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Wrecking Mario

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Wrecking Mario
Official description Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. It's not every day the wrecking crew asks for backup. Better demolish this building lickety-split to help them out!
Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues It's been a while since the wrecking crew needed backup. Help them out by destroying the building quickly!
Character(s) used Mario (1 stock)
Opponent(s) 2 Warios (unlimited stocks)
Stage(s) Wrecking Crew
Music Wrecking Crew Medley
Availability Clear Doctor Schmoctor
For reward Custom combination of the flags of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. Clear the stage on hard difficulty.
Source, tweaked to fix rendering issues Clear the stage on Hard difficulty.

Wrecking Mario is a single-player event match in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. In it, the player controls Mario, and must break all destructible portions of the Wrecking Crew stage. Unlike in normal play, the layout is predetermined, and destroying enough stage parts will cause them to cease to respawn; reaching this point completes the event. Wario appears from the beginning of the match, but after 30 seconds have passed, another Wario will appear. Hammers are the only items that appear. This event is similar to Event 4: Cleaning House in Skyworld from Brawl.


This event is unlocked by clearing Doctor Schmoctor. Completing the event does not unlock any additional paths. Once both the event is completed and Duck Hunt is unlocked, the right path is unlocked.

Completing the event on hard difficulty awards 2000G.


  • Wario as an opponent is likely a reference to Foreman Spike from the original Wrecking Crew game and its Super Famicom sequel Wrecking Crew '98.