Event 27: Three-Beast Carnage

Single Event 27
Three-Beast Carnage
Official description Three beasts are in the tyrant's town! Facing them is a lone figure...R.O.B.
Character(s) used R.O.B. (1 life)
Allies None
Opponent(s) Giant Bowser (1 life)
Giant DK (1 life)
Giant Charizard (1 life)
Stage(s) New Pork City
Music {{{music}}}
Availability Unlockable

Three-Beast Carnage is the 27th event match in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. As R.O.B., fight giant sized Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Charizard on New Pork City.


  • The appearance of Bowser, Donkey Kong, and Charizard as giants in New Pork City stage is a reference to the "monster" movies featuring giant creatures destroying major cities, such as the movie Cloverfield or the video game Rampage. Also, Bowser, Charizard and Donkey Kong as giants can be seen as references to Gamera, Godzilla and King Kong respectively. This is also similar to Melee's event Gargantuans (although Mario and Peach as civilians are absent).
  • As with the Go! Triple Finish! event, the respective trainer does not appear in this event.