SmashWiki:What SmashWiki is not

Revision as of 14:01, December 16, 2015 by Sorceror Nobody (talk | contribs) (→‎SmashWiki is not complete: Oh, the irony)
Policy.png This page documents an official SmashWiki policy, a widely accepted standard that all users should follow. When editing this page, please ensure that your revision reflects consensus. If in doubt, consider discussing changes on the talk page.

SmashWiki is an online Super Smash Bros. encyclopedia and, as a means to that end, an online community of people interested in building a high-quality encyclopedia in a spirit of mutual respect. Therefore, there are certain things that SmashWiki is not.

SmashWiki is not a personal profile

The existence of the Smasher namespace and the ability to create a userpage do not make SmashWiki a place for one to create a personal profile. Smash-related sites of this type exist elsewhere on the Internet; do not use this site as one of them. Users who focus excessively on their userspace while neglecting constructive work on the wiki risk being put on probation.

SmashWiki is not a matchmaking service

SmashWiki does not exist to help people find others to play against. As per the above, many other sites exist to do exactly that. Please use them. While it is acceptable (and encouraged to a degree) to play against other users on the wiki, the wiki should not be used solely for this purpose.

SmashWiki is not an image hosting service

See also: SW:IMAGE

This site is an encyclopedia, not an image hosting service. While personal images are allowed to be uploaded for use in one's userspace, do not upload an excessive amount, and instead take such business to a dedicated image hosting site. You should typically only upload images that are relevant to the encyclopedic content of the wiki.

SmashWiki is not an assortment of miscellaneous information

Just because you find a piece of information that isn't in an article does not mean it should be immediately inserted wherever you feel like it. This is an encyclopedia, and as such, should be carefully organized and well-written. Check around similar articles to see if your fact is already listed "nearby". In the case of lists, pay attention to how it is ordered, and add your piece of information where it fits within the order, instead of just adding it wherever on the list.

SmashWiki is not a forum hosting site

While SmashWiki has forums, it should not be used only for the creation of such forums. Not only are they a drain on the wiki's resources, but the majority are not related to improvement of the encyclopedia. It's acceptable to create casual/fun forums to discuss things not relevant to the improvement of the wiki with fellow users, but users who focus excessively on forums nonconstructive to the wiki are in risk of being put on probation. If the forums are your primary focus, please take such business to SmashBoards or the like.

SmashWiki is not an instant messaging service

See also: SW:UTPG
See also: SW:IRC

SmashWiki is not to be used primarily to communicate with other users. Conversations on a wiki take up much time and space that can be better spent elsewhere; the wiki concept is simply not designed to handle it. Again, there are better places for this sort of thing.

SmashWiki is not for off-wiki business

Do not drag offsite conflicts onto the wiki. Not only are such conflicts completely irrelevant to the wiki, they'll only serve to disrupt the wiki, while having completely no potential constructive value to the wiki. Making accounts for the sole purpose of this and harassing users over offsite conflicts will absolutely not be tolerated, and such attempts to propagate offwiki drama here can be expected to be quelled immediately.

This also applies to discussing offwiki matters in general; while it may not necessarily be disruptive, they're still irrelevant to the wiki and have no constructive value to it. Not to mention such matters can be discussed more effectively elsewhere. While it may be acceptable to briefly inform a user about an offwiki matter that requires them/is relevant to them and discuss it to a minor degree, extensive conversation on it will be expected to be moved elsewhere.

SmashWiki is not fanon

SmashWiki covers the canon Smash series, not fanon or invented additions. While the existence of things such as fan fiction, machinima, and fan games should not be ignored, and the concepts alone may deserve pages, articles on specific creations do not have a place here.

There is currently one exception to this: Project M is a mod that has attained an unprecedented level of notability among the community and even outside it. As a result, it has been decided by the wiki community that Project M should be allowed to have pages about its characters, in addition to a page about itself.

SmashWiki is not official

We are not required to abide by official terms or stances. Unofficial vocabulary will always be a large part of the Smash Bros. series; using an uncommon official term over a well-known unofficial term is generally frowned upon, and claiming a specific term is the right term because it's official is usually an invalid argument in a debate. Likewise, pushing for the removal of information with the argument that it's not approved/endorsed by Nintendo (such as the tier list) will not be acceptable.

SmashWiki is not speculative

SmashWiki is an encyclopedia covering factual information in the Smash series. As a result, speculation does not belong in mainspace articles. While there is a certain amount of tolerance for reporting speculation that is widespread throughout the Smash Bros. community (such as documenting the most well-known rumours), or in cases where a sound theory backed up by those knowledgeable can be given for something whose factual explanation is unknown or unknowable (such as causes of certain glitches), if something "may be" or "possibly is", it does not belong.

In cases of acceptable speculation that the wiki reports, the information should be written in a way that it's clear it's speculation and not entirely factual. Do not however, misinterpret the theory clause as a go ahead to add personal speculation about the origins of things in Smash and the like; such speculation lacks a factual basis, and is likely to be highly contended.

This policy strictly applies to articles about content from unreleased games. It doesn't matter how certain you are that the grassy stage shown in one screenshot is a Donkey Kong stage, or how likely you think that the new legendary Pokémon shown in a screenshot will be summoned from Poké Balls; the Wiki will not report unknown elements as being factual until they are confirmed by Masahiro Sakurai or another official source, or otherwise hard evidence is seen that strongly supports the information as factual. Articles about unreleased content will only contain information that is known to be definitively factual, and will not be filled up with speculative fluff. Major articles about unreleased content (such as character articles) will be immediately semi-protected until release to prevent speculation, while more minor articles will be semi-protected until release if they attract a high amount of speculation from IPs and non-autoconfirmed users.

SmashWiki is not censored

Certain crews, smashers, and techniques may have names or contain information that some may find offensive. However, because SmashWiki tries to be a complete encyclopedia, information should not be excluded merely because some find it offensive. This rule also applies to talk page discussions; while personal attacks are to be avoided, SmashWiki has no policies that prohibit profanity or language that some people may find vulgar. Attempts to prohibit other users from using such language (such as through self-user talk page rules) is frowned upon, and will not be enforced by the administration if the language is not abusive.

SmashWiki is not spoiler-safe

Some wikis provide spoiler warnings for articles or sections should users wish to avoid accidental learning of plot details or unlockable content. SmashWiki is not one of them - spoilers are unmarked and used liberally without regard to spoiler safety. We believe that the spoiler content of the Smash Bros. series is universally known (thus doing things to avoid spoiling the unlockable characters would be a benefit to an extremely insignificant amount of people), and unification of information is more important than partitioning to cater to a minority. As such, spoiler-conscious users should be very careful as to how they navigate the wiki, and should be warned that it is not our job to hide anything.

As a consequence of the above, note a few words of warning:

  1. This policy applies equally regardless of how long ago a game was released - indeed, if a leak occurs prior to a game's release, it will be documented and possibly publicized whether it includes unlockable content or not. Users who wish to remain unspoiled about upcoming or recently-released games should refrain from browsing the wiki.
  2. The Smash Bros. games themselves care little for concealing spoilers relating to its represented series. A major example is Sheik's true identity, which is a major plot point in Ocarina of Time, but treated as common knowledge by all the Smash Bros. games in gameplay and supplemental material (such as trophy descriptions). As a result, users should be aware of the possibility of cross-series spoilers, and browse accordingly.

SmashWiki is not tech support

SmashWiki is not a tech support service. While certain users may be willing to help in some situations, there are better sites to ask questions such as "Why isn't my Wii reading my disc?" or "Why is hack X not working?", and main talk pages should never be used to ask for help on something.

SmashWiki is not a strategy guide

SmashWiki is an encyclopedia of facts, not a repository for various strategies to accomplish things. Strategies are invariably opinion-based and lead to articles becoming stuffed full of them. While the wiki may document common and widespread strategies that have proven competitively viable or gain notoriety, users' personal strategies and guides will not be allowed in the mainspace.

SmashWiki is not just Smash Arena

There have been trends in which users seem to make accounts for the sole purpose of participating in the Smash Arena. Like user pages and other forums, Smash Arena is not a constructive part of the wiki, and as such should not be any user's main focus. Users who focus excessively on Smash Arena and neglect focus towards being constructive on the wiki will risk being put on probation.

SmashWiki is not complete

SmashWiki, like most wiki-encyclopedias, is not complete. There are still stubs to be expanded, articles to be cleaned up and images to be uploaded. Outside these categories, there are almost surely a few articles with faulty grammar, outdated information, or deprecated content. As such, "There's nothing to contribute/I can't contribute" will never be an acceptable excuse for not contributing constructively to the wiki. Don't ever think there's nothing left to contribute.