Mei Ling speaking to Snake about Lucario.

Mei Ling is a character from the third-party Konami stealth game series Metal Gear, who first appeared in the game Metal Gear Solid. In Metal Gear Solid, she gives Solid Snake famous Chinese proverbs when he saves his game, such as: "You must cross the river before telling the crocodile it has bad breath." In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, like Otacon and Colonel Roy Campbell, she appears in a number of Snake's Shadow Moses Island Smash Taunts.

On the stage Shadow Moses Island, players using Snake can activate a Smash Taunt that displays a Codec message in which Snake speaks with Otacon, Mei Ling or Roy Campbell about a character he is fighting during the match. He speaks with Mei Ling about Peach, Sheik, Toon Link, Zero Suit Samus, Pikachu, Lucario, The Ice Climbers, Marth, Lucas, Olimar, and Meta Knight.

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