User:Aidanzapunk/Favorite Movies

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Everyone has their favorites. So here's my top 10 favorite movies.

Rank Game Description Artwork
10 Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back Pokémon was originally not a franchise I was into. I was actually so afraid of the series that every time the main theme started on the TV, I would start screaming. XD But as time went on, I found there was no reason to be afraid of it, and I started playing the games ever since I got my first DS. And this movie has been one of my favorites during that time. MewtwoStrikesBack.png
9 Spaceballs Ironically enough, I've avoided watching the Star Wars films (for various reasons). But this film is still one of the greatest films ever. You don't even need to be a Star Wars fan to understand that the film is extremely humorous, self-aware, and, most certainly, a Mel Brookes film. File:Spaceballs.jpg
8 Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry If we're excluding Mewtwo Strikes Back, this is the only anime film on this list. Anyone who knows my taste in anime will know that the Fairy Tail series is my all-time favorite series (which is weird, because this movie is only number 5 on this list). And while, yes, this is not the first Fairy Tail movie, it is still the better one, due to it actually being connected to the mainline series. I saw it in theaters with a small group of friends, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It also made me cry, which is a rare thing for anything at all to do. File:DragonCry.png
7 Kubo and the Two Strings I remember seeing this movie in theaters, and was absolutely blown away by it. The film is extremely well done, especially considering the fact that, despite coming out in 2016, it is entirely stop-motion. It also tells an amazing story, and a powerful one at that. File:Kubo.jpg
6 Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie The Captain Underpants series was always one of my favorite book series growing up, and finding out the news that it was getting its own movie actually made me excited. Several book-to-movie adaptaions fail to live up to the success of their respective books in numerous ways, but the Captain Underpants movie legitimately made me feel like I was in elementary school again. File:CaptainUnderpants.png
5 Deadpool I've never been the biggest fan of comic books. It's just too much crap to keep track of. But I will say that Deadpool is honestly one of the greatest comic-to-film adaptations ever. Ryan Reynolds is basically the definitive version of Deadpool (and no, the one from the terrible 2009 film that no one ever talks about does not count), and God can only hope that the sequel doesn't suck. File:Deadpool.jpg
4 Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva I thoroughly enjoy the Professor Layton series, so it's no surprise that this movie is on this list. But what's unique about this media-to-movie adaptation is that it follows a completely unique storyline, while at the same time still keeping the familiar puzzles, plot twists, and brilliant soundtrack. File:EternalDiva.jpg
3 Coco Oh my god, where do I begin with this. Despite The Book of Life more or less beating Coco to the title of "first animated film about Día de los Muertos", Coco absolutely blows The Book of Life out of the water. It carries an absolutely heart-wrenching yet simultaneously heart-warming story, in tandem with beautiful visual and audio presentation. It is a film that is oozing with Mexican culture, which is something that can be further increased when you watch it in the Latin American dub. En general, Coco es una impresionante película que se merece totalmente el respeto que ha recibido. File:Coco.jpg
2 Rise of the Guardians While I did see this movie with my ex, it's still one of my favorite movies. The story is brilliant, it's visually impressive, it's an emotional rollercoaster, and overall it's just an amazing movie. File:RiseoftheGuardians.jpg
1 Wreck-It Ralph Anyone who knows me at all knows I absolutely love references and easter eggs. And this movie does that phenominally. Filled to the brim with iconic gaming character cameos and references, and an amazing story to boot, this movie is just my favorite film of all time. File:WreckItRalph.jpg