The Golden Hammer is an item in SSBB. It acts similarly to a regular Hammer, but it improved in every way. It is more powerful, is swung faster, and can even let the user float in midair. However, it is exceptionally rare. Also, like the Hammer's Headless Hammer, the Golden Hammer can become the Golden Squeaky Hammer, which is useless.

Unlocking certain challenges will give you access to a limited suply of Golden Hammers to break some of the Challenges boxes. Although some of the challenges can be open with a hammer, It will sometimes be rejected, often on some of the most difficult chalenges.

The item originated in the game Wrecking Crew.

Trophy Description

A hammer that glows with golden light. It's easier to swing than a normal hammer, and more powerful too. If you tilt the Control Stick and press the attack button repeatedly, you float in midair. It's a very powerful item, but one that rarely appears. There's also a Golden Squeaky Hammer that does absolutely no damage at all. It's what you would call a fake.

Wrecking Crew, 1985

External Links

Golden Hammer Confirmation

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