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Ryxis Ronno.jpg
Animated Deer Connoisseur
Character info
Melee mains Falco, Dr. Mario
Project M mains Pichu, Link
Other Project M characters Falco, Mr. Game & Watch
Personal and other info
Real name Corey Noel
Birth date (age 29)
Location Pittsburgh, PA USA
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Scrub

I'm a smasher from north of Pittsburgh, PA. As of next Fall I will be attending Pitt for CS. I just picked up Melee again for the first time in several years in June of 2013 and then I remembered that I really liked that game. Played a bunch against bots for a few months, went to a tourney in October thinking I'd do fine, and I didn't take a match. It was pretty rad. I'm still learning, and my neutral game and mindgames are garbage from all the bot training, but I can do some combos and tech on a good day. I don't really ever touch Brawl, and I've never played Smash 64. Project M is essentially the best thing, and I hope it takes off and I'm glad it took off.



Project M Pichu

Say what you will, but I'd really like to see Pichu in a future release of PM. It completes the Melee set, it's by far the easiest character to add, and the archetype of an insanely mobile glass cannon who hits fast has yet to be filled. Here's a potential change-list/moveset (v14):


  • Recoil damage removed.
  • Two small mid-air jumps instead of one big one. Can turn around on mid-air jump.
  • Lower traction for better wavedashes.
  • Higher aerial and ground movement.
  • Higher terminal velocity.
  • Minor damage and knockback buffs across the board.

Normal moves

  • Aerial overhaul (all with reduced landing lag):
  • Fair now only hits once with kill potential.
  • Uair is a very fast spin. Very low lag and weak knockback vertically. (Fast enough to waveland out of when shorthopped.)
  • Nair: Pichu surrounds itself in a cloud of electrical sparks. Good damage and high priority, hit multiple times.
  • Dair hits at a semi-spike angle. Still a multi-hit. In addition, it releases a shockwave like Pikachu's if it hits the ground. However, this shockwave launches vertically.
  • Bair is a sex kick like 64 Pikachu's.
  • New throws for combos and kills:
  • Forward throw is weak with low scaling for setting up gimps.
  • Back throw's power improved, kills at 100+.
  • There is parallel knockback scaling on its up and down throws. This means that a combo starting throw option is available at almost all normal percents on almost all characters. Up always sends further than down, and can be used to start stuff on low percent spacies, and down's weaker knockback starts putting opponents at combo-height as soon as up throw stops working.
  • The launch angle of tilts have been altered for more utility. They all have moderate knockback and increased range for starting combos:
  • Up sends straight up.
  • Down sends diagonally forward.
  • Forward sends horizontally (still angleable).
  • Jab can be canceled into tilts as well as jabs. Pichu can no longer be pushed back from collision bubble overlap while jabbing. Knockback angle and SDI modifier adjusted to keep opponents in until they react.
  • Forward smash hits consecutively and chains toward itself, pulling enemies in for the last, powerful hit. KOs at low percents, but suffers from long lag, making a miss punishable.
  • Dash attack is a single spiral with upward knockback, similar in animation to Skull Bash. Returns to dash after used and can be danced out of.

Special moves

  • Thunder Jolt has almost all lag removed. However, it can only be put out once every 40 frames. Attempting to use it when it's not ready results in the animation playing, but nothing coming out. (Like trying to pull a second grenade with Snake.) This allows it to be followed up on, but not spammed (too much).
  • Thunder is slightly faster. If Thunder does not hit Pichu or the ground it continues down further than it used to. Great for edge-guarding. Four sets of hitboxes:
  • During the majority of the move, there are repeating hitboxes around the bolt with upward knockback.
  • As the bolt disappears it lets out a burst sending opponents up and away.
  • In an area around where the bolt strikes, opponents are sent away with fixed knockback and high hitstun.
  • There is a one frame sweetspot around the cloud when it comes out which launches opponents vertically.
  • Agility has less landing lag and moves faster. It causes flinching and minor damage. Can now be Agility canceled (like a QAC).
  • Skull Bash has been replaced with an airdash. It sends Pichu forward quickly without a hitbox. Anything that can normally be done in the air can be done out of the airdash. It does not need to be charged, comes out in only a few frames, and can be used once per airtime. It possesses more utility and helps with approaching or following up combos.

Final smash, just for giggles

A large cloud appears above Pichu (around the size of Battlefield in length). Any enemies in the cloud recieve OHKO knockback straight up. A moment of pause, during which Pichu lets out a demonically cute "Pichu~!" Repeated Thunders proceed to rain down from the cloud, striking all around Pichu. These could be normal Thunder projectiles, as enough of those would kill anyway.

  • Note: this is more of a list of potential changes than it is a whole change log. You cannot balance without playtesting, so maybe it would need more buffs, and maybe it would need fewer. Etc.

PM characters in need of attention

Mr. Game & Watch

G&W is bad.

  • Chef is not a viable projectile any situation. It should be made into a versatile combo projectile that can be used in conjunction with other moves.
  • Give it nine possible angles for meat to fly. If up is held, only use the top three, if down is held, use the bottom three, and if neither is held, only use the middle three. (In addition, holding a direction while producing consecutive projectiles should not transition into down/up special.)
  • Have the groupings be spread out, but keep the individual angles within each grouping tight.
  • Top three should be right next to vertical, bottom three at around 20º, and middle three at around 55º.
  • Make the projectiles travel faster and take longer to dissipate.
  • Slightly decrease start up lag.
  • Give the meat slightly more powerful and slightly more vertical knockback.
  • Dash attack could be made into a more viable combo starter/approaching move if it could be canceled into grab/up smash with marginally more lenient timing and didn't have to hit to be canceled.
  • Removing its ability to reverse hit would also make it more useful for pretty much everything that it does. (Edge guarding, starting combos, leading into up smash/grab).
  • More absorbable projectiles would help, too. It doesn't make sense for non-energy projectiles to be absorbed but hey, we've got double jumps. Game mechanics before realism.


Squirtle has a lot of range issues and problems getting in. Pretty much all he's got approach-wise is shell shifting, and while shell shifting is good, it's pretty easy to overcome. You jump, and shell shifting is no longer a threat. Squirtle also has an infamously useless special: neutral B does jack, requires charging, and is laggy. It either needs to be a more serious pushing tool, or be in a perpetual state of charged to be worthwhile. A legitimate projectile would be nice (think how straight forward Falco lasers are), but an angleable push-force that didn't have to be charged could be good for edge guarding and at least it's something.

Toon Link

Right now, flame arrows stay in the ground with a minor damage only hitbox for about three seconds. What if they instead stayed for around ten seconds and had a repeating hitbox with very low damage and slight knockback straight up? This wouldn't be significant for trapping opponents under most conditions, but setting up an arrow and tossing an opponent into it could lead to an easy follow up. They could also work for zoning and blocking opponents out.