
Tournament:Nemesis 2017

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Not to be confused with Tournament:Nemesis
Nemesis 2017
Dates April 7th, 2017
Venue AUK Auditorium
Address/City Salmiya, Kuwait Kuwait
Attendance 32
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U winners Netherlands Mr.R

Nemesis 2017 was a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U regional tournament held in Salmiya, Kuwait, on April 7th, 2017. The tournament featured Mr.R as a guest.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U singles[edit]

(32 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st Netherlands Mr.R SheikHeadSSB4-U.pngCloudHeadSSB4-U.png
2nd Kuwait Madara SheikHeadSSB4-U.pngMarthHeadSSB4-U.png
3rd Kuwait SSS DiddyKongHeadSSB4-U.png
4th Kuwait XF0 LucarioHeadSSB4-U.png
5th Kuwait BadApple CaptainFalconHeadSSB4-U.png
5th Kuwait Galaxy_Space BowserHeadSSB4-U.png
7th Kuwait HJT MarioHeadSSB4-U.png
7th Kuwait Zash SonicHeadSSB4-U.png

External links[edit]