Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

King K. Rool (SSBU)/Up tilt

Hitbox visualization showing King K. Rool's up tilt.


An uppercut. Has a wide hitbox, covering the front of K. Rool, and starts low enough to reach prone enemies. In fact, it can hit a select few characters on the ledge, including; Mario, Ness, Jigglypuff, Dr. Mario, Pichu, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Lucas, Olimar, Villager, Mii Brawler and Bowser Jr.. The vertical reach of Up Tilt is significant, with it hitting platforms below while also catching jumps as they begin from them. The most notable cases of this are Battlefield and Pokemon Stadium 2, which also happen to be considered his most favorable stages.

Up tilt is King K. Rool's fastest tilt attack, coming out on frame 5 along with frame 4 intangibility, which is very fast for a move with reasonably decent KO power. The FAF of 38 also makes it one of K. Rool's safest moves. While the move loses power the longer it is out, the fact it lingers until Frame 13 makes it his best anti-air. Due to the hitbox placement, odd angles are also possible to get as the fist rises, giving the illusion of a mid hitbox. The sweetspot deals rather strong diagonal knockback, and the sourspot deals weak, mostly vertical knockback, which can potentially lead to another up tilt or up aerial.

The length of time the hitbox is out combined with its relatively fast startup makes it a very useful approach option with pivot cancelling, with its impressive range stuffing almost any approach. Using this preemptively in neutral, while somewhat risky, can take apart many aerial approaches while giving a strong situation thereafter. This can also be used out of forward throw as a niche followup once dash attack stops working, although proper DI makes it difficult to pull off.

Up tilt is a very important move to use out of forward throw when dash attack is no longer possible, which can be achieved through pivot cancelling forwards. This is difficult to do, but with practice it is immensely important due to the angle it sends at. This leads to ledgetrap situations very consistently. Up tilt also works extremely well out of down throw due to its combination of high speed and power, and can kill middleweights over 120%. However, it is inferior to other options in terms of KO potential (dash attack is 2 frames slower but much stronger), making this a move usually used for consistency against good mashers.

Up tilt has some notable weaknesses however. The intangibility ends 2 frames prior to the hitbox ending, as well as before the arm retracts, making it possible to "2-frame" the arm. This also makes its ability to stuff aerial approaches somewhat risky in some situations, such as when sharking platforms. The 50 angle also makes it relatively easy to DI, with up+in dampening its kill power a good deal. It also lacks any true followups - even at the last active frame - making it strictly an anti-air to generate situations from. It also has slightly noticeable endlag, making it very punishable on whiff.


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
0 0 0 11.5% 0   Standard 50 90 0   3.5 arml 2.2 0.5 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Punch   All All            
1 0 0 11.5% 0   Standard 50 90 0   5.0 arml 7.5 2.5 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Punch   All All            
0 0 0 6.8% 0   Standard 66 72 0   4.0 arml 2.2 0.0 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Punch   All All            
1 0 0 8.2% 0   Standard 66 72 0   5.0 arml 7.0 2.0 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Punch   All All            


Arm intangible 4-9
Clean Hit 5-6
Late Hit 7-13
Interruptible 38
Animation length 60
Arm intangibility                                                                                                                         
Legend (1 square = 1 frame)
Lag time
Hitbox change