Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Star Fox Smash Taunt

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Fox contacts Slippy Toad in the Japanese Melee version of this easter egg.

The Star Fox Smash Taunt is a series of conversations that are easter eggs included in both Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. These can be activated by only Star Fox characters on stages from that same series. They are like Snake's usage of his codec, however, the Star Fox Smash Taunt predates Snake's Smash Taunt.


To perform the special taunt, the player to tap the down taunt very briefly (one frame) until they see the character go into a kneeling stance while shaking their fist. The third taunt can be done by pressing the following buttons (assuming the player is on a default key configuration).

If the character completes the whole animation (kneeling while shaking fist, and then standing up and performing a salute), the secret taunt has been activated.


  • The player can only perform one special taunt per match.
  • If they are hit during the animation, the special taunt will fail to execute. The player will have to start another match to perform the taunt.
  • The taunt is automatically canceled when someone obtains the Smash Ball, completes a Dragoon or the character who initiated the taunt is KO'd; in Melee, if the character is affected by an attack that inflicts hitstun, then the taunt will immediately end.
  • There are a total of five special taunts in Lylat Cruise per character. The dialog depends on the background of the stage after a space warp.
  • In Lylat Cruise, The special taunt won't immediately start after the pose. Instead, it will begin right after the background does a warp. However, if the character finishes the special taunt pose right after the warp, the dialog will immediately start.
  • The backgrounds in Lylat Cruise have no specific order. However, a background will not appear twice in a row.
  • The characters voices heard in Corneria are exactly the same as if the stage was in Melee, albeit a slight change in dialogue text.


  • Corneria: Despite Leon calling it a "blue planet", Peppy refers to it as Corneria. This is the main planet in the game series.
  • Starry space: A starry field.
  • Skirmish: Space fleets firing at each other.
  • Asteroid fields: Asteroids at the background appear while an Arwing appear to shoot it.
  • Dogfight: Star Wolf vs. Star Fox with the Great Fox flying in the background.


Fox McCloud - Jim Walker (English), Kenji Nojima (Japanese)

Falco Lombardi - Dex Manley (English), Hisao Egawa (Japanese)

Wolf O'Donnell - Jay Ward (English), Mahito Oba (Japanese)

Krystal - Alésia Glidewell (English), Aya Hara (Japanese)

Slippy Toad - Mike McAuliffe (English), Kyoko Tonguu (Japanese)

Peppy Hare - Dex Manley (English), Tomohisa Asou (Japanese)

Leon Powalski - Jim Walker (English), Shinobu Satouchi (Japanese)

Panther Caroso - Dex Manley (English), Tetsu Inada (Japanese)

Lylat Cruise taunts

Fox McCloud

File:Fox Smash Taunt.jpg
Peppy Hare is one of the Star Fox series characters present in this easter egg.


Peppy: Look, we're passing Corneria. Protecting this planet sure has been a lot of work.

Falco: Yeah, it's kept things from getting too boring around here.

Wolf: Don't think you can take a breather just yet, Team Star Fox!

Peppy: Ahhh! Star Wolf!

Wolf: You know you are all like us. Our fates are intertwined. We are destined to meet in battle. After all, what fun is there to be had in peace and quiet? A true warrior can only live in the battlefield!

Falco: Then why don't you show me what a real warrior's like, fuzzball! I'm ready if you are!

Slippy: Boy those guys are always itching to fight, huh?

Asteroid Field

Peppy: We've hit an asteroid field! Protect the main ship at all costs!

Falco: Take it easy, Peppy. We just need to blow up some of these asteroids, right?

Slippy: Don't worry about us, Fox! We've got things covered here. You just focus on the battle!

Krystal: Don't let us down, Fox!

Slippy: Blast 'em once for me, buddy!


Peppy: We're in the middle of an interplanetary skirmish. Stay sharp and keep an eye on your six!

Slippy: Eeep! This place is a war zone!

Falco: Heh, what are you worried about? These guys are weaker than overcooked noodles!

Peppy: Mmm? Overcooked noodles? What's that supposed to mean?

Krystal: That's not a terribly good comparison, is it?

Falco: - -

(Actually, this makes sense in the Japanese dialog. "Somen" is a type of noodle, but it also means "injury". Peppy mistakes "somen" as a noodle instead of the latter.)


Falco: Pff! We meet again, Star Wolf!

Krystal: Uugh! These guys are no joke!

Leon: Heh, I'll make sure to work you over real good before I turn you into scrap metal.

Panther: Do you see my red rose? It marks your imminent death!

Wolf: Listen close: I won't let a single one of you leave here alive! And Fox, remember this! I'm the one who's going to take you down!

Starry Space

Falco: Fox looks like he's got his hands full.

Krystal: Yes, he's putting up quite a fight, though.

Peppy: You know, he reminds me of his father every day.

Slippy: Hey, this is no time for chitchat guys! Shouldn't we be worried about Fox? He's out there with no air! How's he supposed to breathe?!

Peppy: Bah! Way to go, Slippy. No one would've even noticed if you hadn't opened up your big yap!

Falco Lombardi


Fox: Looks like we made it to Corneria. Falco sure is a sticking it to 'em out there.

Krystal: Yes, but don't you find it... odd? I've never even seen some of his opponents before.

Fox: Well it is a brawl, after all. Everyone's in on the fight!

Peppy: That gives me itching for some action. I want in!

Slippy: No way! Old-timers like you ride the bench. This fight's mine!

Krystal: What are you two thinking? I'm the only one who can come through in a fight like this!

Asteroid Field

Fox: It's an asteroid belt. We've got to clear a path!


Peppy: Get ahold of yourself, Slippy! Falco's counting on us.

Krystal: If we let a fragment fly off toward the ship, it could cause serious damage!

Slippy: I wouldn't worry too much. Falco's a tough old bird. He can take care of himself.

Peppy: Well... yeah, I guess you've got a point there.


Slippy: Wow! We're in the middle of a full-scale skirmish!

Fox: Keep your hat on, Slippy!

Peppy: Yeah, look at Falco. He's not letting the skirmish slow him up one bit.

Krystal: Yes, he's the fighter, all right. Who else would have the guts to open a communication channel during a fistfight?

Peppy: Just the same, watch yourself, Falco. Don't go getting yourself toasted by a stray laser!

Slippy: Good luck, Falco!


Wolf: Playtime ends here, Star Fox!

Fox: Star Wolf!

Leon: Hey there, boy, how do you like my new ship? Want to see what it can do?

Panther: I am known as Panther Caroso. I salute you, my enemy.

Krystal: Hmph, it looks like the gang's all here.

Peppy: Good enough! Come on, Fox, let's get 'em!

Slippy: Hey, don't forget about me!

Starry Space

Fox: Ah, finally a day free of space combat.

Krystal: That may be so, but it's looking like a regular war zone on top of the ship.

Peppy: Falco! If you lose this one, I'm never going to let you live it down! Go, Falco! Never give up! Trust your instincts!

Slippy: Ha! I think I've heard that line before!

Peppy: Erm, sorry, Fox. I kind of channeled your dad there.

Fox: Yeah, I noticed, Peppy.

Wolf O'Donnell


Leon: A blue planet... It's actually quite breathtaking, isn't it?

Slippy: Boy, I'll say! Look at all that water! It's a paradise for guys like you and me, huh? Without a quick dip in the water now and then, we get all dried out!

Leon: Listen, I'm no frog. Don't try to stick us in the same group!

Slippy: But, you've got a long stretchy tongue just like me, right?

Leon: Didn't I just tell you to drop the subject?

Asteroid Field

Leon: Star Wolf is here in the asteroid field.

Krystal: Oh my. This looks like it's going to be rather nasty.

Panther: Worry not, my dear. Should you find yourself in harm's way, I would use the very ship I pilot to protect you.

Krystal: Oh, I feel so much better hearing that. You're such a gentleman, Panther.

Falco: Do me a favor and get creamed by an asteroid while you're at it! I'll sleep better at night once you do.

Panther: Cease your jabbering, parrot!

Falco: What did you just say?!


Panther: A skirmish... Just the place for a bunch of space drifters like ourselves.

Leon: Star Wolf is really giving it his all out there. I'm more than a bit envious of him. Those razor-sharp claws. Those keen fangs. He moves wildly and fights with the spirit of a warrior possessed. Any prey he sets his eye on is doomed to be shredded to pieces.

Panther: Umm... Leon? Are you feeling all right?

Leon: Yes, of course! Fine! Just fine. Haa ha haaaaa ha haaahaaa...

Panther: Set me straight here Leon. Are you envious of the shred-DER or the shred-DEE?


Panther: You're foolish to anger me, bird. You must have a death wish!

Falco: Feh! You guys just won't learn your lesson, will you?

Leon: Impudent fowl! You will kneel before me!

Slippy: Ahhh! Guys, Falco's in trouble!

Falco: Can it, Slippy! The tougher the scrape, the brighter I shine! Keep back! I'll be the one to bag this cat!

Starry Space

Krystal: My, the stars out here are so beautiful.

Panther: Oh, but not as beautiful as your radiant self, my dear Krystal.

Krystal: Oh Panther, you always were quite the flatterer.

Panther: Amazing, isn't it? To think that the two of us were fated to cross paths in such a sparkling, endless galaxy. Even if we were on opposite sides of space, I would speed to your side, faster than a shooting star. Krystal, know that my beating heart burns red hot for you, as red as the rose I hold.

Falco: Good grief! Where do you come up with this stuff?! Enough already!

Corneria and Venom (Fox)

The Melee/Star Fox 64 style conversations re-appear in Brawl.

Conversation 1

Slippy: Use the B button and the Control Stick combos for special moves!

Peppy: Press Up, X, or Y to jump!

Falco: What? You're just now explaining the controls?!

Conversation 2

Slippy: Wow! I almost feel like going for a swim!

Falco: You swim in the ocean too?

Slippy: Don't make fun of me, birdbrain!

Peppy: Ahh, to be young again...

Conversation 3

Peppy: Fox! Be careful! I have a bad feeling about this.

Slippy: What? Everything's fine - I'm here!

Falco: That's what worries me the most...

Conversation 4

Falco: Behind you, Fox! Stay alert!

Peppy: Just don't give up! Trust your senses.

Slippy: Come on, Fox!

Conversation 5

Peppy: Watch your radar carefully, Fox! [Peppy's window closes, but soon opens up again] Keep your eyes open! [again, Peppy's window closes, only to open in the next instant] C'mon, Fox! What are you doing?!

Slippy: Be quiet, you old fogey!

Corneria and Venom (Falco)

Conversation 1

Peppy: Look out, Slippy! Enemies behind you!

Slippy: Fox! I think someone's on my tail!

Fox: Get out of there, Slippy!

Slippy: Thanks, Fox! I thought I was done for!

Conversation 2

Peppy: Falco! Don't let them get you!

Slippy: This has gotten interesting! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Fox: Calm down! This is where the real battle begins!

Conversation 3

Slippy: Hold the A button to charge up shots!

Peppy: Cut your way through with a boost!

Fox: Aren't you guys thinking of something else?

Conversation 4

Fox: All ships report in!

Slippy: This is Slippy! I'm all right! I'm all right!

Peppy: Peppy here! I'm a little shaken, but I'm OK. Sorry... I've always wanted to say that.