Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Wario buried in Ultimate

Buried is a status condition which debuted in Super Smash Bros. Melee that can be inflicted by attacks with a bury or plunge effect.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Support Spirit skill Bury Immunity prevents the equipped fighter from being buried.


Any fighter on the ground hit by an attack with a bury effect will be buried; if a fighter in the air is hit by an attack with the bury effect, they will simply take knockback as usual. Examples of attacks with the bury effect are Donkey Kong's Headbutt, Villager's down smash, and the Poké Ball Pokémon Togepi's Magnitude. Additionally, the Pitfall item will bury a fighter, but the Pitfall item uses the plunge effect rather than the bury effect.

A buried fighter cannot be grabbed and is unable to take any actions until the status wears off.

The amount of time a character remains buried is dependent on that character's damage percentage; the higher the number, the longer they will be stuck to the ground. This duration can be decreased by button mashing. If the ground below the character disappears, they are automatically unburied. When the buried condition fades, the released fighter gets some invincibility frames.

In Melee, buried characters remain stuck in the ground until the effect wears off or the ground disappears. From Brawl onward, a character hit by a move that deals more than 100 units of knockback will freed from being buried and launched as usual. In Brawl and Ultimate, the amount of knockback taken does not get reduced, allowing for reliable, early KO setups on buried characters; however, in Smash 4, it is equal to 0.7x of the knockback that would have been inflicted otherwise, drastically weakening the effectiveness of such setups. In Ultimate, attacks performed without unburying the opponent retain their properties when the effect wears off, including neutral attacks and meteor smashes.

The boss Rathalos (but not as an Assist Trophy) is affected by Pitfalls, having its own unique buried appearance with a very large amount of churned dirt surrounding it. It cannot be buried by attacks with the bury effect, however.


A buried character is embedded in the ground, with the visible part of their body surrounded by churned dirt. In Ultimate, most characters have had their buried poses altered.
