Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Type effectiveness

Revision as of 20:08, March 3, 2014 by Awesomelink234 (talk | contribs)
While Charizard is the heaviest of the three, it takes more knockback than the others from water attacks like Squirtle's up smash.

Type effectiveness is a phenomenon that causes Pokémon Trainer's Pokémon to take non-standard amounts of knockback from certain kinds of attacks.

Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard each have a weakness and a resistance to certain effects of attacks. When hit by an attack they resist, they take 10% less knockback, while being hit by an attack they are weak to deals 10% more knockback.

Pokémon Resists Weak to
Squirtle Flame (effect) Grass (effect)
Ivysaur Water (effect) Flame (effect)
Charizard Grass (effect) Water (effect)

While the effect of type effectiveness is minor in Brawl, it is not insignificant. Those who play mirror matches with Pokémon Trainer will try to abuse this mechanic whenever possible, as not only will their main KO attacks be reduced in power when facing their counter, they become more suspectible to their opponent's. It also has a severe effect on matches against other characters: while no other character can use Grass or Water attacks (aside from Kirby's copied Bullet Seed, Water Gun, or Mario's non-damaging F.L.U.D.D.), 13 characters have KO-worthy fire attacks, which overall gives Squirtle more survivability and cuts Ivysaur's noticably. It should also be noted that an opposite benefit can happen with weak multi-hitting attacks such as Flamethrower or PK Fire; Ivysaur's extra knockback will allow it to escape the attack easier, while Squirtle will likely stay trapped for longer. Similar behaviour manifests in the Subspace Emissary; no enemies wield Grass attacks and only Hydro Jyks use Water attacks, whereas several enemies and bosses possess flame attacks.


In the Pokémon series, each Pokémon has one or two types, and each attack has one type. Whenever an attack hits a Pokémon, the damage dealt is altered by any weaknesses or resistances caused by the type combination. For example, a Water attack will deal double damage to a Fire or Rock Pokémon, while a Grass attack will deal half damage to a Fire-type, and an Electric attack will have no effect on a Ground-type Pokémon.

The Brawl system is a heavily simplified form of the eighteen type interactions - only three types are involved, and each of the three Pokémon the mechanic applies to has exactly one weakness and one resistance. If all type interactions were carried over into Brawl, then not only would the Pokémon resist attacks of their own type, but Squirtle and Charizard would be weak to electric attacks, Ivysaur would be weak to freezing attacks and resist electric ones, and so on. Brawl also only applies any sort of type effectiveness to these three Pokémon; other playable Pokémon do not participate in any way.
