User:Jordan P./Hero (SSBU)/Down special

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Command Selection opens up a menu with four randomly selected spells. These spells require varying amounts of MP to use (Magic Burst will use all MP, but doesn't neccesarily reqire 100 MP). Shielding or jumping will close the menu, canceling the move and allowing Hero to open it again for a new set of four different spells. By pressing the opposite direction when selecting a move or tilting the right stick in the opposite direction to select a move, Hero will turn around before unleashing the move, similarly to B-reversing.

The startup and cancelling lag of this move is instaneous, allowing for a spell to be selected as soon as frame 1. However, Hero can only have the menu out for up to 8 seconds; if Hero keeps it out for any longer, the menu will automatically close.

List of spells

An icon for denoting incomplete things.

To view a spell's technical information, click on its name.

Note: Spells without links will get their proper links attatched when available; the names without links are placeholders for these missing links.

Note: Moves highlighted in the same colour will cross-stale each other, and also will never simultaneously appear in the same menu (slash/other attacks excluded).

Spell Image MP Relative odds of appearing Description
Hero Sizz.jpg 8 16 A flame projectile sent forward quickly. The projectile erupts after it hits a non-shielding target, projectile, or surface, which can also harm bystanders. Deals decent damage for its speed but lacks KO potential.
Hero Sizzle.jpg 20 20 A larger flame projectile sent forward quickly. The projectile erupts after it hits a non-shielding target, projectile, or surface, which can also harm bystanders. Deals high damage and decent knockback, KOing around 100% near the ledge.
Hero Bang.jpg 9 16 A small explosive flame projectile sent forward. Travels slowly and explodes with a small lingering radius on contact with opponents, or after a set distance. Deals decent knockback, KOing vertically starting at around 130%.
Hero Kaboom.jpg 37 20 A fast projectile that explodes with a large radius after a certain distance, or on contact with opponents. The instant before the explosion pulls opponents in if they're close enough. Possesses high knockback and a very large lingering explosion hitbox, KOing around 85% vertically.
Hero Snooze.jpg 16 17 A slow projectile that sends opponents to sleep if it connects and can pass through projectiles and multiple opponents; however, it can be blocked. The projectile puts opponents to sleep for longer at close range, but gets larger at further ranges. Snooze can affect aerial opponents, which can KO offstage opponents should they be too far to maneuver towards the stage. However, opponents in the air are put to sleep for a much shorter amount of time; the clean aerial hitbox puts opponents to sleep for less time than the latest grounded hitbox.
Flame Slash
Flame Slash)
Hero Flame Slash.jpg 12 18 A quick slash with the Hero's sword cloaked in flame. Deals considerable damage and knockback, and has huge range in front of him; however, hitting with the end of the flames has lower damage and knockback. Capable of KOing midweights at 95% from the center of Final Destination.
Kacrackle Slash
Mahyad Slash)
Hero Kacrackle Slash.jpg 11 18 A quick slash with the Hero's sword cloaked in frost. Freezes opponents; the sword hitbox freezes for considerably longer, having a 2× multiplier to frames frozen.
Metal Slash
Metal Slash)
Hero Metal Slash.jpg 6 7 Hero slashes his sword forward. Instantly KOs any metal opponent, including another Hero using Kaclang. When used against non-metal opponents, it will only deal 1% damage and weak knockback. Since items are turned off in competitive play, the move is practically useless except when used on another Hero using Kaclang.

If there is a metal opponent present when the menu is opened, the odds of Metal Slash appearing in the menu are multiplied by 4×.[1] However, in spirit battles or Custom Smash, they are instead multiplied by 0.2×.[2]. Gold fighters do not count as metal for the purposes of Metal Slash.

Hatchet Man
Evil Slash)
Hero Hatchet Man.jpg 15 18 A forceful downward slash which resembles his forward smash, triggering Special Zoom on-hit. Has considerable start-up, but possesses very high damage and knockback, making it capable of KOing considerably early, and much earlier at the ledge. It can also instantaneously break a full shield, similar to a fully charged Shield Breaker.
Hero Whack.jpg 10 8 Hero points his hand forward, sending out a slow-moving dark purple projectile. It has a chance to instantly KO the opponent, with a higher chance for it to occur the more damage the opponent has. Deals little damage and only causes targets to flinch otherwise. If reflected, the projectile will often fly back at an angle due to its erratic movement.

The formula for Whack to succeed is:[3][4][5]

1 + 200 * (t - 20) / 280 + 20 * (u / 300)

...where t is the target's percent pre-hit limited to between 20% and 300%, and u is the user's percent limited to 300% or less. As a result, the final rate is always 1% when the opponent is below 20% damage, and scales up to 100% when the opponent is just below 160% damage, with a maximum extra 20% chance if the user is at 300% damage. If reflected, the new owner's percent is taken as the user's.

During Sudden Death, the odds of Whack appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.2×. [6]

Hero Thwack.jpg 30 12 Hero swings his hand forward, and a large dark purple spark appears directly in front of him. It has a chance to instantly KO the opponent, with a higher chance for it to occur the more damage the opponent has. It has a very large hitbox that lingers for several frames, and a windbox around it which pulls nearby opponents in; however, it also has considerable startup lag. It deals only 3% damage and little knockback, and can be reflected, absorbed, and shielded.

The success formula of Thwack is identical to Whack.

During Sudden Death, the chances of Thwack appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.2×. [6]

Magic Burst
Hero Magic Burst.jpg All 5 A powerful and massive blast that grows in size, similar to a Smart Bomb explosion. It hits multiple times and is active for a few seconds. Consumes all of the Hero's remaining MP; the spell's power and range depends on how much MP the Hero has left. The damage dealt is multiplied by 0.2 + 0.008MP, with the value being between 0.2x and 1x, depending on how much MP Hero has. With full MP, the attack will have a very wide range and high damage, covering half of Final Destination and having potential to KO anyone at percents below 50%. Due to these factors, it is widely considered to be one of Hero's most feared spells, albeit only in circumstances where Hero has at least around half of his MP remaining. Additionally, the move is blockable, with each hit having slightly reduced shield damage. Additionally, Hero can still be hit, so a projectile or large enough hitbox can cancel the move at any time. Hitting Hero during the move will not refund any MP, meaning he will be left with 0 MP regardless. As such, if Magic Burst is interrupted, Hero is usually left in a difficult position.
Hero Kamikazee.jpg 1 5 Hero crosses his arms and begins to glow. Time slows down during this period. After a few seconds, he explodes, instantly KOing himself and delivering heavy unblockable damage and knockback to any opponent in a large radius, with the sweetspot able to KO many opponents within the 50-60% range. Any other nearby fighters will react to this move with a shocked expression. Using this will count as a KO for the last opponent to hit him. Hero is intangible during the chargeup. Hero is counted as being killed first after using Kamizazee, meaning he will lose the game if used on his last stock.

Kamikazee does not appear to be available as a menu option during the World of Light Finale.

Psyche Up
Hero Psyche Up.jpg 14 16 Noticeably increases the power of the Hero's next attack; specifically, it increases the damage by 1.2×, knockback by 1.2×, and shield damage by 1.65×, acting similar to Revenge. Expires when a melee attack connects, and does not affect projectiles. Grants considerable KO power to many of the Hero's quicker moves that otherwise would not kill until extreme percentages, such as his forward tilt, up tilt, up throw, and even his otherwise unimpressive up air, allowing him to take stocks with considerably less risk. Zap's first hit and pummels count as attacks, and will use up Psyche Up, but it will last for all hits of the Hero's jab combo and forward tilt if he follows through with them.
Hero Oomph.jpg 16 16 Increases the Hero's attack power by 1.6× and his knockback by 1.1× for 10 seconds. However, he also takes 1.2× more damage, and Oomph won't affect projectiles. When combined with Psyche Up, several of Hero's moves become extremely powerful, granting him numerous KO options: his forward smash, dash attack, back air, and down air are capable of instantly breaking shields, his up throw KOs middle-weights at around 100% at ground level of Battlefield and Final Destination, and forward and back throw at 120% at the ledge, and even earlier with rage.

If Bounce is active, the odds of Oomph appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.5×. [7]

Hero Acceleratle.jpg 13 16 Increases the Hero's movement speed by a significant amount for 10 seconds, similar to Lightweight; it also increases Hero's launch rate by 1.1×. His jump height becomes one of the highest in the game and he can run faster than Sonic.

If Bounce is active, the odds of Acceleratle appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.5×. [7]

Hero Kaclang.jpg 6 5 Encases the Hero in metal and makes him impervious to both damage and knockback for 5 seconds, but also prevents him from taking any action. It cannot be canceled once activated. However, the Hero can still be KOed by another Hero using Metal Slash, and any well-timed attack is sufficient to punish him during the ending lag of the move. Using Kaclang in the air will grant the Hero a hitbox on his descent and allow him to move left and right until he lands. Unlike the standard metal status granted by the Metal Box, Kaclang grants Hero invincibility, meaning attacks on him will cause hitlag to the opponent, and Final Smashes that negate statuses (such as Critical Hit) will not hit Hero through Kaclang.

If Bounce is active, the odds of Kaclang appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.8×. [7] Kaclang also cannot appear in the last 30 seconds of a timed match.

Hero Bounce.jpg 14 16 A protective spell that reflects projectiles for 12 seconds. Like a Franklin Badge, Bounce lets Hero act while active, and overrides Hero's passive shield, allowing reflections even if he is standing and facing an opponent. One of the Hero's best approaching tools against projectile users, due to him being able to perform any action while keeping out an active reflector.

For 12 seconds after Bounce expires, the odds of Bounce appearing again are multiplied by 0.2×.[8]

SSBUWebsiteHero3.jpg 7 7 Heals Hero by 11% damage. Heal is only available to be used 2 times before it will stop appearing for selection. Hero will refresh 2 uses of Heal after respawning. Taking an opponent's stock will not grant another use of Heal despite an in-game tip saying so.

If Bounce is active, the odds of Heal appearing in the menu are multiplied by 0.8×. [7]

Hero Zoom.jpg 8 15 Hero jumps directly upward, going past the limits of the camera, and then falls directly downwards onto a random part of the stage, no matter where he was when the spell was inputted. If used when there is a ceiling above Hero, he will shoot up until he meets it, at which point he will collide against it, while still being able to act afterwards. It has invincibility frames as soon as Hero starts to fly. It can be used as a last-ditch recovery if Hero will be unable to reach the ledge otherwise. Hero gets back his double jump if he used it prior to casting Zoom and can perform an action as soon as he starts to fall back down, allowing him to cancel the descent by jumping, charging Frizz, or opening the Command Selection window again.

If Hero is close to a blast line (within 40 units), the odds of Zoom appearing in the menu are multiplied by 3×.[9]

Hocus Pocus
Hero Hocus Pocus.jpg 4 3 A spell with random effects, both positive and negative, and also can take the form of other Command Selection spells.
