Forum:Why do Yoshi and Jigglypuff not have a true up-B?

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Forums: Index Brawl Talk Why do Yoshi and Jigglypuff not have a true up-B?

Hi hi. Just thinking why Yoshi and Jigglypuff have no true up-B

Those two, along with Ness, Lucas and Kirby, all have significant jumping abilities. Therefore, giving them even more recovery would make them cheap. Instead, they were all given a variety of Up Specials to fill the final attack spot but not make them unfair. Although PK Thunder 2 can be used for extra recovery, this requires skill. GutripperSpeak

Jigglypuff already has one of the best recoveries in the game, all thanks to rising pound. So, would you still want to give Jigglypuff an additional jump? Y462 (TCE ) 14:25, 6 February 2009 (UTC)