Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of SSBB trophies (The Legend of Zelda series)

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This article is about The Legend of Zelda trophies in Brawl. For The Legend of Zelda trophies in Melee, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

The following is a list of the 47 trophies from the The Legend of Zelda series that appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Ten are unlocked by completing Classic Mode and All-Star Mode with Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik and Ganondorf; one is unlocked by successfully performing a specific Challenge and the rest are available through all the means of collecting random trophies, including Coin Launcher.

Name How to Unlock Picture Description
Link Clear Classic Mode as Link Link - Brawl Trophy.png A young man who emerged to rescue Hyrule from peril. He's the bearer of the Triforce of Courage who fights to keep Ganondorf from conquering the world. His green outfit is a constant throughout the series. He's a skilled swordsman, horseman, and archer. He's also proficient with bombs and boomerangs.
NES: The Legend of Zelda
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Triforce Slash (Link) Clear All-Star Mode as Link Triforce Slash (Link) - Brawl Trophy.png Link with a Smash Ball, releasing his ultimate attack. Light flares from the Triforce symbol on the back of his hand and rushes out to meet the enemy he faces. The enemy gets trapped within the glittering Triforce, is quickly cut to shreds, and is launched by the last strike. The attack works on one enemy at a time, so it's best to go after the character in first place.
Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Zelda Clear Classic Mode as Zelda Zelda - Brawl Trophy.png The princess of Hyrule. In other games, her role changes between titles. In Ocarina of Time, she was hunted by the would-be conqueror, Ganondorf. She deceived him, however, by adopting the persona of Sheik. In Twilight Princess, she surrendered to Zant and was held as his prisoner.
NES: The Legend of Zelda
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Light Arrow (Zelda) Clear All-Star Mode as Zelda Light Arrow (Zelda) - Brawl Trophy.png Princess Zelda's Final Smash. She wields a mighty bow of light with which she can attack from afar. Her arrow travels in a straight line and flies through all characters unlucky enough to be in the way. This attack cannot be blocked. The more enemies there are, the higher the chances to get them all with one shot. More is always better!
Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Sheik Clear Classic Mode as Sheik Sheik - Brawl Trophy.png The persona Zelda adopted to escape from Ganondorf. She completely hid all traces of her Zelda identity and appeared to Link as the last member of the Sheikah tribe. She taught Link essential ocarina melodies and then vanished in an instant. She didn't appear very often—rather, she would show up to support Link in crucial situations.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Light Arrow (Sheik) Clear All-Star Mode as Sheik Light Arrow (Sheik) - Brawl Trophy.png Sheik's Final Smash. After grabbing a Smash Ball, Sheik will be able to wield a bow of light. The arrow fired from this bow has the power to pass through multiple targets, so it will damage all enemies in the direction it flies. This, coupled with its shield-breaking power, makes it even more terrible. Even in Sheik form, Zelda's ability as an archer is undiminished.
Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Ganondorf Clear Classic Mode as Ganondorf Ganondorf - Brawl Trophy.png A man who wants to use the power of the Triforce to conquer the world. In Twilight Princess, he gives strength to the Twilight King, Zant, and tries to change the land into a world of darkness. He possesses Zelda, transforms into a magical beast, and attacks Link. In the end, however, Link deals him a finishing blow and defeats him.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Beast Ganon Clear All-Star Mode as Ganondorf Beast Ganon - Brawl Trophy.png Ganondorf's Final Smash. When he grabs a Smash Ball, he transforms into a repulsive, evil beast. He'll vanish momentarily from the screen, then rampage from one side to the other in a straight, headlong rush. When he begins the move, any character before his eyes will flinch, so try to start the move near other characters.
Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Toon Link Clear Classic Mode as Toon Link Toon Link - Brawl Trophy.png Link as he appeared in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, with big eyes and an expressive face. He lived peacefully on Outset Island until a bird captured his little sister, and he came to her rescue. In The Wind Waker, he had to crawl, press up to walls, and the like. His green clothes were worn on his 12th birthday and are the lucky outfit of the hero of legend.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Nintendo DS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Triforce Slash (Toon Link) Clear All-Star Mode as Toon Link Triforce Slash (Toon Link) - Brawl Trophy.png Toon Link's Final Smash. Hit an enemy with the light emanating from the Triforce mark on his hand to initiate the move. The enemy will be trapped within the Triforce and be unable to move—Toon Link will then rush in close and carve up his foe at lightning speed. The final blow will break the Triforce prison and send the opponent off the screen.
Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Heart Container Random Heart Container - Brawl Trophy.png The best recovery item! Grab this and heal 100 percentage points of damage. It falls slowly, so it's best to grab it in midair. Damage recovery won't happen instantly, though, so try not to get launched while your damage is counting down. In the Legend of Zelda series, Heart Containers raise the player's maximum health. Bosses always have one in their possession.
NES: The Legend of Zelda
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Bunny Hood Random Bunny Hood - Brawl Trophy.png Headgear that hugely improves your jump and movement abilities. True to its name, the hood comes with a pair of cute, fuzzy ears. On the right characters, they're as cute as can be, but on the wrong ones, they're...scary. Of course, that adds to the item's charm. The sudden speed increase you get is responsible for more than a few self-destructs, so be careful.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Deku Nuts Random Deku Nuts - Brawl Trophy.png Items that explode in a flash of blinding light shortly after they appear or when they take damage. Those caught in a blast will be dazed and immobile for a few moments. If the item is thrown, it has the same effect on whomever it hits. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Deku Nuts stunned enemies and were indispensable when Link was surrounded.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Tingle Random Tingle - Brawl Trophy.png A strange little man easily spotted by his trademark green bodysuit, bright nose, and pointy beard. Tingle has frequently appeared around Hyrule and always lets those he meets know that he's a fairy and selling homemade maps. In a recent adventure, Tingle escapes a sad and dreary life to embark on a magical adventure in the delightful, dreamlike paradise of Rupeeland.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Nintendo DS: Tingle's Rupeeland (Japan and Europe Only)
Wolf Link Random Wolf Link - Brawl Trophy.png Link's alternate form in the Twilight Realm. In this form, he cannot use weapons such as swords or shields, but he can attack with a ferocious wolf bite. He also has a number of unqiue skills inherent to his beast form, such as a keen sense of smell, the ability to dig, and a loud wolf howl.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Robed Zelda (With Hood) Random Robed Zelda - Brawl Trophy.png The princess of Hyrule, loved and trusted by the people. When Hyrule is invaded by Zant from the Twilight Realm, Zelda is resolute in opposing him...but she chooses to protect her people and must surrender. From then on, she is imprisoned in the Twilight Hyrule Castle. In memory of the lost people of Hyrule, Zelda wears a black robe of mourning.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Midna Random Midna - Brawl Trophy.png

A mysterious masked being. Midna was a princess in the Twilight Realm who was transformed into an imp by Zant. Midna's personality is characterized by a sharp tongue and a tendency to act on whims. Midna pairs with Link to save the world. She also possesses powerful magic skills, such as the ability to warp through space.

Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ilia Random Ilia - Brawl Trophy.png Link's childhood friend and daughter of Bo, Ordon Village's mayor. She's always considerate of Link and looks after his horse, Epona. One day, however, she is kidnapped by enemies and loses her memory. Her kidnapping is what prompts Link to set off on his adventure.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Malo Random Malo - Brawl Trophy.png The brother of Ordon Village's "tough" kid, Talo. Malo is much more reserved than his troublemaker brother and is actually quite mature. This, combined with his almost babylike appearance, can make adults feel awkward. Despite his childlike looks, Malo becomes an esteemed businessman with his chain of Malo Marts.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zant Random Zant - Brawl Trophy.png The self-proclaimed king of twilight. Zant is the ringleader scheming to cover Hyrule in twilight. Zant long served under the royal family of the Twilight Realm. Ganondorf grants great power to Zant in exchange for his allegiance, and Zant makes it his ultimate goal to become the supreme leader of both light and dark.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
King Bulblin Random King Bulblin - Brawl Trophy.png King Bulblin is the boss of the creatures who kidnapped Ilia, Colin, and the rest of Ordon Village's children. Characterized by his appearance atop a boarlike beast named Lord Bullbo, he encounters Link time and time again. When he loses in his final battle, he pays subtle respect to Link when he says, "I follow the strongest side!"
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Agitha Random Agitha - Brawl Trophy.png A strange young girl who lives like a fairy-tale princess in Hyrule Castle Town. She has an eccentric attachment to Golden Bugs. In exchange for these bugs, Agitha gives you wallets and Rupees. Whether or not you actually have any bugs, Agitha suggests that you must be hiding them from her.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Darknut Random Darknut - Brawl Trophy.png A knight enemy clad in heavy armor that defends with a shield and attacks with sword techniques and kicks. Darknuts lose their armor as they take hits, but they grow faster in the process. Their sword skills are quite accomplished. The most fundamental way of dealing with Darknuts is having good command of spin attacks and back slices.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Bulblin Random Bulblin - Brawl Trophy.png Creatures that serve under King Bulblin. They follow their superiors and pillage the land like hyenas. They typically attack with spears and fiery arrows but sometimes attack while mounted on boarlike beasts. They're not the strongest creatures but can prove dangerous in packs.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ooccoo & Son Random Ooccoo & Son - Brawl Trophy.png One of the Oocca, Ooccoo travels around with her son in search of a means to return to her home, the City in the Sky. Her human-masked bird form is incredibly mysterious, but she's nice and likes to talk. If you use Ooccoo in dungeons like you would an item, she'll warp you outside the dungeon.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Shadow Beast Random Shadow Beast - Brawl Trophy.png A loyal minion sent in from the Twilight Realm by Zant. Shadow Beasts suddenly appear from portals in the sky and attack in groups. As long as one is left alive, any others will be revived, so you must leave at least two living and defeat them at the same time. If you wipe them all out successfully a warp point will open.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Yeta Random Yeta - Brawl Trophy.png The wife of Yeto. She is a yeti who lives in the Snowpeak Ruins. In her illness, which was caused by the magic of a Twilight Mirror shard, Yeta was unable to leave her house. Although usually a kind lady, she became possessed by the mirror and was transformed into the great, icy Blizzeta. Yeta is also quite an accomplished sledder.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ashei Random Ashei - Brawl Trophy.png A brave, young female warrior and part of the resistance movement to save Hyrule, which is thrown into unrest by Zant. She holds strategy for resistance members at Telma's Bar in Hyrule Castle Town. Ashei is in charge of covering the Snowpeak region. She is sometimes seen out and about wearing a yeti hide.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Darbus Random Darbus - Brawl Trophy.png Boasting a tough body and herculean strength, Darbus is the well-trusted chief of the Gorons. Under his rugged exterior lies a warm, personable character. Darbus is brimming with pride and valor. He is transformed into the lava-monster, Fyrus, by the sealed-off Fused Shadow. The Goron Elders imprison Fyrus inside the mines, where he battles Link.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ralis Random Prince Ralis - Brawl Trophy.png The prince of the Zora people, aquatic humanoids that inhabit the waters of Hyrule. Ralis is the son of Queen Rutela, who was executed by creatures from the Twilight Realm. As a memento, Ralis kepps a coral earring. He is a great reekfish angler-the best, in fact, of all the Zora people.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Goron Random Goron - Brawl Trophy.png A proud guardian of Death Mountain. Entering without gaining the trust of the Gorons will earn you a rolling-rock attack. They like sumo wrestling, as seen in Twilight Princess, when you need to wrestle Gor Coron. The complete shift to a friendly attitude by the tribal chief after being rescued suggests a prudent side to the Gorons.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zora Random Zora - Brawl Trophy.png An aquatic creature. Most of a Zora's life is spent in the water but the creatures also can live on land for limited time periods. In Twilight Princess, King Zora is already dead and succeeded by Prince Ralis. Clothing made by the late King Zora allows non-Zoras to breathe underwater.
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Sages Random Sages - Brawl Trophy.png Beings that help maintain order in the world. The sage are wise ancients that protect the Mirror of Twilight, which connects in the light and twilight worlds. They are the ones that imprisoned Ganondorf in the Twilight Realm and are also those responsible for crafting the Master Sword. They feature strange floating masks but vary in appearance from title to title.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Outset Link Clear Target Smash Level 5 With 10 Characters Outset Link - Brawl Trophy.png Link in his traditional clothing. He wears a blue, V-neck, long-sleeved top with a lobster pattern, coordinated with slender orange pants. It makes you think that, even on his home, Outset Island, Link was quite the fashion leader, and suggests that he may have changed into his green hero's clothing somewhat grudgingly.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Zelda (Wind Waker) Random Zelda (Wind Waker) - Brawl Trophy.png The rightful successor of the throne and descendant of the true royal bloodline of Hyrule. She strove to put an end to the ongoing battles with Ganondorf. As the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom, she became a target of the resurrected Ganondorf. Although she was hidden in Hyrule Castle, Ganondorf managed to find and kidnap her.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Ganondorf (Wind Waker) Random Ganondorf (Wind Waker) - Brawl Trophy.png The king of evil. Ganondorf aims to collect the Triforce pieces and rule the world. Already in possession of the Triforce of Power, he secures Zelda and her Triforce of Wisdom, thus luring Link to his castle. However, he is ultimately defeated by Zelda's Light Arrows and Link's Master Sword.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Medli Random Medli - Brawl Trophy.png A young Rito girl who is an attendant to the Dragon Spirit, Valoo, on the island of Dragon Roost. She is kind and cheerful. When Valoo becomes enraged, she attempts to reach the dragon so that Komali can get his scale. Despite the violent winds, she refuses to give up and battles on through exhaustion.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Aryll Random Aryll - Brawl Trophy.png Link's cheerful younger sister, often seen wearing a hibiscus-print dress. Despite her age, she has a good head on her shoulders and carries her seagull-marked telescope with care. On Link's birthday, Aryll is mistaken for the female pirate captain, Tetra and captured by the Helmaroc King. Imprisoned in the Forsaken Fortress, she awaits rescue by Link.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Tetra Random Tetra - Brawl Trophy.png A pirate captain who roams the seas in search of sunken treasure. Her disposition garners trust from her followers. Even she doesn't realize that she's THE Princess Zelda. Once Ganondorf learns of her existence, the King of Red Lions explains to her the truth about her true self. She is often recognized by her cute pose, where she crosses her arms and winks.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Nintendo DS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Helmaroc King Random Helmaroc King - Brawl Trophy.png A monstrous bird that wears a mask. On orders from Ganondorf, he sets out in search of Zelda, capturing every pointy-eared little girl he can find. His weak point is the area directly under his mask. This fellow also appears in "A Link to the Past," but that version was more beastly and was called the Helmasaur King... He still wore a mask, of course.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Salvatore Random Salvatore - Brawl Trophy.png A guy who runs the minigame where you try to sink groups of giant squid with a set number of shots for prizes. Not only is the game fun, but his little one-man play using the funky little illustrated props leaves quite an impression. If you say you didn't understand his explanation, the expression on his face is priceless.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Nintendo DS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Link's Grandma Random Link Grandma - Brawl Trophy.png Link and Aryll's grandmother. She's a fine cook, and Link and Aryll are particularly fond of her soup. Grandma cares for Link with a kind tone and a warm demeanor, but when Aryll is kidnapped and Link gives chase, her health deteriorates,leaving her bedridden. If you help her recover with a fairy, she'll comfort Link with warm soup whenever he wants.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Valoo Random Valoo - Brawl Trophy.png A spirit of the skies sacred to the Rito people. He lives atop Dragon Roost Island. Adult Ritos receive a scale from Valoo that allows them to grow wings and fly. Usually the friendly type, he becomes enraged when the evil creature Gohma grabs his tail, tethering him. Link battles Gohma and frees Valoo, who expresses his thanks to Link and labels him "The Hero of Winds."
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Pigs Random Pigs - Brawl Trophy.png Cute creatures that roam the land. They are usually pink or black but are also sometimes patterned or even miniature. Perhaps due to their timid natures, they tend to run away when approached. To catch them, you need to creep towards them ever so slowly. Throwing them in the water will reveal that they can swim back to the shore, not by "doggy-paddling" but by "piggy-paddling".
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy Random Great Fairy - Brawl Trophy.png A mystical being. From Outset Island to Fairy Island to areas all throughout the world, there are many fairy springs. Great Fairies are powerful fairies residing at springs called Great Fairy Fountains. These powerful fairies often reward Link with Rupees, arrows, and bombs. The ones in The Wind Waker look very different from the ones in Ocarina of Time.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
King of Red Lions Random King of Red Lions - Brawl Trophy.png A talking ship that rescues Link when he is thrown out to sea by the Helmaroc King. Rich with knowledge, he is a valuable partner, guiding Link in his adventures. As the ship is without a sail, Link must first acquire one on Windfall Island before venturing out on the Great Sea. It has been revealed that the King of Red Lions is actually the king of Hyrule.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Pirate Ship Random Pirate Ship - Brawl Trophy.png A ship commandeered by Tetra that sails to the far corners of the deep blue sea. When Link gets on board, he is challenged with a test given by the pirate underling Niko. In that test, Link must learn to use jumps and rope swinging to get through an obstacle course and reach Niko. If successful, he receives the Spoils Bag and bombs.
GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Nintendo DS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


  • On the Aryll trophy, the NTSC description says she has a "turtle-marked telescope." Her telescope is actually seagull-marked. This has been corrected in the PAL version.
  • Darknuts have been an enemy in the Zelda franchise since the very first game, yet the trophy lists its only appearance as Twilight Princess.
  • Midna's left hand is miscoloured grey on the Wolf Link trophy, despite the rest of her arm being the correct black.