Toon Link
in Project M and Project+
Toon Link SSBB.jpg
Universe The Legend of Zelda
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Toon Link (SSBB), Young Link (SSBM), Link (SSB)
Alternate costume Outset Toon Link
Toon Link (SSBB)

Toon Link is one of the many playable characters in the Brawl mod Project M. His moveset is heavily altered from Brawl, mixing in elements from both Young Link's and Smash 64 Link's movesets.


Toon Link's alternate costume, Outset Toon Link.

Changes from Brawl to PM

Toon Link revived a vast amount of changes from Brawl to Project M. His moveset and animations combine elements of the various incarnations of Link that are playable in the Super Smash Bros. games, now making Toon Link much more unique in terms of his moveset. These changes also buffed him as well.


  •   New down taunt that acts like Young Link's. If Toon Link is not interrupted during the drinking portion, it heals 3%.
  •   Up taunt's ending melody has a weak wind hitbox, allowing for extremely situational disrespectful kills. This could be thought to simulate a "windy" effect from using his Wind Waker.
  •   Sword attacks now display actual slashing sound effects, like Link's.
  •   On-screen appearance revamped: the bomb explosion now occurs in midair, and Toon Link falls screaming into the ground face-first, getting up afterwards.
  •   Old down taunt moved to his side taunt. Brawl side taunt removed.


  •   Sword length slightly increased.
  •   Aerial Glide Tossing benefits Toon Link immensely, giving him faster, more versatile, and safer approaches, recovery, and combo game.
  •   Improved tether recovery properties make his zair more effective for recovery.
  •   Toon Link is lighter, with his weight matching that of Young Link's from Melee.

Ground Attacks

  •   Jab combo hits connect slightly better, and the third hit has been changed to an upwards slice which moves Toon Link slightly forward.
  •   Forward tilt is slightly faster, deals more damage, and KOs more reliably.
  •   Down tilt is now a faster, higher-ranged crouching stab reminiscent of the shield-stab from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and can meteor smash if a character is hit with the tip of the sword.
  •   Down smash's first hit no longer links into the second hit, instead acting like a weaker version of Link's, however it has a semi-spike angle that can still KO at high percents.
  •   New Forward smash resembles Link's from Smash 64. It has large range and is stronger than his Brawl forward smash, albeit having more startup lag.
  •   Dash attack is now a fast stab forward akin to Link's in Smash 64, but with better initial dashing speed. It has a semi-spike trajectory with drastically increased knockback and range, being better at KOing and approaching than his previous dash attack. Its latent hitbox also allows for better option coverage as an edgeguard tool.
  •   New down tilt deals slightly less damage than the old one.
  •   Down smash hits don't link with each other causing less total damage.

Aerial Attacks

  •   Forward aerial deals slightly more damage, and does slightly higher knockback.
  •   Up air comes out faster and has less landing lag, acting as a powerful juggle tool. Its hitboxes have been made larger, allowing it to hit horizontally.
  •   Down Air has more knockback and damage than both Young and Toon Link's Down Airs. Young Link's fiery hilt hitbox has also been added, but is a spike as opposed to Young Link's meteor.

Grabs and Throws

  •   Grab has faster start-up, and less ending lag.
  •   Up throw does more damage.

Special Moves

  •   Boomerang has Young Link's close-range sweetspot and can be angled better.
  •   Arrows from Hero's Bow are set on fire, like Young Link's. After being shot, they also stick in the ground for a few seconds, dealing weak damage with no knockback.
  •   Grounded Spin Attack has higher range and is better at damaging, possessing more hits that deal up to 25% if fully charged. Charging the move allows Toon Link to strafe on the ground while attacking, similar to Wind Waker's Hurricane Spin.
  •   Aerial Spin Attack is no longer a multi-hit, and is instead a single powerful strike that decreases in power with each spin (similar to a disjointed sex kick), serving as a powerful KO move as early as 80% on some fastfallers when sweetspotted.
  •   Bombs hit up to four times each, now dealing up to 13% damage. Toon Link can have up to 3 bombs out on the field at the same time; attempting to pull one more out when 3 are already on the field will make Toon Link go into bomb pulling animation without any other effect (calculation is done upon input, so if a bomb blows while Toon Link is pulling a new one, the move will still fail).
  •   Boomerang does slightly less damage from a distance.
  •   Arrows from Hero's Bow do slightly less damage and travel a much lesser distance, just barely covering over Final Destination's length at full charge.



  •   Up-B hitbox on the tip of his sword has been reduced very slightly in size
  •   Down-smash stats properly ported from Melee
  •   Forward-Air and Back-Air had very, very minor hitbox adjustments


  •   Forward-Smash has a lower trajectory and knockback growth is increased
  •   Forward-Air damage and hit duration slightly increased
  •   Down-Air hit duration and endlag in the air reduced
  •   Grounded Up-B adjusted so opponents cannot shield in the middle of the move
  •   Grounded Up-B damages adjusted to be more rewarding
  •   Aerial Up-B initial hit damage, knockback growth, and duration slightly increased
  •   Forward-Smash is now SDIable
  •   Neutral-B takes slightly longer to draw the arrow
  •   Aerial Up-B hitboxes reduced in size slightly
  •   Aerial Up-B late hit damage reduced
  •   Jab 2 and Jab 3 have a new animation similar to his Wind Waker slash sequence
  •   Forward-Tilt animation adjusted
  •   Down-Tilt tip meteor angle slightly adjusted, knockback growth greatly increased, and now has an electric effect
  •   Forward-Smash has a much longer hit duration, hitting earlier and slightly later in the animation
  •   Grab hand collision is larger like a normal grab, ends when the hookshot extends, and the chain is unable to grab airborne targets to prevent a standing chaingrab
  •   Forward-Throw angle increased
  •   Back-Throw angle lowered and base knockback increased
  •   Down-Throw knockback growth increased
  •   Boomerang speed, damage, and knockback adjusted
  •   Can pull up to 3 Bombs


  •   Back-Air has a more combo friendly angle and ends one frame sooner
  •   Forward-Throw reworked to offer potential reward when used
  •   Up-Throw reworked to offer potential reward when used
  •   Down-Tilt meteor uses the new "Light" hit element
  •   Side-B (boomerang) catch animation only occurs when Toon Link stands still
  •   Up-B damage, knockback, angle, and hitbox sizes all adjusted slightly: Shorter sweetspot, better middle hit, and a relevant "flub"


  •   Fast Fall Velocity increased
  •   Forward-Tilt now does more damage closer to the tip
  •   Up-Tilt has slightly less endlag
  •   Forward-Air has less startup
  •   Up-Throw has less endlag
  •   Up Special's last hitbox does more damage, with less hitlag and weaker SFX
  •   All sword attacks are now correctly clankable
  •   Forward-Tilt has slightly less base knockback on inside hits
  •   Forward-Tilt's knockback growth slightly increased on all hits
  •   Up-Tilt's base knockback increased and knockback growth lowered
  •   Up-Tilt's angle now increases closer to the tip
  •   Down-Air's hitboxes moved in to better center them around Toon Link/his sword
  •   Up-Throw's speed is now properly weight dependent
  •   Up Special's second hitbox lasts one less frame


  •   Forward throw causes more knockback.
  •   Down throw causes more knockback.
    •   It also has less startup lag.
  •   Boomerang does more damage if it is sweetspotted.
  •   Hitboxes on forward tilt are smaller.
  •   Up-Smash reverted back to 2.0 up-smash (hits only once)
    •   It now does less damage if it does not hit with the tip of the sword.
    •   In addition, its knockback has been significantly decreased.
      •   However, it has higher knockback growth.
  •   Forward aerial is worse, with more startup lag, less damage on arm and body hitboxes, and less knockback.
  •   Down aerial causes less knockback.
  •   Neutral aerial changed to Brawl-inspired neutral aerial.


  •   Toon Link has a new smash taunt, based off the dance performed by Tingle when chanting his "magic words", "Tingle! Tingle! Kooloo-limpah!"
    •   If performed without interruption, he will put on the Hero's Charm from The Wind Waker.


  •   Fixed a bug that caused Toon Link to perform his Smash Taunt while crouching before performing his Smash attack.


Up to date as of version 3.5.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack 2% (hit 1), 3% (hit 2), 5% (hit 3) (10% total) Toon Link swings his sword downwards, spins around in a circle and swings his sword in front of him, then swings his sword upwards while jumping.
Forward tilt 10% (body), 11% (blade), 12% (tip) Toon Link slashes in an arc above him, starting from behind his head and ending in front of him. The beginning of the attack can hit enemies behind him.
Up tilt 9% Toon Link does a quick overhead swipe. It acts similarly to his up smash, except slightly faster and less powerful. The knockback from this move is almost entirely vertical, and it is usually possible to chain multiple up tilts in succession on an enemy that is at a low percent.
Down tilt 9% Toon Link kneels and jabs his sword outward. There is an electric hitbox on the tip of the sword that meteor smashes opponents. This attack is similar in appearance to Marth's down-tilt.
Dash attack 10% (clean), 8% (late) Toon Link lunges forward, holding his sword in front of him. If a clean hit is scored, it will send enemies at a horizontal trajectory, making it a powerful edgeguarding tool. This move also has a late hitbox, punishing opponents that recover high trying to avoid an edgeguard.
Forward smash 16% Toon Link spins his sword once behind, then leaps forward while swinging his sword above his head, similar to a jump attack from the Zelda series. It is very powerful, has great range, and sends opponents at a good angle, but it has significant starting lag. This move is very effective against opponents hard-to-sweetspot recoveries like Ness'.
Up smash 13% (base), 13% (tip) Toon Link swings his sword above his head. It is a slower, more powerful version of up tilt. It can be used as an effective juggling tool against some characters, but it doesn't KO until relatively late.
Down smash 13%/15% (front/body), 12% (back) Toon Link quickly sweeps the sword across the ground in front of him and then behind him. The first hit of this move has higher knockback than the second hit. This move is a good horizontal KO move due to its good speed, decent knockback, and nice knockback angle.
Neutral aerial 12% (first hit), 9% (second hit) Toon Link quickly slashes in front of him then behind him. It is an excellent move to SHFFL, and is also a good shield pressure option.
Forward aerial 8%/11% (body/arm), 14% (sword) After a very brief delay, Toon Link slashes his sword in front of him from below him to above him. It serves as a good combo finisher due to its good knockback. The sword's tip deals more knockback than the other parts of the move.
Back aerial 10% Toon Link quickly slashes his sword behind him from below him to above him. This is a very good combo move, sending opponents above and behind Toon Link and leading into another aerial attack or an up special.
Up aerial 15% (clean), 12% (late) Toon Link holds his sword upwards. It has very long lasting hitboxes which can makes it a strong combo extender.
Down aerial Initial: 14% (early), 17% (late); Firespike: 16% (early), 21% (late), 8% (bounce hit) Toon Link grips onto the handle of his blade and falls downward with it underneath him. The hilt of the sword has a powerful hitbox that applies a flame effect onto the opponent while spiking them, while the other hitboxes have very powerful vertical knockback. If an opponent or shield is hit, the player will 'bounce' off with the sword and potentially hit multiple times, dealing lower damage and fixed, light knockback.
Grab aerial 4% Toon Link uses his hookshot while in the air. It is useful for spacing due to its long range, and can be useful as an alternate recovery option. This move can also be used while Toon Link is holding a bomb, allowing him to recover with a bomb in his hands.
Grab Toon Link extends his hookshot, grabbing anyone hit by the tip of it.
Pummel 3% Toon Link hits his opponents with the hilt of his sword.
Forward throw 3% (hit), 4% (throw) (7% total) Toon Link shoves his opponent forwards using his shoulder. It is a good DI mixup; if the opponent doesn't DI correctly, allowing for an aerial or up special followup.
Back throw 3% (hit), 4% (throw) (7% total) Toon Link rolls backward and flings the opponent behind him. This throw does not cause tumbling until mid-percents.
Up throw 4% (hit), 5% (throw) (7% total) Toon Link tosses his opponent upward and hits them with his sword. This throw has high base knockback, making it an effective combo starter until very high percents.
Down throw 2% (hit), 4% (throw) (7% total) Toon Link slams his opponent against the ground. It can be a very effective combo starter on all characters, leading into many different moves.
Floor attack (front) 6% Toon Link does two quick swipes to either side of him.
Floor attack (back) 6% Toon Link does two quick swipes to either side of him.
Floor attack (trip) 5% Toon Link slashes in front of him and then behind him.
Edge attack (fast) 8% Toon Link flips onto the stage and slashes from head to toe.
Edge attack (slow) 10% Toon Link slowly gets up and stabs forward.
Neutral special Hero's Bow 6-11%, 3% (grounded arrows) Toon Link pulls out a bow and shoots a fiery arrow. Holding the special button will charge the attack, increasing the damage the arrow deals and how far the arrow flies. The arrows stick into the stage, dealing small damage with no knockback to any opponents that walk over it. The arrow's low trajectory can be used to hinder opponent's recovery and apply pressure to an offstage opponent, potentially leading to an easy edgeguard.
Side special Boomerang 19% (close), 7% (far), 3% (return) Toon Link throws his trusty boomerang out in front of him. The boomerang can be angled sideways, diagonally upwards, or diagonally downwards. If the boomerang hits an opponent right at the start of the move, it will deal increased damage and knockback. Toon Link can only have one boomerang out at a time; if side special is used while Toon Link already has a boomerang out, the animation will play but Toon Link will not throw a boomerang.
Up special Spin Attack 11%-19% (ground), 17-8% (air) Toon Link spins around while holding his sword out. When used on the ground, it is a very damaging multi-hit move, and in the air it is a powerful finisher which decreases in damage over time, similarly to a sex kick. The move can be charged on the ground, increasing damage and knockback as well as increasing the distance that Toon Link can move sideways during the move. This move is an amazing finisher when used in the air, netting KOs as early as 80% on some characters, and is an effective out-of shield option on the ground.
Down special Bomb 13% total Toon Link pulls out a bomb. Toon Link can throw the bomb upwards, downwards, left, or right, and if he is in the air he can press the grab button to drop the bomb on the ground. If Toon Link drops a bomb while he is close to the ground, the bomb will land on the ground and not explode until the bomb's timer runs out, but other players can pick up the bombs. The blast radius of the bombs are more similar to Young Link's bombs rather than Toon Link's Brawl bombs, in that the blast radius is quite small and the bomb hits multiple times, dealing fewer damage the further the target is from the bomb. This move is a very good move for setting up combos due to its fixed knockback, possibly leading into many different moves.
Final Smash Triforce Slash 5% (trapping), 4% (hits 1-15), 18% (hit 16) (78% total) Toon Link traps the opponent and strikes them with many quick slashes before ending with an impressive final blow.

In competitive play

Notable players

Alternate costume

Toon Link now has an alternate costume based on his Outset Island clothing from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. When using the alternate costume, Toon Link wears a patterned jumper, bracelets and brown pants instead of his normal Hero's Clothes, and no cap. He also uses the Hero's Sword given to him by Orca- the island's swordsman- instead of the Master Sword, along with a wooden shield based on Young Link's Deku Shield from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This costume has two recolors so that it can be used in Team Battles.

Toon Link's alternate costumes in PM


  • In v3.0, Toon Link's costume had an odd hole in his head, and crashed the game when a Metal Box was used.
  • Toon Link's pajama recolors seem to reference the three goddesses of the Triforce:
    • Blue is based off Nayru, who represents Wisdom.
    • Green is based off Farore, who represent Courage (and whose symbol appears on the front).
    • Red is based off Din, who represents Power.
  • In v3.6 Beta, Toon Link's smash taunt has a glitch that triggers it if one holds down on the control stick before the charge frame of his forward smash.

External links