User:Yug Guy

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Okay, let's actually make this user page somewhat presentable:

About Me

I am a 20-something American with a love for Nintendo, music, languages, & organization/archiving. The things I have worked on in this wiki should come as no surprise given these things.

Things I Have Worked On

Language Stuff

I have filled out the language information for all of the following categories:

  • Stages (Ultimate)
  • Assist Trophies (Ultimate)
  • Items (Ultimate)
  • Special Moves (Ultimate, plus some from Smash 4)
  • Final Smashes (Ultimate, plus some from Smash 4)

In addition, I have done some work on the Spirit Board Events as well.

Pretty much all of these I have updated with information from Smash Ultimate for all languages other than Japanese (which were already on-site). For Special Moves & Final Smashes, I added some basic info from the NA Instruction Manual for Smash 4 Wii U; this isn't comprehensive since it only includes info for all starter characters & no customizable specials.

For those interested, here are the Romanization methods I have used:

Future Projects

  • Information for all Spirits that have dedicated pages?
  • Menu options?
  • Language info for other languages besides Ultimate? (I'd certainly have to break out emulators for these)

If anyone has any suggestions for other language-related stuff, go ahead and leave a suggestion in my Talk page.

Obligatory Smash Info


Mains: Ness, Young Link
Secondaries: Simon, King K. Rool, Sephiroth(?)

Smash 4

Mains: Ness, Toon Link
Secondaries: Cloud


Mains: Ness, Toon Link, Game & Watch

I am absolute trash at Smash, so please don't ask me for any matches.

You're still here? It's over. Go home. Go!