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Revision as of 18:02, July 8, 2017 by Serpent King (talk | contribs) (You know thinking about it, a link to the character article isn't going to do any good if that's exactly where the template is to go. ...lol)
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Mario (SSBB) Mario's attributes
Jumps {{{jumps}}}
Delayed double jump No
Glide No
Wall jump No
Wall cling No
Crawl No
Attribute Value Rank
Walk {{{walk}}} {{{rwalk}}}
Dash {{{dash}}} {{{rdash}}}
Traction {{{traction}}} {{{rtraction}}}
Jumpsquat {{{jsq}}} {{{rjsq}}}
Ground jump height {{{gjumpht}}} {{{rgjumpht}}}
Short hop height {{{shopht}}} {{{rshopht}}}
Double jump height {{{djumpht}}} {{{rdjumpht}}}
Air speed {{{airspd}}} {{{rairspd}}}
Air acceleration {{{airaccel}}} {{{rairaccel}}}
Air deceleration {{{airdecel}}} {{{rairdecel}}}
Air friction {{{airfric}}} {{{rairfric}}}
Falling speed {{{fallspd}}} {{{rfallspd}}}
Gravity {{{grav}}} {{{rgrav}}}
Weight {{{weight}}} {{{rweight}}}

(Intended) usage

Something to this effect:

{{Character Physics
|walk      = Walk speed
|rwalk     = Everything that starts with 'r' is the character's rank in that field among the cast, so for Mario this would be 30th-32nd
|dash      = Dash speed
|rdash     = And this would be 28th-30th
|tract     = Traction
|rtract    =
|jsq       = Jumpsquat; written as "[number] frames"
|rjsq      =
|gjumpht   = Grounded jump height
|rgjumpht  = 
|shopht    = Short hop height
|rshopht   = 
|djumpht   = Double jump height
|rdjumpht  = 
|airspd    = Air speed
|rairspd   =
|airaccel  = Air acceleration
|rairaccel =
|airdecel  = Air deceleration
|rairdecel =
|airfric   = Air friction
|rairfric  =
|fallspd   = Falling speed
|rfallspd  =
|grav      = Gravity
|rgrav     =
|weight    = yeah.
|rweight   = 
|jumps     = Total number of jumps, not just midair ones. Mario would be 2 and not 1, Jigglypuff would be 6 and not 5
|wjump     = Either yes or no, depending on whether character can wall jump
|wcling    = Same as above but with wall clinging
|crawl     = Same as above but with crawling
|glide     = Whether character can glide in Brawl.