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Sacrificial KO

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Bowser KOing himself and Wolf with his Flying Slam in Brawl.

A sacrificial KO (also called a kamikaze or a suicide) is a technique that has appeared in all installments of the Super Smash Bros series, where one character KOs both him or herself and an opponent with a single move. In most cases, this involves grabbing the opponent and dragging him/her downwards to the bottom blast line, though self-damaging attacks can also prove effective. Most sacrificial KOs result in the user self destructing, either by directly KOing them alongside the opponent, or by preventing them from potentially returning to the stage.

Sacrificial KOs are useful if the user has a high percentage and the opponent has a low percentage; as the user is likely to be KOed soon, taking down a comparatively fresh opponent at the same time can even out the match. If the user has a lead in stocks, sacrificial KOs accelerate the match and can even score victories if the victim only has one stock remaining. In the same way, low-damage or trailing players should avoid using sacrificial KOs, as this simply brings them closer to losing. If both players have only one stock remaining, then the user can win, lose, or enter Sudden Death, depending on the exact characteristics of the individual technique.

In Smash 4, if an attempted sacrificial KO causes the attacker to be KO'd before the victim (which most forms of sacrificial KO will), the victim will have a chance to return to the stage if their recovery is good enough, making sacrificial KOs much less useful.

Sacrificial KOs are typically named by combining the suffix "-cide" with the first part of the character's name; this convention was popularised by American smasher t1mmy and his machinima entitled "1-800-KIRBYCIDE".

Grab-based sacrificial KOs

Character Applicable games Execution Last-stocks behaviour
All characters All games By grabbing an opponent while standing on a piece of terrain that's falling, if the grab is not broken, both characters will be KO'd once the platform reaches the blast line. Stages where this can happen include SSB's Mushroom Kingdom, Great Bay (on the turtle), Icicle Mountain, Delfino Plaza, Halberd, Mushroomy Kingdom, Rumble Falls, and any Stage Builder stage that has falling platforms that have nothing below them. Sudden Death always occurs.
Bowser Melee "Bowsercide" is executed by grabbing an airborne opponent with Koopa Klaw and falling to the blast line with them in hand. Not exceptionally useful; the move can be escaped, and Bowser is unlikely to recover if the opponent does so.
Bowser Brawl; Smash 4 "Bowsercide" is executed with Flying Slam, with Bowser grabbing the opponent and diving off the side of the stage. The move cannot be escaped, but as the lower-damage player has more control over the pair's flight, it is not useful for evening out percentages. While the technique initially returned for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, version 1.0.4 changed Flying Slam so that Bowser is KO'd before the opponent when the move is performed onto a blast line, making it less useful than in Brawl. In PAL and Sudden Death for Brawl, Bowser always wins. In NTSC's Brawl, port priority determines whether Bowser wins or Sudden Death occurs. In Smash 4, as of 1.0.4, Bowser always loses.
Diddy Kong Brawl; Smash 4 "Diddycide" is done by using Monkey Flip on an airborne opponent and letting the pair fall to the blast line. As Diddy jumping during the grab will meteor smash the opponent, this Sacrificial KO is regarded as impractical, especially due to Diddy Kong's below-average recovery in Brawl. In Brawl and Smash 4 pre-1.0.4, Diddy always wins. In Smash 4, as of 1.0.4, Diddy always loses.
Donkey Kong All games "Kongocide" is executed with Donkey Kong's forward throw, carrying himself and his victim off the stage. This is typically not used as a straight sacrificial KO, as the technique KOs Donkey Kong first; it is generally more useful to throw opponents under or against the stage for a stage spike. DK always loses.
Ganondorf Brawl; Smash 4 "Ganoncide" is done by using Flame Choke on an opponent with both characters in the air, causing both to plummet downwards. Fast-acting once it connects and inescapable, but very risky to use, as the move causes helplessness if it misses, and the attack has unpredictable properties when both players are KOed in Brawl. Unpredictable in Brawl; can either be a win or a loss for Ganondorf, as well as potentially causing Sudden Death. It is theorized this has to do with how the upside-down victim's physics bones are located in relation to the right-side up Ganondorf's during their plunge. In Smash 4, Ganondorf always wins.
King Dedede Brawl; Smash 4 "Dededecide" is executed by inhaling an enemy and walking off-stage. Dedede can easily recover should the opponent escape, but simply spitting the victim underneath the stage is generally more effective. In Brawl, Sudden Death always occurs. In Smash 4, King Dedede always loses.
Kirby All games "Kirbycide"s are the most famous form of sacrificial KO. Using Inhale on enemies and walking off-stage (or inhaling them in mid-air, in SSB) is highly effective, and in Melee, Kirby can even survive after larger opponents are KO'd out of his stomach; Kirby's long recovery can also prevent him from being KOed in the process, though the efficiency of these KOs were nerfed in later games, with Brawl generally causing Sudden Death, and Smash 4 causing Kirby to almost always lose, though a Kirbycide with Jumping Inhale will cause a Sudden Death.

Kirby can also use his forward, back, and up throws as Kirbycides in Melee, though the former two can be escaped (leaving Kirby to simply self-destruct), and the lattermost is difficult to execute; the back and forward throws cannot Kirbycide in later games, and if the floor underneath Kirby vanishes while he performs the throw, he will automatically let go of the opponent while throwing them. Kirby can also use the sacrificial KOs of Dedede and Wario by copying their abilities.

Inhale: Kirby almost always wins in Smash 64, and Melee'; almost always Sudden Death in Brawl; always loses in Smash 4
Forward and back throws: Kirby always wins
Up throw: Kirby always loses in Melee; port priority determines the victor in Brawl)
Meta Knight Brawl "Metacide" is executed by using Meta Knight's up throw when against an edge and under a solid ceiling, possibly causing him and his victim to fall off the stage (possibly influenced by the user's movement). The technique is considered impractical, as it requires precise positioning to perform. Meta Knight always loses.
Wario Brawl; Smash 4 "Wariocide" occurs when Wario uses Chomp while falling, taking his opponent down with him. Difficult to escape from, but not very practical, due to Wario's below-average recovery and the technique's property KOing Wario first. Wario always loses in both Brawl and Smash 4.
R.O.B. Smash 4 "Robocide" occurs when R.O.B. uses his up throw when on a moving platform or near an edge, possibly causing him and his victim to fall off the stage, KOing both R.O.B. and his opponent. R.O.B. always loses.

Other sacrificial KOs

Character Applicable games Execution Last-stocks behaviour
All characters All games The usage of self-damaging explosives in close ranges is a sacrificial KO, though such instances are often unintentional. Items such as Motion-Sensor Bombs, Bob-ombs, Gooey Bombs, Electrode, and other explosives can cause this, as can items spawned by characters, such as Snake's Hand Grenades or Duck Hunt's Trick Shot.
Ike Brawl; Smash 4 On certain stages built with the Stage Builder, the usage of Great Aether can result in the move's diving conclusion falling through a hole and KOing Ike and all of his victims. This Sacrificial KO can potentially be negated if enough opponents are trapped in the attack, as they will cause the "tip" of the Final Smash to hit the edge of the pit. If Ike performs a sacrificial KO by using his standard Aether he will always be KO'd first. Sudden Death always occurs.
King Dedede Brawl, Smash 4 King Dedede can perform another type of Dededecide via Super Dedede Jump's falling portion, which is a meteor smash that launches enemies downward at the same speed at which King Dedede himself falls. In Brawl, King Dedede always wins. In Smash 4, sudden death always occurs.
Olimar Brawl; Smash 4 Similar to Ike's, certain custom stages can cause End of Day to force Olimar's ship to fall through a hole and KO him. Unless an opponent gets hit by the Meteor Smash of the ship's ascent, this is extremely likely to result in a net loss for Olimar. N/A
Jigglypuff Smash 4 In Super Smash Bros. 4, hitting an opponent with Rollout will cause Jigglypuff to bounce off the opponent and constantly spin in the air as it falls down to the ground; if no floor is available for it to land on, it is a form of a sacrificial KO, as the player cannot modify Jigglypuff's trajectory unlike in Melee or Brawl.
Mii Brawler Smash 4 The Brawler's heel in their Soaring Axe Kick can drag down opponents along with them when it is used off-stage, resulting in both of their stocks lost. It should be noted that an Axe Kick used above a stage's edge is technically not a sacrificial KO, as the Brawler will safely land on the ground while their victim is left to plummet into the abyss. (See Ike's Sacrificial KO)
Wario Brawl; Smash 4 when Wario uses his final smash to become Wario-Man, if the opponent is at 40% or higher, he can use his motorcycle to to suicide into the opponent. (you CAN jump off if your quick enough, but jumping off will still shoot you forward a little, so make sure to jump off before you pass the edge of the screen.). if both players are on their last life and wario suicides, it will not count as a KO for wario, and he will win. example of a suicide:


  • Risky meteor smashes or off-stage aerials generally do not count as sacrificial KOs; the term implies that it is the move that KOs the user, not the fact that the user could not recover after using the move.
  • Using a move that KOs an opponent in addition to one's teammate (or one's partner Ice Climber) can be considered a sacrificial KO in some ways, with the main difference being that it is not self-sacrificial.
  • Sometimes, Olimar's Pikmin-based attacks will require him to throw a Pikmin off the ledge in order to land a KO. In this case, the loss for Olimar is not equivalent to a stock, and it is generally not considered a sacrificial KO, though it involves a level of "sacrifice".

In tournament play

While rare due to a relatively limited character pool, sacrificial KOs have their own rule within tournaments: If both the victim and initiator are KOed on their last stock because of a sacrificial KO, the results screen is ignored and the initiator is deemed the winner. This rule, however, has been disputed, with a minority of players claiming that the winner of the game should be determined by the game and not by observers. Additionally, as mentioned earlier for Smash 4, every character except for Diddy Kong and Ganondorf releases their opponent after they SD, allowing some characters to return to the stage, making this ruling even more questionable.

See also

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