Smasher:Pink Shinobi

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Pink Shinobi
Character info
Melee main Peach
Personal and other info
Real name Paul
Location Northern California United states
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Top professional
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Pink Shinobi is a retired Norcal Peach main in Melee who was formerly 1st on the NorCal Melee Power Rankings. Pink Shinobi is known for uses of FC N-air. Outside of matches vs SilentSpectre, Pink Shinobi also became infamous for a very unique Melee video, usually cited for camping very similar to Brawl vs one of the top Ganondorf players in Melee, RockCrock, at GENESIS. That particular match is cited as an impetus for the banning of Kongo Jungle 64. He has a very campy Peach, which is quite rare. He retired shortly after GENESIS in 2009 and played Street Fighter IV competitively. Shinobi currently lives in Minnesota and does not play Smash.

