User:RoyboyX/Chars for SSB4

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Here are some chars I think that would be fun to play as in SSB4 or future games. I do know that a lot of these have no chance, so I'm not getting my hopes up. If I were making a new Smash game I would bring back most characters that have been part of the series history, and add a few new ones. Dr. Mario, and Young Link are alt. costumes. Bolded chars are new.


  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Peach
  • Bowser
  • Rosalina & Luma

Donkey Kong, Yoshi and Wario

  • Donkey Kong
  • Diddy and Dixie
  • King K. Rool
  • Standard B is where he throws a Kremling at you that bites and deals damage.
  • Up B is Barrel Rockets, where he rides on his barrels from Barrel Blast.
  • Side B is Kannonball, which is like the Mii's Bowling Ball.
  • Down B is Ground Pound, which acts exactly like Dedede's up move.
  • Final Smash is Gangplank Galleon, where K. Rool disappears, before having the ship fly into the stage from the background, and collide, dealing damage in the shockwave to anyone still there.

BE has him launch up through the stage in a Blast Barrel.

  • Yoshi
  • Wario

The Legend of Zelda

  • Link
  • Zelda/Sheik
  • Ganondorf


  • Samus/Zero Suit Samus
  • Ridley
  • Standard B he shoots fireballs from his mouth
  • Up B he flies up like Charizard but isn't as heavy, can fly around for a bit
  • Side B can be charged and he rams into player
  • Down B he fires a fireball at the ground doing heavy damage
  • Final Smash he flies from the background as in SSBB then grabs the nearest unlucky opponent and drags them across the wall

BE has him slam onto the stage.


  • Kirby
  • Meta Knight
  • King Dedede
  • Prince Fluff
  • Standard B is where he whips you with a piece of yarn, which is also his tether
  • Up B has Angie carry Fluff up
  • Side B has Fluff become a car and charge at you
  • Down B has him turn into a weight, like Kirby, though less powerful
  • Final Smash has Fluff use that tank from Epic Yarn

BE has him appear through the magic sock.


  • Pikachu
  • Jigglypuff
  • Mewtwo
  • Lucario
  • Zoroark
  • Standard B is Focus Blast
  • Up B is Sky Uppercut
  • Side B is Sucker Punch
  • Down B is Dark Pulse
  • Final Smash is Illusion; where Zoroark copies the moveset and appearance of whoever is closest to him for a limited time, and the attacks are much more powerful

BE has him appear from dark energy.

Star Fox

  • Fox
  • Falco
  • Wolf
  • Krystal
  • Standard B is the fire bolt from SFA
  • Up B is the staff boost from SFA
  • Side B is the same as Pit
  • Down B is where she fires ice at the person's feet
  • Final Smash she calls in her ship or one of the dinosaurs

BE has her fly in from a CloudRunner.

Fire Emblem

  • Marth
  • Roy
  • Ike
  • Micaiah
  • Standard B has Micaiah fire a blast of light energy (Thani)
  • Up B involves Micaiah disappearing into light and teleporting elsewhere
  • Side B has her shove you out of the way
  • Down B has her sacrifice a small amount of damage to give it to another enemy, though sometimes it can backfire
  • Final Smash has her become a Light Priestess with increased power for a limited time

BE is same as Marth/Ike.


  • Ness
  • Lucas


  • Captain Falcon
  • Samurai Goroh
  • Standard B he does a slash with his katana that is powered by fire
  • Up B he does a flip jump
  • Side B is what he does in SSBB
  • Down B he ground pounds
  • Final Smash is same as Falcon (but with Fire Stingray)

BE is same as Falcon, but with Fire Stingray.

Ice Climber

  • Ice Climbers

New-Gen Nintendo

  • Olimar
  • Alex
  • Standard B is Shotgun. Do. The. Math.
  • Up B is Reveal Invisible, where a floating platform from the essence of Xel'lotath appears under Alex and carries her up
  • Side B is Chakram. Do. The. Math.
  • Down B is Club. Do. The. Math.
  • Final Smash is Ancients, where she summons all three Ancients to destroy her opponents

BE has her use Reveal Invisible.

  • Isaac
  • Standard B he summons a Venus Djinn for a destructive attack
  • Up B he is surrounded by Venus energy that carries him up
  • Side B he does Move, though it's smaller than in SSBB
  • Down B is same as Pit (but with Wooden Shield)
  • Final Smash is Judgment

BE has him reform from nothing.

  • Ashley
  • Standard B has her take a picture with her DAS; similar to Jade's standard B, it stuns the opponent
  • Up B has D appear, grab Ashley, then disappear and reappear higher up; before he disappears for good and she is left to fall in helpless mode, in a similar fashion to Vanish/Farore's Wind
  • Side B has her roll a gear (second most effective), throw an iron sphere (most effective) or swipe with a metal brush (least effective)
  • Down B has her eat three sweets to increase her defense slightly; this can only be done once unless she dies
  • Final Smash has her jump off stage, then returns driving Captain's Boat onto the stage, taking people down in a similar fashion to Piplup

BE has her run onto the stage.

  • Villager
  • Wii Fit Trainer

Classic Nintendo

  • Mr. Game & Watch
  • Pit
  • R.O.B.
  • Duck Hunt Dog
  • Standard B is where he shoots you with the NES Zapper
  • Up B depicts him grabbing onto two ducks and flying up
  • Side B has him toss a clay disc
  • Down B has him pounce someone, like what he does in his original game
  • Final Smash is similar to Snake's. He laughs as an offscreen gunman (you) shoots the opponents

BE makes him stand up slowly through grass, laughing, then stop.

  • Sukapon
  • Standard B has him use his Tondeker attack to launch his head into you
  • Up B has him throw himself up, and then spread his limbs apart, doing minor damage
  • Side B has him roll into you (Sukapon Roll)
  • Down B has him use that attack where he looks like he's pushing himself down and his limbs spread apart
  • Final Smash is where he summons all the other fights from Joy Mech Fight to wreak havoc

BE has him form on the stage.

  • Balloon Fighter
  • Standard B is where a large grey cloud appears that charges and releases a small but destructive bolt
  • Up B is where his balloons puff up significantly and he floats up, but the balloons will pop, and he'll fall fast
  • Side B is where an enemy Balloon Fighter appears and attacks with its beak, but it can be killed
  • Down B only works on the ground, the fighter will inflate his balloons.
  • Final Smash is where the giant fish appears out of the floor (even if it's solid ground) and eats anyone unfortunate enough to approach it

BE has him float onto the stage.

  • Little Mac


  • Banjo and Kazooie
  • Standard B is where Kazooie shoots an egg
  • Up B is Flap Flip
  • Side B is the Beak Barge
  • Down B is Beak Bomb
  • Final Smash is Dragon Kazooie, where Kazooie gets out of the backpack, turns into Dragon Kazooie, and Banjo goes into the background a'la Pokemon Trainer. Kazooie can then go Dragon Yoshi/Super Yoshi/whatever its name is on people.

BE has them fly and then charge onto the stage, with a forcible impact.

  • Joanna
  • Standard B she shoots her Falcon 2
  • Up B she fires a Rocket Launcher at the ground and explodes up, devastating
  • Side B she stuns you with a Tranquilizer
  • Down B she sets down a Proximity Mine
  • Final Smash is N-Bomb, where she launches one, and everybody slows down and takes damage.

BE has her drop down from her jumpship.


  • Sonic
  • NiGHTS
  • Standard B is Blue Chip, where NiGHTS throws a Blue Chip.
  • Up B is Rocket, where NiGHTS turns into a rocket and flies up.
  • Side B is Drill Dash, which is like Meta Knight's drill move to the side.
  • Down B is Paraloop, where NiGHTS flies backwards, creating a circle, and this traps and damages enemies.
  • Final Smash is Dragon, where NiGHTS becomes a dragon and... yeah.

I might identify NiGHTS as a girl for a potential SSB appearance.


  • Pac-Man
  • Klonoa
  • Standard B has him trap an opponent in an egg that causes great damage; it will break if left in it too long, but otherwise can be destroyed early if Klonoa attacks the egg or grabs and flings someone into it
  • Up B has Huepow appear, inflate and then propel itself up with a propeller
  • Side B has him pick up an opponent and throw them
  • Down B has him throw a Moo downwards; it's an alt. recovery move
  • Final Smash has Nahatomb appear and instantly kill anyone he contacts with his fire spires and tongue swoops


  • Snake
  • Simon Belmont
  • Standard B has Simon lash the whip, which also works as a tether
  • Up B is also a tether, involving the Morning Star chain
  • Side B has him swing an axe, which can thrust an enemy off stage if they are attacked at the edge
  • Down B has him stab a dagger downward
  • Final Smash is the Vampire Killer Combo from... CJ. I will say no more. *hides from RD*


  • Geno
  • Standard B is his Rocket Punch. His fists fly at the opponent.
  • Up B is Geno Whirl, where he throws the disk up and it propels him up similar to Zero Suit Samus.
  • Side B is Geno Flash, where he rolls up into a ball and gets into a cannon with his colors, then gets launched from the cannon. Is like Green Missile and Pikachu's Skull Bash.
  • Down B is Rock Candy. Throws it at the person. Worth 7% damage.
  • Final Smash is Battling Borealis, which acts like Lucario's Aura Storm but is more powerful, like the laser beams on Halberd and Spear Pillar.
  • Lara Croft
  • Standard B she shoots her guns
  • Up B she leaps up and does flips in the air, going high up
  • Side B she rolls, cartwheels and flip jumps
  • Down B she swan dives in the air, then rolls upon hitting the ground causing damage to people
  • Final Smash she takes out Excalibur and kicks ass with it

Earthworm Jim

  • Earthworm Jim
  • Standard B he fires off the Plasma Blaster
  • Up B he helicopters himself with his head
  • Side B he charges forward with his Pocket Rocket
  • Down B he cracks his head whip
  • Final Smash he gets out the Barn Blaster
  • Psy-Crow
  • Standard B shoots a hook
  • Up B flies up
  • Side B rushes forward with a speed boost orb like in Andy Asteroids?
  • Down B swats everyone with feathers in the motion used when you hurt him in the first game
  • Final Smash the vortex you enter at the end of an AA? level appears and everyone is sucked up and star-KO'd

Psy-Crow would be a heavyweight char.


  • Dirk
  • Standard B has Dirk throw a skull
  • Up B has Dirk throw a tether rope with a skull attached to it, to bite the ledge and help him up
  • Side B has Dirk spill a cauldron that releases a green carnivorous monster
  • Down B has Dirk spawn one of those freakish monkey things to attack for a brief second
  • Final Smash has Dirk summon one of those lava giants to assist him
  • Clyde
  • Standard B has Clyde throw a boulder, the kind he drops on switches to keep them active
  • Up B has Clyde turn into a chicken and fly up, in a similar fashion to Wings of Icarus
  • Side B has a rocket charge into Clyde, knocking him back into an enemy
  • Down B has Clyde turn into an explosive barrel and explode
  • Final Smash has Clyde use his super attack, a series of martial arts moves that can be done after collecting strands of DNA
  • Miner (Minecraft char)
  • Standard B has him set a block down; this acts like a pitfall if it hits anyone
  • Up B has him float upward, kicking his legs in the air; this puts him into helpless
  • Side B has him use his fishing rod; this is a tether
  • Down B has him whack his pick axe down
  • Final Smash has him create lava blocks on the stage with his lava bucket; they do as much damage as lava in SSBB would
  • Mavis Beacon
  • Standard B only works if she's close to you. Mavis, who always carries a computer keyboard with her, types a key and it stuns whoever she is touching
  • Up B has her type words into the keyboard as she parachutes up.
  • Side B has her whack with her keyboard.
  • Down B has her type on her board and send a small racecar driving after you, devastating projectile
  • Final Smash, she disappears from the screen, only for the stage to turn into the typing lesson area in Mavis Beacon. She types out a test, damaging anyone on the keys.


  • Rayman
  • Standard B has him charge and then release his fist; the more charged the farther it goes
  • Up B has him fly up with his hair
  • Side B has him ride a rocket that charges at you
  • Down B has him do a move like Mario Tornado
  • Final Smash has him summon a storm of Rabbids
  • Jade
  • Standard B has her snap a pic with her camera, it's a stun move.
  • Up B is based on the effect of charging her Daï-jo; she launches high into the air and spins while yelling. Functions like Marth/Roy's Up-Bs.
  • Side B has her shoot a Gyrodisk at you.
  • Down B has her roll on the ground.
  • Final Smash is based on the special attack you can do with Jade when she has Pey'j/Double H stun nearby enemies. She'll spin around, charging her Daï-jo and slash a person away.


  • Mega Man
  • Leon
  • Standard B has him shoot
  • Up B has him jump off a Colmillo
  • Side B has him kick HARD
  • Down B has him throw a grenade of average power
  • Final Smash has him use a Chicago Typewriter, he's not invincible



  • Adam (Metroid)
  • AiAi (Super Monkey Ball)
  • Amber (Grabbed by the Ghoulies)
  • Amigo (Samba de Amigo)
  • Amy Rose (Sonic)
  • Angol Fear (Soulcalibur)
  • Assault Hero (Assault Heroes)
  • Baby Mario & Luigi (Mario)
  • Baron Von Ghoul (Grabbed by the Ghoulies)
  • Berri (Conker)
  • Billy Hatcher (Billy Hatcher)
  • Birdo (Mario, still stage feature and now palette swap)
  • Black Knight (Fire Emblem, now AT)
  • Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
  • Black Orchid (Killer Instinct)
  • Black Shadow (F-Zero)
  • Blaze (Sonic)
  • Blaziken (Pokemon)
  • Bowser Jr. (Mario, now Assist Trophy working with Shadow Mario)
  • Cactuar (Final Fantasy)
  • Cassandra De Vries (Perfect Dark)
  • Catherine (Catherine)
  • CD-i Link (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Chief Thunder (Killer Instinct)
  • Chuck Rock (Chuck Rock)
  • Cloud (Final Fantasy)
  • Conker (Conker)
  • Cooper Chance (Grabbed by the Ghoulies)
  • Count Bleck (Mario)
  • Daisy (Mario, now AT)
  • Dark Queen (Battletoads)
  • Daphne (Dragon's Lair)
  • Dark Samus (Metroid)
  • Dig Dug (Dig Dug)
  • Dimentio (Mario)
  • Don Weaso (Conker)
  • Dr. Hurley (Brain Challenge)
  • Dr. Mario (Mario, now palette swap)
  • Dry Bowser (Mario, now palette swap)
  • Ecco (Ecco the Dolphin, YES, he would've worked)
  • Eets (Eets)
  • Eirika (Fire Emblem, now Assist Trophy)
  • Eliwood (Fire Emblem)
  • Faith Connors (Mirror's Edge)
  • Fancy Pants Man (Fancy Pants Adventures)
  • Female Pokemon Trainer/Pilup/Chimchar/Turtwig (Pokemon)
  • Fi (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Galagan (Galaga)
  • General Kehck (Beyond Good & Evil)
  • Gray Fox (Metal Gear Solid, still AT)
  • Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Gregg (Conker)
  • Heinrich (Conker)
  • Izuna (Izuna)
  • J-Bomb (Blast Corps)
  • Jetman (Jetpac)
  • Jody Summer (F-Zero)
  • Juno (Jet Force Gemini, Vela and Lupus would've been part of his moves)
  • Kalus (Kameo)
  • Kameo (Kameo)
  • Kate Wilson (Hydrophobia)
  • King Boo (Mario)
  • Klungo (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Knuckles (Sonic)
  • Koopa Troopa (Mario, still enemy)
  • Kraid (Kraid)
  • Ludwig Von Koopa (Mario)
  • Lyn (Fire Emblem)
  • Ma Soupswill (Grabbed by the Ghoulies)
  • Mach Rider (Mach Rider)
  • Maggie (Zapper)
  • Magikoopa (Mario, now Assist Trophy in form of Kamek)
  • Mallow (Mario, now Assist Trophy)
  • Mappy (Mappy)
  • Marky Kat (Small Arms)
  • Master Hand (Super Smash Bros., still boss)
  • Meowth (Pokemon)
  • Midna & Wolf Link (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Mii (Wii)
  • Moogle (Final Fantasy)
  • Mr. Nutz (Mr. Nutz)
  • Mr. Pants (It's Mr. Pants!)
  • Mumbo and Humba (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
  • Ninja (Final Fantasy)
  • Ninten (EarthBound)
  • Old Grand Ma (Earthworm Jim)
  • Panther King (Conker)
  • Paper Mario (Mario)
  • Paula (EarthBound)
  • Pichu (Pokemon)
  • Plusle & Minun (Pokemon)
  • Pokemon Trainer (Pokemon)
  • Polar Bear (Ice Climber)
  • Poo (EarthBound)
  • Princess Shroob (Mario)
  • Rash (Battletoads)
  • Resetti (Animal Crossing, now boss)
  • Rex Nebular (Rex Nebular)
  • Rundas (Metroid)
  • Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue)
  • Sabreman (Sabreman)
  • Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment, still AT)
  • Saria (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Shadow (Sonic, still AT and now palette swap)
  • Skull Kid (The Legend of Zelda, now AT)
  • Singe (Dragon's Lair)
  • Slippy (Star Fox)
  • Solvalou (Xevious)
  • Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Spyro (Sypro)
  • Starfy (The Legendary Starfy, still Assist Trophy)
  • Tails (Sonic)
  • Takamaru (Nazo no Murasamejo, now Assist Trophy)
  • The Kid (Bastion)
  • Tim (Braid)
  • Tiny Kong (Donkey Kong)
  • Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
  • Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda, now palette swap)
  • Toon Zelda/Tetra (The Legend of Zelda, now palette swaps)
  • Ty (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger)
  • Ulala (Space Channel 5)
  • Vaati (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Viva Piñatas (Viva Piñata, the three on the cover, whichever ones they are)
  • Waddle Dee (Kirby)
  • Waluigi (Mario, still Assist Trophy)
  • White Mage (Final Fantasy)
  • Young Link (The Legend of Zelda, now palette swap)
  • Zapper (Zapper)
  • Zero (Mega Man)
  • Zhang Li (Perfect Dark)
  • Another Conker char (Count Batula/Little Girl)
  • Another Perfect Dark char (Daniel Carrington/Jack Dark/Elvis)