User:Ultimate Toad/Character concepts

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< User:Ultimate Toad
Revision as of 07:01, February 17, 2020 by Ultimate Toad (talk | contribs) (Got a new idea for Toad, now iceball is no longer Toadette's placeholder.)
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MK64ToadCSP.jpg I hope DracoRex or Aidan doesn't mind!

Like a lot of people I have some favorite video game characters that I want in Smash Bros and I've made movesets for.

I've made a list showing the characters who I want in Smash and their chances of getting in, with "Possible?" denoting their chances of getting in. I'll also include a list of reasons for their inclusion and exclusion. Most of the attributes are just the basics and don't get into that major detail.

All movesets use Ultimate as the base, and in all tables, damage is listed without the 1v1 multiplier (as base damage).

Quick character links


Universe Mario Kart
Possible? Yes
Toad is ready for adventure!
—Introduction Tagline

Toad (キノピオ, Kinopio) is the mushroom capped boy from the Mario franchise who is OmegaToad's all time favorite character. He has been in smash since Melee, but still yet to be playable.

Isaac Marshall will reprise his role for Toad, using a combonation of old and new voice lines.

Reasons for inclusion/exclusion

  • Buff Toad is one of the most recurring Mario characters in the series.
  • Buff He has assisted Mario in many ways during his adventures and next to Mario and Luigi, has been playable in more main series games than anyone else.
  • Buff Toad has been in many Mario spin-offs such as Mario Kart, sports games, and Mario Party.
  • Nerf He's STILL being imprisoned by the evil Princess Peach into being her neutral special *grr*...


Toad's attributes will be a homage to Super Mario Bros. 2 in that he is a lightweight who does things a lightweight normally shouldn't do. Toad is a fast lightweight character who's best at speeding through the stage and performing combos. Toad will have fast air speed but fast falling speed, he also can wall-jump, wall cling, and crawl. One of Toad's most unusal attributes will be his superhuman strength: Toad will have fast and powerful Smash attacks that can be reliable finishers, plus his up throw lifts opponents onto his head as in SMB2 (and DK's cargo throw) and can throw them with a cannonball effect.

Toad's moveset, however, will be based off of Mario Kart. This is where Toad being part of the Mario Kart universe comes into play, as seen below:

Special moves

Move Name Damage Description
Neutral special Item box 14% Toad takes out an item box that can be thrown at a fighter or anything solid. Has decent knockback and can be used repeatedly due to the fast animations. When it hits something it breaks and a random item appears. If items are turned off then no item will appear when the box breaks.
Side special Kart 14% (grounded) 11% (aerial) Toad rides in his blue kart similarly to Wario Bike, but knockback will be stronger, with smaller hitbox to balance out.
Up special Glider Toad 5% (multi-hit) 12% (finishing hit) 3% (gliding) Toad first puts on a Propeller hat from New Super Mario Bros. Wii and flies in a given direction. Each hit will be a multi hit attack with slashing graphics, and the final hit is when he pulls out a glider from Mario Kart. When the glider pops out it deals strong knockback with powerful KO potential. This move puts Toad in a glide, any opponent who touches the glider takes damage. Pressing B closes the glider and puts Toad in a helpless state.
Down special Shell Varies Pulls out a randomly colored shell:
  • Green shell: Works just like the Green Shell item. 60% chance of appearing.
  • Red shell: Has a homing effect that follows the nearest fighter, then knocks them out. Breaks upon hitting any object. 45% chance of appearing.
  • Blue shell: Targets the leading fighter then explodes on them. If Toad is in 1st then it'll instead target 2nd place. 5% chance of appearing
Final Smash Rainbow Road Runover 12% (start) 31% (runover) 43% (total) Toad dashes in his kart then runs into up to three fighters, teleporting them all to N64 Rainbow Road (the section where the Toad neon light is, the Boo and Mushroom neon, and the "ring-around-the-star" can be seen in the background). 8 of the different colored Toads (see below) will run over the fighters (hence the "runover") and send them flying. K0's Mario at 97% at the center of Final Destination.


On screen appearance

Jumps out of a blue warp pipe saying "Here we go!"


Jumps up and down twice while waving saying "I'm the best!"

Crowd cheer

Toad! Toad! Toad! Go!

Idle pose

Looks left and right

Victory fanfare

The 1st place fanfare from Mario Kart 64. Instead of the normal relults display music playing, the winning music from MK64 will continue to play, and after waiting 50 minutes even the secret loop will play.

Victory poses

  • Does a rapid spin jump then does a pose similar to Ness's "fuzzy-pickles" and says "Yahoo!"
  • Rides past in his kart, then jumps out while striking a pose saying "I'm the best!"
  • His "level clear" animation from Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker and says "OK!"

Palette swaps

  • 1: Red Toad
  • 2: Yellow Toad
  • 3: Blue Toad
  • 4: Green Toad
  • 5: Purple Toad
  • 6: Fire Toad
  • 7: Ice Toad
  • 8: Captain Toad


  • I've actually put Toad in my build of Project M by downloading a mod by B.Breon on Brawl vault, which goes over one Ness palette.
  • Toad's alternate KO line will be the famous "BUP" as a refrence to you know who
  • Toad is notably the first fighter to be part of the Mario Kart universe.


Universe Mario
Possible? Yes
Toadette doubles the fun!
—Introduction Tagline

Toadette (キノピコ, Kinopiko) is Toad's partner who first joined him in Mario Kart Double Dash. She has a mushroom cap similar to Toad and is OmegaToad's favorite female character (What a surprise!).

Toadette will use various voice lines from different Mario games mostly from Mario Party 8, along with some new lines.

Reasons for inclusion/exclusion

  • Buff Toadette appears in numerous Mario spinoffs alongside Toad, and even making playable appearences in mainline Mario games.
  • Nerf As long as Toad is stuck as a dumb neutral special (which OmegaToad says he'll sue Sakurai if he refuses to let him in, totally not a joke), then Toadette will have a lower chance of appearing.


Toadette will be a pseudo-clone of Toad, meaning she will share many attributes with him, however she will be different enough to be considered a unique character.

Differences from Toad

Toadette will be faster than Toad, but lighter and very slightly weaker. She can wall jump and crawl, but not wall cling. Toadette, however, will still have the strength of Toad with her up throw: lifting fighters atop her head and throwing them with a cannonball effect.

Toadette will have refrences to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and also New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe.

Special moves

Move Name Damage Description
Neutral special Iceball 7% Toadette throws a blue icy ball that freezes opponents at high damages.
Side special Kart 18% (grounded) 13% (aerial) Toadette rides the Toadette kart from Double Dash. Because of this, it's slightly slower than Toad's, but it deals more damage and knockback.
Up special Peachette float 14% (clean) 9 (late) Puts on the Peachette dress and leaps high into the air. The clean hit has good knockback for KO pontial while the late hits have low knockback scaling can be used for combos. It's the second highest recovery move behind Balloon Trip and the longest distance wise, going from one end of Final Destination almost to the opposite blast line.
Down special Pickaxe 10% (foward swing) 7% (back swing) Swings the pickaxe from Treasure Tracker. The inital foward swing has incredible knockback scaling, by far the strongest of her moveset behind her final smash, being able to KO at 109%, while the back hit has low knockback scaling that can combo into the foward swing. To compensate Toadette cannot jump or dash and her walking speed is slower. The speed is as follows:
  • Foward swing: 13 frames
  • Back swing: 17 frames
  • Total: 30 frames (aka half a second)

The button can be held to repeatedly swing the pickaxe for up to 10 seconds, before needing to recharge, and in the background the pickaxe music from Treasure Tracker can very slightly be heard when repeatedly swinging.

Final Smash Rainbow Road Runover 14% (start) 34% (runover) 48% (total) Identical to Toads, except they're teleported to Rainbow Road from Double Dash (the straightaway after the warp pipe cannon) and the Toadettes are in double karts with Toadsworths driving. Toadette will be in the back using a golden mushroom to run over the fighters. While it does more damage, it has less knockback and instead KOs at 112%.


On-screen appearence

Jumps out from the back of Toadette kart with Toadsworth driving.


Jumps and winks while saying "Yeah"

Crowd cheer


Idle pose

Adjusts her braids

Victory fanfare

A remix of the "Level clear!" fanfare from Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.

Victory poses

  • Does her level clear animation from Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.
  • Identicle to her winning animation from Mario Party 8.
  • Identicle to her winning animation from Mario Party 6 (this ones more of a placeholder)

Palette swaps

  • 1: Pink (default)
  • 2: Cyan
  • 3: Green
  • 4: Yellow
  • 5: Purple
  • 6: Fire Toadette
  • 7: Ice Toadette
  • 8: Captain Toadette


  • Toadette's introduction is a reference to the blurb for Mario Kart Double Dash, her origin game.