Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Meta Knight (SSBB)/Down throw

Meta Knight's down throw in Brawl.


A multi-hit throw in which Meta Knight stomps the opponent nine times, then slams on top of them, knocking them horizontally with weak knockback. The stomps deal 1% damage each, and the slam deals 2% damage, for a total of 11% (making this the second most damaging down throw in the game, behind Kirby's, Bowser's, and Olimar's (using a blue Pikmin), which each deal 12% damage). This throw has a similar animation to Kirby's down throw, but Meta Knight's deals 1% less damage, produces horizontal knockback instead of vertical, and has slower stomps. This throw is a useful damage racker in general, and is one of Meta Knight's more commonly used moves in competitive play. Meta Knight's down throw can be followed up with moves such as a dash attack or short hopped neutral aerial to start combos at lower percentages; or at higher percentages when near the edge, a short hopped Shuttle Loop. There are various other possible followups depending on the opponent's DI - against fastfallers at low percentages, Meta Knight can chain grab using down throws, and in some situations, the move works as a pseudo-tech-chasing move.

Throw and Hitbox Data


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle BK KS FKV Radius Bone Offset SDIx T% Clang Rebound Type Effect G A Sound Direct Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless Heedless Piercing Strechy ?2 ?5 ?6 ?11 Hit Bits
Hits 1-9
0 0 0 1% 0   Forwards 0 100 10 5.0 0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0x None 0%               Kick                         11111111111111
Hit 10
0 0 0 1% 0   Forwards 50 200 0 7.0 0 0.0 4.0 0.0 1.0x 1.0x 0%               Kick                         11111111111111


ID Damage Angle BK KS FKV Bone SDIx FFx T% Type Effect Sound
0 1%   Forwards 60 110 0 0 1.0x None 0%       None
1 3%   Forwards 0 100 100 0 1.0x None 0%       None


Invincibility 1-8
Hits 1-9 11-13, 17-19, 23-25, 29-31, 35-37, 41-43, 47-49, 53-55, 59-61
Hit 10 73
Throw Release 74
Animation length 87
Legend (1 square = 1 frame)
Lag time
Throw point

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