Team:Combo Status

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Combo Status is a Washington smash crew famous for their dominant ruling of the Washington Power Rankings and combo status. The crew was formerly known as Ssssp!.


Fame and trivia

  • Combo Status is generally the shit.
  • Their Luigi main, Luigi Ka-master, is known for being the best Luigi user in the world by far.
  • Their Mario main, Eggz, is known for being one of the best Mario users in the world, and raping shit with fox >_>.
  • Their Bowser main, Gimpyfish is known for being one of the best Bowser users in the world.
  • Silent Wolf is known for being the most technical player in the world.
  • DJ Combo is known for his impressive beard-o-meter levels, which stretch to normally unattainable levels. In the olden days at leas. *sigh*