SmashWiki:Requests for adminship

Revision as of 02:06, October 22, 2015 by Miles of SmashWiki (talk | contribs) (withdrawn)
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This is the page for requesting adminship for SmashWiki.

Rules & Regulations

  • Only self-nominations are allowed. If you think that another member would make a good sysop, then you can convince them to nominate themselves. You cannot make a nomination on behalf of another user.
  • After sufficient time has passed to allow all users who wish to express an opinion the chance to do so, a decision will be made based on community consensus as to whether or not the request will succeed. Once a decision has been made, the discussion will be archived.
  • Selections of sysops are not a simple vote count, or majority opinion. Users who wish to be promoted should demonstrate a steady commitment to this wiki, and be able to point to reasons that the sysop tools would allow them to do better editing.
  • Candidates should describe why the wiki should want them to be sysops, not why they want to be sysops on the wiki.
  • When supporting or opposing a candidate, give good reasons. Comments that describe in detail why the candidate should/should not become a sysop carry far more weight than simple support/oppose.
  • Rollback status is not required for a successful RfA, but is highly encouraged. Users who only want sysop tools for quick reverts of vandalism will be directed towards the appropriate request.
  • Upon request, a prospective sysop may be given a scenario and asked his/her opinion on how s/he would handle it.
  • Users that have been blocked in the past, or who have previously made an RfA and failed, are no less eligible for adminship. However, such users should be able to demonstrate how they have improved since the block/previous RfA, lest their RfA find serious opposition.

Past nominations

  • For a list of all previous requests for adminship that ended with the candidate's promotion, please see this category.
  • For a list of all previous requests for adminship wherein the candidate was not promoted, please see this category.

How to nominate

If you have not had a request for adminship page before, follow this two-step process.

  1. Go to the end of the requests section below, and add the following text:
    {{{{subst:FULLPAGENAME}}/Username}} Where "Username" is the name of the user being nominated.
  2. Click on the created red link, and add:
    {{subst:rfa|Username|reason for nomination}}

However, if you have had a previous request for adminship, follow this process instead.

  1. Go to the end of the requests section below, and add the following text:
    {{{{subst:FULLPAGENAME}}/Username (#)}}
    Where "Username" is the name of the user being nominated, and where # is 2 for the second RfA, 3 for the third, and so on.
  2. Click on the created red link, and add:
    {{subst:rfa|Username|reason for nomination}}

Current requests

Aidanzapunk (talkcontribsedit countRFA page)

Candidate, please summarize why you are running for adminship below.
Well, let's see, for one, I'm active most of the time, arguably more so than other admins on this site. For two, I have a very good idea of what should and shouldn't go on here. For three, the time the rollbackers had to stall this recent vandal is quite frankly ridiculous.

I have a computer that I can use, but I have access to my phone at all times, so I can work from both systems. In addition to that, thanks to my phone, I'm one of the fastest users here to respond to something, so I can deal with vandalism quickly should it turn up.

I'd appreciate thoughts on this, and I do hope this goes well.


  1. EXTREME Support You are an excellent rollbacker, very kind to others, not wanting to abuse admin powers, and unlike others, I think that your conflict resolution is actually good. a great RFA candidate IMHO.   INoMed (Talk • Contribs) 13:26, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  2. Very Strong Support I can already tell just from the short amount of time that we've talked that you'd make an excellent admin. You're kind to others so people don't feel hesitant to talk to you about something, you've made some strong contributions to the Wiki, and while a little more experience under the belt couldn't hurt, you already have enough in front of you to be accepted, should they accept you. Good luck. :D Disaster Flare (talk) 13:39, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  3. 100% Support I've been constantly around ever since 2015. I've always noticed who did what change. I took the time to go through all of Aidan's contributions and discussions. Long story short, yes. For all the above reasons, definitely worth to be an admin. Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 13:48, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    Increasing to 110% Support I see that there's plenty of opposition, but I'd like to add something. Rollbackers can't block vandals. Sure, they can instantly revert edits, but blocking is usually more efficient. Aidan is indeed more active overall, so... Even if is indeed a bit rushed, but a fourth active admin wouldn't hurt. Especially when SK loses his sleep... Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 15:46, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
  4. Strong Support I think that more admins is the way to go in lieu of all the vandalism. You are active, and I can contact you if I catch one overnight too. You have levelheadedness and, in my opinion, are plenty trustworthy. SerpentKing (talk) 14:11, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    I am shifting to Support mainly because I partly agree with Miles that this feels rushed. SerpentKing (talk) 14:57, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  5. Support per everything above so far. You seem to be active when we don't have admins online so you could deal with vandals in that timeframe. DekZek, The creature of your nightmares   14:21, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  6. Per everyone. To be more specific, needing to hold off a vandal via rollback shouldn't happen if we have active admins. We need you. Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 16:05, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    Shifting to a stronger support. I felt like this was rushed at first, but with there being so many vandals that Serpent King is risking his health to protect the wiki, I see even more reason to be a system operator. More than 10 different vandals in less than a week, more than 20 violators this month alone, and a user skipping sleep to protect the wiki from vandalism is appalling, almost inexcusable. Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 09:04, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
  7. Support. You'd be great with the janitorial tools and have pretty good dispute skills. My only worry is that you could be a bit more straightforward, as your attempts at conflict resolution don't feel definite. Other than that, though, I feel you would be a great admin. Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 16:13, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    Shifting to Weak support. Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 06:38, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  8. Support Despite it being questionable to have these tools, user is well liked by the community and is strongly supported already. Dots (talk)   The Sigma 16:26, 20 October 2015 (EDT)


  1. Slight oppose On one hand, you're very active and usually quickly and quietly deal with vandals like you did today, much quicker than the admins often do. On the other hand, you're kind of unpredictable. All of the very minor trivia points that you get involved in arguments about, and (to bring up something from awhile ago that isn't completely relevant but is making me unsure) the whole "is Luigi a semi-clone or not" which made me feel very unwelcome on the wiki when I first started. Right now, with your strengths in vandal handling but poor wiki handling, I think rollback is the best place for you. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 14:52, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    I can understand the critique about the unpredictability, as I've noticed that in myself, even outside the wiki. That said, all I really want to do is help, and becoming an admin will certainly help out with that.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  15:47, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  2. Oppose. Attempts at conflict resolution are mixed at best, and in several places concerning. Little demonstrated need for admin powers, as most of your stated reasons can be done without admin powers. This seems like a rushed RfA in the aftermath of an obnoxious vandal. I would suggest you try again later when you can better demonstrate that you have what it takes to manage the responsibilites of adminship. Miles (talk) 16:16, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    Even I'll admit this seemed kind of rushed in my opinion, but I can honestly feel that it can be put to good use outside of the main reason I put this up in the first place.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  16:19, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  3. Oppose. Looking at your contributions, your conflict resolutions are a mixed bag. While you handle certain conflicts well, you exhibit defensiveness of inordinate levels when it comes to your own disputes, and demonstrate questionable reasoning skills while doing so. The way you react to things you find undesirable and frequent use of vulgar language comes across as juvenile and out of place. I agree with Nutta Butta and Miles in that you have not showed the wiki why you should have admin powers, as you are already doing a great job in dealing with recent vandals. I would suggest you consciously grow and apply yourself more before taking on higher responsibilities. Aardvarkian (talk) 04:13, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    The "frequent use of vulgar language" stems from the fact that I tend to use it a lot, even in common conversation. Just throwing it out there, it's not exclusive to argumentation.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  07:19, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Can I add that SmashWiki is not censored? Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 15:38, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    That doesn't matter. You have much more control over what you type than what comes out of your mouth. And with that there's little excuse for some the reactions you exhibit here. I'm not saying you should censor yourself. I'm just saying that there are better, more effective ways to put things, and many times when you use those words, it is not necessary. Improper use of language is actually the least of my mentioned concerns here, though. (Aardvarkian's Talk Page • My Contribs) 19:06, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Switching to Strongly Oppose, given how this also feels rushed to me compounded with his weak reasoning as exemplified by his given reasons for requesting Adminship here. (Aardvarkian's Talk Page • My Contribs) 19:40, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  4. Oppose I am getting a very strong impression that you initiated this for the wrong reasons, and your blurb is not very convincing in terms of how you'd be a better-than-average candidate. More than anything else, this feels like "admin for the sake of more admins". Toomai Glittershine   The Hammer 17:05, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Initially, yes; as Miles stated (and I then agreed with), it was a bit rushed due to an obnoxious vandal. However, given more time to think about it, I feel that I can put other admin tools to good use.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  17:09, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Could you clarify? Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 17:54, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  5. Slight oppose. While I believe you'd probably make a decent admin, I don't see a lot of things based on the application. You're a good contributor however without a doubt, just I don't see where you can do better over others. F0rZ3r0F0r (talk) 01:10, 22 October 2015 (EDT)
  6. Strong oppose. To be honest, I'm pretty questionable in your wiki handling skills, as I looked up everyone's opinion and there are slews of flaws you have. Because of that, I have to disagree with some people who is supporting for you. Your reasons to become an admin seems to be a lackluster, which it doesn't look good. That gives me a bad picture about how you would do with admin power. Getting adminship is simply beyond just only dealing with vandalism. You are more of being a janitorial admin if you only deal with vandalism. Should I trust you to become an admin? No thanks. I suggest you do RFA later in few months or more once you have to correct your core problems including some half of your disputes. Right now, you don't deserve being an admin in my eyes. Luigi540 (talk) 13:45, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
  7. Sure the recent fuck-load of vandalism is a growing and very nettling problem but that doesn't justify why you specifically should get adminship over everyone else. You're active a lot? Not a very good argument in my book. OT at the time of his RfA was very active but now he hasn't contributed in a month, and now he doesn't see anytime that he can be as active as he once was. Dispute handling? I'm looking at the argument on Talk:Tier list/Archive 7 and it seems you let your emotions get the best of you. It's an admirable effort, but I don't think it qualifies as good dispute handling. As Toomai said, this seems like a rushed opportunity for you to obtain adminship in light of the recent vandalism. More than sufficient proof is the fact that you didn't even sign your RfA.
    Overall, it seems you offer next to nothing over other candidates, and for that I strongly oppose you getting adminship. - EndGenuity (talk) 10:08, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
    While almost all of that is true, the one thing I'd like to argue is that it isn't required that you sign your RfA.
    That said, being active more means I can deal with vandals faster. In addition, for the last time, yes, this was kind of rushed. I will gladly admit that. But I feel that I can use the admin tools in other ways. Maybe that's just me, idk.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  10:13, 23 October 2015 (EDT)


  1. Neutral Normally this wiki wants admins who can handle user disputes, and I don't think user handling records are necessary to become a sysop. That should be a job for Bureaucrats. ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is made in America 13:26, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    "Users who wish to be promoted should demonstrate a steady commitment to this wiki, and be able to point to reasons that the sysop tools would allow them to do better editing."
    ...I'd say that applies to how this could help me.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:29, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    I remembered when I applied for an RfA, I actually knew how to deal with vandals and made strong contributions to this Wiki. But when they asked lots of questions about user dispute handling, that's when I gave up. ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is bad for me 13:37, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    I can do user dispute handling. I'm good with dispute handling in general, to be quite frank.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:38, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
    I know not every admin is good at all fields, some are better at user dispute handling than others. Even Miles and OT got into a dispute with each other, then Miles got into a dispute on a Marth page. ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is a never lover boy 13:44, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  2. Neutral I would admit that you were just like me a year or two back then but even I don't really think that I'm responsible to take on admin duties yet, even after being on this wiki for almost 5 years. For the reasons you game me, your a great user but adminship is somewhat questionable as of right now. Dots (talk)   The Cannon 14:41, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
  3. Neutral Whilst I would usually agree with this RFR, however slightly,
    1. This feels like a knee jerk reaction, almost.
    2. You shouldn't base part of your RfR on, and therefore recognise any vandal.
    3. Trying to aim for solely unaminosity in a DR is, to be honest, never going to work.
    Whilst, all of these, in and of themselves, I'm okay with, together, they kind of bother me. I might change my decision in the future depending on what I see, but for now... I'm unsure. ScoreCounter 04:31, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Also, addendum - that is not how I would handle a new user with a bad username. Actually explain what they did wrong, then link the appropriate policy, as well as SW:FIRST. Just linking to the Policy is okay for older users, with newer ones, it's just not helpful, and comes across as curt. ScoreCounter 13:15, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I personally wouldn't have linked SW:FIRST. Yes, I should have explained what they did wrong in the first place, and I'll admit that.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:18, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  4. Neutral I agree we need more admins, and that you would be a good choice because you're on frequently and revert a lot of vandal edits. However, I kind of agree with Aardvarkian's points. I feel there should be a "lower-ranking" admin position whose sole job is to block vandals. (Sorry it says "1." at the beginning of this vote, but I'm not sure how to fix that) John   PK SMAAAASH!! 18:24, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  5. Neutral leaning towards oppose Changing my vote a second time and being neutral again. Eh I sorry Aidan. I would love to support you but you seem to only have a desire to become admin instead of needing the tools unlike Nyargleblargle who I feel like does do a good job with the tools, and your points, if any, for needing the tools are weak. Dots (talk)   The Medic 19:10, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    If I may...
    instead if needing the tools unlike Nyargleblargle who I feel like does do a good job with the tools, and your points, if any, for needing the tools are weak.
    Well you COULD say that two admins could handle the job with the tools, couldn't you? Also while Nyargleblargle does FAR (and I mean far) better with the tools than Toomai or Miles, I feel like he is somewhat lacking in dealing with vandals, which seems like a tool Aidanzapunk would use well. One of his points for adminship is dealing with vandalism, and with Miles not being on as much, and Toomai becoming pretty much semi-active now, Nyargle is left to do the job and doesn't really do it well, considering the SmashWikia levels of vandalism we've been having. I feel like having Aidan as an admin could fix this. Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 16:01, 22 October 2015 (EDT)
    Sorry for responding this late. When I questioned the three RfA users about why they RfAed before the weekends, it seem to appear that Aidanzapunk's request was a response to the recent vandalism going about like you said. I'm not sure if he wants the tools to solely deal with vandals or not but being an admin doesn't just mean that they have the right to block, rather, he even said that more admins will make better online admin consistency. Vandalism also just keeps coming back; so just blocking them, including IP range blocks, isn't going to permanently stop them either. In terms of how "active" our current active admins are, Miles and Nyargleblargle couldn't be this inactive from the wiki as well despite the fact that there were days where vandals weren't blocked for hours including (insert infamous April 2011 vandal's name). Dots (talk)   The Mega Man 22:31, 26 October 2015 (EDT)
  6. Neutral leaning towards Support Same as everyone says. Once we can issue range bans on these vandals, we don't need so many admins. DekZek, The creature of your nightmares   22:50, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    A few things. 1) A range ban won't help if the IPs are so far apart. 2) There will always be vandals, and we really do not have enough admins IMO. There is not the 24/7 coverage that we used to have SerpentKing (talk) 22:52, 21 October 2015 (EDT)


Before I vote, I do have to express my concern that you messed up the placement of this RfA. SerpentKing (talk) 13:29, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

I don't even know how the hell I did that. I just copied the stuff from the main RFA page.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:30, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
...never mind, I see how I fucked up. My bad.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:31, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

Question: What makes you think you're qualified to be an admin, aside from handling vandalism? Miles (talk) 13:40, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

To be honest, that was the main reason I had in my head when I first put this up, but thinking about it a little more, there's more to it than that; I can help new users find the end of the tunnel if they're lost, I can help old-timers in a debate (should one come up), and I'm very good at making sure people are doing what they're supposed to do. As I mentioned earlier, I'm arguably on more often than you or any other admin, and to be honest, the wiki could use someone who's able to reliably be there when they need it. (And that was in no way intended to offend you or anyone else here.)  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  14:35, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
I'd like to give you a hypothetical question because I'm curious to see your answer. Let's say there's a new user ("Alph") and two experienced users ("Brittany" and "Charlie"). "Alph" makes a change to a page's layout that you personally support, but the two experienced users revert it repeatedly. It ends up in a talk page discussion, where support and opposition to the change is roughly equal. How would you resolve the situation? Miles (talk) 14:42, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
Well, it would depend on:
  1. The reasons given regarding support and opposition
  2. Regarding the personal preference, how it looks on the page itself.
In a debate like this, it would really depend on unanimous decision, but because of the circumstances, thinking outside the box would be required.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  14:53, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

Could you link to two or three examples of attempts you've made at conflict resolution? It doesn't really matter if they were actually carried out, but I'm looking more for how you go about it. Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 15:32, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

The first thing that comes to mind off the top of my head is this, but even then, it was just a minor attempt. For a somewhat better example, see here.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  15:41, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
If you're talking about the latter argument on the Mario Maker talk page, then that's a really bad example. After examining the situation from multiple angles, it was a matter of Aidan clinging onto something he was clearly incorrect about, even when he was given a sufficient opposing explanation, and wanting to end the dispute early, all whilst in a poor mood, and ultimately over something so minor such as a trivia point. Aardvarkian (talk) 02:05, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
Whether or not he was right is a matter of opinion, but him attempting to end the dispute early makes sense given how minor the issue was. I was more impressed by his first attempt, though, and I did bring up my concerns with the second point in my vote.Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 06:36, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
Ok, to be fair, the Mario Maker one was a bit lacking, but again, I was in a foul mood, as something had come up that same day; however, I did end up reexplaining my side of the argument, once I had woken up from the night before, and had gotten out of the foul mood.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  07:09, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I mean, when it boils down to it...there haven't really been a lot of major arguments on the wiki (aside from whatever the hell these two will argue about).  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  07:17, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
Oh, I see. You did explain yourself afterwards, which is good. You didn't allow tension to boil, and explained why things went down the way they did. Aardvarkian (talk) 11:56, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
Exactly.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  11:58, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I'm not impressed by how far you are willing to go to preserve your versions of the text, or your reasoning skills in disputes with decisions made in editing. However, I do think that will has proven to be very effective in your dealings with vandals. I am unsure if Adminship is necessary for further use of that. (Aardvarkian's Talk Page • My Contribs) 12:46, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I think the best way to put it is I'm good at settling arguments between two other people, but not really good at settling arguments where I am one of the two people arguing. That may or may not hinder my chances at landing this adminship thing, but that's the way I see it.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:07, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  1. Things aren't looking good. Results on this are mixed to negative, and with Toomai opposing this has a very large chance of failing, which I'll try to fight as much as possible. Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 17:39, 22 October 2015 (EDT)

You know what, at this point, I might as well bring this down. Toomai, would you do the honors?  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  10:32, 29 October 2015 (EDT)

Nutta Butta (talkcontribsedit countRFA page)

Candidate, please summarize why you are running for adminship below.
I've been tossing this idea around in my head since Nyargle and SK ran so... yeah okay here goes...

I've been around since the beginning of last year, although I didn't become regularly active until April-ish. Since then, I've made over 2,000 edits and, I'd like to believe, been a useful portion of the community.

While I can get hotheaded occasionally, I personally feel like (particularly recently) I've gotten pretty good at handling disputes and putting an end to them, and since I have no life outside of the internet I'm almost always around and can help with vandals quickly, although recently I've found that the number of rollbacks who are as active as me keep me from being overly helpful since all I can do is revert (so I guess I could run for rollback but I don't have any edits... so...)

I'm not particularly knowledgeable in "professional" smash and tend to avoid making edits to that side of the wiki, and I'd also be rather unhelpful in arguments related to those pages except in attempts to keep everyone calm and civil. I can't really make final decisions there though, and I'd say that's one of my biggest weaknesses.

...I guess that's all. So here we go.


  1. Moderate support. While this does seem a little rushed, I think you could make good use of admin tools, especially considering your experience compared to other recent candidates (no offense to Aidan, Nyargle, or SK). Ganonmew, The Evil Clone 15:32, 21 October 2015 (EDT)


  1. Oppose: I am really sorry about this. I feel, like with Aidan, that this feels rushed due to the recent vandalism. In addition, you do not have the advantage of being as active as he is. Upon reviewing your links below, I do feel like you have conflict resolution skills, but not strong ones (as in, a few of them feel as though you just sort of gave up). Again, I do apologize, but I cannot support this RfA at this time. SerpentKing (talk) 15:01, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I don't see how he's more active than I am? I mean, I'm on every day for long periods of time. Maybe it's because I don't do as many minor edits, so my contributions imply that I'm inactive. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 15:12, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Looking over my contributions, from the beginning of September to today there are only 10 days where I made no edits at all, and I was still (probably) on the wiki, I just didn't see anything that needed done. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 15:15, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I think mostly, it's that you don't really make that many edits...or at least that I've seen. Give me a second and I'll go through your contribs. SerpentKing (talk) 15:15, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    You seem to only make around 5-10 a day, which, when compared to other active users, is not that much. The size of the edits also...I mean they are minor edits (point to a few big ones you've made this month if you disagree). All I am seeing is talk page edits and minor mainspace edits. SerpentKing (talk) 15:20, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Also let me clarify that edits are not everything, I know. But they do show that you are actually there working on the wiki. I could leave Recent Changes up all day and claim that I am active 24/7, but that doesn't mean that I am. SerpentKing (talk) 15:22, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    That's the main reason I feel like I need admin powers. I'm active all the time but as a normal user there's not much I can do. I don't get the chance to help revert vandals waiting for admins because the rollbacks are always on the ball, and the best way I think I can help is by using my constant activity to quickly ban them. I can't get involved in arguments because no one ever listens to me because I'm just a normal user- as an admin, I could get more respect and could more easily put an end to arguments. Right now what I can do amounts to making trivia, reminding people of policies (and generally getting ignored), and propose moves/deletions/etc. that also generally get ignored. I want to be able to do something to help the wiki, and I think I can do that best with admin powers. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:24, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    My vote changes to Weak Oppose due to response given below. It wasn't great, but I do feel that I am not giving Nutta enough credit here. SerpentKing (talk) 23:55, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  2. Oppose. Hasn't really demonstrated a need for admin tools and generally poor dispute handling (a lack of finality in decisions, possibly instigating comments). Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think you're quite fit for adminship yet. Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 15:42, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I'm not a big fan of the idea of anyone making final decisions except when absolutely necessary. I tend to prefer keeping everyone calm while continuing the debate as more of a conversation until everyone's happy with it. "End of discussion" should only happen when it's clear that's not going to happen. That's why I directed Smashed and Aidan to the talk page instead of telling them "the trivia point stays" or "the trivia point goes". That way we could get more people into a civil debate that ends with everyone at least mostly happy. (Not to mention, it's not like anyone would listen to me if I made a final decision because it's not really my right as an ordinary user.) ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:24, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  3. Oppose. You seem to start more problems than you solve, and have difficulty reaching anything resembling compromise. Not much in the way of demonstrating leadership and/or moderation. Miles (talk) 19:21, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    ...kind of have a problem with you being the one to point out that flaw but I'll ignore that part. I will be the first person to tell you that I can get hotheaded when I'm particularly fed up with something, and that often causes problems. However, I do like to believe that compromising is one of my stronger points in real life. This wiki seems to have a different opinion on what compromises should be, although i'm not sure how exactly that works. And I'd like to believe I'm a pretty good leader, considering all of my friends look to me for final decisions and I was unanimously elected as secretary for a board I'm on (although no one else ran, everyone said they didn't run against me because I was best for the job so :P) ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:24, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  4. Oppose. Once again (wow, 3 RfAs within this week) I feel like you have not given good reasons why you need to become an admin. You could have great potential in the future but not yet. Dots (talk)   The Arceus 19:30, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I have a problem with this type of answer, because what exactly is "the future"? I don't see why that's an oppose-worthy reason. And, reasons to be admin-wise, I'm not good at coming up with reasons. I'm better with answers. Which is why I was hoping everyone would be more "say this happened, what would you do" like they were with Nyargle and SK, but apparently not. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:24, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I'm not jumping on the bandwagon or anything here but you have not shown me that you are competently able to do the capabilities of an admin. The fact that you haven't shown a need for these tools to be useful doesn't help either. Dots (talk)   The End 22:32, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    What exactly do I need to show you? ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:35, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Sorry it took me a while to respond back but it seems that you would be better if you would give better arguments in disputes and conflicts. Dots (talk)   The Pizza 08:56, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
  5. Oppose. You don't really have good reasons. On top of that, you don't contribute much (although you do contribute), and the examples you gave in helping solve disputes did not show you were that helpful at all. Some were more of you going like, "oh hey, stop, just do this" or "oh I agree," which didn't really help in keeping the peace or resolving the conflicts and were consequently glossed over by the disputers. I will say that for the most part, you're pretty levelheaded. It's just that you currently don't have much going for you for this position. (Aardvarkian's Talk Page • My Contribs) 22:41, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Apparently I'm not really making this clear. Please help me know what I'm doing wrong. Even if I can't change your mind I want to be able to improve. Don't just say "you aren't worthy", tell me why. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:43, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    I think you just gotta be more active, and more firm in your positions in disputes. In your involvements in arguments or peacekeeping, you gotta provide solid responses. I understand that you've done this in the past but maybe you should pack 'em with more punch. Moreso than "I agree, good reason." And I know you've gone beyond that before. But the more truth and facts you give, the stronger your word will be, though this does not guarantee things swaying in a particular direction. You don't need to write essays, just put extra testicular fortitude into it. I also think you should be more active, if you want this position. Take this or leave it, I just see no incentive for you to be an admin, but that's the advice I can give. (Aardvarkian's Talk Page • My Contribs) 22:56, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    Thanks, that helps. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 23:46, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  6. Oppose Uhh who are you again? Lack of good reasons and number of core problem as mentioned above keeps you from being admin. Luigi540 (talk) 01:33, 22 October 2015 (EDT)


  1. I don't know enough context to be able to make a decision, so I'm kind of indifferent on this one. I don't mean anything by it, however.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  13:57, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
    ...I feel a little iffy on this being your reason for being neutral. I mean, if you need more context, doesn't that mean you should ask for the context instead of making a vote, so that you actually can make a final decision? I was under the impression that neutral is when you have the context but don't think it would be bad if someone became admin, or necessarily good either. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:26, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  2. I'm with Aidan here, you've done some good things in the past, but I honestly don't have enough about you that would change my opinion to Support/Oppose. Like Aidan though, I don't mean anything by it. Disaster Flare (talk) 14:41, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
  3. Neutral leaning towards oppose. You're not a bad contributor, although I don't see many cases where you should have admin. I don't believe you'd be a decent candidate, but I'm sort of in the middle of opposition as I haven't seen much of you. F0rZ3r0F0r (talk) 01:12, 22 October 2015 (EDT)


Would you mind linking to some edits that show how you've resolved disputes? Nyargleblargle (Talk · Contribs) 13:55, 21 October 2015 (EDT)

Yeah, sure. 1, 2, 3 (although this one was more of a prevention than a resolution), 4, and 5, which I didn't handle as well as the others but I felt like I should share anyway. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 14:07, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I can't help but notice that I'm the cause of 4 out of those 5...that might be something I should note, and possibly work on...  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  14:33, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
To honestly be fair, however, that particular user has had a history of arguments with me (all of which are substantially minor, I'm willing to admit), and quite frankly, his arguments were very subjective. All I was trying to do was explain why I did it, and back it up.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  14:35, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
No one's attacking you, you don't need to defend yourself. It wasn't intentional for you to be in 4 of the 5 examples I gave. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 14:39, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I'm aware. I was just saying something before someone did.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  15:22, 21 October 2015 (EDT)

Alright, I'll bite. Say Miles and another experienced user were to get into a dispute in which you agree with the other user. Then suppose Toomai steps in and agrees with Miles. What do you do? SerpentKing (talk) 22:38, 21 October 2015 (EDT)

I would need to know why Miles and Toomai believe mine and the other user's idea is a bad one. If their opinions make me reconsider my opinion even slightly, I change it to their way. If not, I share my (and ask for the experienced user's) opinion on the matter, and if they still don't budge, I try to come up with a compromise. If the compromise fails, I'd probably just change it to their way, unless I'm angry about the matter or I feel like their idea makes the wiki look worse (like I wouldn't have budged on Drill vs. Drill Arm because the way Toomai wanted it phrased seemed unprofessional to me. And if Miles is being a jerk about it, I probably won't budge just because I don't like jerks to win.) ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 22:41, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I appreciate your honesty, but unfortunately, this does not sway my vote too much. I will now change to weak oppose. SerpentKing (talk) 23:53, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
I feel like that was a poor example, because i could handle that as a normal user just as well as I could an admin. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 23:58, 21 October 2015 (EDT)

Okay, so since people neither like me nor are willing to help me improve (besides aardvarkian and sk and to a certain extent dots), I'm just gonna withdraw this.

...what exactly do I do to withdraw it? ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 11:40, 23 October 2015 (EDT)

You just say you want it withdrawn. Toomai will take care of it.  Aidan, Master of Speed and Aura  11:54, 23 October 2015 (EDT)
Okay. I want it withdrawn then. ---Preceding unsigned comment added by BOO! Or maybe Nutta. 11:58, 23 October 2015 (EDT)