Kanden (disambiguation)

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Kanden Stinglarva


Kanden is a character from the Metroid series and is the first enemy Hunter encountered in the game Metroid Prime Hunters. Kanden is a snake-like humanoid with green plate armour and a yellow, rippled body. He is a lab experiment where the desired result would have been an superpowerful, invincible Hunter, but something went wrong and Kanden escaped to seek the Ultimate Power. Like Samus is able to transform at will into the Morph Ball, Kanden is also able to transform into a serpent with a detatchable tail weapon, called the Stinglarva. The sting lays on the ground and deals damage to anybody who walks close enough to it. This form is one of the best at handling sharp corners and is good for evasion. Kanden weapon is the Volt Driver. Any other character fires large yellow energy spheres straight ahead when charged. The attack is slow, but deals more damage compared to other weapons. However, Kandens version allows the attack to very slightly home in on an opponent and briefly distorts the players screen upon impact, but, his projectile is even slower.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Kanden appears as a collectible trophy alongside the other Hunters, and also as a Sticker, both which are randomly obtainable.

Trophy Description

"A bounty hunter seeking the ultimate power--the secrets of the Alimbics--on a savage planet in a far corner of space. Kanden is the result of a failed lab experiment meant to create invisible soldiers. He seeks the ultimate power to prove himself as the greatest hunter ever. Kanden's weapon is the electrically charged Volt Driver."

Sticker Effect

[Slash] Resistance +15 (Applicablle to all characters.)


  • The trophy discription states the experiment that created Kanden set out to make invisible soldiers. Whilst this could be true, the fact that Trace's major ability is to become invisible, the trophy could well have mis-typed invincible. It is never really explained what Kanden was meant to be in the game.