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The Project M logo

Project M is a hack for Super Smash Bros. Brawl designed to make the gameplay more closely resemble that of Super Smash Bros. Melee. Its approximately 50 member team, which is descended from the team that developed Brawl +, is known as the Project M Backroom, or PMBR for short. It has members from over ten countries, though as of now, only an NTSC version has been released.[1]

It was featured as a singles side event at Genesis 2 with $225 in prize money.

Universal changes

  • Altered camera that behaves similarly to Melee.
  • Game Settings Modifier (Set to 8-minute, 4 stock matches)
  • Melee air dodge: Also known as MAD. The air dodge physics and mechanics used in Melee are used in Project M, allowing for advanced techniques such as Wavedashing.
  • Manual L-canceling: Unlike in Brawl+, a player has to use L, R, or Z to reduce the landing lag of aerials, similar to how it was done in Melee and Smash64.
  • Dash dancing: Changed back to the dash dancing physics and mechanics of Melee.
  • Crouch Canceling: Reimplemented from Smash 64/Melee.
  • Down smash while holding down on the analog stick: In Brawl, if a player attempts to use a d-smash while crouching, they'll perform a down tilt. Instead, this does not happen in Project M.
  • Ledge tech: The ability to ledge tech is reimplemented in Project M.
  • Edge cancel: The Melee/Smash 64 technique to doing an aerial (or a recovery) onto the edge of a platform to cancel the ending lag is reimplemented in Project M.
  • Jump cancel grabs: The ability to cancel a jump with a grab is reimplemented in Project M.
  • Reflective powershield: Powershielding now reflect projectiles back at opponents, as they did in Melee.
  • Taunt Canceling: From Smash 64, the ability to cancel a taunt is reimplemented.
  • Melee shieldstun: Shieldstun from Melee is reimplemented in Project M.
  • Removed auto-sweetspot ledges: The ability to auto-sweetspot ledges from Brawl has been removed in Project M.
  • Tech window: The window of time for teching has been altered to match the tech window in Melee.
  • Hitlag modifier: Reduces hitlag.
  • Momentum capture: Transfer more momentum into a jump.
  • Shield during dash dance: The ability to shield during a dash dance is reimplemented in Project M.
  • Dash cancel: The ability to cancel a dash with a crouch has been reimplemented in Project M. This allows pivoting among other techniques to generally be performed easier.
  • "Meleefying" characters, such as changes involving changing back characters to how they were in Melee, an example being how Falco's Reflector functioning how it did in Melee.
  • Extra stages (Such as Dream Land, Hyrule Castle, and custom stages.)
  • Charizard, Squirtle, and Ivysaur are now separate characters.

Character Changes

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Melee Veterans

All Melee veterans should be assumed to have been reverted to their melee format, and then changed from there. This includes all specials, normals, character properties such as weight and run speed, but does not include textures/vertexes or sound effects.


  • Many of Mario's move now function like Dr. Mario's moves from melee, such as the beginning of F-air, B-air, U-smash, and others.
  • The trajectory of Mario's Fireballs have been changed to be mixed with Mario's and Dr. Mario's.
  • Mario's Super Jump Punch can now be now has a more lenient Wall-Jump cancel. So long as it ends touching the wall, it can be wall-jumped out of. In melee, the move had to begin with Mario touching the wall.


  • Green Missile's misfire has changed so you can now plan when you will use it. Spin the barrel at the start of a match and within six "shots", Luigi will misfire. When a misfire is about to occur, Luigi flashes green before detonating. If a Green Missile is charged past the duration of this flash then the attack will return to normal, and the misfire will be stored for the next Green Missile. Letting a misfire go off "spins" the barrel again of course. Since a misfire can be stored any number of times, Luigi can now control precisely when and how he uses it - changing it from a roll of the dice to a lethal certainty.
  • Fireball's range has been increased, and endlag decreased.
  • Luigi has more control while falling after a Super Jump Punch.
  • Green Missile can hit the sweet spot of the ledge so he can grab them right away.
  • The Luigi Cyclone no longer requires a "charge" by performing it on-stage before it can be used as a recovery move. It's also less strenuous to mash the special button to get it to rise, and Luigi can act out of it earlier.


  • Peach's Side-B has vBrawl length but Melee properties and GFX. When taunt is held, the vBrawl hearts will appear instead of the explosion.
  • Peach's Up-B has vBrawl height.
  • Peach's forward smash has a random first swing, but after that it cycles in this order; Tennis racket, golf club, and frying pan.


  • Bowser is significantly larger than his Melee self, extending the range of his attacks significantly, while making him slightly easier to combo.
  • Bowser is slightly heavier.
  • Most of Bowser's attacks do much more damage and knockback, most notably F-smash (which has an added explosion SFX/GFX), U-Smash, F-air, U-air, B-air, Back and Forward throws, Side-B back throw, and others.
  • The second hit of D-tilt is now optional, activated by pressing A a second time.
  • His instant Fire Breath
  • When bowser flashes red during an attack, he gets a strong knockback based armor. This armor requires high knockback hits to break Bowser out of the animation. He has this armor on N-air, all his smashes, his dash attack, Bowser Bomb, and Koopa Klaw.
  • Bowser also has weak, damage based armor on some moves and animations, including his D-air, B-air, Grounded Whirling Fortress, his Crouch/Crawl, and his U-smash while charging.
  • Bowser can now break shield far easier now.
  • His Down-B is jump-cancelable before the apex of the leap, enabling to chase opponents quickly into the air.
  • Koopa Klaw cannot be delayed nor can Bowser bite the opponent during the move. If no direction is chosen, the forward throw defaults after a short period of time. He has a new animation for this Forward throw where he headbutts the opponent.

Donkey Kong

  • Neutral-Aerial is now an effective approach option; it was given more range and slight invincibility on his arms during part of the attack.
  • Down-Aerial's endlag has been shortend.
  • Forward-Aerial comes out faster and has more KO potential.
  • Like in Melee, DK is able to chaingrab fastfallers and chain Up-Aerials into re-grabs for death combos if performed correctly.
  • DK's back-throw's knockback has increased.
  • DK's dash attack has been changed. It is now a roll similar to the roll in Donkey Kong Country Returns. It has weak armor and can roll of edges and platforms. Can be jumped out of in mid-air.
  • DK's Down-B now has much wider grounded hitboxes that ground-bounce the opponent and only slaps the ground twice per button press (making it optionally much shorter); it functions well for shield pressure and tech chasing.


  • Most of Link's normal attacks have slight speed and power increases. For example, Link's Dash-Attack and Down-Smash both have sooner IASA frames so that they can be acted out of sooner and are generally less unsafe to use on shielded opponents. Link's Forward-Tilt has been speed up to match Young Link's Forward-Tilt, making it extremely dangerous. The Up-Smash has been sped up as well so that the three slashes can link together better.
  • Link's Hero's Bow has its charge speed increased by 33%, its knockback increased, its knockback angle changed to send at a much more horizontal angle, and it even retains its Brawl trajectory.
  • Link's bombs are reverted to the Melee version, giving the knockback and trajectory of Melee's bombs.
  • The Gale Boomerang concept was done away with entirely, being replaced by the Boomerang that feels like its Smash 64 incarnation.
  • Link's Spin Attack has gotten a big change. The grounded version hits like the Melee version of the attack, with a strong initial hit and the weak hit sending at a semi-spike angle. The aerial version of the Spin Attack gains additional horizontal momentum, making this version of Link's Up-B the best iteration in terms of recovery distance.


  • Zelda's forward and back aerials have two sweetspots: A larger Melee sized one that is weaker than in Melee but still does good knockback and damage, and Brawl sized sweetspots that are extremely powerful. They also have an electric flub sourspot and a body hitbox sourspot.
  • Neutral-Air's multiple hits link into each other much better (an improvement that is also seen on the rest of her moveset) and the hitboxes are larger.
  • Down-Air has also been made to sweetspot on grounded opponents in addition to aerial opponents.
  • Finally, Up-Air has an early hitbox at the base of her fingertips.
  • Din's Fire no longer functions like it did in Melee and Brawl. Din's Fire still begins with Zelda sending out a fireball - however, instead of exploding once the B button is released, the fireball stays suspended in the air with an active hitbox for roughly three seconds. Contact with this hitbox deals minor damage and knockback, but if the fireball is allowed to tick fully and explode, they do so with great force. This attack cannot be reflected or sent back at Zelda, but can be canceled out completely by the opponent's attacks. Shielding them won't stop them from exploding, making these projectiles similar to Link's bombs or Snake's grenades. Zelda can have up to three fireballs active at one time, and each fireball that's set refreshes the fuses on all already out so Zelda can extend the life of a fireball in a good position.
  • Farore's Wind is air dodge interruptible teleporting from the ground, giving Zelda the ability to Waveland or pseudo-Wavedash any time during the duration of the move.
  • Nayru's Love is land cancelable after the attack frames end, and the ground based version has improved invulnerability but no such cancel.
  • Transform is slowed down at the beginning of the move but allows Zelda to act out of it instantly to compensate for variable load time issues. This change to Transform is also shared by Sheik.


  • Sheik's down-throw has been altered to have an angle between her PAL d-throw and her NTSC d-throw. To compensate, the animation and throw happen much faster, and her back-throw now has the perfect angle and knockback to use for DI confusion when chain grabbing and tech chasing.
  • Her needles have had the hurtboxes removed, meaning the no longer eat much more powerful projectiles, and have clankable hitboxes.
  • Transform is no longer her worst option (see Zelda section).
  • Unlike Melee, the chain's hitboxes are unable to clank out projectiles. The electric tipper hit also cannot hit aerial targets, so the effective range is reduced somewhat against people in the air. Brawl mechanics have blessed the chain with the drag maneuver though, which allows the hitboxes to refresh very quickly when the chain is maneuvered with a repeated 2323_2121 motion with the chain flat along the ground. This can deal a great amount of damage in very little time, especially if they dare attempt to CC their way out of it.
  • Vanish has stronger vBrawl knockback and damage.
  • Has her Crawl and Wall-Cling from vBrawl.
  • Chain-Jacket glitch from vBrawl has not been removed.


  • Most of his moveset has been completely restored to its Melee incarnation. Even moves that look visually similar to Brawl, such as his Down-Tilt, function exactly like their Melee counterpart.
  • He retained a couple moves from Brawl. One is Up-B, which keeps the punch at the end if it doesn't grab anyone. The other is the Side-B command grab.
  • Warlock Punch can be reversed as in vBrawl.


  • Most of his moveset has been restored to Melee.
  • Pikachu has received his Back-Aerial from Smash64 game.
  • Pikachu's Up-B has retained it's Quick Attack-Cancel technique from vBrawl.


  • JigglyPuff has been completely reverted to Melee format.


  • Fox has been completely reverted to his Melee format.


  • Falco has been completely reverted to his Melee format.
  • His Jab has its vBrawl animations but functions as it does in Melee.


  • Almost completely reverted to his Melee self.
  • D-air now has less landing lag.


  • Ness's Up-Smash is now faster and set the opponent up for juggling.
  • D-Smash now travels out much further to function as an onstage Edge-Guarding tool.
  • Up-Aerial and Back-Aerial were given more kill power.
  • Neutral-Aerial comes out slightly quicker.
  • D-Aerial now comes out much faster.
  • PK Thunder 2 now travels much farther and retains its hit-box throughout the move.
  • PK Flash is smaller, but moves farther and faster.
  • PK Fire no longer halts your aerial momentum and that PK Fire will also activate on shielded opponents.
  • Ness has his Double-Jump Cancel from Melee and 64, and it is now optional. Holding jump prevents DJC'd aerials, although specials will DJC regardless.
  • YoYo glitch no longer exists.

Captain Falcon

  • Falcon has been almost completely restored to his Melee self.
  • Falcon Punch can be turned around as in vBrawl.
  • Raptor Boost can grab onto the ledge now.

Mr. Game & Watch

  • All his aerials can now be L-canceled.
  • Up aerial only hits once and has drastically less ending lag.
  • Down aerial's landing hitbox now spike-bounces.
  • His Chef attack cancels on landing, just like Falco's lasers.
  • Oil Panic has less ending lag after catching a projectile, and will almost always OHKO when it is full.
  • Fire's parachute is removed.
  • His forward smash has not only regained its former power, but its later hitbox is more powerful.
  • Forward tilt can now be interrupted as quickly as the hitbox diminishes.

Brawl Newcomers


  • Wario's Down-Smash has been changed, it is now punches the ground and creates a small earthquake similar to "Wario Land: Shake It!".
  • Back-Air has been replace with a back punch, it does more damage and is similar to his forward-tilt.
  • Wario's Forward Smash has also been revamped - it is now a powerful front kick which has Wario flailing his arms about in order to regain balance.
  • Wario's Down-Air has been replaced with a ground pound which meteor smashes enemies.
  • Wario Bike has been completely replaced with a Wario Land style shoulder bash. The shoulder bash makes Wario dash forward similar to his replaced forward-smash. The later a foe is hit during this mad dash, the more powerful the impact will be. In keeping with its Wario Land utility, Wario can jump while performing a grounded Shoulder Bash and continue his tackle in order to chase airborne opponents. Shoulder Bash can be cancelled into a crouch, as it could in the Wario Land series. After crouching, Wario will then slide, carrying over the momentum from his Shoulder Bash. He can also use the move to recover horizontally when off the stage. Keep in mind, however, that when Wario crashes into a wall, he bounces off of it. The more he continues to hit the wall the less height he'll gain. If the move is started in the air, it will render him helpless once the animation is over.
  • Corkscrew has more control going left and right when flying up.
  • Wario is now helpless after using Wario Waft.
  • Chomp now doesn't hold enemies for quite as long as it did in Brawl, but he can now throw enemies backwards now after biting them.
  • Wario also possesses a new dash grab. During this move, Wario briefly dashes forward and grabs enemies. Because the beginning of the animation is similar to Shoulder Bash, the opponent must be wary of not shielding too prematurely.
  • When pummeling, coins pop out of the enemy similar to Mario and Luigi's Super Jump Punch.

King Dedede

  • King Dedede's jab combo now links properly.
  • Forward-Smash has larger range, but slower start up.
  • Up-Smash has also gained larger range.
  • Down-Smash now sends opponents behind Dedede.
  • Up-Aerial now is just a single hit.
  • Forward-Aerial is now a full hammer sweep from below. It covers a longer range and does more damage then the previous Forward-Aerial.
  • Jet Hammer is changed a little bit. The longer you charge it, the bigger momentum boost you get while swinging. Dedede also gains light armor while charging.
  • Super Dedede Jump no longer has super armor on the move, making his recovery less unstoppable and also more reasonable to deal with. However, his Up-B momentum can be cancelled by pressing down, helping against some forms of edge guarding and allowing Dedede to mix up his recovery methods.
  • Waddle Dee Toss can be angled more.

Toon Link

  • His forward tilt has been slightly sped up.
  • Down-Tilt is now a crouching stab reminiscent of his shield-stab from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
  • Toon Link's Forward-Smash has changed to a jumping slash, similar to the one used by Adult Link in Smash 64.
  • Toon Link's Up-Smash is now a two-slice move, with a strong initial hit that can kill the opponent that is quickly followed by a second cut that is better for comboing that also provides him additional coverage and damages shields.
  • Toon Link's Down-Smash now hits once in the same fashion that Young Link's did in Melee.
  • Toon Link has a new dash attack. It is inspired by Young Link and Smash 64. Toon Link quickly darts forward, stabbing the Master Sword in front of him.
  • Toon Link's Neutral-Aerial is now to that of Young Links.
  • Down-Aerial no longer causes him to quickly rush to the ground, but he again has the fire-spike that Young Link could utilize in Melee.
  • His animations from Brawl also increase his range and priority on his Up and Down aerials.
  • Toon Link's Hero's Bow is now similar to that of Young Link's Fire Bow, but he shoots farther.
  • Boomerang can now be angled more.
  • Toon Link's Bombs now copy Young Links which cause multiple quick explosions.
  • Toon Link's Spin Attack doesn't go as high as it used to and that the spin attack on the ground when charged goes farther.


  • Lucario can now do a "magic series" which can combo moves that couldn't combo before. Example: Jab or Dash Attack -> Tilt -> Smash -> Special. This is inspired by traditional fighting games have these magic series.
  • Force Palm functions as a grab that can be used in a magic series, breaking an opponent's guard. In the air he will also grab, but will instead throw his opponent downwards. The aerial version can also be used as part of a magic series (after forward-air, for example).
  • Extreme Speed does deals slight damage and knockback.
  • Double Team is not a counter anymore. It is now a small dash which grants invincibility. While in the air, Lucario will dash diagonally downwards.
  • The aura system has been changed. It takes form of a invisible meter which builds up the more you do combos. Lucario's hands will start to glow when it reaches 50%. This means that you have a single aura charge available in which Lucario can stack two of. If he is killed however, the charges will reset. With these aura charges, Lucario can do 4 things.

Aura Bomb (Special + Attack): Lucario will throw big and slow sphere which does alot of damage.

Force Blast (Forward Special + Attack): the super version of this move increases its damage and drastically increases its knockback. The aerial version also throws his opponents at a downward angle rather than straight down.

Extreme Speed Cancel (Up B): This allows Lucario to end Extreme Speed prematurely by pressing A and quickly act out of it. One can use this to chase an opponent and then attack him. For recovery purposes, the cancel can also be used at the end of the move, allowing you to air dodge in an attempt to cover the little extra distance you may need to reach the stage.

Double Team Cancel (Down B): This allows Lucario to instantly attack out of Double Team by pressing A, making it a good frontal approach option. Using the cancel will briefly prolong the move's invincibility frames, giving you just enough time to land a quick hit. However, be wary, attacks can still be traded, so time it right!


  • Pokemon Trainer is gone, same goes for the other pokemon of his.
  • Several of his ground attacks now act as launchers. These launchers include his jab, the majority of his tilts, smashes, down throw, and his brand new up throw that is based on the Seismic Toss motion from the animated series.
  • Since Pokemon Trainer is gone, this means that quick change has been replaced. It has been replaced with Fly. A move where Charizard powers up and flies high up into the air. The move can be charged to fly up higher. When used in the air, Charizard instantly glides.
  • The old fly has been renamed Fire Spin.
  • Rock Smash has been replaced with a new move called Heat Wave. Heat Wave can be used to gain distance from the enemy because it sends you backwards if you perform Heat Wave in the air. The closer the enemy is to the attack however, the more damage and knock back they will take.


  • Wolf's Reflector now sends enemies diagonally instead of forwards like Fox's.
  • Wolf's Blaster has been changed. Projectiles are slower then before, but do more damage and are larger.
  • Fire Wolf is now is a single-hit aerial dash attack that will send foes flying in the direction which he is travelling.
  • Wolf Flash has be slightly changed so that if Wolf hits with the end of the animation, he won't go into free-fall, allowing him to then use another recovery move to get back on stage.


  • Ike's speed has significantly increased to fit Project: M's mechanics.
  • Up-Tilt's has been sped up.
  • Quick Draw has been changed a bit. First, Quick Draw will not attack automatically. If Ike doesn't push anything, the player will just dash past the enemy. To slash, you will have to push the special button. Quick Draw is also jump-cancelable and Ike can wall jump after Quick Draw.
  • Counter starts slightly quicker.
  • Aether's super armor is replaced with light armor.


  • PK Freeze was replace with a new special move called "Offense Up". Offense Up, when the B button is pressed, Offense Up begins to charge not unlike Samus's Charge Shot or Donkey Kong's Giant Punch. After a few moments, Lucas's hands glow with power and the next smash attack that he performs deals greater damage, shield damage, and knockback. While the charge can be canceled and held at any time during the charge, there is no benefit to holding a partial charge; Lucas's smashes will remain at their normal power until the full charge is complete.
  • Lucas's PK Fire has changed slightly. It now uses the graphic of PK Freeze and does Ice damage instead of fire.
  • Lucas has gained Double Jump Canceling.
  • Lucas's jab combo has change, Lucas now uses magic instead of kicking.
  • Psi Magnet is jump-cancelable.
  • Up-Tilt is now a flash kick.
  • Back-Aerial is now a roundhouse kick.


  • Angel Ring is replaced with a new move called Wings Of Icarus. Pit will use his wings to launch forward into a command-glide. This glide has a high initial velocity, but quickly settles at a lower speed. Be aware that trying to use Wings of Icarus more than twice while airborne will send you into Special-Fall, and if you get hit out of it once, you will not be able to glide again until after reaching the ground. Also note that Pit's old glide performed after a mid-air jump has been removed.
  • Wings of Icarus is replaced by a new move called Shield Bash. When initiated, Pit will swing his mirror shield above him in a powerful attack while leaping upwards. Although the move's recovery utility is greatly diminished from Brawl's Wings of Icarus, it's still a useful option when returning to the ledge.
  • Palutena's Arrow's Hit-Stun increases far quicker than the damage.
  • Similar from Roy in Melee, Pit's attacks now do more damage at the tip of the bow daggers.
  • Up-Aerial has been sped up and made a single-hit juggler.
  • Down-Aerial now has a sweet spot at the tip of the blade where it can meteor smash.


  • Down-Aerial is more mobile and has more flexibility.
  • Up-Air has been overhauled to fit better in his Project M playstyle. It is an eyeblast, similar to his Forward-Smash, but it arcs over his head.
  • R.O.B.'s Up and Side specials have been replaced with Robo-Booster. R.O.B. can quickly boost himself left, right, or up, changing his direction on a whim for surprise attacks or retreats. He can boost 3 times before he must land, and landing replenishes all his boosts instantly. It is important to note that this is the only way to get his boosts back. Grabbing the edge will only give him 1 boost back if he has run out. On the ground, R.O.B.'s Forward-Special cannot boost him smoothly along the ground, so he struggles and flails his arms around wildly, reflecting projectiles in a nod to his Arm Rotor from Brawl.
  • The time to charge Robo Beam all the way has been shortened.
  • Gyro now shoots out with significantly less velocity. This hinders its ability to be used at long range, but it greatly enhances its uses for stage control, and lets ROB pick it up quicker. Its range and power can still be extended by charging it up. Something to note is that R.O.B. can still perform aerial attacks even when he has a Gyro in hand, by doing them out of a Robo-Booster.


  • Homing Attack now goes straight at the opponent and you can combo into moves from Homing Attack. Homing attack is both jump-cancelable and special-cancelable whenever it hits someone. You can't combo into another Homing attack though. Sonic now strikes a pose after a successful attack from Homing attack.
  • Down-Special is now his sole Charging Spin Dash, and it's gained most of the nuances his old Side-Special had while retaining all of its own properties.
  • As for Side-Special, it's a fast-starting spin attack with a variable height jump attached.
  • Sonic has a new Forward-Aerial, a front-flip kick.
  • Down-Aerial is now faster.
  • Up-Aerial links better and spacing for the tips of his shoes can yield early kills.
  • Neutral-Aerial now looks slightly different and has a bigger hit-box. It is inspired by Sonic 3.
  • Up-Smash ends much faster.
  • Down-Smash has been changed to a multi-hitting break dancing move.
  • Forward-Smash has more power.


  • C4 has been changed. It no longer transfers between players, Snake can stick C4 to players on the ground, and it has more KO potential.
  • Mines now can KO at lower percentages, can be planted quicker, and has a larger radius for them to be tripped.
  • Forward and Backthrow's angles have changed so it is easier to throw people into mines and C4.
  • Grenade now explodes quicker, but only one can be out at a time.
  • Up-Tilt has been replaced with a powerful uppercut.
  • Forward-Smash has been replaced with a knife combo.
  • Snake can now drag grabbed enemies by using the right and left taunt buttons. Best used for throwing people at mines that are out of reach.
  • If snake attacks while crawling, he will stab using a knife instead of using the spin kick.

Release history

Demo 1.0

Released February 8, 2011

  • 14 characters available
    • Mario
    • Link
    • Captain Falcon
    • Fox
    • Marth
    • Mr. Game & Watch
    • Sheik
    • Zelda
    • Ganondorf
    • Falco
    • Jigglypuff
    • Lucas
    • Snake
    • Sonic

Demo 2.0

Released April 17, 2012

  • Added 15 characters
    • Wario
    • Luigi
    • Bowser
    • Peach
    • Donkey Kong
    • Wolf
    • King Dedede (shown as "Dedede" on the character selection screen)
    • Toon Link
    • Ness
    • Pikachu
    • Lucario
    • Charizard
    • Ike
    • Pit
    • R.O.B.

Demo 2.1

Released May 23, 2012

  • Major bug fixes


  • Project Leaders: Shanus
  • Lead Character Developments: SHeLL, Camelot, Strong Bad
  • Additional Coders: Magus, Dantarion, Yeroc, WindOwl, Almas, Standardtoaster
  • Character design/Development: Shanus, Magus, jiang, Strong Bad, WindOwl, JCaesar, leafgreen386, Falco400, Plum, rPSI, Shadic.
  • Backroom testers: Mango, Lucky, Lovage, Silent Wolf, KirbyKaze, unknown522, RaynEX, Amsah, Faab, Bombsoldier, Captain Jack among others. All beta testers are approved through: application thread
  • Graphics/Menu Design: MookieRah, VectorAce, Shadic, camelot
  • Stage design: FrozenHobo, GameWatching, Mewtwo2000, Shadic, Monk.
  • And special thanks to Phantom Wings, paprika killer, Almas, and others


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