Talk:Mythra (SSBU)

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HEY WHO FOTGOTTED That it is time edit the page Dcx (talk) 09:40, March 4, 2021 (EST)

Can you not? CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 09:40, March 4, 2021 (EST)

"Differences from Pyra" section?[edit]

Although Mythra and Pyra are not full clones, sharing all of their normals and technically one special (unlike most semi-clones) and being a transformation character might make a direct comparison interesting for most readers. What do you think? --Rdrfc (talk) 11:52, March 11, 2021 (EST)

I agree, they're very borderline full clones, and even though the differences in frame data are obvious, there are other less obvious details worth noting. Considering how Young Link is only 1% more cloned than Pyra and Mythra, I think it's fair to give them a differences section. 13:51, March 11, 2021 (EST)

Adding Shuton to Notable Players[edit]

Shuton has recently been using Pyra/Mythra as either a co-main or a secondary alongside Olimar, and has been getting rather good results recently in Japanese tournaments including 1st at Seibugeki 9, 2nd at Kagaribi 5, 4th at Seibugeki 8 and 5th at Maesuma TOP 6. I think he counts as a notable player alongside Cosmos and Sparg0.--Hydreigonfan01 (talk) 18:50, November 8, 2021 (EST)

Being notable doesn't mean it is automatically included in there, it is a most historically significant player list, I think you should also provide what wins he had at important tournaments. Grand Dad.png NPM Morr!? A legit emoji in the Smash Asia server. 20:35, November 8, 2021 (EST)
I think he should definitely be on the watchlist, but he still largely uses Olimar as a main, not to mention he hasn't had that many major Aegis wins compared to his Olimar in the same time period, afaik. Still, if he starts using the character more as a co-main like his is recently, as well as continued success, then I'd start learning towards yes. CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 21:26, November 8, 2021 (EST)