We should make character pages for SSB and SSBB (when it comes out). Also, I'm not completely sure about all the pros/cons since I just used ones from the tier arguement in the SSB boards. --Greenblob 19:13, December 31, 2006 (GMT)

I agree entirely. 100%. Bad news: I haven't a clue about anything advanced in SSB. I'm pretty much an SSBM man only. I'm sure there's a few people in here who could lend us a hand. If I'm not mistaking, I think Simna ibn Sind knows a thing or two about the original Smash. Oddeven2002 23:42, December 31, 2006 (GMT)

I play Smash 64 a bit more than melee. ill fix anything wrong. User:KoRoBeNiKi

Special moves reference

Does it make sense to note somewhere (whether on this page, on the main Mario page, or on the individual move pages) that Mario's special moves in the original Smash Bros could be a reference to Ryu of Street Fighter? Mario's 3 special moves are similar to Ryu's 3 special moves, with Super Jump Punch being Shoryuken, Fireball being Hadouken, and Mario Tornado being Tatsumaki. Mario is the main character and all-around fighter, as is Ryu, and he has a clone in Luigi, as does Ryu in Ken. Additionally, Sakurai is known to be a fan of Street Fighter, having come out as a champion of a 100-person battle in arcade Street Fighter II. I dunno, it seems like an interesting coincidence, at the least. FirstaLasto 14:43, 2 March 2015 (EST)

I dunno, that may be one hell of a coincidence...but, considering how we already have a character with a Street Fighter reference in the moveset, I say it could go both ways.  Aidan the Aura Master 15:34, 2 March 2015 (EST)
Uh, I'd say no. Fireball is a staple of the Mario series and of Mario himself, Hadouken is a VASTLY different projectile (from what I remember, a tad on the slow side, chargeable, and sort of large, while Fireball is fast and small). Tatsumaki is a spinning kick that is functionally different from the Mario Tornado. Super Jump Punch is also functionally different from Shoryuken and is also a staple of sorts from the Mario series, although this one is arguable. And sure Luigi is a clone, but you also have to remember that there were clones in the original due to budget and time restraints and that Luigi, Falcon, Samus, Kirby, and Jigglypuff were all heavily de-cloned in Melee. I think it's really just a coincidence that they share these traits and that there weren't many similarities on purpose. Laikue (talk | contribs) 15:48, 2 March 2015 (EST)

"Official" Japanese moveset names taken from most wiki sources:

Note 1: Will include both Japanese and English terminology.

Note 2: The names may or may not match the moveset names from the official guides as recorded from sources like IGN's Melee FAQ.

Note 3: Move names may be either different or unconfirmed depending on the game, but special moves and Final Smashes/Last Trump Cards are not included.

Normal Ground Attacks

  • Jab 1/Weak Attack 1: 左パンチ, Left Punch
    • Jab 2/Weak Attack 2: 右パンチ, Right Punch
      • Jab 3/Weak Attack 3: けりあげ/蹴り上げ, Kick Lift (Not to be confused with Ragna the Bloodedge's "Keri Age")
  • Dash Attack: スライディング, Sliding
  • Forward/side tilt AKA Side strong attack: ミドルキック, Middle Kick (angle/shift interacting art)
  • Up tilt AKA Up strong attack: アッパーカット, Uppercut
  • Down/low tilt AKA Down/low strong attack: スピニングローキック, Spinning Low Kick

Smash Attacks

  • Forward/side smash attack: スマッシュパンチ, Smash Punch (angle/shift interacting art; DO NOT CONFUSE FOR KIRBY'S)
  • Up smash attack: スマッシュヘッドバット, Smash Headbutt
  • Down/low smash attack: ダブルキック, Double Kick

Aerial/Midair Attacks

  • Neutral aerial/midair attack: マリオキック, Mario Kick
  • Forward/front aerial AKA Forward/front midair attack: 回転ドロップキック, Rotating Drop Kick
  • Back/rear aerial AKA Back/rear midair attack: 後方ドロップキック, Behind/Backward Drop Kick
  • Up aerial/midair attack: エアスラッシュ, Air Slash (DO NOT CONFUSE FOR SHULK'S)
  • Down/low aerial AKA Down/low midair attack ドリルキック, Drill Kick

Grabs and Throws

  • Grab/Catch: つかみ, Catch
  • Forward/front throw: ヒコーキ投げ, Airplane Throw (original kanji is 飛行機)
  • Back/rear throw: ジャイアントスイング, Giant Swing

--SneaselSawashiro (talk) 22:48, 17 August 2016 (EDT)

What's the source? Serpent   King 22:56, 17 August 2016 (EDT)
http://www.wikihouse.com/suma/index.php?%A5%DE%A5%EA%A5%AA%2864%29, https://www45.atwiki.jp/smashbrawlminus/pages/17.html, http://ssbwiki.e3.valueserver.jp/wiki/index.php/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA_(3DS/Wii_U), http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/myt-exmw/sdmario.htm (a lot of these different wikis/sources don't have different naming sources between each other)
The Japanese wikipedia even flat out mentions his forward smash as of Melee, Faia Shoutei/Fire Palm Sole (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA_(%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC)
There's a reason why I'm putting this all on a talk page (and most likely leaving it there) instead of actually trying to edit the actual movesets. --SneaselSawashiro (talk) 23:15, 17 August 2016 (EDT)