
Joined October 26, 2010
Overhaul of old page.
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(Overhaul of old page.)
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===Hi, Welcome to my homepage.===
[[File:Kirby Up Tilt Hitbox Smash 64.gif|thumbnail|center|Welcome to the game I play, yes this is a hitbox that looks like a Box and yes this up tilt is broken]]

Welcome to my talk page. You will find most of my information on my [[Smasher:KoRoBeNiKi]] page besides this. I am extremely knowledgeable about Smash 64 so if you have any questions on SSB64, ask me. I will gladly assist. I play brawl online on Allisbrawl and go very often on smashboards. My smashboards account is korobeniki and my allisbrawl account is F5 KoRo. I am also a moderately high rated chess player (1500's). Play me on chess.com (CabassoG for my username).
Welcome to my pretty inactive talk page. I am an essentially retired old school smasher (outside of rare smashfests) from NJ who mostly played tournaments in NYC active from around 2006 to 2022/2023 who very rarely shows up to say hello at [[The Nightclub]].

==My "mission"==
'''If you wish to contact me for any reason such as any information on 64 as I still stay up to date, please message me on discord under korobeniki. You can also contact me very easily on lichess under CabassoG or post on my open page on chess.com under the same username as well as on yelp if you want to be odd.'''
I wish to make this wiki a good place for people to see both the competitive and non-competitive side of gaming. This means editing things that do not make sense and making this wiki as proper as possible (outside of userpages...i don't care xD.

==PpS KoRoBeNiKi==
==Hi and Welcome.==
I am most known for being a Semi-Pro user in smash 64 online. I am from NJ. My yoshi is usually considered the 2nd best online and I am known for being one of the few good keyboard smashers. I am part of the reputed second best or best [[PPS]] Clan based on Emularena Grounds Unit X. I go online after 10:00 on week days and after 8:00 on weekends (fri/sun). You can also AIM me at goc6283@aol.com to play against me instead.
The following is a mix of old info and updated info. I'd likely strike-through stuff but I don't think this is an option on this wiki.
Anyway, welcome to my talk page. You will find a more complete summary of me on my [[Smasher:KoRoBeNiKi]] page besides this. I play chess outside of smash (low expert/2000 rated/2100 in blitz) and I am a medical coder based in NYC for a major hospital. If this site is active in 10 years, I'll likely be at the same hospital.
===General Summary===
I was one of the founding members of the (once) smash 64 backroom on Smashboards (username the same) so please ask me about any questions regarding smash 64 online and smash 64 in general. '''However, my knowledge of recent online is rather limited so contact people on the official Smash 64 group on Facebook or alternatively on the very active Smash 64 Discord.'''
If you want, I can and will explain just about anything about 64 out but I specialize more with competitive play. I am not too good at explaining things related to either Mupen64k, exact frame data how to TAS, or how to setup a controller. In terms of the Melee scene, I am also very knowledgeable about Melee players prior and post 2007, especially on the East Coast but everywhere post 2010. You'll probably see me rarely on twitch as I mod on a few channels such as VGBC especially during 64 events but also during other events.
====My old "mission"====
''See below. I think I did a good job adding many pages and updating info for the years I was on.''
I wish to make this wiki a good place for people to see both the competitive and non-competitive side of gaming. This means editing things that do not make sense and making this wiki as proper as possible (outside of userpages...i don't care about them). I am also completely for tiers, and I am a fan of getting into debates, so chat if you want, just expect a good response. I am pro-tier list as I believe a fighting game is impossible to not have a tier list though the tier list is more accurate at the top than at the bottom due to those characters being underused.
I want this to be reputable so joke edits are removed, joke combos are being removed, and other joking stuff is also. Though I do prefer Liquipedia for relevant tournament information.
===Smash 64/Melee/PM/Brawl===
==Smash 64==
I specialize in low tiers and floaty matchups along with being pretty solid against Fox. My best matchup is Mario as it took literally 14 years and a broken controller to lose against a top Mario (thanks HammerHeart.) I use the down c button color for all characters (such as Blue Yoshi/Black Falcon) and I use blue or green in teams. I am also a solid doubles player. In Remix, I am very capable with Ganondorf/Young Link with a pretty solid Bowser/Doc. I tried Marth but haven't used him enough or play remix enough to say if I am good.
Below is not my tier list, this is my personal aptitude list.
:S: My main.
:A: Secondaries
:B: Other characters/randomizer in friendlies.
:C: Worse than a bad pun/easily my worst 2 characters
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="400" style="border-collapse:collapse;"
  |+'''Super Smash Bros'''
  ! '''<span style="color:blue;">S Rank</span>'''
  | Yoshi
  ! '''<span style="color:green;">A Rank</span>'''
  | Falcon (gap,) Pikachu, Fox (gap,) Samus, Mario (gap) Luigi
  ! '''<span style="color:purple;">B Rank</span>'''
  | Kirby, (gap) DK, Ness (large gap)
  ! '''<span style="color:black;">C Rank</span>'''
  | Link, Jigglypuff
In terms of personal tier list thoughts, I think that Pikachu/Kirby/Falcon/Yoshi either belong in S together or with Pikachu Kirby Falcon being in SS and Yoshi being in S a tier above the next with Fox/Puff/Mario being next in A and then the rest in B for low tier events. I don't have an order for low tiers outside of Samus being on top very obviously.
Project M is my other favorite smash game along with 64. I main Luigi (Purple or Blue,) with a strong Samus (light suit) and Yoshi (white or blue) secondary with a pretty good Sheik (green,) Ganon (purple [old],) and Game and Watch [green or blue.] I can use most characters at a semi-competent level outside of the space animals as well as Sonic/Lucario/Lucas. I used to team with Keychain as a Luigi/D3 mix and we had some strong wins such as Dirtboy/Ripple using jank. I've been inactive since the scene moved from their old location to OS NYC and I have not played Project + but I presume I'd use similar.
Melee is my other favorite community along with 64. My main is Luigi (Yellow) and I have a Sheik (Red,) Ganondorf (Purple,) Samus (Purple,) Yoshi, and Game and Watch. I used to play just about weekly in NYC at HectoHertz's tournaments and now I rarely show up to say hello to old friends/smash mates at OS NYC on Tuesdays when I am not busy with dinners after work.  

You can see most of my brawl facts on my smasher profile. I play both online and offline and I am a top member of the Fatal 5, one of the better online brawl clan.
I don't play anymore. I used to main Luigi/Sheik with a Marth/Snake/Game and Watch/Falcon/PK-Trainer/My terrible Metaknight as secondaries. I used to go on AIB very often under KoRo? and some alts. I used to play online but the delay annoyed me too much. I was pretty terrible.
My secondaries change moderately often but my main is luigi and Game and watch. Game and watch more often for online. I do not take wifi seriously but I use it for offline tournaments.
==Other games==
Didn't play smash 4 outside of finding Bowser fun for the 4/5 games I played and I haven't played ultimate much at all finding Marth and Ganondorf fun of all characters. I played a bit of Crusade where I used Luigi and his meme cousin weegee.

My contributions
===My (old) contributions===
SSB Movesets (Samus, whoever else is missing)Check
SSB Movesets (Samus, whoever else is missing)
SSBM Movesets Check
SSBM Movesets
Relevant information regarding players.
Old school smashers.
Updates to 64 matchup charts.
SSB64/SSBM Online/offline players.
Online servers.
Online servers.
Online clans.
Online clans.
Online (other).
[[PPS]] Clan (relic)
[[PPS]] Clan (online SSB Clan which I am part of)
Myself xP.
Japanese smashers (more specifically 64 though occasionally melee.)
Japanese smashers.
Minor changes to other pages (if there is wrong info.)
Minor changes to other pages (if there is wrong info)
Adding newer melee events because no one does that here anymore.
SSB Taunt Cancel Guide (Smashboards)
Brawl stuff
Reverting changes and getting rid of "techniques" that don't exist or exist with extremely low DI
Brawl bosses/enemies/other chars.

==Pages I plan on making==
==A few more useless Gifs I uploaded/my opinion of Kirby==
Fatal 5

[[File:Kirby Up Tilt Hitbox Smash 64.gif|thumbnail|left|THIS GAME]]
{{Userbox|red|white|border-color=red|[[image:Icon-mario.gif]]|info-color=red|This user’s most hated character to face in ssb}}{{clr}}
[[File:Kirby Up Tilt Hitbox Smash 64.gif|thumbnail|right|WHY]]
{{Userbox|green|white|border-color=green|[[image:Icon-luigi.gif|64px]]|info-color=green|This user [[main]]s Luigi in SSBM and SSBB, N-air spammers unite.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|orchid|white|border-color=orchid|[[image:Icon-peach.gif]]|info-color=orchid|Down Smash Down Smash Down Smash Down Smash.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|darkgreen|white|border-color=darkgreen|[[image:Icon-bowser.gif]]|info-color=darkgreen|This user does not use bowser in any smash game outside of F-Smash Spam.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|lime|white|border-color=lime|[[image:Icon-yoshi.gif]]|info-color=lime|This user mains Yoshi in SSB and is the 2nd best Yoshi user.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|brown|white|border-color=brown|[[image:Icon-donkeykong.gif]]|info-color=brown|This user loves to cargo stall.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|sienna|white|border-color=sienna|[[image:Icon-diddykong.gif]]|info-color=sienna|This user dislikes facing ADHD.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|steelblue|white|border-color=steelblue|[[image:Icon-captainfalcon.gif]]|info-color=steelblue|This user spams Falcon Punch and Knee’s.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|forestgreen|white|border-color=forestgreen|[[image:Icon-link.gif]]|info-color=forestgreen|This user finds Link extremely fun in Smash 64.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|tan|white|border-color=tan|[[image:Icon-zelda.gif]]|info-color=tan|This user’s friend mains Zelda.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|darkslateblue|white|border-color=darkslateblue|[[image:Icon-sheik.gif]]|info-color=darkslateblue|This user secondaries Sheik and does NOT spam F-tilt.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|slategray|white|border-color=slategray|[[image:Icon-ganondorf.gif]]|info-color=slategray|This user mains Ganondorf in SSBM, F-air is too good.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|aquamarine|white|border-color=aquamarine|[[image:Icon-toonlink.gif]]|info-color=aquamarine|This user think’s Toon Link is one of the most annoying characters to face on Wifi.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|orangered|white|border-color=orangered|[[image:Icon-samus.gif]]|info-color=orangered|This user secondaries Samus in Smash 64 and will combo you.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|deepskyblue|white|border-color=deepskyblue|[[image:Icon-zerosuitsamus.gif]]|info-color=deepskyblue|This user teams with a Down smash spamming Zamus.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|deeppink|white|border-color=deeppink|[[image:Icon-kirby.gif]]|info-color=deeppink|This user laughs at Kirby mains in Smash 64.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|darkorchid|white|border-color=darkorchid|[[image:Icon-metaknight.gif]]|info-color=darkorchid|This user does not find Metaknight cheap in brawl, learn matchups.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|darkslategray|white|border-color=darkslategray|[[image:Icon-kingdedede.gif]]|info-color=darkslategray| This user dislikes facing D3 users, Back air Back air Down Throw Down Throw.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|lightcoral|white|border-color=lightcoral|[[image:Icon-ness.gif]]|info-color=lightcoral|This user likes using Ness in all 3 smash games.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|khaki|white|border-color=khaki|[[image:Icon-lucas.gif]]|info-color=khaki|This user like’s Lucas’s n-air.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|powderblue|white|border-color=powderblue|[[image:Icon-iceclimbers.gif]]|info-color=powderblue|This user will chaingrab you all day.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|chocolate|white|border-color=chocolate|[[image:Icon-fox.gif]]|info-color=chocolate|This user is learning Fox currently in smash 64, shine cancellers unite.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|navy|white|border-color=navy|[[image:Icon-falco.gif]]|info-color=navy|This user’s least favorite opponent on Wifi in lag is a Falco user.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|dimgray|white|border-color=dimgray|[[image:Icon-wolf.gif]]|info-color=dimgray|This user sighs and kills wolfs who only spam F-smash.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|gold|white|border-color=gold|[[image:Icon-pikachu.gif]]|info-color=gold|This user shudders at good Pikachu’s in smash 64, aka Isai}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|tomato|white|border-color=tomato|[[image:Icon-pokemontrainer.gif]]|info-color=tomato|This user is only good at using charizard and would main PT in low tiers if he could only use Charizard.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|indigo|white|border-color=indigo|[[image:Icon-lucario.gif]]|info-color=indigo|This user’s DI is great so watch out for the aura.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|palevioletred|white|border-color=palevioletred|[[image:Icon-jigglypuff.gif]]|info-color=palevioletred|This user has big practice vs Jigglypuff in all 3 smash games.}}{{clr}}
{{Userbox|black|white|border-color=black|[[image:Icon-mrgame&watch.gif]]|info-color=black|This user mains Game and Watch in Low Tiers in melee and dislikes people who only use Game and Watch in Brawl and not melee.}}{{clr}}
