Talk:Banjo/Archive 1

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These are 2 totally different charecters. if Luma and Pikmin can get a page surely these 2 can. Xtraneed it to be a shorter file nameTalk Edits 12:58, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

100% agree. SerpentKing 12:58, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
Yeah, I think it would be better, since Kazooie has her own personality and her own attacks. Anthony1996 (talk) 13:02, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
How about we just make this page a disambiguation and make it link to Banjo Kazooie, & Banjo & Kazooie (SSBU) Xtraneed it to be a shorter file nameTalk Edits 13:01, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

I vehemently oppose splitting; there's no mechanic of them operating separately as characters like Pikmin or Luma which have individual actions. A better analogue is Duck Hunt - two entities functioning as one duo. Miles (talk) 13:04, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Difference between duckhunt and this is that duckhunt is just a duck, not really a charecter. Kazooie is a charecter. Xtraneed it to be a shorter file nameTalk Edits 13:06, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
It doesn't really make sense to talk about them separately, though. They're near-universally handled as a duo, and there's little to say about them separately when the character slot is named for both of them as a duo, not even with "&" like Rosalina. Miles (talk) 13:11, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
That's actually what I thought when I wrote the page. I don't know. I knew this discussion would happen. Anthony1996 (talk) 13:25, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose The difference between Banjo and Rosalina is that Banjo is almost never seen without Kazooie, while Rosalina is almost always without a Luma outside of Smash. Awesomelink234, the Super Cool Gamer Leave a message if needed 13:12, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Support. To be completely honest I wouldn't mind splitting the dog and duck, too. TheNuttyOne 13:15, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Miles, this is about the character page, not the fighter page. Smash mechanics are irrelevant here. SerpentKing 13:16, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose. Luma, Pikmin and Kazooie are separate characters with their own abilities yes but Kazooie is more tailored as a connection to banjo. it wouldn't feel right if they have separate pages Mr.gameandfight (talk) 13:37, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose. If we're gonna do it for Rosaluma, why not Ice Climbers? And that would be stupid. I think because it's one fighter, we should keep it to one wiki page (if not to save server space, at least because they're the same fighter, just with two characters.) Here's what I'm proposing. I think it would be better to have two separate *sections* on the pages, but not two pages. The sections could tell us the roles of both characters in that one fighter. What each one does in moves/taunts/whatever else. That should be the standard for Rosaluma, Duck Hunt, etc. That's how it should be done in my opinion. N0where (talk) 13:51, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose. Banjo and Kazooi ar e more like the duck hunt Dog and Bird, they more or less share the same skeleton. I dont think Kazooi can be KO'ed on her own without Banjo, again like the duck from duck Hunt. Olimar and rosalina can function without pikmin and luma, but Banjo and Kazooi don't seem like they'd be able to function without one another.
Ixbran (talk) 13:54, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

This is a charecter page, not a fighter page we shouldn't have to worry about how they play just the fact that these are 2 very diffferent charecters. Xtraneed it to be a shorter file nameTalk Edits 13:56, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Support The official website calls them Banjo AND Kazooie rather than "Banjo-Kazooie" like the trailer did. Gagesango (talk) 14:11, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose Does Duck Hunt Dog and the ducks have their own page? Obviously not the best example but Duck Hunt Dog is never seen without its duck. CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 14:43, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Here's the thing: Rosalina and Luma are two different entities with two different movesets. Pikmin help out Olimar by being his attacks. From the looks of it, Banjo and Kazooie are pretty much one entity - they function as one being, much like Duck Hunt. Aidan, the Rurouni 14:44, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Once again though, this article is not about their appearance in smash. Therefore their smash appearance (which I agree: one article) should not be considered here. SerpentKing 14:54, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
I think Aidan's point is that the only other instance of two separate characters fighting as one "entity" -- Duck Hunt -- isn't split. Therefore, it would be inconsistent to split Banjo and Kazooie but not the dog and ducks. Like I said, I personally would prefer splitting both. TheNuttyOne 15:00, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
I oppose to the split because of Duck Hunt and Ice Climbers. If we split Banjo-Kazooie than Popo and Nana would need to be separated and so would the nameless dog and duck. And besides, we're Smash Wiki so we should have emphasis on the Super Smash Bros. series. SeanWheeler (talk) 16:45, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
Weak oppose for the same reasoning. They're distinct as characters, yes, but they're very closely related in Smash and in their native games, just like Duck Hunt and the Ice Climbers. Nyargleblargle.pngNyargleblargle (Contribs) 17:27, June 11, 2019 (EDT)
Oppose for these same reasons. It's also worth noting that Pikmin and Luma freely respawn and don't affect their base character's moveset much when separated, so they are essentially a separate entity; Duck Hunt and Banjo & Kazooie can't be separated at all, and KOing Nana significantly alters Popo's moveset and gameplay, so these are all more integral as a pair. DryKirby64 (talk) 20:59, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Support To me the "&" is acknowledging that these are two distinct entities like Rosalina & Luma, joined up. If they had called it "Banjo-Kazooie" I think I would actually say "keep it together, that's the name of a duo like Duck Hunt." Their "&" choice is consistent with the fact that these characters sometimes do appear separately or without the other, such as the cases of Diddy Kong Racing and some Minecraft skins. --Porplemontage (talk) 20:47, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

This is their main character page, correct? Not their fighter page. They are two separate individuals, just like with Luma and Pikmin. Duck Hunt is a uniqe case as the name refers to both simultaneously. The other characters mentioned have the name of both characters. I think its worth noting that Banjo and Kazooie do have separate pages on their own wiki.

I think Banjo and Kazooie should have their own character pages. Even if Kazooie is not separate in terms of move set, characters that are part of a move get their own pages. Rush, Beat, Lloid, Proto Man, Tom Nook, Phantom, Navi, and so on. This is not their fighter page Wolff (talk) 20:56, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Split. Banjo and Kazooie, as characters outside of the Smash Bros. series (which is the context here), are very distinct and should not be lumped together on the same page. Toomai Glittershine ??? The Brass 21:02, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

For the record, I would not be opposed to using this logic to also split Duck Hunt's dog and duck pages, but that's a much weaker case as they have almost no individual characterization. Popo and Nana are undifferentiated palette swaps and should remain together. Toomai Glittershine ??? Da Bomb 21:04, June 11, 2019 (EDT)

Hooh boy this debate spiraled out of control quickly. Throw my hat in the ring to split them. As Porplemontage mentioned, the two characters do appear separately from each other in some instances (most notably Banjo being in Diddy Kong Racing but not Kazooie). Also, the reason why we don’t split the dog and the ducks is because they don’t have enough history apart from each other to be slit. Same with the Ice Climbers. Rosalina has been in games without Luma, and Pikmin have been in games without Olimar. Since Banjo had been in games withoug Kazooie, we should split them for consistency as well. Lou Cena (talk) 04:10, June 12, 2019 (EDT)

Support: Ren Amamiya and Arsene lol.

If it wasn't clear, I also Support the split. Wolff (talk) 02:41, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
Oppose, seeing as Rosalina and the Lumas can go alone. Banjo and Kazooie meanwhile have no means of separation in-game. --Tailikku (talk) 09:18, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
Do you know the difference between a character page from a fighter page? Because this is a character page. 11:31, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
Fighter pages shows how a fighter works in an installment. The fighter pages have an abbreviation for the installment (64, SSBM, SSBB, SSB4, and SSBU). Character pages, which is what this is, mainly shows where the originated from. With the exception of the Koopalings and Hero, all individual characters get their own character page. The Koopalings as a whole have a page on the Mario wiki, as well as individual pages. Wolff (talk) 14:13, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
I'm neutral about the split. On one hand, it makes sense to discuss characters of contrasting personalities separately. On the other hand, it's hard to talk about Banjo without Kazooie and vise versa. CardboardLuigi (talk) 17:39, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
The Banjo Kazooie Wiki has no problems as treating them as individuals with their own pages. We probably wouldn't either. Wolff (talk) 17:54, June 12, 2019 (EDT)

Oppose They are a duo and are not seen without each other, unlike Rosalina, who is standalone. —Meester Tweester (talk) 20:07, June 12, 2019 (EDT)

Diddy Kong Racing says hi. TheNuttyOne 20:10, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
Hi. —Meester Tweester (talk) 20:12, June 12, 2019 (EDT)
This is indeed a difficult problem, iI can't seem to find a unified standard to explain the present situation of all combinations characters, the only way is for us to set a standard now.--Capstalker (talk) 11:15, June 13, 2019 (EDT)

Here's the way I see it:

  • Rosalina is, by all means, the default character, in both Smash and Mario Galaxy. She is the caretaker of the Lumas, and is treated as her own separate entity. Therefore, she and Luma have separate main pages on here, despite essentially functioning as one character in Smash.
  • Olimar is the main character of the Pikmin games, despite the creatures sharing the name with the franchise. Olimar uses the Pikmin to complete tasks and get his ship parts in order to return back home, and the Pikmin play an integral part of his moveset as well. Therefore, he has a separate page from the Pikmin, despite essentially functioning as one character in Smash.
  • The dog and duck are a bit of an odd case, as it IS an early NES title with little to no story, but for all intents and purposes, both the dog and the duck are the main characters of the game, with the duck being the objective, and the dog being the one that shows up every time you do something (to either gather a duck you, the player, shot down, or laugh in your face when you miss like the asshole he is). Therefore, the dog and the duck get one page, because they both share an equal role in their game of origin.
  • Banjo and Kazooie, despite being separate characters and Banjo having decidedly more of an appearance in the Banjo-Kazooie games than Kazooie, are, similarly, both the main characters of the franchise. Both of them share adventures, dialogue, and use each other to help them complete their individual attacks. Therefore, Banjo and Kazooie should share a page, because, like the dog and the duck, they both share an equal role in their franchise of origin.

Aidan, the Rurouni 14:13, June 13, 2019 (EDT)

Aside from Diddy Kong Racing, do cameos in other games count? Banjo has appeared by himself in some format in Conker's Bad Fur Day and Viva Piñata. If not, Banjo and Kazooie also have the Split-Up ability in Banjo-Tooie so they can do separate tasks. Wolff (talk) 17:47, June 13, 2019 (EDT)
I guess the cameos would make a difference, if it's solely Banjo, and, thinking about the origins of Banjo-Kazooie (i.e., Project Dream), he was always the center of the project - I guess my main issue is it feels weird to shove Kazooie off to the side and have Banjo be the focal point, when, in both the games of origin and Smash, that's not the case. Aidan, the Rurouni 17:59, June 13, 2019 (EDT)
They are separate entities. Here are the list of Banjo-Kazooie cameos. Their out of universe cameos are at the bottom of the list. Wolff (talk) 23:40, June 13, 2019 (EDT)