Super Smash Bros. series


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funny haha tpose.

Funny haha tpose (woops sorry for breaking site I Delet too much uhh I'm getting banned lol)


funny haha tpose

Funny haha tpose

funny haha tpose.

Funny haha tpose

In gameplay

A bind pose, as seen in actual gameplay.

Bind poses are generally only intended for game development and, in theory, they should never be seen in the actual gameplay of a final product. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, however, some attacks will cause bind poses to appear for a single frame, such as Olimar's Pikmin Chain and Ganondorf's Beast Ganon; seeing these bind poses, however, requires almost perfect timing with the pause button, as well as external help by slowing the game's pace down considerably.

Hacks and glitches are the most common method to seeing bind poses appear in gameplay, as they act as a failsafes for animations that do not exist, thus helping to prevent game crashes. Moveset swap hacks, for instance, are particularly notorious for featuring numerous bind poses, as bind poses are used when the two involved characters' special moves have an unequal number of frames or if the two animations have different names. Furthermore, hacking ordinarily non-playable characters into brawls, such as Giga Bowser, will cause their losing poses to be the bind pose on the results screen, due to a lack of "applause" animations. In Smash 4, a glitch could also force bind poses to appear on the results screen if the Home button was pressed 1 frame before the beginning of the victory pose, as it could prevent the game from properly loading such poses; this glitch was later patched out in version 1.1.0.
