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A boss in SSBB
Universe Super Smash Bros.

Galleom is a boss that is encountered twice in The Subspace Emissary. It doesn't hail from any particular series and is unique to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Creature Description

Galleom appears to be a giant, purple robot which consists of humanoid-like features, and is also capable of transforming into a jet propelled tank. It is covered head to toe in a heavy Mech arsenal, possessing two rocket launchers as shoulder weapons, and powerful jets on its feet. It wears an iron knight mask that covers its face, as well as metallic arm braces over its bulky forearms. It is also quite agile in this form, capable of performing extremely large jumps, leading to the possibility that its jumps are jet propelled. In its tank form, it is much more compact, only being able to attack by either firing the cannons on its back, or simply by ramming into it's foe at a high speed. As a last resort, it can set off a Subspace Bomb hidden within its head.

Galleom in his tank form fighting against Pokémon Trainer

Role in the Subspace Emissary

Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight were the first to spot Galleom as it was traveling through the desert in its tank form. The trio quickly caught up to it and defeating it, knocking it down onto unstable ground, which gave way, transporting Galleom into the underground temple, where Lucas and the Pokemon Trainer challenge it. They manage to defeat it, and, in a last desperate attempt, Galleom grabs both Lucas and the Pokemon Trainer, starts the the countdown on it's emergency Subspace Bomb, then jets into the sky. Lucas manages to free both himself and the Pokemon Trainer by using PK Thunder, but in the process causes them both to fall a great distance. Meta Knight manages to catch the duo just before they land, then fly them away from the Subspace Bomb's blast. Afterwards, Tabuu reconstructs Galleom for use in The Great Maze.

Galleom has two trophies, one featuring itself(which is obtained by using a trophy stand on Galleom), and the Galleom Tank trophy, which is obtained by completing Boss Battles mode intense difficulty. As a side note, completing Boss Battles on intense difficulty is the only way to get his trophy, as using a Golden Hammer on the challenge square holding the trophy will not work.

Trophy Info

An enormous, transforming robot and Subspace Army warmonger. Galleom is characterized by various attack threats, including jump stomps, beefy arm bludgeonings, and even missiles fired from its back. It also has a Subspace Bomb set in its head, which it can use in times of desperation to blow itself up and drag the player into the darkness of Subspace. It's one tough robot!


  • Galleom's name is likely a reference to the mythical creature Golem.
  • Galleom's name could also be refering to galleon, the large, multi-decked vessel of the 16th century.
  • Another possible reference is to the metal "Gallium".