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Din's Fire: Difference between revisions

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(→‎In Super Smash Bros. 4: To basically revert its usefulness back to Melee removes any and all utility the move had in Brawl.)
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# '''Din's Fire''': Default.
# '''Din's Fire''': Default.
# '''Din's Flare''': A faster variant with no vertical movement, and the same damage at all distances.
# '''Din's Flare''': A faster variant with no vertical movement, and the same damage at all distances.
# '''Din's Blaze''': Much more vertical movement and a delayed explosion that grows based on distance travelled.
# '''Din's Blaze''': Much more vertical movement and a delayed explosion that grows based on distance travelled. Generally considered superior to the defualt.


Revision as of 16:49, December 3, 2015

Din's Fire
Fire magic that explodes when you release B.
Din's Fire in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
User Zelda
Universe The Legend of Zelda
Article on Zelda Wiki Din's Fire

Din's Fire (ディンの炎, Din's Flame) is Zelda's side special move in each game she has been playable in. The attack involves Zelda projecting a fireball across the stage, with her controlling the direction it moves, until she releases it or it reaches its max distance, where it then creates a damaging explosion. It can be directed with the control stick or D-pad (while holding the special button) and can be released by letting go of the special button. The farther the fireball travels (and thus the longer the move is held), the stronger the explosion. When done in the air, it sends Zelda into the helpless state. It can be countered, absorbed, or reflected, but this will not send the projectile back at the user; instead, it just changes the owner of the projectile. If an opponent hits Zelda before she releases the move, it will continue going as if the move was being charged but Zelda doesn't have control of it anymore, up until it reaches its max distance, where it'll explode as usual.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

Hold File:GCN BButton.png and tilt File:GCN ControlStick.png to guide the attack. Release File:GCN BButton.png to unleash it.

Din's Fire in Melee is a projectile that can cover extremely far range horizontally and vertically, allowing Zelda to hit an opponent virtually anywhere on moderately sized stages, while dealing a decent amount of damage. Despite the incredible range the move gives Zelda, it is a virtually useless projectile of very little practical use. While the projectile has incredible potential range, actually hitting with it is extremely difficult against a remotely competent player; the fireball is completely visible as it travels, leaving it easily telegraphed to where it's going, and as Zelda releases the move, there is considerable delay before the explosion comes out. The explosion is also very small, necessitating precision to land the projectile. With the telegraphing, delay, and small hitbox size issues, opponents can evade it by just simply moving away or just shielding as the fireball is on top of them, and with the move's high ending lag, Zelda is completely unable to capitalise on the opponent's forced maneuvering/shielding. Another major issue with the move is that Zelda is completely defenseless while using it, and since the fireball poses no immediate threat with the aforementioned delay issues, opponents can easily run through and attack Zelda, meaning the move will give opponents a free punish if they are alert and not too far away. The projectile additionally doesn't have much consequence on the opponent when it is landed, dealing only decent damage, and very minor vertical knockback that will never KO at realistic damages nor be helpful for edge-guarding.

As such, with the projectile's inability to force approaches (as it is incapable of pressuring and an alert player will always be able to easily dodge it), losing to every other projectile in a projectile war, the extreme unsafeness of the move, and the fact it doesn't accomplish anything but some minor additional damage when landed, it's considered one of the worst moves altogether in Melee.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Hold down the B Button and use the Control Stick to control a fireball. Explodes when you release the B Button.

Zelda retains Din's Fire as her forward special move in Brawl, where it operates and functions the same as it did in Melee. However it has received some significant buffs; the explosion when the move is released is significantly larger (now being about the size of a large character), the explosion deals increased damage and significantly more knockback (with it now being capable of KOing in the 150-200% range depending on how much it's charged), and there's slightly less delay with the explosion coming out upon release and slightly less ending lag. However, despite these significant buffs, Din's Fire is still considered a very poor projectile; alert opponents can still very easily dodge and shield it while Zelda can do nothing about it (making it still incapable of forcing approaches), Zelda is still extremely vulnerable while using the move, Zelda will still not win any projectile wars with it, and the power buffs were not enough to justify it being such an unsafe and difficult to land projectile.

Din's Fire mainly sees use as a means to try attempting tacking on some extra damage when an opponent is too far away to attack a Zelda player using it, though as explained in the previous paragraph, it's not very effective at it. It also sees some use as an edge-guarding move, where the move can allow Zelda to assault recovering characters almost regardless of their position, while Zelda remains completely safe. While this can be very effective against CPUs and inexperienced players, where Din's Fire can be landed on them over and over, it doesn't have much use against competent players, who can still very easily evade it even offstage, and can even use getting hit by Din's Fire to aid recovery if their damage isn't high enough to get outright KO'd by it (as it hits vertically).

In Super Smash Bros. 4

Zelda retains Din's Fire in Smash 4, in which it is drastically nerfed. Although it becomes stronger as it goes, it has less range. Along with a strong sweetspot, it gains a sourspot. It also has a smaller hitbox. It has significantly less angling abilities.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4. These are the known variations:

1. Din's Fire 2. Din's Flare 3. Din's Blaze
Din's Fire
Din's Flare
Din's Blaze
"Fire magic that explodes after a time or when the button is released." "Travels farther, but can't be aimed up or down. Damage is the same at all distances." "A steady fireball that floats in the air and explodes after a bit."
  1. Din's Fire: Default.
  2. Din's Flare: A faster variant with no vertical movement, and the same damage at all distances.
  3. Din's Blaze: Much more vertical movement and a delayed explosion that grows based on distance travelled. Generally considered superior to the defualt.


The original Din's Fire.

The name is taken from the Din's Fire spell Link uses in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but it describes a very different effect. In Ocarina of Time, rather than being a small sphere sent over distance, it is a large explosion of fire radiating outwards from Link, used primarily as an offensive spell, but also used to solve puzzles. It is the spell which is representative of Din, the Goddess of Power.