SmashWiki:Requests for adminship

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Revision as of 18:12, December 6, 2007 by Magiciandude (talk | contribs) (nominating self)
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This is the page for nominating sysops for SmashWiki. If you don't know what a sysop is, the FAQ has some information about the job, and you can also find a full list of current sysops.

Here are the rules for nominating sysops:

  • Only self-nominations are allowed. If you think that another member would make a good sysop, then you can convince them to nominate themselves. You cannot, however, make a nomination on behalf of another user.
  • All new nominees should post their name below as a new page header (i.e. ==Username==). Underneath, the user should state why he would like to become a sysop, and why he thinks he would be fit for the job. Posting examples of notable work that the nominee has contributed is highly encouraged. The nominee should be sure to sign this post.
  • Users who wish to support, oppose, or comment on the nomination may do so by using bullet points underneath the original post (newer bullets toward the bottom). To be clear, this is not a vote, and this is not a democratic process. Although the views of the user community are important and will be taken into account in the final decision, the decision will ultimately be up to the current sysop team and Smash World leadership.
  • After sufficient time has passed to allow all sysops who wish to express an opinion the chance to do so, a decision will be made among the sysops as to whether or not the nomination will succeed. If the nomination succeeds, a bureaucrat will make the nominee a sysop. If not, a sysop will close discussion on the nominee. Once a decision has been made, the discussion will be archived and moved to an appropriate subpage.
  • Nominations will be open on an ongoing basis for the time being. In the future, however, nominations may only be open for prescribed periods of time. This page will be protected if nominations are not being accepted.
Place new nominations below, newer nominations at the bottom of the page.


Hello, I would like to become a sysop because I browse SmashBoards and SmashWiki daily and I tend to make alot of edits to existing pages (i.e. adding information, deleting spam/unneccessary information, adding templetes etc.). I am also quite knowledgable on Smash Bros. and plenty of other games. I think that I would be fit for this job because I get along with everyone, I'm friendly and open to critism and suggestions. I would not become "power-hungry" if I became a sysop because I want everyone to contribute to SmashWiki and that everyone's voice(s) should be heard. I also originally created most of the Georgetown articles (i.e. Cure, Tron, ToXn etc.) and I've been updating/editing them (and other member's articles) for quite a long period of time. I've also been part of the staff teams (adminstrator, moderator etc.) of other popular sites/forums and I have experience with the ModCp and AdminCp. Whenever I am at fault, I am willing to admit and try to solve/correct it. Everyone has seen my posts on Smashboards and know that I am mature and responsible. I wish to thank you for your time and for reading this. - F8AL

  • I support F8AL, he had been posting on Smash Boards for quite awhile, and he keeps a number of pages up to date. JohnCurriSuxAtSmash 16:55, November 22, 2007 (EST)
  • I'll also gladly support F8AL. He seems to make good posts on SWF, and does decent edits to this site. I can't see him being a bad choice for Sysop...ness at all.

- Blackadder

  • I also support F8AL. I know him personally and he is not someone who will be biased towards someone. Therefore, his opinion in this matter is based on the facts.

- Cyber

  • I oppose. As much as I hate being picky but i'd hate to see someone who cannot even sig themselves properly become a sysop. Of course, that's a silly reason to oppose a nominee but there are, indeed, other reasons. Given the choice of F8AL or the other two nominees below, the choice is simple. F8AL has down a great job contributing to SmashWiki, but i do not believe that what he's down so far is enough to qualify him as a Sysop. Don't get me wrong, maybe sometime in the future, F8AL can qualify as such. My two cents. --Janitor 19:18, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • I support f8al, not only is he dedicated to smashboards and posts unbiased opinions about threads, posts, people, etc. He is a very good candidate for a sysop position. xCUREx 7:59, November 24, 2007 (EST)
  • F8AL is responsible, educated and knows that work before smash is always the preferred option. He posts intelligently and gives advice and facts for people who aren't inclined to the game as much. We all love F8AL for his unique style in gaming and integrity. I truly believe that F8AL would be the best choice for this spot on Tron V2.0 8:10, November 24, 2007 (EST)
  • F8AL is a respectable poster on the SWF, showing his intelligence and his ability to articulate and defend his ideas. I don’t frequent the SmashWiki, but if his posts on the Smashboards are any indication, he will make for an amazing Sysop. I would be willing to stand behind any decision he makes, as I’m sure he would never do anything to aggravate the Smash community.

- Sensai


Hello, I'm known as FyreNWater around the site. While I'm fairly new to the SmashWiki, I think I've made quite a few contributions to the site. I haven't done anything fancy like make templates, categories, or even make many new pages. However, I revert vandalism, clean up poorly-written articles, contribute to stubs, tag bad pages for deletion, and notify administrators of vandals. I've only been around for a few months, but I can see that there is a great need for authority to do something about vandals and the problems they cause. I'm on almost daily and see problems that I wish I could solve, like deleting joke/spam pages and banning individuals who have done nothing but vandalize. Now, all I can really do is notify the current sysops about vandals and tag bad pages for deletion. I personally have a list of bad users and pages. They've been untouched for at least a month as no sysop seems to have been around to do much.

While I haven't done any advanced things like templates, nearly all of my contributions have been reverting vandalism, tagging pages for deletion/clean-up, removing speculation, and rewriting articles to have a more professional tone. The most notable thing I did was nearly single-handedly revert about 200 spam edits Zoomer555 made using a bot.

I feel that if I were a sysop, I could clean up the junk that pops up around the site. My almost-daily visits mean that problems could be attended to soon after they arise. With the small number of sysops and the growing amount of junk showing up on SmashWiki, I feel that my contributions can help keep the site as vandalism-free as possible. FyreNWater - (TalkContributions ) 02:50, November 23, 2007 (EST)

  • I would support based on the amount of malicious edits elsewhere on the Wiki that can be so much better taken care of if we had a regular and dutiful vandal patroller like FyreNWater given the extra buttons that come with the sysop position. More importantly, I'll trust that she possesses the one quality I personally think should be vital in all admins: That if she uses a sysop power to commit something clearly objectionable and is confronted over it, she will accept that she is in the wrong there and attempt to rectify the issue without clashing over it with those other users. Erik, Lord of Universes 13:50, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • I strongly support. FnW's been working hard keeping vandalism, incorrect edits, and overall bad info off of the site. She seems to always be ready to watch the recent changes list for a sign of something gone amiss; and that's something we need in a sysop. I know that if given the honor, she'll take it to heart, and with full responsibility. NeonCrusader 14:49, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • As stated above, FNW does a very diligent job at keeping the Wiki vandalism-free - a top priority for a sysop. Don't really have anything else to add that hasn't already been said. She's also got my support. User:EPX2/sig 19:06, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • Along with Randall, FNW has my support. As mentioned above, she's done a good job reverting vandalism as well as cleaning up pages in general. Definitely responsible enough to be a sysop. --Janitor 19:12, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • I agree that SilverDragon706/FyreNWater would be a perfect candidate for sysop. She got rid of the needless speculation in the current Brawl articles. There are also countless times where she has cleaned up many vandilize pages -- whether it was a petty and obvious vandilism or a subtle one, she was always on the ball. Furthermore, FNW has put several people in their place and has helped them if they were new or did not understand the rules. All of these reasons plus her activity everday on this wiki makes her a perfect candidate. -- The Magnum Master 21:04, November 23, 2007 (EST)
  • I agree SilverDragon706 on being a sysop due to his hard work on SmashWiki and she spends most of the time cleaning pages and even on vandalism. Though my vote is possitive SilverDragon must get to understand that Banning is not the main answer for everything, everytime she goes along with somebody who is making a problem she says "stop it or u'll get banned" as if she'd be taking the choice: that would mean she would actually ban the user if had such privilege,I'd make her understand that Users have right to learn from mistakes and need time for getting into Smashwiki.---Zinnamon 12:07, November 25, 2007 (EST)
hey, the users i want banned are the ones whose "contributions" are only vandalization. that or they've done it more than they've helped. i know warnings are available, as well as temp-bans. i would use banning as a last resort. we need all the user help we can get at this site! FyreNWater - (TalkContributions ) 14:20, November 26, 2007 (EST)
  • Support Silverdragon has done a great job of removing speculation cruft and help maintain the SmashWiki community. Magiciandude 22:03, November 26, 2007 (EST)


Figured I might as well throw one in. No harm in trying, after all.

I'm a relatively new and unknown contributor to SmashWiki, having joined less than two months ago. While I suspect some will use my short account life against me, I don't think that's necessarily a huge issue. True, not having been here very long means that there's a less of a chance of me being an established member, but in my own personal experience, longevity as a member is not always a very accurate indicator as to a person's sense of responsibility. I'm very interested in making this one of the premier Wikis on the internet; though I can't lay claim to having done an iota of what RJM or even FNW have accomplished in their time here, I still feel as if I'm making some sort of impact. I contribute quite often, albeit in minor ways, by fixing up articles, creating redirects, and expanding the more skeletal entries. While there have been days on which I've neglected to check the Wiki, I generally visit very frequently to keep an eye on the site (specifically on the "Recent Changes" page) for any suspicious activity.

Thankfully, I haven't encountered a high amount of vandalism on this site... which is a good thing. However, it's apparent that this site is growing with every passing day - eventually, vandalism's going to become more of a prevalent issue as the Wiki grows in exposure and popularity. We're already starting to see the effects of people who serve only to annoy by making joke/troll entries (see here for an example). I'd like to have the ability to prevent any future vandalism from occuring at my own discretion, rather than having to flag articles for review by a sysop - a process that has proven to be very unreliable as, up until today, several pages that had been marked for deletion numerous months ago still existed on the site.

I feel that I'm capable of undertaking this position as I've handled very similar tasks in the past. I've been a member of the GameFAQs message boards for over five years. In my time at the boards, I've become a very involved member of the userbase, joining many spinoff forums created by various GameFAQs communities and moderating for several of them. More recently, I've been co-administrating at YA RLY Lite, a newer offshoot of the GameFAQs message boards started in November 2005. As a result of my time spent administrating at YRL, I've grown to work very well with teams. I take input (especially criticism) from my fellow staff members seriously, taking their thoughts into consideration when mulling over any important matters. If someone disagrees with any decisions I may make and provides valid reasoning for their disapproval, I am fully willing to cooperate and undo any actions of mine that are in question.

I realize that I'm virtually unknown around here, which definitely does not work in my favor. However, I guarantee that if I were to be given the opportunity to work as a sysop for SmashWiki, I would take the position quite seriously. I'm a very trustworthy individual and the fact that I've held so many staff positions over the years should show that I'm quite experienced in the administrative aspect of websites. I'm completely aware of what this position would entail for myself, and I am willing to go through with offering my services. As I said before, I want to see this site succeed; I enjoy editing here, and having the extra sysop tools and abilities available at my disposal would allow me to take my contributions to the site one step further. While I'd remain an active contributor, I would be able to personally deal with any troublemakers that may pop up.

I understand that the final decision, as stated in the guidelines, rests ultimately with the current sysops and the Smash World staff. I can only hope that they'll see that my intentions are genuine and that I am capable of handling this position appropriately. Besides, how can anyone turn down a guy so sexy? :P User:EPX2/sig 21:26, November 24, 2007 (EST)


Hello, I am magiciandude, but you can call me MD for short. I wish to volunteer to a sysop. If you look at my contributions, I've been helping SmashWiki with the images. I've helped out adding stage images as well as their templates when no one else had done it. I've attempted to help out the rookies/newcomers by adding images to the basic terms and help add images to display an example. Take knock-out for instances. I've started "Role in Subspace Emissary" sections, when I added it to Mario (SSBB). By being a sysop, I will help delete vandalism and articles that have not played a major to either the Smash series or community. I will continue to help SmashWiki become more welcoming to rookies/newbies when they come to this site. My achievements to this site can be seen in my user page. Magiciandude 17:12, December 6, 2007 (EST)