Talk:Final Smash

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Standard Special still works

Many times I have gotten a smash ball, then quickly hammered the 'B' button to activate it as soon as possible. To my surprise, instead of activating my final smash, my standard special move was used instead. Why does this happen? -Is there a small period of time before you are able to use the final smash? Can you use the standard special move whenever you wish? Does anyone have more information regarding this? -It should be added to the article. Zixor (talk) 17:11, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

yeah, that happens all the time to me. I think I read about it somewhere on the wiki. linkpwns

This happening is described in the Smash Ball article, so I'm not sure if it needs to be added here. For the record, it happens if your Final Smash is not yet loaded and you press the button. Toomai (talk) 17:19, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

Image/table location and wording

It doesn't matter if it's too small necessarily, it gives a general idea, and if somebody's really curious, they can click on it, As for the location, it should be beside the table, other wise it looks strange being on the right side with a blank left margin, so I put in that location at 400px, which is enough to be beside it, and give a general idea of the picture.Smoreking(T) (c) 01:30, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

I just thought it looked better as it was. GutripperSpeak
Care to say why? And until you do, leave it at the 400px right.Smoreking(T) (c) 22:02, 9 April 2009 (UTC)


I don't particularly like how the FS types are arranged. Why is Konga Beat considered "focused"? I think it would be a better idea to sort them by how much control they have, like this:

Character Final Smash Type
Bowser Giga Bowser Transformation
Captain Falcon Blue Falcon Aimed
Ice Climbers Iceberg Automatic
Lucario Aura Storm Controlled

And so on. Aimed means it hits in a certain way that needs precise aim: for example, Light Arrow, once you press the button, has no control, but you must have targets in the range. Controlled is when the attack itself works on its own, but requires additional input, like Snake's. Automatic means that you just "fire and forget", such as PK Starstorm. And Transformation would include ROB, the Landmasters, and any other FS where you actually can move the character itself around during the FS. - Gargomon251 (talk) 15:26, 20 April 2009 (UTC)

That's an interesting idea - your system classifies Final Smashes by what the user has to do, while the current system groups them by how they should be avoided. That's why Konga Beat is Focused - targets can avoid the move by being far enough away. (Yes, "far enough away" may be impossible depending on the stage, but that's not the point.) Personally, I would prefer to keep the current system, as Galaxia Darkness and Mario Finale - which would both be classified as Aimed under your idea - are significantly different in operation and strategy. Toomai Glittershine The Stats Guy 16:29, 20 April 2009 (UTC)
What about characters like Kirby? His is trapping AND stage-wide. DK's can become trapping as well as focused and directional. See how confusing it gets? - Gargomon251 (talk) 01:26, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
I think you're generalizing a bit. A FS does not become Trapping because it can suck targets in for multiple hits; a Trapping FS is one for which the target is (almost) guarenteed to take every hit once the first one lands. Therefore Konga Beat cannot be considered Trapping. It's also not Directional, since it has no blind spot - yes, the largest part of the attack only works in two directions at a time, but there's no guarentee you're safe at a specific angle. As for Cook Kirby, it can't really be considered Stage-Wide since it can be avoided at a distance. By that logic, Cook Kirby could be considered Focused, since it attacks everything in a range. However, it fits the description of Trapping better, since the first "hit" determines whether it touches you at all. Toomai Glittershine The Stats Guy 02:42, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
Hmm, I sort of see what you mean, but I'd like to hear a lot more people's opinions. - Gargomon251 (talk) 22:28, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

I think Toomai's right on this one -- the current setup is probably best. Miles (talk) 22:32, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

Beast Ganon

We can't control Beast Ganon, it must be "Directional", not "Transformation" --CaioNV (talk) 02:31, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Fixed. Apparently some IP changed it last month and nobody noticed. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png eXemplary Logic 03:10, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Final Smash Videos

Are there videos out there showing all the final smashes? Should that be included? --Chihuahua0 (talk) 15:19, December 20, 2009 (UTC)

Cook Kirby

Is this trapping, or focused? Mr. AnonMatchupUnknown.pngtalk 21:08, 30 September 2011 (EDT)

It's trapping because it delivers a "hit" that catches opponents and lays down an inescapable beating. It's just that unlike most trapping Final Smashes the catch range is pretty big. Toomai Glittershine ??? The Wacko 21:09, 30 September 2011 (EDT)
I like to joke and say Kirby uses the force to trap opponents in the pot You got PNW'D by Link Link1.jpg


I thought Zero suit Samus' final smash was trapping, and Meta Knight's was focused. Lucario's is controllable isn't it? And Jigglpuff's could be Stage-Wide if her's is preformed on a stage like the Final Destination. Also Snake's is controllable too, and if it will be classified as stage-wide so should Lucario's be stage-wide as well? You got PNW'D by Link Link1.jpg

Trapping Final Smashes cannot be escaped if the first hit gets you, that's why MK's is and ZSS's isn't. Being Stage-Wide should not depend on the size of the stage, so that's why Jigglypuff's is Focused.
Lucario's and Snake's are a bit funny, but they do fit into their current categories: Lucario fires a beam in a single direction that can be controlled, and Snake covers the whole stage and leaves no hiding spots. Toomai Glittershine ??? The Interspacial 20:55, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

Mega Lucario Debate

It has come to my attention that there is a huge debate among Smash fans as to whether or not Mega Lucario is Lucario's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. 4. The SmashWiki is affected by this, as people will either keep adding or removing Mega Lucario from the list of Final Smashes. However, I think it is suitable to hold a discussion (or a petition, if you will).

I hold the opinion that Lucario's new Final Smash is going to be Mega Lucario. It has not been outright confirmed, but there is evidence to support my claim. We all know that Charizard's new Final Smash is going to be Mega Charizard X. And because we know that Mega Lucario is going to be in the game, it stands to reason that Lucario would follow a similar pattern. However, I have heard other reasons for the transformation, such as Lucario transforming upon reaching a certain point in terms of damage.

If you are one who agrees with my claim, please write your username on the appropriate list. If you disagree, please put your username on the appropriate list, and give a reason why you disagree with my claim. Also, if the list reaches more than 5 people, feel free to add numbers when needed.

The polls close on Monday, May 26th (Memorial Day). If enough people are against me, then I will leave this page as is. If enough people are supporting me, then I will be changing the page. If there is a tie, or no votes at all, I will still change the page, and leave a solution to be determined.



  1. JohnnyWellens - I don't think it's his Final Smash personally. I think Sakurai was very casual with some characters and their final smashes and it seems odd that he'd put so much focus on Lucario, mention his Mega Evolution but just not mention that it's his Final Smash. I think he's leaving it open to keep people guessing, I feel like if it was his Final Smash he'd just say it, otherwise there's no point to leaving it open-ended. And I think it makes sense with Lucario's aura mechanic that he'd transform (not a full on Zelda-Sheik transformation) once he reaches his aura peak. I'm open to being wrong, just my opinion at this point. JohnnyWellens 09:42, 23 May 2014 (EDT)

This discussion is irrelevant. We do not include speculation just because many editors agree it seems likely. The page will remain without Mega Lucario until it is proven. Toomai Glittershine ??? The Yoshi 10:20, 23 May 2014 (EDT)

...I can still have my little petition, right? Aidanzapunk (talk) 11:22, 23 May 2014 (EDT)

Names of Final smashes

I believe that this video contains the official names of the final smashes for Smash 4. ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is bad for me 23:08, 17 June 2014 (EDT)

I don't think a video by a regular user is a good enough source, because the names we don't have may be wild guesses, which we are trying to avoid. We would have to ask that user how he got the names for those (specifically, those that we currently have left unnamed) if we are using that as a source. Berrenta (talk) 23:24, 17 June 2014 (EDT)
Yeah there's no evidence that that video has any evidence. Gonna say no on this one. Toomai Glittershine ??? The SMASH-GINEER 23:38, 17 June 2014 (EDT)

Lucario and Dedede Final Smash update

Someone in Japan got photos of a Smash 3DS guidebook here: It seems to confirm Mega Lucario as a Final Smash and shows that Dedede has a new Final Smash for this game. 12:53, 5 September 2014 (EDT)

Dedede's was noted on his talk page, and I relayed the info to the FS list. As for Lucario, the image seemed to be too far away to make any details. If there's a closer and clearer image of Lucario's section of that page, then it may be the proof that we need. Berrenta (talk) 13:14, 5 September 2014 (EDT)
I can discern red feet in the picture ([here]), which only Mega Lucario has. Final Smash name is five characters long, and closely matches the Japanese name for Mega Evolution (メガシンカ). The Japanese name for Lucario's Final Smash is seven characters long (はどうのあらし) and none of the characters in the image resemble that at all. At least, Lucario does have a new Final Smash. 13:51, 5 September 2014 (EDT)