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Revision as of 18:27, June 9, 2014 by Ryxis (talk | contribs) (oh boy oh man oh jeez)
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Ryxis Ronno.jpg
Animated Deer Connoisseur
Character info
Melee mains Falco, Dr. Mario
Project M mains Pichu, Link
Other Project M characters Falco, Mr. Game & Watch
Personal and other info
Real name Corey Noel
Birth date (age 29)
Location Pittsburgh, PA USA
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Scrub

I'm from north of Pittsburgh, PA. As of next Fall I will be attending Pitt for CS. Melee/PM. Top level scrub.

I got a job and I have college stuff now, so I probably won't be editing anymore. If I do make edits, they will be infrequent.

Project M Pichu

Say what you will, but I'd really like to see Pichu in a future release of PM. It completes the Melee set, it's by far the easiest character to add, and the archetype of an insanely mobile glass cannon who hits fast has yet to be filled. Here's a potential change-list/moveset (v16):


  • Recoil damage gone, making usage of moves uninhibited
  • Higher falling speed to improve mobility and combos
  • Two smaller double jumps instead of one normal one + double jump turn around. This gives it better offstage longevity, improving its edge guarding and gimping prowess. It also enhances potential for aerial combos and approaching.
  • Many minor/moderate range increases, making moves actually usable: forward tilt, up tilt, down smash, up air, down air, forward air


  • Many attacks with electrical effects now produce a spark in front of Pichu, whether or not they connect (dair, fair, and a more significant spark on fsmash).
  • Plusle/Minun/Mystery green pokemon/spiky ear alts


  • Uair retains its utility as a juggler move with some enhancements. It's significantly faster, able to be wavelanded out of when short hopped + fast falled, or put out three times in a single full jump. It now deals a reasonable amount of damage (up from a measley 4% when fresh), with a whopping 6%. Range was moderately increased (especially in front of Pichu early in the move), now able to reach without having to be practically touching the opponent. Less knockback growth.
  • Fair and dair have been very loosely swapped. Fair has been entirely redone as a single jolt of energy, rather than a multi-hit. After a decently laggier start-up, it hits with kill power. 12%.
  • Dair has a new launch angle, sending opponents very weakly straight down as a meteor. Very little base knockback and very little growth. Now a multi-hit, still heavy damage. Higher priority, less start-up. It has a quake hitbox upon hitting the ground that pops opponents weakly straight up, allowing for a followup or for it to combo into itself at low percents.
  • Bair only spins twice, down from the previous four. This grants it more offstage usage for gimps and edguarding. It also has reduced landing lag, improving general utility onstage as well.
  • Nair is virtually unchanged, except for slight buffs to range and less ending lag.


  • Up tilt has better horizontal range (both in front and behind), granting it ability to pick opponents up off of the ground better. Its base knockback has been increased, while growth has been decreased, giving it a wider range of effecting percents.
  • Forward tilt has an actual range. It hits much more horizontally, while retaining angalability.
  • Down tilt has greatly increased base knockback, but at a much more vertical angle, sending opponents up at about 60 degrees from the ground. This allows for followup options that the old down tilt did not have. The move comes out faster.


  • Forward smash links better. It has fewer repitions of the early hitboxes and a larger finisher, giving opponents less time to escape. Pichu collapses to the ground afterward, giving lots of ending lag and making the move useless as anything other than a finisher.
  • Down smash now only spins twice with an electrical effect. The launch angle is also slightly raised, making it harder to simply tech it. Base knockback increased.


  • Forward throw has more base knockback, being able to put heavy opponents offstage at lower percents.
  • Back throw has more knockback growth, putting high percent opponents further off stage.


  • Thunder Jolt has had essentially all lag removed from both ends of the move. However, the move can only be put out once every 80 frames. Trying to perform the move when it is not "charged" results in the animation playing but nothing coming out, like pulling a second grenade as snake. The projectile itself is weaker, with much less base knockback, allowing it to jab reset at lower percents.
  • Skull Bash has been replaced with an air dash, which sends Pichu quickly forward and slightly up with no hitbox. The move itself is very short. Whether or not it is charged, Pichu starts moving forward within the first few frames, and will continue to gain more distance as long as the button is held (with a maximum of about the length of Battlefield). As soon as the button is released, Pichu retains some of the momentum from the move, and any normal aerial action can be performed. Can only be used once per airtime.
  • Thunder comes out faster. It continues until it hits Pichu, the ground, or a lower blast line, making it an effective edge guarding tool. There is a sweetspot around the cloud on the frame it comes out with kill power. Much more knockback growth, allowing it to kill earlier.
  • Agility moves much faster (all movement only takes about two frames) and starts up faster. It can be canceled into the ground, just like Quick Attack. However, it now only has one segment (about 1.5 times the length of one of the original segments). It now deals minor damage with moderate knockback in the direction that Pichu is traveling.

Other moves

  • Tech rolls both improved in terms of length and speed, especially forward tech roll.
  • Jab can be canceled into tilts as well as jabs, without the need to wait for a jab cancel.
  • Dashattack is a multi-hit, similar in animation to the old skullbash. Pichu lunges forward, spinning and producing sparks that lock the opponent in. If the opponent stays in for the entire move, they are sent up and forward at the end. The move has much less end lag than the old dash attack.

Final Smash

A large cloud appears above Pichu (around the size of Battlefield in length). Any enemies in the cloud recieve OHKO knockback straight up. A moment of pause, during which Pichu lets out a demonically cute "Pichu~!" Repeated Thunders proceed to rain down from the cloud, striking all around Pichu. These could be normal Thunder projectiles, as enough of those would kill anyway.


The resulting electro-rat fills in what Pichu could have been: aggressive, fragile, and speedy with a great punish game and long strings. Its weaknesses haven't been removed. It still dies early (even earlier due to recovery nerfs), and while range was slightly increased it still has to put itself at risk to get a hit in, but once it gets that hit, it can take it far. It has great aerial and off-stage presence, with many gimping tolls. It was given new approaching options and movement tolls, and its combo game was fleshed out, giving it a wider variety of actual moves and options for combos other than up air spam.

Note: this is more of a list of potential changes than it is a whole change log. You cannot balance without playtesting, so maybe it would need more buffs, and maybe it would need fewer. Etc.

Other PM characters

Continue reading and you will find my shitty opinions on PM characters that I think need a change and that I care about. Chat with me on my talk page about them if you want to or something.

Mr. Game & Watch

  • Chef is not a viable projectile any situation. It should be made into a versatile combo projectile that can be used in conjunction with other moves. See these two posts.
  • Dash attack could be made into a more viable combo starter/approaching move if it could be canceled into grab/up smash with marginally more lenient timing and didn't have to hit to be canceled.
  • Removing its ability to reverse hit would also make it more useful for pretty much everything that it does. (Edge guarding, starting combos, leading into up smash/grab).


Garbage neutral game. Can we give Squirtle an actual projectile please? For how long the current one takes to charge, it doesn't do anything.

Toon Link

Right now, flame arrows stay in the ground with a minor damage only hitbox for about three seconds. What if they instead stayed for around five seconds and had a repeating hitbox with very low damage and slight knockback straight up? This wouldn't be significant for trapping opponents under most conditions, but setting up an arrow and tossing an opponent into it could lead to an easy follow up. They could also work for zoning and blocking opponents out. I like the idea of an offensive based character with good mobility who can also perform set-ups.


I hate the concept of healing in the context of Smash. I feel that matches are progressive and a race to rack up damage and get those four KOs. You should not be able to undo your opponent's progress by healing during down-time, even if it's not that much. This game goes forward towards your last stock, and going backward by healing slows everything down. I think they should remove all healing and make solar beam charge faster to compensate.