Forum:Share your favorite combos!

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Forums: Index Brawl Talk Share your favorite combos!

Put in the sequence of moves, what damage percentage it works at (for other player), approximate likelihood of hitting, and damage given for the combo. See the first Ganondorf combo for an example. And don't create your own sub-topics for combos - just put it in the spaces allocated.Runer5h (talk) 02:30, 7 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h


Captain Falcon

Raptor Boost, Aerial up tilt, up special, Falcon Kick.
%= around 20-30
probability=30-50 its ehh
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Curlyheadbanger (talkcontribs) 03:37, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

THis is for Super Smash Bros only

  • Up Smash 3 Times
  • Throw Up
  • Up Smash
  • Falcon Punch
  • Automatic Death!

Zmario (talk) 19:00, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

This is for Brawl.

  • Sequence: Raptor Boost, F-Air, D-Smash, D-Air.
  • Damages It Works At: 0%. Any higher and the knockback of his F-Air would become too great.
  • Damage It Deals: 58%, and it usually causes a KO.
  • Likelihood: About 60%.

It also depends on if you sweet spot his aerials. - GalaxiaD (talk) 01:09, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

You can combo into the Raptor Boost with a down-throw. This also works for Ganondorf's Flame Choke. Runer5h (talk) 01:14, 7 July 2008 (UTC)Runer5h


Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong


Neutral A Combo, Reflector (when foe DI's out), Dash Attack Canceled Up-Smash.
Damage: 35%-ish.
Probability of Hitting: Very High!
Works at: Basically any %. Runer5h (talk) 21:46, 10 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h

D-throw,keep D-throwing until your at the edge,spike them off the ledge :)
Damage%generally 60 at most since D-throw does not work above 50% for humans
Probability-Moderate-100% depending on your finger speed and damage percent
Works on any character at varying percentages

D-throw can be followed up with many moves,another D-throw,a D-tilt(which if at the edge you can quickly follow up with a Spike),Dash attack canceled up smash,reflector,or his D-air!

Change it up however you like! Hatake91 (talk) 23:33, 10 June 2008 (UTC)



Flame Choke, Down Tilt, Forward Tilt, Flame Choke, Down Tilt, jump and fair.
Works at: 0% (literally, no higher than that)
Likelihood of Hitting: 25-30% (unlikely)
Damage done: Possibly 75%. Runer5h (talk) 01:10, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h

Ice Climbers


Grab, up throw, Aether, Quick Draw
26%-34% damage
60%-70% chance
—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 18:55, 8 June 2008 (UTC)



King Dedede



Grapple Canceled Zair, neutral A combo, run to them and Dash Attack.
Works at: Basically any %.
Damage done: Around 30%.
Probability of hitting: High. Runer5h (talk) 21:50, 10 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h





  • Up Smash x2 - 30 - 34
  • Up Tilt x2 - 42 - 46
  • Side Smash - 65- 69
  • Fair (Spike) - 86 - 88


  • Sequence: F-Throw, F-Throw, F-Throw, F-Throw, F-Smash, D-Air.
  • Damages It Works At: The chain throws can be used at any percentage, but the F-Smash will KO at middle percentages, so I'd say from 0%-30%.
  • Damage It Deals: 44%, and it usually causes a KO.
  • Likelihood: Against big characters or fast-fallers, 70%. Against little characters or slow-fallers, 30%.

It also depends if you sweet spot the D-Air. - GalaxiaD (talk) 20:00, 6 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Sequence: F-Throw, Shield Breaker
  • Damage It Works At: 0-5% is the best way to start hs off. It racks up a decnt amount of damage in a few seconds.
  • Damage it Deals: Usually 24-30%, depends what part of Falchion Marth lands Shield Breaker with.
  • Liklihood: When your up against heavier and easy to hit characters, about 80%. With lighter chracters that can get fly farther then Shield Breakers reach, 25%.

Like I stated before, this is a perfect way to start off a battle. F-Throw normally lands them just at the edge of Shield Breaker's range for maximum damage. Don't use it too much, other your foes can counter it with ease.


Mr. Game and Watch

Use his dair while standing on a thin platform. More effective when the person is under the platform. It may be possible with other Stall-then-Fall moves, but G&W has no stalling at the end of his.

Constantly use his up tilt to juggle them, then us his Up B to hit them once thier damage is to high. Then use bair/fair (depending on which side of you they're on) and finish it up with a dair. Zenzpore (talk) 23:21, 26 June 2008 (UTC)



D-Throw, jump and Fair, and follow up with whatever you like (I'd fair again, or Neutral A combo)
Damage done: 15%+whatever you add on.
Probability of hitting: Very high.
Works at: Low-moderate damage.
Also, as a great combo starter, an l-canceled nair, but don't let the last hit come out before you hit the ground. You can segue into an Up or Down Smash, or the above combo. Runer5h (talk) 23:56, 11 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h

Uh, you do know that L-canceling was taken out of Brawl, right? Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 17:53, 27 June 2008 (UTC)
Oh.. no, I didn't. Darn. Runer5h (talk) 21:21, 28 June 2008 (UTC)Runer5h





Try flying under the stage, then using your up air. It goes straight through the floor! Then use Robo Burner to recover. Probability of hitting depends on the stage. It's sometimes impossible, easiest to do on Battlefield, but sometimes won't work if your opponents standing over the gem underneath Battlefield. Might be possible with the other flying charecters, but I don't think most of them have the range.



Grab and throw, juggle/aerial attacks. When they're helpless, transform to Zelda, jump up, and kick them to sparkly doom. Damage is anywhere from 30-60%, depending on if the opponent knows how to DI/tech/dodge away, if every hit lands, or if I go stupid and mess up. This works roughly 75% of the time, so it's a nice finisher when the opponent already has a good amount of damage. Doesn't work the same in Brawl 'cause Transform takes forever and a day to complete. >:V FyreNWater - (TalkContributions ) 01:40, 27 June 2008 (UTC)



(only works near a wall) forward special, jump, then nuetral/forward A, after oppenent rebounds off of wall, any attack that can connect.

damage needed on opponent: 30-50. depends on how much you charge attack. probability of attack succeeding:10%.difficult but rewarding. damage dealt:50-70. again, depends on your attack choices


Toon Link





There's actually a combo for Zelda in Brawl that functions like the Ken Combo. Grab the opponent then throw them off the edge. Use an f-air. If it sweet-spots, let them fly and edgeguard like normal. But if it doesn't, use the hit stun that the attack gives to set up a d-air sweet-spotted spike. Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 01:46, 27 June 2008 (UTC)

Zero Suit Samus