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Revision as of 05:52, July 30, 2015 by D4Gäん (talk | contribs) (A short description of myself.)
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D4Gäん (Dagan) is a Portland, OR based Smasher from Chicago, IL who plays Brawl and Sm4sh, and spectates Melee. In Brawl, he was a Falco and King Dedede main. In Sm4sh, he mains Villager, and is hoping to expand his roster. His favorite Smasher is Hungrybox. He joined Smash wiki in order to help expand the community's competitive knowledge of Sm4sh, so that the metagame may attain the same grandeur and richness that the Melee community has managed to achieve with their game. D4Gäん (talk) 05:52, 30 July 2015 (EDT)