Forum:Is Mario going to rise, drop, or stay in the next Tier list?

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Forums: Index Melee Talk Is Mario going to rise, drop, or stay in the next Tier list?

Will Mario shoot up in the next list, shoot down, or stay the same? You Decide! Doc King (talk) 13:57, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

Mario might shoot up in the next list

I think Mario might move to high tier at the very most but I think he's gonna move a few spaces higher since Scorpion Master got 2nd place with Mario. This!Doc King (talk) 13:57, July 22, 2010 (UTC) --User was warned for this post

One match doesn't change everything Doc. They give a poll, look at all of the tournaments after their last tier list, and pile it up. I myself think Mario will stay or get lowered.--MegaTron1XD:p 14:03, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

Drop -- Murphyshane Don't click here 14:19, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

I think Mario is gonna be higher on the next list. I mean he has a good reflector that can basically destroy Fox and Falco's recovery, can easily chain throw fast fallers with TWO throws and has a finisher throw, he is floaty which helps his recovery and he can't be chain throwed by Peach, he has a wall jump which helps his recovery. He has decent range and has many combos. So I think Mario should and will be higher in the next Tier list for Melee!Doc King (talk) 14:30, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Recovery? It flips them. If not used at the right time, they can still turn around. Floaty is a bad thing, as it lets one get juggled easily. Wall Jumps aren't availble to use in any real stage where it could be useful. He doesn't have a good finisher. He can be edge gaurded easily. That was a local tournament Doc. They barely have an effect. One can win with Pichu in the biggest Melee tourney ever, but they won't raise him that high. They might keep him at the same rank.--MegaTron1XD:p 14:37, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Ok if you think Floaty is a bad thing, then why do you guys have Peach on the top? And Peach can be edge-guarded easily and doesn't have a good finisher, yet u call her good. Mario has good finishers (side smash attack) so why r u guys treating every character like crap except for Peach? Doc King (talk) 14:56, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Floaty is bad, which prevents her from #1 tier. She most certanly can recover, using a simple Peach Bomber to knock you out or just floating back to the stage. She's good in aerial combat. She has turnips. You view Peach as low because you hate her. Never do that for a tier list.--MegaTron1XD:p 15:01, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Well Mario aint that Floaty, he's just floaty enough to get out of upward chain throws. And is floatiness is suck a bad thing, then why is Roy in low tier? Doc King (talk) 15:13, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Being floaty is not necessarily a bad thing. It has both it advantages and disadvantages as does being a fast faller. But in Melee, being on the faster falling side tends to be more advantageous as it grants more speed to your playstyle and gives greater vertical endurance, which being floaty hinders. But a character's falling speed doesn't influence their tier position significantly enough to be considered a reason for the tier position. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 15:20, July 22, 2010 (UTC)
Well, once a top tier, always a top tier. Why can't that be the same for Mario? Plus, i've read some of the smashboards comments and they said that Mario should go higher in the next tier list. Doc King (talk) 15:48, July 22, 2010 (UTC)