Forum:Next character prediction?

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Forums: Index Smash 4 Talk Next character prediction?

Well since Olimar was revealed before the Pikmin 3 launch, think we might have another character reveal the same way? I mean, we've got Sonic Lost World launching in October with the 2014 Winter Games just a month after it. So I imagine Sonic could be revealed around that time. Diddy Kong for Tropical Freeze as well maybe. Magiciandude (talk) 19:00, 2 August 2013 (EDT)

I'm not sure the whole "reveal a character for Smash to promote a new release" thing will be a regular occurrence; they didn't usually do that for Brawl. That being said, I expect to see an FE character reveal in the near future as that is the biggest series not to get a character yet. If we're going with what you said as well, X and Y are a couple months away and a Pokémon character would be perfect (Mewthree, anyone?) DoctorPain99 19:12, 2 August 2013 (EDT)
If they do a similar "Launch & reveal", I imagine Wind Waker HD & Toon Link.--HavocReaper48 01:22, 3 August 2013 (EDT)
Don't Count on it. In the trailer he was seen as an unplayable character on the spirit tracks stage. I wouldn't expect him.TheAtomicFire 22:34, 3 August 2013 (EDT)
Falco, Wolf, and C. Falcon are also background characters in their stages, but that doesn't stop them from being playable. Besides, Toon Link from SSBB is based on Wind Waker, which is a different character from Spirit Tracks. Magiciandude (talk) 13:26, 4 August 2013 (EDT)
Good point.TheAtomicFire BluePichu.png 20:50, 4 August 2013 (EDT)

Regarding Toon Link, I initially thought he was a lock, due to the "Toon series" of Zelda games still going on after Brawl, and Toon Link having good amount of popularity. Though when thinking about it farther, I do think he's one of the most at risk, due to there being a sizeable amount of people complaining about there being "two Links", and that while definitely not a full clone, he's still the most cloned character in Brawl. And with the massive decloning they did in Brawl after the clone complaints in Melee, and people still bitching about there being "too many clones in Brawl" (thus they will continue to reduce clonage), combined with the aforementioned "two Links" issue, I think Toon Link will be one of the first characters they go to when they have to cut someone. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 22:07, 4 August 2013 (EDT)

I'm expecting one character revealed per month along with a stage or two each month. Since Olimar's reveal to coincide with Pikmin 3's Japan release, I'm expecting some characters to be revealed with their game releases as well. Say, Wonder Red with The Wonderful 101, Mewtwo with Pokemon X & Y, and Sonic with Sonic Lost Worlds. --レ∆ㄅ Where da Las at? 16:08, 5 August 2013 (EDT)

Heh, I didn't think they'd show off Luigi so soon. And here I thought they wouldn't show any of unlockable characters from the past Smash Bros. I guess it wouldn't be much of a stretch to announce Toon Link when WW HD draws near. Then again, Luigi could've been just the exception. Magiciandude (talk) 12:57, 7 August 2013 (EDT)

What if instead of including Toon Link or Young Link, they included Retro Link from A Link Between Worlds? ChuckNorris24.png 08:57, 13 August 2013 (EDT)

I expect Girahim and Magnus, and Bowser Jr. seems likly. NutsBazooka (talk) 14:01, 17 August 2013 (EDT)

I'm not expecting Ghirahim, he was just a one-shot. I dunno if there's gonna be a second KI character, and if there is, it's probably Palutena or Hades. I'm unsure about Bowser jr but I do think he is the most likely new Mario character if we get one. Scr7Wolfsig.png 15:36, 18 August 2013 (EDT)
Yeah Ghirahim is the new Zant in terms of character requests. Magiciandude (talk) 15:41, 19 August 2013 (EDT)

Well what do you know. Toon Link is in after all, right when I kind of predicted that he'd be reveal near WW HD's release date (it's out only in downloads). I'm guess next month's reveal will go to a Pokemon character and/or another veteran character that doesn't have any upcoming games. Maybe Mewtwo will be revealed? I expect Sonic to shown either late October or sometime in November to promote Lost World and/or the new Olympic Games. Also, isn't it a bit odd how they revealed Luigi and Toon Link even though they were unlockables in the last game? I wonder if they're doing away with unlockable characters or just having most veterans starter characters this time around. Magiciandude (talk) 07:53, 26 September 2013 (EDT)

Or Sakurai figured there's no point in trying to hide the unlockable characters this time around, so hey might as well show them to help promote. Or Toon Link and Luigi won't be unlockable this time. I'm pretty certain they wouldn't do away with unlockable characters, since it's been a tradition in every game and unlocking everyone is something a lot of players look forward to.
Regarding Toon Link, hopefully his confirmation is an indication that they're hardly cutting anyone, and that a PT + ICs cut will be enough. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 08:15, 26 September 2013 (EDT)
Also, regarding next reveal, I think it would be either Lucario or Mewtwo (or both?) to help promote X and Y. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 08:18, 26 September 2013 (EDT)
Yeah you're probably right about. I guess that also means your journal about characters getting cut spot on again. Well maybe. And yes, I'd like to see both Mewtwo and Lucario as well. The SSB4 boards at GameFAQs are having at meltdown, it's ridiculous. I am not one for cuts, but Snake is the least deserving character to come back seeing as how severly lacking the MGS games are on Nintendo systems, plus neither upcoming MGS game is coming out for the Wii U. Magiciandude (talk) 00:57, 27 September 2013 (EDT)
Really, the only characters deserving of a cut are the PT (for being a huge waste of space that can't be a decent character and the fact you could replace him with three viable solo characters; who would rather have PT over Mewtwo and two other characters of their choice?), and the ICs (for being perhaps the most unpopular and definitely the least relevant character on the roster, as well as being a character whose "2 in 1" gimmick causes a ton of glitches and other gameplay issues). I would put Snake way over them in "deservedness". Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 01:32, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
Yes, I was thinking PT could face being cut due to his scrappy mechanic. The IC are in danger because of the issues Sakurai is having with the 3DS version. My main gripe with Snake has to do with the fact that neither of the upcoming Metal Gear games are coming out for the Wii U. Not only that, but the only Metal Gear that came out for a Nintendo system since Brawl's release was a MGS3 port for the 3DS while the other systems got a HD collection. Then again, Sakurai and Kojima are buddies, so who knows? Magiciandude (talk) 05:04, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
Well I have some bad news for you then. Awesome Cardinal 2000 16:13, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
Yes I know about that. Hence why I mentioned the ICs being in the danger zone of being cut right now. Magiciandude (talk) 17:31, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
Which also means that Sakurai wants to put them in the game. And considering how he values character uniqueness, I think the ICs qualify as a unique fighter and will probably return. Awesome Cardinal2000 18:59, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
Nearly everyone will get tested with in development and by all account he "wants" everyone to return, this means nothing. What will happen though is each character has a certain priority, and when a cut has to be made, those at the bottom will get axed first (hence Mewtwo not returning in Brawl). Now with what was said already (relatively unpopular and significant irrelevance, gameplay issues, and now significant issues in just making them work), the ICs are definitely a lower priory character and are thus at serious risk for a cut. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 02:19, 4 October 2013 (EDT)

Called it! I knew Sonic would be revealed either this month or next month! Now if only someone could ask Roger Craig Smith on his Twitter account to confirm whether he's voice Sonic for SSB4. Magiciandude (talk) 20:26, 1 October 2013 (EDT)

I'm gonna call Mewtwo the next one. We've had nothing but veterans after Day 1, Mewtwo would be slightly more refreshing than your average veteran. The other likely XY celebration would be Pokémon Trainer, but I'm still going for Mewtwo, now we know unlockability probably means nothing. Toast Wii U Logo Transparent.pngltimatum 21:34, 1 October 2013 (EDT)

Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too (like I said above). Sakurai already he's considering Mewtwo for SSB4. Of the cut characters, Mewtwo was obviously quite controversial given he was the only non-clone character to be cut. Magiciandude (talk) 22:00, 1 October 2013 (EDT)

Well that isn't bad news for me since I'd like to see them return. Magiciandude (talk) 22:19, 3 October 2013 (EDT)

I wonder when the next character will be announced. No Pokémon got confirmed to celebrate X and Y (except Xerneas, who is not confirmed to be playable). Who do you think would be likely to be revealed in November? SeanWheeler (talk) 21:12, 6 November 2013 (EST)

I still expect a Pokemon really soon, as beside XY, it's Nintendo's biggest series and they still only have one character confirmed for it. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 10:16, 7 November 2013 (EST)

Hmm...we have to think. Weren't there TWO characters announced during the same month, previously? So, in a sense, Marth may not be the only "New Challenger" during November. So, looking at this, we may have 6 possible candidates from the Zelda series; Zelda, Ganondorf, Ghirahim, Vaati, Dark Link or even Yuga. But I don't know if they will be in, but we got to wait and see. Requiem fo Ice (talk) 22:36, 9 November 2013 (EST)

I don't know about Ghirahim, Vaati, or Yuga although Dark Link might make it as a clone of Link. Zelda is sure to come and Ganondorf is also likely. FireMario1534 (talk) 20:46, 14 November 2013 (EST)

Xerneas doesn't make much sense as a stage hazard beause he is in a 3DS only game but was shown to appear in the Wii U version.NutsBazooka (talk) 03:58, 10 November 2013 (EST)

With the announcement of Rosalina being playable in 3D World, I'm thinking she could get a Smash 4 confirmation for that game's release. JamesJH-Heartless.pngHeart 21:00, 13 November 2013 (EST)

I do agree. Rosalina will be the newest playable mainstream Mario character to appear in a major title. She has a much bigger chance to appear in Sm4sh now. Requiem of Ice (talk) 17:57, 14 November 2013 (EST)
I also have to agree with you that Rosalina is a pretty solid choice for being playable as well. Being a important character in Mario Galaxy, she seems notable to the main series. Dots (talk) MewtwoMS.png The N64 18:05, 14 November 2013 (EST)
She is also a female character, which is another reason Sakurai may add her. Requiem of Ice (talk) 20:09, 14 November 2013 (EST)