Super Smash Bros. 4


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Mii Brawler using Onslaught on Little Mac
User Mii Brawler
Universe Super Smash Bros.

Onslaught (瞬発百裂キック, Instantaneous Hundred Rending Kicks) is one of the three Side Special Moves usable by Mii Brawlers. When used, the Brawler charges forward with their knee out, similar to Zero Suit Samus' Dash attack. If the attack hits, the Mii Brawler will launch into a series of kicks that ends with an uppercut. The move can be used in midair to recover horizontally, but will cause helplessness that way. Fortunately, the dash won't send the Brawler over the ledge if he's on the ground. If Onslaught catches someone in midair, the Brawler will rise up a significant distance while attacking, and may or may not drag the opponent with him.

Mii Brawler's special moves
Super Smash Bros. 4
Neutral special Shot Put Ultimate Uppercut Exploding Side Kick
Side special Onslaught Burning Dropkick Headache Maker
Up special Soaring Axe Kick Helicopter Kick Piston Punch
Down special Head-On Assault Feint Jump Foot Flurry
Final Smash Omega Blitz