SSBB Icon.png

Character Roll Call

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The character panels which come after the player's character trophy.

The Character Roll Call (キャラクターロール, Character Roll) is an ending sequence used in Super Smash Bros. Brawl based on the shooting feature of Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee's credits. However, unlike the previously mentioned credits, the Character Roll Call displays the character cast instead of the staff credits and voice actors. It is played after the successful completion of Classic Mode or All-Star Mode. The main idea is to shoot the panels of characters, Assist Trophies, character items (i.e. Bob-omb, Hothead, Mr. Saturn and Sandbag), Pokémon (which appear from Poké Ball) and trophies the player has unlocked or collected. Once a panel is hit, it flips and coins disperse from the panel. At the end, the total screen appears indicating how many panels were hit out of the total amount of panels shown, followed by how many coins the player has earned.

Hitting the panels rewards the shooter with two points, while hitting the name of the panel rewards only one point. No unlockables can be achieved with this feature. The higher the difficulty level, the more coins are earned per panel.

On record, no person has claimed to have struck every target on a full Character Roll Call in Brawl due to the sheer amount of trophies on-screen at one time.


A different music track will play based on the character the player was using. These themes usually are themes from the end of a game or else a personal theme.

Character Music
MarioHeadSSBB.png Mario Title/Ending (Super Mario World)
LuigiHeadSSBB.png Luigi Luigi's Mansion Theme
PeachHeadSSBB.png Peach Title/Ending (Super Mario World)
BowserHeadSSBB.png Bowser Giga Bowser (Melee)
DonkeyKongHeadSSBB.png Donkey Kong King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2
DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png Diddy Kong
YoshiHeadSSBB.png Yoshi Ending (Yoshi's Story)
WarioHeadSSBB.png Wario WarioWare, Inc. Medley
LinkHeadSSBB.png Link Tal Tal Heights
ZeldaHeadSSBB.png Zelda/SheikHeadSSBB.png Sheik Ocarina of Time Medley
GanondorfHeadSSBB.png Ganondorf Gerudo Valley
ToonLinkHeadSSBB.png Toon Link Village of the Blue Maiden
SamusHeadSSBB.png Samus/ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBB.png Zero Suit Samus Ending (Metroid)
PitHeadSSBB.png Pit Title (Kid Icarus)
IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png Ice Climbers Ice Climber
ROBHeadSSBB.png R.O.B. Gyromite
KirbyHeadSSBB.png Kirby Butter Building
MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png Meta Knight Meta Knight's Revenge
KingDededeHeadSSBB.png King Dedede King Dedede's Theme
OlimarHeadSSBB.png Olimar Stage Clear / Title (Pikmin)
FoxHeadSSBB.png Fox Main Theme (Star Fox)
FalcoHeadSSBB.png Falco Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
WolfHeadSSBB.png Wolf Star Wolf
CaptainFalconHeadSSBB.png Captain Falcon Fire Field
PikachuHeadSSBB.png Pikachu Pokémon Center
PokémonTrainerHeadSSBB.png Pokémon Trainer Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)
LucarioHeadSSBB.png Lucario Team Galactic Battle!
JigglypuffHeadSSBB.png Jigglypuff Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)
MarthHeadSSBB.png Marth Fire Emblem (Melee)
IkeHeadSSBB.png Ike Victory is Near
NessHeadSSBB.png Ness Snowman
LucasHeadSSBB.png Lucas Mother 3 Love Theme
MrGame&WatchHeadSSBB.png Mr. Game & Watch Flat Zone 2
SnakeHeadSSBB.png Snake Calling to the Night
SonicHeadSSBB.png Sonic Seven Rings in Hand


  • Despite being a character item, the Unira isn't listed within the Roll Call.

External links[edit]