Forum:I might be joining my first tournament, anybody wanna help me refine my technique?

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Forums: Index Brawl Talk I might be joining my first tournament, anybody wanna help me refine my technique?

I never been to a tournament before and it just happens to be a three hour drive from my house. I don't think the drivers will approve though. While I'm waiting, does anybody wanna be some practica? Stridentgear 01:08, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, from my limited tourney experience (only been to APEX) I can only tell you to make sure you are calmed down before going into a match. Take a jog, comment on cool things your opponent does or funny things you see, take a nap(if possible) just to get rid of adrenaline, etc. And make sure you get planty of food. Bring chips or something if its a drawn out tourney. I could play you right now, if you want. Good luck! What tourney is it? JtM =^] (talk) 02:40, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
Always go into every match positive and thinking you are going to win, even when you're losing

never give up. --Gannonbanned (talk) 14:30, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

It's a tournament in Orlando. And don't worry about the positive thinking, in my mind I am the best Ike in the world. And i'd probably never starve myself, so I might bring like Breakfast, snack, Lunch, snack, and Dinner in a bag. It might go on for awhile. Also, we can play. I'm ready for any input.Stridentgear 20:30, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Be confident without being cocky. Miles (talk) 20:40, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

I got this.Stridentgear 20:47, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

If you're still waiting, you could get some practice from me too. What's your FC? - GalaxiaD Talk 21:43, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

2235-2273-0162.I got time, it's not like I have a big test that's gonna surprise me tomorrow. Ha. What's yours? Stridentgear 23:43, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

1)Warm up before you go.

2)Practice your main to the fullest.

3)Always assume that there's a bigger fish. Train as if you're the worst player ever.

4)Finally, set goals. What minimum place do you aim for? Gradually raise your expectations.L33t Silvie I see wat u did thar... 00:47, 20 May 2009 (UTC)