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[[File:Link_BotW.png|thumb|150px|This image is being stored.]]I'm here to help out at least until SSB5 is released. So yeah, hi.
[[User:TheNuttyOne/Challenger Pack Concepts]]

I'm picky with grammar, formatting, and consistency and can be pretty stubborn about them in a one-on-one debate (though I'll generally relent when I'm clearly outnumbered). I think it is very important as an encyclopedia that we present ourselves in a professional manner and these three aspects are some of the best ways to accomplish (or ruin) that image.
[[User:TheNuttyOne/Smash Taunts]]

Also, the Oxford comma is always right. Sorry.
[[User:TheNuttyOne/Assist Trophies]]

==Things I'd like to see in ''Smash'' on the Switch==
<div class="contentbox mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show two-year-old rant" data-collapsetext="Hide two-year-old rant">Yeah, no, this place still isn't worth the stress. As usual, I'm allowing myself to hinder my credibility by forcing arguments that have no productive or relevant usage for the principle of it when it is beyond clear that the powers that be have no intention of changing their ways.
[[File:Switch Roster Prediction.png]]
''(Colored icons are confirmed, grayscale icons aren't, and red boxes will be characters who are explicitly disconfirmed.)''
*'''Cut characters''': I expect [[Greninja]], [[Robin]], and [[Wii Fit Trainer]] to be cut for the following reasons:
**'''Greninja''': While it seems he is still immensely popular in Japan, Generation VI was generally speaking a commercial failure. I expect at least one Pokemon character will be cut to make room for a Generation VII representative, and Greninja seems to be the most likely option.
**'''Robin''': I don't see why Awakening needs to have two representatives now that it's not the most recent Fire Emblem game. Furthermore, my selected Fire Emblem newcomer, Celica, would fill a very similar role to Robin seeing as she also wields both a sword and magic.
**'''Wii Fit Trainer''': I've recently grown to love her more than I expected to, but Wii Fit Trainer is, unfortunately, a non-entity in most of the ''Smash'' community. Once the initial shock of her inclusion wore off, people tended to just ignore her.
**'''Clones''': I also did not list Dark Pit or Dr. Mario on the roster; however, I don't think the clones are guaranteed (or even likely) to be cut. Rather, I believe Lucina stands the best chance out of the three to be de-cloned, whereas Dark Pit and Dr. Mario are shoe-ins if Sakurai elects to include clones again. Similarly, I did not list any clone newcomers, though I do think Alph, Isabelle, Blood Falcon, and other such characters may stand a chance.
**I chose to keep other unpopular or now irrelevant characters due to what they bring to the roster; specifically, these characters are Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr., Shulk, Duck Hunt, Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta. These characters either have unique moveset styles (Rosalina & Luma and Shulk) or add a new dimension to the variety of the roster (Bowser Jr. as a secondary villain character, Duck Hunt as an NES-era representative, and the three third-party characters as different third-party genres). Other characters (specifically Lucas and Roy) were kept due to their popularity.
*'''Mipha''': It's about time that The Legend of Zelda gets a new character. I debated for awhile on which character would be the most likely and most fitting inclusion before eventually, and somewhat reluctantly, settling on Mipha. In the past, Sakurai has seemingly avoided adding one-time characters (such as Midna and Ghirahim), which would seem to give an advantage to recurring characters like Impa and Tingle; however, I believe any moveset for Impa would be too similar to Sheik, a Smash Bros. mainstay, unless they took from Hyrule Warriors, which seems unlikely given its status as a spin-off, despite its popularity. As for Tingle, he is too unpopular in the west to ever particularly stand a chance (despite my personal favor towards him). I, therefore, turned towards Breath of the Wild's Champions, due to A) Breath of the Wild's popularity, and B) the fact that the developers have expressed interest in reusing the characters (I can't find the interview right now, but it exists). I initially eliminated Mipha as an option, seeing as we never actually see her fight with her spear despite being told that she was an impressive warrior, but after considering the other three -- Daruk, too similar to Ike and not popular enough; Urbosa, too similar to Link; Revali, no close-ranged options -- I returned to her as easily the most popular and most unique Champion. Her moveset would consist of the spear moves used by Link, with holes being filled by water-based magic similar to that used by Ruto in Hyrule Warriors.
*'''Sylux''': Similarly, the Metroid series is in desperate need of a new character. At the time that I devised this roster, though, I was under the impression that Metroid Prime 4 (which is practically confirmed to feature Sylux as its main antagonist) would come out before Smash Bros., which seems less and less likely the closer we get to E3. At this point, Sylux's best chance is design documents like those used for Greninja. If that doesn't happen, I'm afraid Metroid will remain only represented by Samus and ZSS, seeing as the only other option is Ridley, who Sakurai himself has stated is not suited for battle.
*'''Rex & Pyra''': I feel as though they are a shoe-in depending on when development on the game began. If not, we will likely get Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X instead. Still, I would rather see Rex and Pyra, who would bring a unique style of tag-team fighting to the game. (Granted, I don't fully understand how Blades work in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but the little I do know seems like it would be cool.)
*'''Mimikyu''': We're practically confirmed to receive a representative from Generation VII, unless Generation VIII comes out much sooner than we expect (but given how much more plot the anime has left to cover, I doubt that). While I wouldn't mind seeing the more popular choices of Incineroar or Decidueye, I selected Mimikyu because he is the most likely to remain relevant past Generation VII, giving him a better chance of returning in a potential Smash 6, whereas Incineroar and Decidueye are likely to be cut. Mimikyu's floaty Ghost-type attributes would also differentiate him further from the rest of the roster and Pokemon representatives. His Z-Move, of course, would be his Final Smash. That said, I wouldn't mind or be surprised if Incineroar, Decidueye, or even others such as Tapu Koko or Zeraora get included instead.
*'''Waddle Dee''': Honestly, I'm not sure why he wasn't added to Smash 4. We all know Sakurai tends to be a little biased towards his own franchises, and while the bandana-wearing Waddle Dee was introduced after he left the Kirby series, he has firmly secured himself as Kirby's Player 4 and seems like an obvious choice. Furthermore, his spear fighting (and throwing) are a unique style not previously used in Smash Bros., and are even different from Mipha's should she get in, too.
*'''Inkling''': Seeing as Inkling has already been confirmed, I don't think I really need to explain myself here.
*'''Celica''': This one is more my personal hope than anything, although the lack of word on Fire Emblem Switch has raised her chances. She is, after all, one of the main characters of the most recent Fire Emblem game, and her magic-wielding allows her to replace Robin as a more unique character than Alm (whose only chance would be as a replacement clone for Marth, in my opinion). She was also the most popular female character on the second Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends Poll; while this isn't the most accurate indicator of popularity, it is telling that she has a fairly significant fanbase. Also, Ragnarok would be a fabulous Final Smash. I'm just saying.
*'''Ice Climbers''': Come on, Sakurai. There's no reason for them to stay gone on the Switch. The Switch is significantly more powerful than the 3DS. Don't pull a Mewtwo on us.
*'''Spring Man''': This one depends on when production started, but even if it was recently enough that ARMS even existed, I'm not entirely sold on it. I have a hard time picturing his moveset without it being too similar to Little Mac's. Still, I do think he is popular enough to have at least been considered, and given how few Nintendo franchises there are that have no representatives, I think ARMS stands a chance.
*'''Chorus Men''': This is less of a prediction and more of a place-holder for the kind of character that there is a 0.00005% chance of anyone predicting (i.e., Wii Fit Trainer and Pit.) However, considering that there was apparently a Rhythm Heaven character planned for Smash 4 and the whole Gematsu leaks weirdness about whether his information was outdated or just outright false, the Chorus Men might get their second chance this time around.
*'''Mii Wizard''': Honestly, this one is obvious, if Miis come back (which might not be as certain as you'd think, seeing as they're seemingly fading out of use). I don't know why magic-wielding Miis weren't in Smash 4, but it's definitely the most likely style to be added to the trio in Smash 5.
*'''Third-party''': There are several third-party characters who could be added -- Rayman, Bomberman, Shantae, and Shovel Knight are some of my favorites --, but I didn't choose to include any of them. The biggest reason, though, was that I didn't want to throw off the symmetry of my roster. That said, I think Bomberman would be my top choice, seeing as he brings the puzzle genre to the existing representation of platforming (Sonic and Mega Man), arcade (Pac-Man), fighting (Ryu), role-playing (Cloud), and shooter (Bayonetta), whereas Rayman, Shantae, and Shovel Knight would merely add a third platformer. Shovel Knight and Shantae are tied for second thanks to adding representation for indie games.

While treading as lightly as possible to avoid this getting deleted under grounds of violating [[SW:NPA]], I would like to, one last time, state my strongest issues with this community as it stands in hopes that someone with more ability to change things than I will read it and make a difference.
*'''Mario''': While I don't think Odyssey deserves a complete moveset overhaul (seeing as most of its innovations seem more like gimmicks than a complete redefinition of the series), I do think the Cap Toss lends itself well to his moveset, without allowing him to capture.
**It could replace Cape as his side special and trap opponents. Holding the B button would keep Cappy there while Mario can move and use standard attacks.
**I could also see it as a new, unique dash attack or forward smash.
*'''Palutena''': Please, please, please redefine which moves are her default moveset so that the professionals won't arbitrarily decide that she's useless.
*'''Link''': Similarly, I don't see why people think Link using his Breath of the Wild design automatically means his moveset will be completely redone. After all, his core weapons -- the Master Sword, bow, boomerang, Spin Attack, and bombs -- are still present, and while the runes, Paraglider, Champion powers, and other weapons are neat, I don't see why they deserve a spot on his moveset anymore than Wolf Link or the Sailcloth.
**That said, the Hookshot is questionable. They could keep it despite it not being present in Breath of the Wild, or they could remove it and give him a simple grab. The latter option would make Toon Link more unique since he could keep his.
**The Boomerang would also likely be simplified back to a normal boomerang instead of the Gale Boomerang.
*'''Zelda''': Zelda's moveset might not need a change even if she gets her Breath of the Wild appearance, seeing as it doesn't really match her design anyway (the spells are from Ocarina of Time and the Phantom is from Spirit Tracks). But there are a few options for her.
**The spells could be switched out for the Champion powers without changing them significantly. Daruk's Protection could easily work like Nayru's Love. Urbosa's Fury could be a single lightning strike wherever she sends the little orb of power to, making it more similar to Din's Fire. And Revali's Gale wouldn't teleport her, but it could have her pull out the paraglider to give her more horizontal recovery.
**Phantom Slash could become a counter move making use of Zelda's sealing power. Or it could just be a counter move using the Phantom. Honestly, that would make it significantly better.
*'''Samus''': A few changes could be made in light of Metroid: Samus Returns (if not Metroid Prime 4).
**The Melee Counter would be a neat dash attack, forward smash, or jab. It could even maintain its ability to instantly charge her charge beam if it's a forward smash.
**Could we switch out the non-existent "Zero Laser" for a Power Bomb? Please?
*'''Kirby''': Kirby seems primed to get yet another new Final Smash.
**The best choice to keep it from having to change again would be Crash or Mic Kirby. These are both classic abilities that will likely stick around for some time.
**Given its appearance in Star Allies, we could also go back to Cook Kirby.
**A more unique choice might be Friend Circle or Friend Train, although these might be too similar to Beast Ganon.
*'''King Dedede''': King Dedede also could get a new Final Smash. (Maybe one that's actually based on something.)
**Uh, hello? Buff Dedede? Why do you even need to read this sentence?
*'''Lucina''': As mentioned above, I think Lucina has the best chance of being decloned. However, while I don't know enough about Awakening or swordfighting to list any specific examples, the easiest way to accomplish this would be to simply change the angles and style of her swings. They already did this with Roy by making some of his attacks have backhanded swings.
*'''New Donk City''': A traveling stage a la (and likely replacing) Delfino Plaza. It would start on the festival stage, where Pauline and the New Donk Players are. If the current music track is Jump Up, Super Star!, Pauline will be singing along; otherwise, she'll just be standing in the background and watching. Some landmarks it could stop at are in front of town hall, the helipad where the Odyssey lands, the pool on the ceiling, and Mayor Pauline Commemorative Park (where the remains of Mecha-Wiggler could be found and bounced on), among others.
*'''Bowser's Airship''': Finally, a home stage for Bowser! This could either be a side-scrolling stage, or a simple stage similar to Pirate Ship. Either way, Rocky Wrenches, Bullet Bills, and/or Flamethrowers could appear as hazards. If stage bosses come back, Boom Boom could be one.
*'''Hyrule Castle''': Based on the version from Breath of the Wild, of course. Another traveling stage. Guardians could appear as hazards, while briefly stopping in one of the guard towers to fight a Lynel would be a neat touch.
*'''SR388''': The surface of SR388. Rocky terrain resembling the mouth of a cave on the left side of the screen, with a pool of purple liquid on the right side that will damage players. Alternatively, it could function like a classic Metroid stage and have the purple liquid rise and lower to damage players.
*'''Aether Paradise''': Fighters battle on the Aether Paradise dock, with water beneath them. Occasionally, Professor Kukui's boat will arrive to give another platform, but it will eventually leave. Various Pokemon and Aether employees appear in the background.
*'''Divine Terminus''': Lord Hyness's battlefield, but shrunken down to give it bottom blast lines. The red spikes in the background appear along the edge and will damage fighters who touch them. Hyness can be seen conducting his ceremony to rebuild the Jamba Heart in the background, with Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne occasionally flying past as well.
*'''Inkopolis Tower''': A fight on top of Inkopolis Tower. Occasionally, the Great Zapfish will fall from the sky and wrap itself around the tower. If a fighter touches it, they will be electrocuted and knocked back slightly. Eventually, the Great Zapfish will be abducted by an Octarian UFO.
*'''Ram Village''': Outside of Mycen's house, which fighters can climb on. There's also an orange tree, which will occasionally drop oranges as food when attacked if items are turned on. Mycen's roof has a lower portion by the door as well as an upper portion and is made up of soft platforms. The stage has no lower blast lines.
*'''Sky Arena''': Max Brass's arena, with his giant head in the background looming over us all. The audience is removed, giving the stage bottom blast lines. The center is slightly raised above the edges, which have railings. The Max Brass statue stretches out over the stage enough to be stood on as a semi-soft platform.
*'''Remix''': A Rhythm Heaven stage that functions similarly to WarioWare, Inc. The main fight happens on a fairly basic stage in the art style of the game, with fighters being taken into well-known Rhythm Heaven minigames. Unlike WarioWare, however, instead of completing the task to get a reward, they must dodge the characters in the game. For example, if they're pulled into Fan Club, the monkeys will damage them by clapping.
*'''Snipperclips''': At first a stage with no lower blast lines, the center part of the platform is made up of the purple paper that Snip and Clip must cut through in Make the Cut levels, which will slowly be broken away as attacks hit it. Occasionally, something will fall from the top center of the stage: slime, which will fill any holes in the paper or slide around the top of the stage, slowing down fighters that get stuck in it; a bowling ball, which will break through the paper and meteor smash any fighters underneath it; a basketball, which will bounce in place but can be attacked to fly hazardously around the stage; a pencil, which will fall over and bury fighters that it hits; or a hamster in a ball, who will roll offscreen in a random direction, damaging any fighters he hits. An exclamation point will appear before anything falls. Snip and Clip can be seen in the background in random shapes.
*'''Tetris''': Players fight in a giant Tetris puzzle as blocks fall from the sky. If a fighter is crushed by a block, they will be dealt damage and buried. Blocks can be attacked to be destroyed, or will disappear when an entire row is filled like in normal Tetris.

Simply put, this wiki is a massive, toxic, high school clique.
*I'd love to see some form of the fake-leaked '''Tower of Smash''' from Smash 4.
*'''Smash Run''', with the ability to interact with other players like in City Trial, would be welcome back.
*Please make '''Classic Mode''' actually function like 1P Mode from SSB. That is, after all, why it's called ''Classic'' Mode.
*I wouldn't mind another '''Adventure Mode'''.

{{User NIWA
Admins are judged not on their leadership skills but instead how well they fit in. Users consistently solve issues are denounced for being rude or troublemakers when all they do is stand up for what they believe in, while users who consistently cause issues are praised for their ideologies that match the crowd. (This paragraph was made with no particular admins in mind but instead a generalization of what I've seen from several RFAs -- that said, if you thought before reading this sentence that you knew who I was speaking of, it may be a sign that you need to change your perspective.)
|bulbapedia=Nutter Butter
The core members of the community have apparently decided that the more menial rules do not apply to them, breaking ones such as [[SW:1RV]] with loose justifications and citing other technicalities in policies to avoid having to properly argue their point, then turning around and breaking the same policies when it benefits them. The admins, having been either groomed or terrorized into agreeing with this train of thought, do nothing about it and hand out harsh warning and even blocks like Oprah handing out cars when new users get in the way of established users' reigns.
I've yet to see a single user on this site fully admit they were wrong. Usually, when rebuffed in an argument, they either drop out of the discussion fully, leaving it to either die or be resolved by someone else, or will claim a flimsy excuse. Even when the excuse changes very little, it's as if people have an inability to say "whoops. yep, I was wrong." They have to say "I must have been doing [x] when that was said." or "I didn't watch that part of the video." The latter way of getting out of accepting fault is less damaging than the former, but is a sign of arrogance -- "I cannot be mistaken, so there must have been a reason."
As touched upon above, rules are only followed when they benefit the user citing them. Speculation is fine unless it was added by someone else. The policy doesn't ''outright'' state that, but it's heavily implied. Sure, it's technically a guideline, but people follow it like a rule anyway, so you should, too. I was only reverting him again because he didn't give me a good reason; it wasn't ''really'' an edit war.
Despite [ not being kings], there is a seemingly unspoken rule that certain admins are not to be questioned. Users will almost always blindly agree with them. However, other admins do not hold the same power and will be endlessly derided for stating disagreement. (This comment was made with specific admins in mind.)
A slightly outdated one, but I've seen policies be implemented seemingly with the sole purpose of weeding out users who do not fit the core community's ideals. Users are harshly treated and blocked for honest mistakes simply because a few key users don't feel like bothering cleaning up after them and properly teaching them. Users are discouraged from increasing the quality of certain elements of the wiki because it's not productive enough and creates too much work for the admins.
Many users do not feel the need to give any reasoning at all. Edits can be made with summaries as simple as "Really?" or "Nope." and what is anyone going to do about it? Revert them? Yeah, that would be a violation of SW:1RV, so don't you ''dare'' think about it. (And if you do, expect to be reverted back. They obviously couldn't let that injustice stand.) When questioned on this decision, they will usually completely ignore the comment, never participating in any discussion on whether or not their edit was proper. The edit stands, regardless of its accuracy, because removing it would be a violation of SW:1RV.
And yet, despite all of it, this remains one of the most accurate and easy-to-read wikis out there. It's honestly impressive how such a dysfunctional community can somehow manage to function.
Is there a way to undo the toxicity that has seeped into this website? Honestly, I doubt it. Obviously, [[Talk:Birdo|it's not by trying to determine Birdo's gender]]. I'm not certain that even self-awareness can help (even if I doubt any of the users who fit the descriptions I gave above will read through this whole thing, much less take it to heart) -- old habits die hard, after all, and very few of the above actions seem to be made with [[zeldawiki:Malice|malice]]. It's more like latent arrogance, or even cluelessness. But it creates for an unbearably negative atmosphere that I can't, in good conscience, expose myself to.
I have no intention of locking myself out of my account this time -- seeing as that got me banned for sockpuppetry and stirring up drama last time -- so I will likely pop back in whenever there's a new announcement related to ''Ultimate'' to fill in some basic information, fix up grammar and formatting, and upload any images I can get my hands on. Talk pages and recent changes, however, will be a strict no for me. My hardheadedness can't bear seeing an argument without tossing my two cents at it.
So yeah.
[[User:TheNuttyOne|TheNuttyOne]] 20:33, 8 August 2018 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 13:19, October 5, 2020

User:TheNuttyOne/Challenger Pack Concepts

User:TheNuttyOne/Smash Taunts

User:TheNuttyOne/Assist Trophies

Yeah, no, this place still isn't worth the stress. As usual, I'm allowing myself to hinder my credibility by forcing arguments that have no productive or relevant usage for the principle of it when it is beyond clear that the powers that be have no intention of changing their ways.

While treading as lightly as possible to avoid this getting deleted under grounds of violating SW:NPA, I would like to, one last time, state my strongest issues with this community as it stands in hopes that someone with more ability to change things than I will read it and make a difference.

Simply put, this wiki is a massive, toxic, high school clique.

Admins are judged not on their leadership skills but instead how well they fit in. Users consistently solve issues are denounced for being rude or troublemakers when all they do is stand up for what they believe in, while users who consistently cause issues are praised for their ideologies that match the crowd. (This paragraph was made with no particular admins in mind but instead a generalization of what I've seen from several RFAs -- that said, if you thought before reading this sentence that you knew who I was speaking of, it may be a sign that you need to change your perspective.)

The core members of the community have apparently decided that the more menial rules do not apply to them, breaking ones such as SW:1RV with loose justifications and citing other technicalities in policies to avoid having to properly argue their point, then turning around and breaking the same policies when it benefits them. The admins, having been either groomed or terrorized into agreeing with this train of thought, do nothing about it and hand out harsh warning and even blocks like Oprah handing out cars when new users get in the way of established users' reigns.

I've yet to see a single user on this site fully admit they were wrong. Usually, when rebuffed in an argument, they either drop out of the discussion fully, leaving it to either die or be resolved by someone else, or will claim a flimsy excuse. Even when the excuse changes very little, it's as if people have an inability to say "whoops. yep, I was wrong." They have to say "I must have been doing [x] when that was said." or "I didn't watch that part of the video." The latter way of getting out of accepting fault is less damaging than the former, but is a sign of arrogance -- "I cannot be mistaken, so there must have been a reason."

As touched upon above, rules are only followed when they benefit the user citing them. Speculation is fine unless it was added by someone else. The policy doesn't outright state that, but it's heavily implied. Sure, it's technically a guideline, but people follow it like a rule anyway, so you should, too. I was only reverting him again because he didn't give me a good reason; it wasn't really an edit war.

Despite not being kings, there is a seemingly unspoken rule that certain admins are not to be questioned. Users will almost always blindly agree with them. However, other admins do not hold the same power and will be endlessly derided for stating disagreement. (This comment was made with specific admins in mind.)

A slightly outdated one, but I've seen policies be implemented seemingly with the sole purpose of weeding out users who do not fit the core community's ideals. Users are harshly treated and blocked for honest mistakes simply because a few key users don't feel like bothering cleaning up after them and properly teaching them. Users are discouraged from increasing the quality of certain elements of the wiki because it's not productive enough and creates too much work for the admins.

Many users do not feel the need to give any reasoning at all. Edits can be made with summaries as simple as "Really?" or "Nope." and what is anyone going to do about it? Revert them? Yeah, that would be a violation of SW:1RV, so don't you dare think about it. (And if you do, expect to be reverted back. They obviously couldn't let that injustice stand.) When questioned on this decision, they will usually completely ignore the comment, never participating in any discussion on whether or not their edit was proper. The edit stands, regardless of its accuracy, because removing it would be a violation of SW:1RV.

And yet, despite all of it, this remains one of the most accurate and easy-to-read wikis out there. It's honestly impressive how such a dysfunctional community can somehow manage to function.

Is there a way to undo the toxicity that has seeped into this website? Honestly, I doubt it. Obviously, it's not by trying to determine Birdo's gender. I'm not certain that even self-awareness can help (even if I doubt any of the users who fit the descriptions I gave above will read through this whole thing, much less take it to heart) -- old habits die hard, after all, and very few of the above actions seem to be made with malice. It's more like latent arrogance, or even cluelessness. But it creates for an unbearably negative atmosphere that I can't, in good conscience, expose myself to.

I have no intention of locking myself out of my account this time -- seeing as that got me banned for sockpuppetry and stirring up drama last time -- so I will likely pop back in whenever there's a new announcement related to Ultimate to fill in some basic information, fix up grammar and formatting, and upload any images I can get my hands on. Talk pages and recent changes, however, will be a strict no for me. My hardheadedness can't bear seeing an argument without tossing my two cents at it.

So yeah.


TheNuttyOne 20:33, 8 August 2018 (EDT)