User talk:Byllant

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Revision as of 16:23, April 25, 2014 by Clarinet Hawk (talk | contribs) (→‎Yo)
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Hi there!

*note, I usually don't do this, Megatron1 usually does this.


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Talk to me on SW:IRC. Tell me if that doesn't work. Make sure to make some mainspace edits as well!Vincent TranKirby-1.png 01:46, 4 November 2010 (EDT)

Using a subpage for a sig?

You'll have to make it first. You got an hour before I bump it to half votes or you can use a regular sig.--MegaTron1XD:p 23:53, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Small world

Are you from McleodGaming's Wikia? I would tell you to check out my front page to figure out who I am, but I have a feeling you might not remember me since I haven't touched Wikia for over a year after returning for one day after two years of absence. If I recall right, you were the guy that I thought only spoke Spanish. Byll, correct? Dragon5 (talk) 00:47, 22 January 2014 (EST)


moved to User talk:Ixbran


Just because I haven't been on lately doesn't mean you can readd information I removed, when you never responded back to me on my talkpage about it. Don't do that again. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 15:34, 20 April 2014 (EDT)

Well, that's because of that useless rule that stablishes responses must be done on the same talk page, how in the world was I supposed to know you replied to my message if I don't get notified whenever your talk page gets updated? that was because of lack of comunication, and I don't hate Punch-Out!! it's just it was taking too much credit, I know the Boxing Ring is clasify as a Punch-Out!!, though I still have my doubts about that as waluigi was also suddenly change from the Mario universe to the Mario universe. Now I understand some the policies, but still the only downfall this wiki has is to persistently call the fourth game Super Smash Bros. 4. And you are an admin, you are supposed to be respectful, now matter how annoying a user could be or how meddling some people are. Let's settle apart this incident and prentend nothing happened, so this bashfull scene gets forgotten between you and me.
--Byllant (talk) 16:48, 21 April 2014 (EDT)
"how in the world was I supposed to know you replied to my message if I don't get notified whenever your talk page gets updated?"
Pay attention to the recent changes? Check back to the talk page the conversation was on, especially before readding disputed content the conversation is about? Put the page on your watchlist and use that to keep track of responses to it? No one else has any problems seeing if a talkpage conversation got replied to, learn to wiki better, your own incompetence and failure to even check back is not an excuse.
"though I still have my doubts about that as waluigi was also suddenly change from the Mario universe to the Mario universe."
What the hell are you even going on about here? That makes no sense whatsoever.
"but still the only downfall this wiki has is to persistently call the fourth game Super Smash Bros. 4."
So it's a "downfall" because we call it by the name everybody calls it by? You should read SW:OFFICIAL by the way before whining about us not using "official" names.
"And you are an admin, you are supposed to be respectful, now matter how annoying a user could be or how meddling some people are."
So telling users not to readd removed content while not responding to talk page conversations about it (i.e. informing them to follow standard wiki procedure and doing my job) is now being "disrespectful", gotcha. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 16:02, 24 April 2014 (EDT)
That's Wikia's "fault", I don't normally check the recent changes page as I'm very used to the Wikia's wiki activity page, the same way I'm now very used to Wikia's message walls than user talk pages. I expected your respones to be on my talk page at first, that's why I never checked back your talk page, I'm not a stalker.
Have you ever come around other wikis around the internet? almost very wiki in existence calls it Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U or a similar name, not Super Smash Bros. 4, it's ironic how the Smash-centered wiki calls by a very irrelevant name, even the Smashpedia calls it Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U; I have read No Official policy page a thousand times, and I have concluded it is one of the most ridiculous policies this wiki has because it is prone to contradict itself but still, it doesn't justify this wiki's insistence of calling "Super Smash Bros. 4", weren't "Super Smash Bros. Wii U" and "Super Smash Bros. 3DS" a lot more easier, evident and suitable names? I'm avoiding the "for" in this instance.
I mentioned Waluigi's case as a proof that maybe some mistakes could have been commited in the direct (like a chance the Boxing Ring could also still be considered a Smash Bros. stage), Waluigi has never been in a Wario game and all of sudden he is now a property of the Wario universe in SUPER SMASH BROS. FOR NINTENDO 3DS AND Wii U (:P) but I'm only speculating.
You were direspectful because you swear, that's a proof you were mad, don't ever get mad, whoever gets mad first loses the argument... nah! I'm teasing you with that last one, but still, relax and avoid cursing.
--Byllant (talk) 01:27, 25 April 2014 (EDT)
"That's Wikia's "fault", I don't normally check the recent changes page as I'm very used to the Wikia's wiki activity page, the same way I'm now very used to Wikia's message walls than user talk pages. I expected your respones to be on my talk page at first, that's why I never checked back your talk page, I'm not a stalker."
So you never even bothered to read our talk page policy in the first place, nor even bothered to actually look at how other people work on the Wiki, even though you have been here for years now (nor even bothered to notice a post on your talkpage already got moved to the page the conversation was started on)? And making sure you got a response before doing something disputed is "stalking" rather than being responsible? No, it's not "Wikia's fault", it's your own fault for being an incompetent and irresponsible user.
"Have you ever come around other wikis around the internet?"
Have you ever actually been around actual people? Everyone calls it a variation of "Super Smash Bros. 4", unless they are trying to be "official", which the vast majority of people don't give a shit for.
And that's the point of SW:OFFICIAL, to use the most efficient and well-known term for familiarity and ease of information. If the official term is such, like pivot grab, good we'll gladly use it then. If the official term is some ultra gaudy term that's difficult to flow properly in articles, such as "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS", or is some weird obscure name the majority of readers won't get, such a ukemi, thus no one uses them and it's a disservice to us and the readers to use them, then we're not going to use them when a better and more common term exists. If you want to irrationally completely value "being official" over everything else and all reasonable logic, then this wiki might not be for you.
"I mentioned Waluigi's case as a proof that maybe some mistakes could have been commited in the direct (like a chance the Boxing Ring could also still be considered a Smash Bros. stage)"
This is completely irrelevant, and if anything, this would be "proof" that they "mislabeled" an obvious boxing-inspired stage as a "Smash stage" (if they did labelled it as such) instead of being from the blatant boxing game. It hurts your point if anything.
"You were direspectful because you swear"
Hahaha, so you're 12 then, huh? Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 13:37, 25 April 2014 (EDT)
Like if you were better enough, I got my own experince by the way I work with policies giving me some awareness, sort of, policies are not scrubed in the face of users, policies will only be notified by people that searches for them, so don't blame for getting use to how the rest of the wikis work, don't expect to change a dogma when most of the people work in a different way. Policies are not in a place you could inmeidately stump upon them, once again I mentioned you the uselessness of having to response on talk pages, why the hell do I need that? currenlty you are stalking my talk page, but wait, you seem to lack a sense of humor, I don't really meant "stalking" like that, don't be silly.
There you got a point wrong, not everyone calls it Super Smash Bros. 4, some call it Smash Bros. Wii U the Smash Bros. 3DS or similar variants, but I won't deny SSB4 is an popular [wrong] option, even if it's a very unprofessional one. That policy is once again contradictory: following that belief you said why isn't Super Smash Bros. Brawl's article called just Brawl then? or Super Smash Bros. Melee just Melee? or the orignal game complemented as Super Smash Bros. 64? even the upper icon reads a 64 (Toomai screwed up that there, should have been an S) that's the most common way those games are called but in the end the official name was used for the first 3 but but is an excpetion for the upcoming? Sure sakurai didn't name it a creative name anyway. One thing is calling a move by a more popular name and another is refering a whole game title by a shortened unofficial name, it's like calling Super Mario 3D Land just Super Mario 3D.
Remember we are human being we are prone to mistakes, you, me, and even Sakurai and his translators, (you still haven't wondered why Waluigi is labeled as part of the Wario universe?). The Boxing Ring will always be a missing case as the stage was revelead as Smash to be reformed as Punch-Out, following Mac's [very boringly expected...] addition. Rememeber Smash always carries elements from Sakurai's past works, you shouldn't have removed the Kirby origin for that stage. Oh! just let me get that clear, I don't hate Little Mac, I hate the fact a lot of people expected him and he got in, that kills the emotion of expecting the unexpected, I feel the same way for Ridley.
I tried to avoid swearing when responsing, it's not beacuse I'm 12 (I'm not that age BTW), I could have added shit, dick, cunt or fuck. I have told you swearing is a sign of anger, again, whoever gets angry means the argument was lost.
In conclusion, I will never get this wiki to be the way I would like it to be, and I will never be the user you want me to be, but I would still try to tell people nonetheless there are better options for doing a better job without breaking the rules or going agaisnt certain statements that aren't so ovious, all this in a way we all could agree, and none being is disagreement, for instance I'm planning to incorporate an items section in every Smash article, as they are very important element missing on the main articles, but are not added because no one in here has ever tried and feel is they are not needed.
--Byllant (talk) 15:49, 25 April 2014 (EDT)
Your first paragraph is incomprehensible. The only thing I get from it is that you choose to ignore policies because you haven't read them. The problem is, in this case, these are policies that you've been referred to by other users. If you had just said, "my bad, thought things worked differently here," its discussion over. But rather than realize that there are some other policies, you decide that because you didn't see them before, you're still not required to follow them even after you've been directed towards them. Not how it works, buddy.
How is SSB4 a "wrong" or "unprofessional" opinion? Is it official? No. But, technically, neither is Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU. You see, the game is simply dropping the number/name (not uncommon after three iterations) and going by the large brand name. The "for the WiiU" is just a sub-header, not its name. For the name SSB4 to be "wrong" as a colloquialism, the game would have to not be the fourth game (and, frankly, its almost impossible for a colloquialism to be "wrong." It can be misleading or erroneously created, but straight up "wrong" is hard.). As for "professionalism," this is actually a rather useful way of shortening the name, and would be in keeping with practices in professional writing. As all games are some variant of Super Smash Bros., giving that as an introduction is not terribly helpful as it does nothing to clarify the content after it has been established. After establishing the formal names of the games, using the designations SSB, Melee, "Brawl, and SSB4 would prove most useful and concise. Moreover, if the main focus of the document is Super Smash Bros. content, such internal shortenings would not be considered bad writing.
You're critique of SW:OFFICIAL is misplaced in terms of the article names. There can be such a thing as an accepted formal name that is not official. Even though DI is the most commonly written (and spoken) use of "Directional Influence," we would of course not call the page DI. Thus, we can argue over the importance of formal titles such without having to accept that "official" Nintendo naming takes precedence.
All that said, I'm not convinced you don't have a legitimate critique of the title of the SSB4 page. What I am convinced of, however, is that you are burying your good arguments in mountains of incomprehensible ranting at this community. Take a step back and read what you write, and do not assume that those of us who disagree with you are simply too stupid to see that you are right. Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 16:23, 25 April 2014 (EDT)