SSBU Icon.png

Ganondorf (SSBU)/Hitboxes

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ImageNeeded.png This article is in need of additional images.
The editor who added this tag suggests: Missing Side special aerial grab
If you have a good image for this article, upload it here.


Move Name Hitbox
Neutral attack Thunder Punch GanondorfJabSSBU.gif
Forward tilt Piercing Kick GanondorfFTiltSSBU.gif
Up tilt Volcano Kick GanondorfUTiltSSBU.gif
Down tilt Leg Sweep GanondorfDTiltSSBU.gif
Dash attack Iron Shoulder GanondorfDashAttackSSBU.gif
Forward smash Mountain Cleaver GanondorfFSmashSSBU.gif
Up smash Heavens Slayer GanondorfUSmash.gif
Down smash Linked Strikes GanondorfDSmashSSBU.gif
Neutral aerial Whirlwind Formation GanondorfNAirSSBU.gif
Forward aerial Skull Splitter GanondorfFAirSSBU.gif
Back aerial Backhand Fist GanondorfBAirSSBU.gif
Up aerial Backflip Kick GanondorfUAirSSBU.gif
Down aerial Thunder Drop GanondorfDAirSSBU.gif
Neutral special (ground) Warlock Punch GanondorfNSpecialGroundedSSBU.gif
Neutral special (ground reverse) Warlock Punch GanondorfNSpecialGroundedReversedSSBU.gif
Neutral special (air) Warlock Punch GanondorfNSpecialAerialSSBU.gif
Neutral special (air reverse) Warlock Punch GanondorfNSpecialAerialReversedSSBU.gif
Side special (ground) Flame Choke GanondorfSSpecialGroundedSSBU.gif
Side special (ground grab) Flame Choke GanondorfFlameChokeSuccessSSBU.gif
Side special (air) Flame Choke GanondorfSSpecialAerialSSBU.gif
Side special (air grab) Flame Choke (unavailable)
Up special Dark Dive GanondorfUSpecialSSBU.gif
Up special (grab) Dark Dive GanondorfUSpecialGrabSSBU.gif
Down special (ground) Wizard Foot GanondorfDSpecialGroundedSSBU.gif
Down special (air) Wizard Foot GanondorfDSpecialAerialSSBU.gif
Down special (air) (landing) Wizard Foot GanondorfDSpecialAerialLandingSSBU.gif
Standing grab GanondorfGrabSSBU.gif
Dash grab GanondorfDashGrabSSBU.gif
Pivot grab GanondorfPivotGrabSSBU.gif
Pummel Grab Knee Kick GanondorfPummelSSBU.gif
Forward throw Sturdy Thrust GanondorfFThrowSSBU.gif
Back throw Rear Kick GanondorfBThrowSSBU.gif
Up throw Jaw Breaker GanondorfUThrowSSBU.gif
Down throw Dirt Drop Crusher GanondorfDThrowSSBU.gif
Getup attack front GanondorfGetupAttackDown.gif
Getup attack back GanondorfGetupAttackUp.gif
Getup attack trip GanondorfTripAttack.gif
Ledge attack GanondorfLedgeGetupAttack.gif