Olimar sooner.
    •   However, there is also a shorter distance between the Pikmin's own safespots (5 → 4).
  •   All Pikmin except purple Pikmin run faster (40 → 60 (overall run speed), 2.4 (red/yellow/blue)/3 (white) → 3 (R/Y/B)/4 (W).
  •   Pikmin have increased follow distance (18 → 23) if they have to change direction.
  •   Pikmin follow the previous aerial velocity for a shorter period of time (15 frames → 8).
  •   Neutral, forward, and back aerials have less landing lag (17 frames → 15).
  •   Pikmin Pluck can no longer be edge-canceled.
  •   Red, Yellow and Blue Pikmin latched onto opponents deal less damage (1.3% → 1.1%).
  •   White Pikmin latched onto opponents deal more damage (2.6% → 3.7%).
  •   Purple Pikmin throw deal less damage (6.5% → 6%).
  •   Pikmin Throw's additional latch time has been increased (200 frames → 300).


  •   Fixed a glitch where reflecting Order Tackle would give the Pikmin a permanent power boost.


  •   Fixed a glitch where Pikmin Order no longer reverses from edge grabs.


  • All Pikmin-based moves and grabs use the next Pikmin in the line to perform the given attack. Upon performing a move, that Pikmin goes to the back of the line.
  • Each Pikmin follows a general set of rules for their attacks:
    • Red Pikmin deal more damage for attacks (around 1.2x damage for most attacks), but less for throws (around 0.8x damage). Their attacks have a flame effect.
    • Yellow Pikmin have larger hitboxes (around 1.25x larger for most hitboxes). Their attacks have an electric effect.
    • Blue Pikmin have more damaging throws (around 1.6x damage).
    • White Pikmin are very weak in attacks (around 0.8x damage for most hitboxes), but have significantly longer grab and toss range and deal more latch damage. Their grab related attacks have a darkness effect.
    • Purple Pikmin are very strong in damage (around 1.4x damage for most hitboxes) and knockback, but have very poor range for ranged attacks.

For a gallery of Olimar's hitboxes, see here.

  Name Damage Description
Olimar Red Yellow Blue White Purple
Neutral attack   3% (arm), 4% (fist) The Rocket Fist's one-two combo. It has very minimal start-up and ending lag, average knockback growth, and its second hit launches at 45°. Altogether, these traits enable it to act as a very reliable pseudo-jab cancel, with follow-ups including a grab at low percents, and Pikmin Throw or a dash grab at medium percents. These traits also make it capable of starting a tech-chase at high percents. Performing it repeatedly will also slightly move Olimar forward.
3% (arm), 4% (fist)
Forward tilt   11% The Rocket Fist's wind-up punch. It is powerful for a tilt attack, thanks to its decent damage output and high knockback growth. It KOs middleweights at 132%/120% (3DS/Wii U) while near the edge of Final Destination. Due to it hitting on frame 15, however, it is very punishable and has the highest amount of start-up lag out of his entire moveset. In addition, it is Olimar's only KOing option when he does not have any Pikmin.
Up tilt   0.6% (hits 1-6), 4% (hit 7) A jumping twirl. It hits on frame 6, has decent vertical range, and hits multiple times, with its last hit having very high knockback growth. Altogether, these traits make it a decent anti-air attack.
Down tilt   6% A sliding tackle. It hits on frame 6, and has very low base knockback, very high knockback growth, and minimal ending lag. Altogether, these traits make it a reliable combo starter at low to medium percents. It can combo into itself (especially on fast-fallers), up tilt, smash attacks, and aerial attacks, depending on the opponent's DI. It can also interfere with an opponent's edge grab attempt, thanks to its hitbox being capable of going below the edge. Like neutral attack, performing it repeatedly will slightly move Olimar forward.
Dash attack   7% (hit 1), 4% (hit 2) A cartwheel. It can function as a mix-up, as it is able combo into up aerial at 0%-10%. However, its second hit's very low damage output, high base knockback, and low knockback growth collectively make it unable to combo past very low percents, or KO at reasonable percents.
Forward smash   17.4% (clean), 12% (mid), 7.2% (late) 14.5% (clean), 10% (mid), 6% (late) 14.5% (clean), 10% (mid), 6% (late) 11.6% (clean), 8% (mid), 4.8% (late) 20.3% (clean), 14% (mid), 8.4% (late) Points forward to command a Pikmin to leap forward and perform a corkscrew tackle. Due to it hitting on frame 11, it is the second fastest forward smash in the game. It is also Olimar's most damaging smash attack, has minimal ending lag, and boasts impressive power even while using Yellow or Blue Pikmin. Clean Purple Pikmin-based forward smash KOs middleweights at 80%/73% (3DS/Wii U) while near the edge of Final Destination. It also has a slight chance to trip opponents. However, it only KOs reliably while using Red, Yellow, Blue, and Purple Pikmin at close range.
Up smash   15.6% (clean near), 12% (clean far), 13.2% (late) 13% (clean near), 10% (clean far), 11% (late) 13% (clean near), 10% (clean far), 11% (late) 10.4% (clean near), 8% (clean far), 8.8% (late) 18.2% (clean near), 14% (clean far), 15.4% (late) Points upward to command a Pikmin to jump and perform a cartwheeling tackle. Due to hitting on frame 12, it has decent start-up lag for a smash attack. It also boasts impressive power even while using Yellow or Blue Pikmin. Clean near Purple Pikmin-based up smash KOs middleweights at 94%/87% (3DS/Wii U) from anywhere on Final Destination. However, it has the highest amount of start-up lag out of his smash attacks, and its 33 frames of ending lag is the highest out of his smash attacks. In addition, it only KOs reliably while using Red, Yellow, Blue, and Purple Pikmin at point-blank range.
Down smash   13.2% (clean), 10.8% (late) 11% (clean), 9% (late) 11% (clean), 9% (late) 8.8% (clean), 7.2% (late) 15.4% (clean), 12.6% (late) Squats slightly and points to both of his sides to command two Pikmin to perform dashing tackles. Due to it hitting on frame 10, it has decent start-up lag for a smash attack. It also has a chance to trip opponents and, if the opponent is close enough to Olimar, both Pikmin can hit them. Clean Purple Pikmin-based down smash KOs middleweights at 124%/114% (3DS/Wii U) while near the edge of Final Destination. Due to being his least damaging smash attack, however, it has lower KO potential compared to forward/up smashes. In addition, its Purple Pikmin-based late hit has much less knockback and a noticeably shorter duration.
Neutral aerial   1.5% (hits 1-4), 2% (hit 5) A jumping twirl. It is a reliable combo starter at low to high percents when SHFF'd, as it can combo into neutral attack; up/down tilts; down smash; and a grab. As a non-Pikmin attack, it's Olimar's only aerial that does not lose all trades. However, it lacks KO potential like his other aerials.
Forward aerial   10.2% 8.5% 8.5% 6.8% 11.9% Grabs a Pikmin by its stem and swings it downward in front of himself. It is a very reliable follow-up from down throw, and is useful for approaching when SHFF'd or for edge-guarding.
Back aerial   12.96% 10.8% 10.8% 8.64% 15.12% Grabs a Pikmin by its stem and swings it upward behind himself. It is Olimar's most damaging aerial, and a viable KOing option with Red or Purple Pikmin. Purple Pikmin-based back aerial KOs middleweights at 111%/101% (3DS/Wii U) while near the edge of Final Destination. Due to it hitting on frame 10, however, it has the highest start-up lag out of his aerials.
Up aerial   10.8% 9% 9% 7.2% 12.6% Grabs a Pikmin by its stem and twirls it upward. It is tied with down aerial as his second most damaging aerial, and is a viable KOing option. Purple Pikmin-based up aerial KOs middleweights at 105%/97% (3DS/Wii U) while near the upper blast line of Final Destination. However, it has a noticeable amount of landing lag.
Down aerial   10.8% 9% 9% 7.2% 12.6% Grabs a Pikmin by its stem and swings it downward. It is tied with up aerial as his second most damaging aerial. It is also a meteor smash, but only against aerial opponents and during its first frame. However, it has a noticeable amount of landing lag.
Grab   Points forward to command a Pikmin to grab the opponent. The Pikmin function as disjointed grabs, and Olimar's overall grab range varies depending on the Pikmin used. White Pikmin have the longest range, and notably grant Olimar the fourth longest ranged standing grab in the game. Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin grant him the sixth longest ranged standing grab in the game. Lastly, Purple Pikmin have the shortest range, but nevertheless grant Olimar the tenth longest ranged standing grab in the game.
Pummel   2% 2% 2% 4% 2% The Pikmin strikes the opponent with its stem. It has average speed, but when used with White Pikmin, its damage output is tied with Shulk's Buster-boosted pummel for the most damaging pummel in the game.
Forward throw   5.6% 7% 11.2% 7% 7% The Pikmin shoves the opponent away. It is Olimar's least useful throw, as its only utility consists of dealing damage.
Back throw   7.2% 9% 14.4% 9% 9% Olimar and the Pikmin turn around and the Pikmin performs a body slam. It deals the most damage out of all of Olimar's throws and launches at 45°. These traits make it capable of KOing while using Blue Pikmin, and decent for setting up an edge-guard at high percents with non-Blue Pikmin. Blue Pikmin back throw KOs middleweights at 161% while near the edge of Final Destination in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
Up throw   6.4% 8% 12.8% 8% 8% The Pikmin jumps up, turns upside down, and performs a modified piledriver. Although its knockback has decreased since Brawl, it is still one of the strongest up throws in the game while using Blue Pikmin. Blue Pikmin up throw KOs middleweights at 157%/146% (3DS/Wii U) from anywhere on Final Destination.
Down throw   1% (hit 1), 5.6% (throw) 1% (hit 1), 7% (throw) 1% (hit 1), 11.2% (throw) 0.8% (hit 1), 7% (throw) 1.4% (hit 1), 7% (throw) The Pikmin pins the opponent to the ground and then jumps to perform a downward battering ram. It is Olimar's best combo starter, especially while using Red Pikmin. Red Pikmin down throw can combo into neutral aerial at 0% to low percents; forward and reverse aerial rushed back aerials at 0% to high percents; and up aerial at low to high percents. One particularly notable combo is a Red Pikmin down throw followed by a Purple Pikmin back aerial, which is a true combo that KOs reliably while near the edge. Red Pikmin down throw can also combo into forward tilt and forward smash at 0% to low percents, albeit only against fast-fallers. Yellow, Blue, White, and Purple Pikmin can also perform these combos, but their combo potential wanes considerably past medium percents because of their throw damage being much higher than the Red Pikmin's.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Punches in front of himself and then behind himself while getting up.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Headbutts in front of himself and then behind himself while getting up.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Headbutts in front of himself and then spins around to perform a double-footed back kick behind himself.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  7% Throws a punch while climbing up.
Neutral special Default Pikmin Pluck Plucks a Pikmin. It cannot be used in midair, and has noticeable ending lag if it is attempted in midair, or if no more Pikmin can be plucked.
Custom 1 Hardy Pikmin Pluck Pikmin have much more hit points and knockback resistance, but take much longer to pluck.
Custom 2 Explosive Pluck 8% 8% 8% 5% 10% Each pluck detonates an explosion, but Pikmin take longer to pluck and have less hit points.
Side special Default Pikmin Throw 7.8% (thrown), 1.1% (latched) 6.5% (thrown), 1.1% (latched) 6.5% (thrown), 1.1% (latched) 5.2% (thrown), 3.7% (latched) 6% Throws a Pikmin, which latches onto opponents and damages them before falling off either because of flinching, the opponent's damage, or being killed. In regard to the opponent's damage, a Pikmin's latch duration decreases when the opponent's damage increases, even when undisturbed. When undisturbed, Pikmin can stay latched on for a maximum of 6 seconds (360 frames) from 0%-49%; a maximum of 5 seconds (300 frames) from 50%-99%; a maximum of 4 seconds (240 frames) from 100%-149%; a maximum of 3.5 seconds (210 frames) from 150%-349%; and a maximum of 1 second (60 frames) from 350%-999%. Due to the Purple Pikmin's inability to latch onto anything like in their home series, they will instead deal damage on contact. On a related note, if the target cannot be latched onto, any non-Purple Pikmin simply deal damage.
Custom 1 Sticky Pikmin Throw 7.8% (thrown), 1% (latched) 6.5% (thrown), 1% (latched) 6.5% (thrown), 1% (latched) 5.2% (thrown), 2% (latched) 9.1% Pikmin hit faster and remain latched on longer. However, the distance Pikmin are thrown is considerably shorter, and latched Pikmin deal less damage per hit.
Custom 2 Tackle Pikmin Throw 5% 5% 5% 3% 8% All thrown Pikmin act like Purple Pikmin and tackle opponents instead of latching onto them. Red, Yellow, Blue, and White Pikmin deal less damage, but Purple Pikmin deal more damage.
Up special Default Winged Pikmin Two Winged Pikmin carry Olimar around. Winged Pikmin's effectiveness is dependent on both the amount of Pikmin that Olimar has, and the frequency of its usage. Having no Pikmin in tow allows them to travel almost across the entirety of Final Destination, one Pikmin in tow allows them to travel over 80% of Final Destination, two Pikmin in tow allows them to travel slightly over 50% of Final Destination, and three Pikmin in tow allows them travel over less than 50% of Final Destination. In regard to frequency, it takes approximately 3 seconds (180 frames) for Winged Pikmin to be able to travel the same distance again after the conclusion of the initial usage. Olimar can also use his aerial attacks while being carried, similarly to Wings of Icarus. However, doing so will render him helpless immediately after the conclusion of the aerial.
Custom 1 Winged Pikmin Jump Functions like a traditional recovery by lacking the maneuverability in order to quickly lift Olimar upward a certain distance before falling. The Winged Pikmin also push away nearby opponents.
Custom 2 Mighty Winged Pikmin The distance traveled does not depend on Pikmin carried, which is less than the default's max distance.
Down special Default Pikmin Order Blows his whistle to recall Pikmin and/or sort out their order in the line. It also grants super armor on frames 6-12.
Custom 1 Order Tackle 1% 1% 1% 3% 5% Pikmin recalled deal damage as they travel, but the whistle has a fair amount of ending lag.
Custom 2 Dizzy Whistle 0.1% (hit 1), 1% (hit 2) Deals damage and reverses opponents within the whistle's range, but has a noticeable amount of start-up lag.
Final Smash End of Day 10% (launch), 10% (ascent), 0.125% (Red Bulborbs), 10% (descent), 12%/10% (explosion) Jumps into the Hocotate Ship and launches into outer space, which buries any nearby opponents. While the ship has left the stage, Red Bulborbs attack opponents to steadily inflict damage; they deal damage every frame for 120 frames (2 seconds), dealing up to 15%. The Hocotate Ship then descends from outer space, and explodes upon crash landing onto the stage. Its KO potential has significantly worsened since Brawl, but it is still fairly strong, as its most damaging explosion is strong enough to KOs middleweights at 70% while near the edge of Final Destination in the 3DS version. Although its least damaging explosion deals slightly less damage, it has significantly less knockback. The Hocotate Ship can also be maneuvered during its descent, similarly to a Warp Star. However, it is actually possible for Olimar to inadvertently self-destruct if he descends towards the lower blast line.

Announcer calls

  This article could use additional or higher-quality audio files.
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The announcer also calls the Pikmin in the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean versions.

On-screen appearance

  • Exits the Hocotate Ship and then plucks three Pikmin, after which the Hocotate Ship disappears in a puff of smoke.


  • Up taunt: Joyfully jumps in place three times.
  • Side taunt: Lies down on the ground, rolls around as if basking in nature, and then gets up.
  • Down taunt: Swings his hips.
Up taunt Side taunt Down taunt

Idle poses

  • Rubs his helmet with both hands.
  • Moves his arms back and forward in a basic limber exercise.

Crowd cheer

Olimar English Japanese
Description Olimar! Olimar! Olimar! Pik-min! Ol-i-mar!
Pitch Group chant Group chant
Alph English Japanese
Description Alph! Alph! Alph! Pik-min! Al-ph!
Pitch Group chant Group chant

Victory poses

A remixed excerpt of Pikmin's title screen theme.
  • Plucks a White, Blue, and Purple Pikmin. The White Pikmin and Blue Pikmin bounce off Olimar's head, whereas the Purple Pikmin squashes him onto the ground. Olimar's eyes will comically bulge outward upon being squashed before his expression returns to normal, whereas Alph will comically wince upon being squashed before his expression returns to normal.
  • Performs a toe touching exercise while a Yellow Pikmin rests on the ground and a Red Pikmin looks around.
  • Sways in place while a Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin walk around him in a circle.

In competitive play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
  Olimar 1112 1311 1312 1212 2112
2212 2211 2312 2131 3312

Notable players

Any number following the Smasher name indicates placement on the PGR 100, which recognizes the official top 100 players in Super Smash Bros. 4 of all time.

Tier placement and history

Like in Brawl, Olimar's placing in SSB4 was one of the most contentious among the cast. At first, players would deem his nerfs as being too harsh for him to even be assessed as a mid-tier character, with some even considering him to be a bottom-tier character. This was primarily due to the game mechanics in SSB4 being faster mixed with Olimar’s camping game being toned down, and his strengths not being recognized as much. This perception would remain intact for several months until players soon started to demonstrate Olimar's retained strengths, with professionals like Dabuz, ImHip, Shuton, and Soulimar placing highly. As a result, Olimar was ranked 24th on the first tier list.

Although his competitive prospects and placings were accelerating, Olimar's rare usage negatively stood out compared with other high-tier characters. To reflect this, he dropped 30th on the second tier list. As before, representatives such as Dabuz and Shuton continued to defeat top players at high-level tournaments and achieve great placings. These demonstrations allowed Olimar to achieve 27th and then to 21st on the third and fourth tier lists respectively. Although he was not as overwhelmingly effective as he was in Brawl, Olimar has nevertheless managed to achieve solid success in spite of the faster mechanics and the dominance of the DLC characters.


  A veteran spaceship pilot for Hocotate Freight, Captain Olimar partners with Pikmin in Smash Bros. to help him in battle. Olimar is much stronger when he's got Pikmin with him, so keep them plucked and good to go. Pikmin abilities are based on their color—learn what each is best at!
  Captain Olimar, veteran Hocotate Freight astronaut, joins forces with Pikmin again in this game to take on the world. Olimar isn't much of an attacker without Pikmin by his side, so you should always keep some ready. Pikmin have different abilities depending on their colour, so learn how they work to use them effectively!
 : Pikmin (12/2001)
 : Pikmin 2 (08/2004)
Olimar (Alt.)
  Pikmin aren't just good for attacking, you know. For example, when you throw them, they can pick up items on their way back. Only items that aren't very heavy, though! Also, if there's someone charging or shooting at you, a well-timed Pikmin throw can stop them in their tracks!
  Pikmin aren't just good for attacking, you know. For example, when you throw them, they can pick up items on their way back. Only items that aren't very heavy, but still! Also, if there's someone charging or shooting at you, a well-timed Pikmin throw can stop them. Just don't forget to replace your Pikmin when they're gone!
 : Pikmin (12/2001)
 : Pikmin 2 (08/2004)
End of Day
  On the planet Olimar is investigating, the native creatures become extra violent at night, forcing him to retreat to orbit every evening. His Final Smash works the same way: night falls and Olimar takes to the sky, leaving his foes to the mercy of the wildlife below. Olimar returns when dawn breaks and you can adjust his less-than-safe landing!
  On the planet of the Pikmin, the native creatures get quite violent come nightfall, so Olimar retreats into orbit every evening. That's how his Final Smash works, too: Olimar takes off in his trusty Dolphin[sic], then in comes the beasties to take care of the other fighters. When Olimar returns, make sure he touches down, er...safely!

In Event Matches

Solo Events

Co-op Events

Alternate costumes

Instead of alternate color schemes, half of Olimar's alternate costumes consist of Alph, one of the three leaders from Pikmin 3.




  • Because Olimar's placement in All-Star Mode is based on his own debut instead of Alph's, whose debut in Pikmin 3 occurred twelve years after Olimar's debut in Pikmin, Alph will be misplaced chronologically during All-Star Mode if he appears in Olimar's place. The same applies to Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings.
  • Olimar's All-Star trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is highly similar to his pose in his official artwork for Brawl.
  • Olimar is the only character who does not use his official alt. trophy when he is faced in rounds 4-5 in Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Instead, he uses Alph's trophy.
  • Although Alph travels in the S.S. Drake in Pikmin 3, he instead travels in the Hocotate Ship for his on-screen appearance and Final Smash because of his status as an alternate costume.
  • Olimar and Alph have different expressions when they are hit. Olimar's eyes comically bulge out, which he commonly does in Pikmin 2 upon being surprised, whereas Alph winces.
  • Olimar is the only character to have only one special move in his default moveset that deals damage.
    • He is also the only character to have a special move (Winged Pikmin in his case) that lacks any damage-dealing custom versions.
  • In the European version of End of Day's trophy, it mistakenly says that Olimar pilots the S.S. Dolphin during it. However, he actually pilots the Hocotate Ship during End of Day.
  • Despite Pikmin Throw's ability to make thrown Pikmin bring items to Olimar being exclusive to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, his alt. trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS mentions it regardless.
  • Olimar, Alph, Iggy and Ike are the only characters in Smash 4 whose names start with vowels.
